limblover-moved · 9 years
Lady Gaga or Beyoncé?
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❛ c’mon. really? that is so unfair. ❜ he exasperates a sigh, limply shrugging along his decision. ❛ i guess i would have to say--- beyonce.❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
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his desire to preserve the perfection was almost as strong as his desire to destroy it. there was an opportunity to recoil gentle violence against her beyond what he would do in bed. how neatly re-packaged she would be if he really got his way. fairly frozen flesh drained of all bodily fluids until he could cut into her limbs like soft slabs of stone. clean, quiet... dismembered little quinn.
brian was snapped from the daydream of ill treatment with the sound of her voice. he distracted her with kisses along the inside of her knee. his fingers sprawl over her groin, pressing his thumb gently to illicit responses from her sensitive nerves. with a mouth moving closer to the redundant rubbing, he paused to give her another unimpressed look.  ❛ I’m good at everything. ❜ So he said... believably enough, there were many things he was good at. There was a good variety of hobbies and skills he perfected over the years--- and as his head dipped back down to replace his fingers with a tongue... he displayed one of them now.
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                  If it’s P E R F E C T I O N he wants, then Brian                   has managed to hit the J A C K P O T with her.                   Harley’s body, though it has seen its countless                    abuses and dangers,  is as unblemished as an                   unpainted canvas. She’s practically new. A doll                   being UNPACKAGED for the first time.
                  (The irony of the metaphor is not lost on her. It                   is, perhaps, the first time Harley’s ever been so                   grateful to the Joker for being so disinterested                   in what she had to offer him as a woman, rather                   than as a punching-bag sidekick.)
                  The blonde brings her bottom lip up between her                   teeth, anxiously gnawing as she relaxes into that                   fluffy comforter underneath her. Blue eyes watch                   him, while her lip curls wickedly upward.
                  ❝Interestingly,❞ she breathes, (far calmer, now                    that his hand is placed so perfectly where it is),                    ❝I do like it.  But if that’s too much to ask of you,                     I get it. Even you can’t be good at everything.❞
                   Yes, of course she’s mocking him. What the hell                    else is she supposed to be doing?
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
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❛ self proclaimed introvert.❜ Anti-social personality disorder was more or less self-proclaimed, but he had healthy doses of extroversion. he could really be whoever he wanted to be.
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Besides your mother's murder and Dexter's rejection, has there ever been a time when someone hurt you emotionally?
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❛nope!❜ he isn’t hurt emotionally, because he is incapable of emotion. he has, however, managed to trust a person enough to be disappointed in them. someone outside of his blood-relation. someone he took after like a son to a father, but they weren’t exactly that far apart in age. not mentally, at least. he liked to grow into the chairs he in placed in--- and he grew fast. length wise... tall, and skinny, and deadly with coal black eyes. heart, just as cold too, but he liked the little games they’d play. back and forth, to get the ball going. 
he was a somewhat unorthodox mentor. as unorthodox a therapist could be, but the only one that clicked to a growing psychopath’s needs. brian liked to think it was because they similar minds. and brian also liked to think it was a test of normalcy. he settled into the knack of pretend. but the only thing he remembered really hurting was a first, and lasting sunburn when he was kicked out under the florida heat. he must have been better at being normal than he thought.
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Has anyone (besides Dexter) ever impressed you? If so, why did that person impress you?
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❛ i guess i’ve cultivated some friends over the years. they all impress me in their own way. darling deb, with how big and soft her heart really is behind all that scorn! and let’s see... most of the police officers i’ve come in contact with with their obliviousness, and awe-inspired trust. i thought they were supposed to be jaded, damaged individuals. the only thing impressing about miss wells is her legs...   and don’t let me forget harls--- and how no matter the many times i bop her dumb little head, she wont shut her big fat mouth.❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
What would you say is the most normal thing about you?
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❛i think you people think i’m some foreign concept of a person but i’m really not. i’m very much like every single person on this planet. at least, i’m very good at pretending to be. walking, and talking--- just like we’re supposed to. i’m very normal when looking at what normal really is. but how does that saying go? if everyone’s normal... no one is??  ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Would you ever have children (on purpose)? Why or why not?
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❛ there’s something to the idea that is attractive. to be a father, very much like it is to be an older brother. to sprout a tiny seed and watch it grow--- but all that needy love and affection has to be applied and i don’t think i’m capable, y’know? then again, i wasn’t ever hugged as a child and see how great i turned out.  ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Do you love Dexter? If not, do you wish you could?
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❛ i think he’s the only thing i could ever love. we were there together when we were born and yes, for a time we were alone but that’s changed now. we’ve both grown from our bloody re-admittance. as much as i wish it didn’t happen... i’m glad we were able to be together through it. if that isn’t love, i don’t know what is.❜ he’s right--- he doesn’t know exactly what love is. not in the way most people do... but he knows all his brotherly affection is something as close to love as he’ll ever get.
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Did you mean to say that you're on the straight and narrow of being a giant asshole ? Cause I think thats what you meant. Xoxox, Deb.
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❛ debra, debra, debra--- i do not miss that mouth. ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Do you love yourself?
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❛ i’m the only person i can ever really rely on. i guess the bottom line is: yes. ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
Which qualities do you most admire in a person?
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❛ cleanliness, loyalty, knowing when to shut the fuck up is nice too. i like a decently smart head, and a nice body. call me shallow but... i like tall, dark, and sexy as much as the next.  ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
What is your sexual orientation?
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❛ i am on the straight & narrow of heterosexuality. ❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
If you had a woman, would you prefer for her to be your equal or your inferior? Why?
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❛ i guess it depends... i would like to say the former but sometimes it’s hard to meet someone who is on the same level as you. not in all areas but in most--- where it’s a matter of equal give and take...  but most of the time it’s easier and more satisfying to pick someone you have the ability to let go without being too wounded when they’re gone.❜
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limblover-moved · 9 years
( whoever sent me all those anonymous asks can just. love me rn. you’re great. )
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limblover-moved · 9 years
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Deck the halls with parts of bodies, fa la la la la, la la la la! ♪ ♫
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limblover-moved · 9 years
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limblover-moved · 9 years
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maybe she should be worried. of course, his brother’s always been less jaded than he when it comes to judgement but--- he was having a hard time seeing what exactly dexter found in the beachy blonde. rita, he knew but as far as appearances were ignored... rita and hannah were miles apart. ❛ i think we have that in common. ❜ he still managed pieces of his sneer, but most of it had been smothered into a building, and rageful resentment.  ❛ and i guess, equally in common our status of livelihood. spared by dexter’s knife, if not for a split second of a changed mind. except i’m having a hard time understanding why he spared you. ❜ why he couldn’t kill debra was equally confusing (and betraying) but this phase of dexter’s life required a new barbie to play with. like all their childish toys, he too, would get bored of this one.
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❝ worried about what dexter will think of me? far from it actually. i just don’t feel like escaping from a cell again and becoming the most wanted person in Miami..❞ with those words pouring out from her crimson lips, Hannah raised her vindictive eyes to look at Brain. ❝ as for dexter hating you? you tried to kill one of the only few things in this world that can keep his, dark passenger hidden in the shadows. ❞ she knew all to well what it was like to play chicken with debra’s life.
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