lingswan · 18 days
“Part of being human is that we can’t go back. We can only hope that, if we come across that moment again, we’ll do it the right way.” - Jesse Lacey
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lingswan · 18 days
“Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company.” - Unknown
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lingswan · 19 days
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This is the money Marge. Reblog for good fortune
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lingswan · 19 days
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crying in my room rn actually .
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lingswan · 19 days
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I love you black women 😍❤️
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lingswan · 20 days
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lingswan · 20 days
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lingswan · 5 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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lingswan · 6 months
@ _lilianl
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lingswan · 6 months
Folks have got to understand that they probably aren't messed up by some Secret Big Trauma that they just can't remember; but rather by a million tiny microtraumas that they do mostly remember but don't even register as traumatic because nobody actually understood that these things would cause trauma, much less stack on each other over the years.
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lingswan · 6 months
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lingswan · 6 months
Men love to talk about how much it sucks to be put in the friendzone but can we talk about how it feels to be a woman and realize that you didn’t have an actual friend? You just had somebody looming over you, waiting for you to agree to fuck them
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lingswan · 7 months
Best day ever
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lingswan · 7 months
It's A Gemini Thing.
You’ll never stop learning about me. I’m such a spirit animal with those I connect with! I’ve grown up into a young lady but I still admire having my childlike ways! Like jumping on the bed, pranks, creating, cracking jokes, being random & doing things you never thought you’d do in that moment of time because it’s unbelievably crazy but in the end you feel good! It’s true, I hate boring! You only have one life to live & being perfect is not ever on MY list ! Actually perfection to me is a myth! I never seek to aim perfection, I seek to be great! I’m trying to be young forever in my mind, body & soul! I am a Gemini to the bone! I don’t believe in being a certain way to appease anyone, but I do believe in class & grace. Which is a standard & if that is how you carry yourself people will get that from you wether you’re a wild spirit, vibrant soul & overly jittery about life! I don’t flirt much anymore because it can easily mislead someone so I choose to stay in place! I am very loyal & always 100% committed cause that’s just what real women DO! I have an answer for everythinggggg because I don’t think like most people at all ! 9x out of 10 I disagree with most people because I am not the norm & don’t think like the norm :) Wether wrong or right ! I stick with my perspectives, opinions, beliefs & morals until I say otherwise! And oh yeah we change our minds quickly ! Geminis follow every beat of their heart! Mind over matter/ mind over heart works but should only be used in the most complex of complex situations! When you follow your heart & speak from your heart you feel everything more severely & I live for passion, affection, euphorias, chills & butterflies through the body! I’m usually mistaken for a fighter but if you’re a sapiosexual or extrovert you’ll understand that Geminis are headstrong, passionate & semi-aggressive in the most gentle way! But in the words of Badu “This tea and incense can turn into a Colt 45, if need be OK ?!” #BrokeDownToTheTea #Gemini2TheBone
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lingswan · 8 months
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lingswan · 8 months
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lingswan · 8 months
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raida adon, "woman without a home," 2013, video
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