linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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‘What’s he gonna do, steal a cotton ball?’
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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                            sara’s just finished organizing the refrigerator, fresh fruits & vegetables are a welcome bounty. she’s ready to get off of her feet, swollen ankles protesting her every step. LJ had fallen asleep on the sofa & sara tosses a blanket over him, trying not to disturb his slumber. she’s grateful for the young man LJ has become –her sightseeing companion & shopping buddy, insistent on carrying the bags & doing the heavy lifting. there is a part of sara that protests his unsolicited help. she’s a strong & capable woman, the last thing she wants is to be a burden on the young man, or his father. lincoln is a stoic figure silhouetted on the back deck of her small bungalow. their continued presence in her life is everything she could ask for. they sit, watching the push & pull of waves in comfortable silence. sara’s hand idly drifts to her swollen belly, rubbing small circles in an attempt to soothe the ache of stretching muscle. there has been more movement from her little scofield recently –the fluttering of butterflies have turned into something more concrete.
                                      “i’ve been thinking about calling him michael.”
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           though it wasn’t SOMETHING he’d ever admit, it was harder when he was alone.  lincoln always insisted on it, never wanted to bother anyone with his problems, but being alone, now more than ever, reminded him of prison.  it reminded him of the path that started all of this, the path that led to every MEMBER of his family, with the exception of his son, dying.  he couldn’t help but place the blame on his shoulders despite the fact that everyone made their own bed------  so why did he feel like he was the one that messed them up in the first place?  it was EASIER when sara was around; her  &  lj keep him busy  &  now with the baby nearly here, he knew he’d have something to distract him from the what could of been’s that seem to cloud his mind more often than not. 
        ❛  michael,  ❜  the name almost SOUNDED like a foreign language with how little it was said around the house.  ❛  i know mike would’ve like that.  ❜  he was never a man of many words, but he’d hope that the short sentence  &  nod was enough to let sara know he was okay with her choice, no matter how much it would HURT to have the constantly reminder of his brother in living flesh  &  name enter their lives.
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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                        five years. he’d tried to do the math, how many miles of asphalt under his tires while his brother was locked in a concrete box? but the equation was too COMPLEX. there were too many variables. it was a buck seventy-five short of two-thousand days, and a lot had changed – things he’d never managed to put into words during visiting hours. things he didn’t want to have to tell lincoln after how hard he’d worked to build his DREAM. michael had rented out their old house. the one they’d grown up in when they finally found a foster family that stuck. it was too much space for him alone, too many memories. the family that he’d rented it to had needed it, and they were nice. paid their rent on time, treated the place with respect. it was the shop was where michael DEVOTED most of his time and attention, getting by on tune-ups and oil changes. it paid the bills, kept the debt collectors happy, but it wasn’t the life they wanted, the life they’d dreamed of. he was sleeping on a cot in the back, eating junk food – but he was planning.  the wind was whipping through the parking lot, chilling his skin through his hoodie and the thermal he had on underneath. he left the car running – heater pumping full blast, waiting for the gates to open and release his brother back into the world where he BELONGED. hands are lifted to his face, numb fingers clasping together as he attempts to breathe some warmth back into his skin. clouds of white escape into the crisp morning air with each breath. the first sight of lincoln comes after one guard shouts to another, the booming noise RESONATING in the otherwise quiet street. the sound of the locking mechanism follows and then there he is. any thoughts of decorum are lost as michael’s feet carry him forward. ❝ – linc. ❞ is all he manages to get out as they meet half-way before he’s folding his arms around his brother. the emotional effect of their reunion is evident in blue eyes as he buries his face in lincoln’s shoulder.  ❝ ‘s so good to see you. ❞
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             it’d been five years since lincoln had seen the OUTSIDE of the prison walls------  five years  &  six months, to be exact.  the extra change was thanks to his temper  &  a shiny black eye that he gave one of the officers who, of course, never forgive him, but his time was OTHERWISE well spent.  lincoln burrows was a tough nut to crack  &  a five-year stretch wasn’t going to knock him off his ass.  what would, though, is learning that his brother was out there alone getting himself into trouble without his big bro beside him to bail him out of shit.  michael was smart, though, always had been  &  the FREQUENT visits were enough to keep his mind at ease  &  count down the days until he’d be free of the handcuffs that was state prison.  though he felt like it would never come, hearing those buzzers indicating the front gate being open  &  WALKED out unshackled, a free man at least, was just about the best feeling in the entire world.  &  when he felt the arms of his brother wrapping around him, it made it that much more of a reality.  ❛  don’t start gettin’ all sentimental on me, man.  ❜
       he chuckled  &  jabbed his brother in the ribs before HOOKING one arm around his shoulders  &  tugging him towards the car, eager to get away from this hell he’d been boxed in for far too long.  ❛  the hell you eatin’, man?  you’re lookin’ thin these days.  i told you that you need to keep goin’ to gym or else you’re gonna fuckin’ disappear.  ❜  he patted his little brother down for the car keys, EXCITED to get behind the wheel once more  &  take to the streets like they did when they were younger.  ‘course, he wasn’t about to go speeding down Jail Brooke Lane, but the backstreets were safe enough for him.  ❛  how’s everythin’ at the shop?  hope you’re READY for me to kick that ass back into shape.  leavin’ you in charge, i’m surprised it’s not burnt down now.  ❜
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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                         ❛  my name is LINCOLN BURROWS  &  i’m innocent.                          i escaped fox river penitentiary because i was sentenced                                      to death for a crime i did not commit.  ❜
                    indie. private. selective.                            portrayed by: zee.
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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Top 25 Siblings [16/25]: Lincoln&Michael
“We’ve lost so much, man. We can’t afford to lose each other. Just can’t.”
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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uncle linc
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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ONE GIFSET PER EPISODE: 1.05 English, Fitz or Percy
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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Repost! Don’t reblog! Rules: Bold ( absolutely ) & Italics ( sometimes/rarely )
Aggressive | Callous | Careless | Compulsive | Cowardly | Domineering | Envious | Greedy | Hypocritical | Impatient | Impolite | Kidnapper | Lazy | Liar | Lustful | Materialistic | Murderer | Obsessive | Over-critical | Over-emotional | Patronizing | Psychotic | Sarcastic | Self-Indulgent | Serial-killer | Torturer | Touchy | Traitorous | Unclean | Unpredictable | Untidy | Vain | Vengeful
Tagged by: @guiltyconscienced ♥ Tagging: anyone who wanna.
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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requested by connors-little-sin
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
Rule one: Always hide the pain.
Six word story (via  thedarkestofponds )
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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                         michael’s thankful when the headlights kick on and ILLUMINATE the road, too much darkness, even with the wide open space it felt too much like his cell. no control over the night. he rubs a hand over his head, bringing it to the back of his neck in an attempt to massage out some of the tension.  ❝ everything is going to work out linc, ❞ they couldn’t afford to lose their FAITH. not now, not when they were so close, not when they’d already come so far. all the fear and doubt had to give way to hope. their future could be everything they’d dreamed, they just had to push forward – and keep to the plan. all the pain he’d caused, the people he’d hurt, no matter how heavy that weight on him, it was so little compared to if he’d done it all for nothing.  ❝ we are going to find the double k ranch, dig up charles’ hidden money, and head south. ❞ he would make sure to send some back to charles’ daughter, but he couldn’t think about that until they were over the border.  ❝ BOLSHOI BOOZE. that’s where we meet the plane. that is the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see it, for both of us. ❞
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               michael could say that it was GOING to work out till he was blue in the face, till the words weren’t even words from how overused they were  &  lincoln would still have his doubts.  breaking out of prison seemed like a walk in the park compared to the shit they still had to do, getting out of the COUNTRY for one.  michael had everything worked out, but just how he’d told him back in fox river, there is something he can’t predict  &  that’s people.  a million  &  one things could go wrong from here to there  &  michael refused to understand that.  ❛  not just me  &  you, michael.  i’m not leavin’ lj here to ROT for my mistakes  &  you seem to keep cuttin’ him out of the equation.  we’re gonna get the money  &  then go get him  &  if your little plan can’t make room for that then i’m goin’ myself.  ❜  he had failed his son way too many times to THINK that getting on a plane  &  leaving the country was going to do the younger burrows any good.  no.  he couldn’t skip off into the sunset  &  be a semi-free man while his son rotted in prison for the same reasons he did.  ❛  i already failed veronica.  EVERYTHIN’ she did for us, finding steadman  &  she still died.  i’m not lettin’ that happen to my son.  ❜
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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                       the words hadn’t been right, or they weren’t enough. lincoln didn’t believe in the plan the way michael had to. why would he? all he’d seen was the pieces FALL APART over and over again, had promises made and broken, there was no reason for him to believe they were just going to find a pile of MONEY sitting untouched in the middle of nowhere utah. he wrings his hands together as his brother turns back to the car. it was just a few more hours. the double k ranch. then the botanical gardens. then the plane and panama. they could be FREE in less than 72 hours. he just wished linc could see it. the sound of the engine brings him back to the moment and he makes his way over to the passenger side. there would be no use in trying to sleep. not with the new and old knots tied up in his stomach. he had let everyone down. linc, sara, lj, – even nika’s betrayal was his fault. he used people, and he got them hurt. PANAMA had to be different. maybe he could even try to make amends. the seat is cold against his back as he slides into the car and pulls the seat-belt over his chest.  ❝ are you sure you don’t want to try to get some shut eye? ❞
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               the engine ROARED to life as soon as michael was all strapped in  &  lincoln’s foot held down the gas pedal, gravel crunching underneath wheels until they hit the black pavement.  there was a throbbing beginning on the center of his temples  &  settling between his eyes causing him to PINCH the bridge of his nose with a shake of his head at his brother’s question.  ❛  i can sleep when all of this is over.  ❜  which might not be for years, though lincoln doubted he’d be able to relax enough to get anything more than a few minutes of sleep.  as the days drew closer to his execution, all he could do was STARE at the walls, wondering what death would feel like at the moment they flipped those switches.  would it be fast?  would he suffer?  after being strapped to the chair  &  being two seconds away from tasting it, he knew CLOSING his eyes off to the rest of the world, becoming unconscious, would bring him nothing but fear that he couldn’t afford right now.  ❛  i can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel for both of us, michael.  all of this is too much for us two to handle.  ❜
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linclburrows-blog · 8 years
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