lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
"Seth, sounds familiar... Egypt?" Egypt was hot, her lip turned up from the thought of it.
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“Seth. I usually go by Seth, but I’ve heard many less pleasantly sounding epithets being used too.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu had no idea what games he meant by that description. Maybe... he meant... "A... A matador!" she exclaimed, proud she could name the game he mentioned. She had just read a book on Spain! Shackles... now she couldn't remember that being mentioned in the books she read...
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Now he was just playing with her. She didn't enjoy teasing, on account of her own gullibility usually. Sighing to herself, Chi gave the man a cool look. "Fine then, Big Daddy Soulman. If you want to keep my blanket you should... be more... amicable."
  He kept his footsteps light and silent as they walked through the woods. Alexander looked towards the female before giving an indifferent shrug. “Guessing games are not my type. I tend to lean towards ones that include shackles, a bull whip, and a mask of some kind.” He answered with indifference. 
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  “Oh there’s plenty!” The male answered with glee. He started counting them down with his fingers. “There’s ‘Big Daddy’, ‘Soulman’, ‘Big D’, ‘Love Doctor’, ‘BBW’, ‘Sexy Cowboy’, ‘Kriss Kross’, ‘Mac Daddy’, ‘Devil Worshipper’, and ‘Bill’. You can take your pick, I’ll answer to everyone of those.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu had no idea what games he meant by that description. Maybe... he meant... "A... A matador!" she exclaimed, proud she could name the game he mentioned. She had just read a book on Spain! Shackles... now she couldn't remember that being mentioned in the books she read...
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Now he was just playing with her. She didn't enjoy teasing, on account of her own gullibility usually. Sighing to herself, Chi gave the man a cool look. "Fine then, Big Daddy Soulman. If you want to keep my blanket you should... be more... amicable."
  He kept his footsteps light and silent as they walked through the woods. Alexander looked towards the female before giving an indifferent shrug. “Guessing games are not my type. I tend to lean towards ones that include shackles, a bull whip, and a mask of some kind.” He answered with indifference. 
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  “Oh there’s plenty!” The male answered with glee. He started counting them down with his fingers. “There’s ‘Big Daddy’, ‘Soulman’, ‘Big D’, ‘Love Doctor’, ‘BBW’, ‘Sexy Cowboy’, ‘Kriss Kross’, ‘Mac Daddy’, ‘Devil Worshipper’, and ‘Bill’. You can take your pick, I’ll answer to everyone of those.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Had she been staring? Chiharu shook her head, ducked it down in embarrassment at her gaze having drifted over to the man. Still, when she attempted to look away she could feel herself being drawn to him again. He was sitting in her usual seat, the one by the drafty window, the wall behind him the coldest in the café. At first it had been a jealous, witsful glance, but then... she realised the room was colder around him. A kindred spirit?
She flinched as he flicked open the lighter, staring distrustfully at the flame.
"You're cold," Chi offered as a reason, shrinking around the iced coffee in her hands. Not that she seemed much troubled by it.
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Cold Greeting
“You’ve been watching me for a while, now.” The god stated, the words muffled by the cigarette dangling from his lips. Lifting a hand, he cupped it over the edge before he lit and inhaled slowly. Turning, the Aesir gave a sharp exhale, blue eyes narrowed on the other through the cloud of thick smoke. Pushing a hand through dark hair, Hodr raised both brows. “Plan on telling me why?”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
the cold’s bite
Chi enjoyed evening on the island. Night time had always been her forte, when the warmth of the sun had disappeared behind the mountains and the cool light of the moon made snow glitter like crystals. There was no snow here. Well, there had been, once. Chiharu swallowed the bitter feeling the memory brought, and pushed it down. That was in the past, the snow melting all too fast through her fingers. The past.
She pushed it down, and urged herself to forget. It came easily to her. It always had.
All there was now was the night before her, and the figure shillouetted against the glow of the moon. The sight called to her, her hungry, gnawing instinct. A human? A human would be susceptible. The cold she brought was not only felt in the bones, but the mind, slowing it down, causing confusion like snow flurries fogging your vision.
She stepped behind a tree and stared at the figure, brows lowering in concentration. The air temperature lowered a delightful few degrees, and she waited for the signs, for the arms to wrap around the body, the shivering to set in.
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ never took quite so literate a meaning before bumping into Chiharu. Embarrassment, chagrin clear on her face, she was the picture of a well-meaning stranger terribly sorry about causing a fuss. “I-I’m sorry!” 
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And you could almost believe her, if not for the unmistakable movement of the amateur pickpocket slipping something into her pocket.
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
He wasn't much one for talking. She could tell that right away. That was fine by her; she wasn't much one for talking either. Chiharu hummed at his statement. "If you want someone to play guessing games, you should find the sphinx," she mused, playfully glancing at the man out of the corner of her eye.
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After a plesant lull to the conversation, Chiharu broached out with; "Is there a name I can call you by?" She was drawn to him, his warmth, his life. The only way to get closer to him was to know him better. 
  Alexander saw her walking gave a shrug and started following her. He had nothing better to do after all. 
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  The smells of the forrest called him out attaching to his skin like his designed cologne. He walked completely confident in his strides, the woods were his home. “Your guess is as good as mine, darlin’.” The male answered vaguely.
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Protectively, Chi wrapped her hands around her hair, perhaps pouting a little. "I'm not selling my hair!" she protested, falling in step with the red head. The things she brushed past, leaves hanging off branches, seemed to frost over. Odd, but not the oddest thing on the island.
"So you sell your fish on the black market? What for?"
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Blóðughadda nodded and reached out to zip up her duffle bag before completely wrapping the fish up in the banana leaves. She picked her bundle up with the bag slung over her shoulder and kicked the sand over the fire to put it out. 
“Trust me, that silver hair of yours will cost a fortune. They trade weird shits their.” She laughed and led the way to the Black Market.
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
"Do you have a name you go by, besides 'strange pick-up line guy'?"
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“As long as it’s working..”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu grazed her eyes over his body before her shawl covered it up, motioning with a tilt of her head the general direction of civilization, if you could call it that. “I’m sure.”
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As they walked, Chiharu could feel her footprints leaving a trail of frosted foliage behind her. It was why she so loved being out at nighttime, when it was bearably cool. “How did you get to be here, and in this… state?”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chi watched with little interest as the goddess completed her bizzare ritual of covering the fish's head. She wondered what emotion could have driven her to do such a thing. Guilt? Perhaps. Chiharu couldn't remember the warmth of such an emotion.
"The black market?" She hadn't heard of it in her time on the island so far, but she didn't go out and talk much. "I don't think I have anything to trade, but alright. What can I call you?” 
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Blodughadda sucked in air and then sat down on the sand. She set her hunting prize on the banana leaf she had collected earlier this morning before she went on a swim in the world’s largest swimming pool. She particularly hated the fish’s wide, lifeless eyes so she covered its head with another smaller leaf. 
“Yeah, I sure did. Gonna sell it in the Black Market later. Wanna join me?”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
"Why aren't you surprised?" Chiharu considered the woman. She had all the makings of an alpha predator, while Chi was more of an opportunist, at best. What did she know that Chi didn’t. 
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“Does what upset me?” Inquired she, turning to fully face the other. “That they are above us? No. No, it does not. Anger me? Yes. But it does not upset me. I don’t feel betrayed. If anything, I am not surprised in the slightest that this happened.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu let him shove her away, mouth still pursed from the kiss for a brief moment before it was replaced by a wide, cruel smile. His life-force was... strange. She didn't feel more after, like she usually did. Instead of a pantomime of life flooding her body, Chi simply felt stronger. Like her bones were made of iron. 
Death gods were strange in that way.
"Thanks, love," she said as she backed away from him, wiping her mouth clean on the back of her hand. "See you around." He was a pretty good kisser too, but she had a library to break out of. She rounded the corner, and he was alone.
It was puzzling, this strange predatory delight at such a simple request. He was fairly slow on the uptake most of the time, but there was a little red light somewhere in the back of his brain that began to blink when her touch very nearly hurt from how cold it was. It was already chill enough, but this was like they had been plunged into a cavern of ice. Thanatos numbly put his hands on her hips, let himself be lead.
It was only after their lips touched that he realized he had made a huge fucking mistake. If there was one thing he had learned about kissing in all his time on the island, it was probably never do it. You ended up ruining something, or being embarrassed, or, you know…
….glued to a literal soul-sucking beast.
That little red light blared with siren sound and he dug his fingers into her tiny waist, pushing one way and wrenching his face another, eyes flashing wide in blind terror. Already he was a very weak god, at least compared to the others, but there was plenty enough for her to take.
Rude. He needed that.
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
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“You have an odd way of hitting on people.” 
“I never said it was offensive to me.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu shrugged at the woman's displeasure in describing her hunting, dried her hair on the shawl she had brought down with her. "Humans don't seem to care about killing other 'creatures of the land'," she pointed out, her own indifference coming through. She had once been a human; did she feel any guilt when she took the life of humans freezing on the mountainside? Well, she didn't feel much anything, really.
"It's the way of life. You make their death quick, painless? That's more than most get."
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At the sight of the young woman in front of her, Blodughadda felt a chill running down her spine. Something reminded her of the coldness of Antarctic oceans and grim and cruel death. It was not common for the red head to be intimidated by appearance alone. But something about this the figure made her to be on guard. The paleness was sharply contrasted to Blodughadda’s red and fiery hue. Maybe that was why the woman frightened her a bit. 
“I certainly do not.” She finally said with a sigh after being frozen on the spot at the sight of the woman. “As a daughter of the sea, it is hard to kill a sea creature when you can hear its plead and begging for mercy. But since I need food to survive on land, their begging must be muted.”
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu stepped cautiously into the clearing, looking over the naked man. Her hair glowed white in the morning light. It wasn't often she took a shawl on her morning walks, but the stranger was in luck. Shrugging off the light blue blanket, she handed it to him. "Here," she said. Her eyes sized him pu, perhaps... lingering in certain places. Any warmth the shawl would have given was taken away by her presence.
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"No bourbon, sorry. But we could... go get some?" He was intoxicatingly... present, alive.
  Laying on the cold forest ground Alexander groaned as he stretched his body. Fuck. He didn’t remember anything from last night, but that was to be expected. Hearing footsteps nearing him, he opened his eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to have some pants with ya’? Or bourbon?” He said to the figure with his heavy southern drawl. “Emphasis on the bourbon.” 
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lips-like-ice-blog · 8 years
Chiharu could have practically purred in happiness. Her eyes glinted in the dimming light as she breached the distance between them, lowering the temperature surrounding the god. Her fingers traced his chin, freezing to the touch, pulling it down sharply. Her lips were frozen when they touched his, and for a moment, it seemed like they might soften.
For a demon, she was a great kisser.
That was until she started sucking. No, not quite sucking, more like tugging like his essence was a fish, and her lips were the hook digging into his mouth.
His head was tilting like a curious dog’s, but he shrugged and smiled all the same, seemingly oblivious to the allure she was trying to convey but compliant all the same. “I’m not so sure how lucky it would be, but sure.?”
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