limgookgeun · 1 year
Week 2
The thing makes me alive is basketball.When I play basketball, I feel happy.Because when I play basketball I can’t think anything and concentrate on basketball.That’s the reason why I like basketball.And after I get sweat, I feel achievement that I did an exercise and feel my body light.After playing basketball and get some shower I feel refreshed and I can sleep well that night.So these are my reason that makes me alive when I play basketball.
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limgookgeun · 1 year
Week 11
I think to compare any two things, you need to know exactly what it's for. Alcohol and water have something in common, but alcohol has a harmful effect on the body and water has a beneficial effect on the body.Alcohol takes away moisture from our bodies, but water serves to replenish moisture from our bodies.In order to compare something like this, I think you need to know the effects and characteristics of it. If you don't know the characteristics of the things to compare, it will be difficult to compare them easily.
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limgookgeun · 1 year
Week 7
The best meal I have ever had is raw fish restaurant which is lacated in Samcheok Beach. Because it is my friead's last meal in society before him going to army. When we ordered some raw fish, side menus came with main dish. Side menus were corn cheese , tompato pasta, and fried shrimps. The qualities were good. We also had some alcohols with it.After we finished eating main dish,they gave us fish stew.The harmony with alcohol was perfect.I recommend you this restaurant.
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limgookgeun · 1 year
I got a bad grade in the first semester of last year. I know it's because I didn't try, but I was very shocked and decided to participate in the class hard in the future. I am in the second grade, so I am taking classes well except in unavoidable cases. I've changed and grown.
I don't think there's any difference between change and growth. This is because both change and growth have to go through a similar process.
I think it's impossible to change without growth in any way. Because there must be something that changes itself in order to grow.
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