lime-spid3r · 22 days
wait you're telling me he actually contains human tear ducts. KORSE I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE A ROBOT.
I never cry
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lime-spid3r · 28 days
returning to thr sones
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
I <3 dirt
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
Isn't Destorya that giant dead guy near the nest...
what the soda is even in the graffiti bible
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
What why?
what the soda is even in the graffiti bible
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
what the soda is even in the graffiti bible
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
If you could, that'd be real shiny
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
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lime-spid3r · 1 month
say, 'f you're in the habit of visiting. Do ya know a good way in and out of the city? My exit route is... compromised, which is why I'm still here with Red an' Blue
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
okay... I'll have to think about it. Y'know I've always been on my own, don't have a crew out in the desert or anythin', but it'd be nice to have a family.
Anyway, Moth how'd ya meet Red?
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
(xe looks at Red)
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
28 notes · View notes
lime-spid3r · 2 months
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
Hey Red! Who're ya talking to?
- red? It’s Moth -
(she runs over and picks up the radio)
Moth! Hi! How are things?
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
blue i think you'd like zones music
we have an ask box now
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
red you're not supposed to break the fourth wall you gotta stay in character
we have an ask box now
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
Red do you have a dark past as an exterminator
Girls don't go to cellophane alley in the lobby this week someone's spilled all this gross sticky stuff on the floor and I'm pretty sure it's human blood
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
wasn't planning on it
Girls don't go to cellophane alley in the lobby this week someone's spilled all this gross sticky stuff on the floor and I'm pretty sure it's human blood
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lime-spid3r · 2 months
tzzzzzzz get this working .... what are you doing ...
IT'S LIVE!!. what. shhhh
'ello zones! welcome back to Lime Radio, it's been too fucking long! due to extenuating circumstances, I can't bring you a zones weather update, but I can tell you it's a very boring 50 degrees here in battery city. I may have got recaptured and reprogrammed. again. Happens sometimes. But it's no big, and now I'm back on air and my software is mostly virus free! annnnd, I have some juicy gossip from right inside the bat. Did you know Korse is a huge fan of pre-war soft drink and has a truly planetary secret stash of 2015 creaming soda.
how did you find that.. wrong turn on my way out of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Been a while since I last escaped, my nav data's all funky. did you take any?.. just the one. do you two want it? I owe you for hiding my ass.. sure. why not. here. .... you want some? .i can't drink soda. ...
Unfortunately I don't have a melody for you, they wiped my harddrive and I've gotta get back to the zones before I can re-download my noise archives. Lime Radio's gonna be music-less for a while yet, till I make it out of the scrapheap. But I've made some new friends, and I'm still alive. stay fizzy. Lime out. tzzzt
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