Jesse had just shrugged, gesturing to the bar as a whole and obviously avoiding the question. It should have been enough, with context. Bold of him to assume, he supposed that everyone knew what kinda place this was on their way in. Pride month had just ended, so everyone was a little tired of the incessant rainbows and glitter, and he’d taken the opportunity to redecorate as a time to wash everything as well, so things were arguably low key.
However, that didn’t include the 20-something twink who sauntered up to Em smelling of makeup wipes, chanel perfume and cheap beer, a black lace fan fluttering gently against his collar bones. But Jesse could clock a drag queen half a mile away and this Em guy...? Who knows.
“Well... better now that you’re here, Papi~”
Jesse could practically feel his soul leaving his body, so he let Em squirm long enough to get the kid another Sex on the Beach so he’d shut the fuck up.
“Girl, you’re gonna try any sort of move when your brows look like that? She’s straight, Mary, at least look good if you’re make a fool of yourself...” Jesse slid the drink across the bar just in time to stop whatever he was goin on about now, and pointedly looked this kid up and down with as much disgust as he could muster. “We’re really out here wearing anything and anyone, huh, Barbara? Get yourself together and get out of here.”  
-Heavy on the Apple Brandy-
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✞ 666 ✞
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this is a social experiment reblog this if u were rping on tumblr before 2016
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Baby (2018—) Created by Antonio Le Fosse
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CASTLEVANIA / Starter Sentences #1
“You don’t travel much, do you?”
“I think I might like you.”
“Will killing an old man make you less afraid of the dark?”
“Did… did you climb on me?”
“That was rude!”
“Right, I’ll come back later. See if you can find some beer.”
“So you’re going to die for nothing?”
“I can still rip your throat out”
“So, what happens now?”
“Hey! Where are you two going?”
“Present me with plans for out next steps today.”
“That was a dramatic entrance, <name>.”
“I suspect he still wants to sleep with me.”
“God, you still think you’re funny.”
“What on Earth is that ugly thing?”
“You’re not even a little bit impressed?”
“If you kill all the humans, what are we gonna eat?”
“…. Are you still my friend?”
“You think of vampires as animals?”
“But we are on the same side.”
“I told you before I won’t let you do it.”
“You couldn’t stop me before.”
“Keep moving. I’m not in the mood.”
“Hey, that took serious skills!”
“You could be my handsome sidekick or mascot.”
“You have nothing to fear fro me.”
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EVIL QUEEN - What would your muse give up if it meant they could take revenge on their worst enemy?
THE HUNTSMAN - Would your muse obey authority, or their morals?
LADY TREMAINE - What does it mean to their muse to carry on their legacy?
WICKED STEPSISTERS - Does your muse have siblings? How do they get along?
MALEFICENT - What is the cruelest thing your muse has ever done? What is the cruelest thing they’re capable of?
DIAVAL - What animal relates most to your muse?
GASTON - What does your muse love most about themselves?
LEFOU - What does your muse love most in other people?
HADES - Does your muse have a hot or cool temper?
PAIN & PANIC - How anxious is your muse?
CAPTAIN HOOK - Does your muse have any triggers?
MR. SMEE - How helpful is your muse?
JAFAR - How far has your muse gone for power?
IAGO - What’s your muse’s least favorite food?
CRUELLA DE VIL - What is your muse’s fashion style?
HORACE & JASPER - How well does your muse work in a team?
URSULA - What does your muse do for a living?
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - How important is family to your muse?
PRINCE HANS - How does the first impression your muse gives off differ from their true selves?
DUKE OF WESELTON - What’s the strangest way someone has misspent or mispronounced your muse’s name?
MOTHER GOTHEL - Would your muse want to live forever? Why or why not?
THE STABBINGTON BROTHERS - What reasons would make your muse choose to follow someone?
YZMA - What’s the biggest mistake your muse has made?
KRONK - Does your muse know how to bake?
SCAR - Does your muse make promises they can’t keep? How often?
THE HYENAS - What does your muse hunger for the most?
GOVERNOR RATCLIFFE - What would your muse do with unlimited gold?
WIGGINS - Does your muse pay close attention, or are they clueless?
PRINCE JOHN - Does your muse act their age?
SHERRIF OF NOTTINGHAM - How corrupt is your muse? What could corrupt them?
DR. FACILIER - Does your muse have any supernatural connections?
LAWRENCE - What would make your muse switch sides?
BILL SYKES - How much social power does your muse have?
MOR’DU - How much physical power does your muse have?
SHERE KHAN - How intimidating is your muse? Are people often correct when assessing their power?
RATIGAN - What’s your muse’s criminal record?
AMOS SLADE - Is your muse a cat or a dog person?
MADAME MEDUSA - How does your muse feel about children?
EDGAR - How entitled is your muse?
CLAUDE FROLLO - Is your muse law-abiding? 
TE-KA - Is your muse misunderstood?
SHAN YU - How does your muse feel about war?
CLAYTON - How far has your muse traveled?
QUEEN OF HEARTS - What’s your muse’s favorite color?
MADAM MIM - How mentally stable is your muse?
CHERNABOG - What’s your muse’s greatest nightmare?
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Nightmare Starters!
For your angsty nightmare needs!
My Muse is Having Nightmares:
“Are you okay? It sounded like you were having a bad dream…”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Do you get these nightmares a lot?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“Staying awake won’t help.”
“I could sleep next to you if you want.”
“It was just a dream, okay?”
“You woke up screaming…”
Your Muse is Having Nightmares:
“It was horrible…”
“No, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I get them almost every night…”
“Can’t sleep. Won’t sleep. Never sleep. Can’t make me sleep. They’ll get me.”
“I don’t know, not sleeping seems to be helping to me,”
“Please sleep with me…”
“It felt so real…”
“Was I screaming…? Really?”
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Medieval Sexual Sunday Memes
♥ For your muse (a noble) to request a provocative painting of mine
۵ For my muse (a noble) to request a provocative painting for yours
ღ For your muse (an artist) to ask my muse to be their nude subject
❁ For my muse (an artist) to ask yours to be their nude subject
❥ For your muse to ask mine to become their mistress
❀ For my muse to ask yours to become their mistress
ℳ For your muse to send mine a provocative painting of your muse
⋆ For my muse to send yours a provocative painting of mine
Ⓐ For your muse to find mine in a compromising position with a low-born
❦ For my muse to find yours in a compromising position with a low-born
ℒ For your muse to walking in on mine taking a bath
Ⓔ For my muse to walk in on yours taking a bath
ℬ For your muse to walk in on mine getting dressed
ℰ For my muse to walk in on yours getting dressed
↬ For your muse to catch mine swimming naked in a lake
ℛ For my muse to catch yours swimming naked in a lake
➳ For your muse to suggest to mine to go swimming naked
ℐ For my muse to suggest to yours to go swimming naked
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Intimidation Meme
Sometimes it’s difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Using this meme, you can send the symbols to my askbox that represent to you how intimidating I am to you. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings.
😗 - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING. 😀 - I’m not afraid of reaching out to you. 😃 - To me, you are easy to approach. 😊 - I think you are a really friendly person. 😶 - I’m not sure if I can reach out to you. 😐 - You seem a little distant from others. 😓 - I feel like you would not really like me. 😲 - I’m afraid of reaching out to you. 😟 - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you. 😥 - I am very intimidated by you. I wish it wasn’t that way, because you seem cool. 😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork. 😧 - Senpai, notice me???? 😦 - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. 😨 - You intimidate me….a whole damn lot. 😭 - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. 😱 - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. 💀 - OH MY GOD DON’T EAT ME PLEASE
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Me? A dramatic gossipy gay??? Never.
xoxo- thanks much
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(Anonymously) tell me what character I have the same energy as
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y’know but like...... flirtatiously
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Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Top three ships: Fae/Alp (@shadowyavuz), Ander/Penny from my personal Dnd game, and Jester Lavorre/ a long happy life with whoever she ends up with bc i love critical role TOO MUCH
Last movie at the cinema: Little Women
Last movie at home: Barbie Princess and the Pauper
Reading: A bunch of academic bullshit on Edvard Munch, or the Player’s Handbook? Possibly Herb the Vegetarian Dragon bc I’m trying to learn the ways of children’s illustration
What food are you craving right now: empanadas, or like fried chicken
Tagged by: @aspecialprovidence Tagging: Idk mans??? if you wanna, i wanna know y’know
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Send me a “ 💞 “ and I post a gif showing my muses feeling towards yours.
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On Anon or not, send “Plot:” + describe something you really want to RP with my muse or something you want to see my muse do (if it’s to/with another RPer, list their username) and I’ll rate it:
fuck no || not really interested || huh?? || give me more details… || sure why not || OMFG YES
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“I didn’t go anywhere, bitch. I can’t leave. I just..... It’s hard to exist like this? Having a body is hard, saying anything feels like screaming, and I don’t know what in the hell I’m supposed to do about that!” 
Jess sighed, deflating a little and feeling herself go a little less corporeal. Even that outburst felt like running a mile.
There was a sound from the kitchen. Had she been that loud?
“Just... know I’m around. Trust me, I’ve tried to leave, but it just won’t fucking work. Did you- Did I- Did it work? Do you know who I am?”
By the next evening, Sarp wanted to believe he’d made it all up.
It had to have been a dream, right?  Or some kind of hallucination–didn’t people get those sometimes when too much was happening?  Because ghosts weren’t real, and while Sarp was no expert on jinn, he doubted they looked like Americans named Jessie Sullivan.
But…he hadn’t known her name before she died.  And so there was no way he could have found those websites on his own.
He’d wondered, while making dinner, whether the kitchen cabinets that seemed too eager to slam and too stubborn to stay open were really signs of Jessie, but he didn’t see any sign of her or feel anything different, and with Nilufer there he couldn’t do much to find out.  But after they’d eaten and the lightbulb above the sink flickered again, Nilufer said, “I just changed this a week ago!  Will you put another one in?  Maybe the bulb’s bad.”
So as she finished the dishes, Sarp went to the hall closet to find another lightbulb–but first he opened the closet, stepped back, and whispered, “Jessie hanim, if you’re here, close this door.”
Jessie rolled her eyes invisibly, but did him one better.
Slipping in front of him, she closed her eyes and focused before leaning back against the door, slamming it a bit louder than she intended but still heavy enough to lean against it with her arms folded and a glare fixed on Sarp. She sighed, chancing a moment to look down, and trying her damnedest to not be surprised by the sight of her own body, even slightly translucent.
“The bulb’s fine, sugar. Might as well keep it…. Least it acknowledges I’m here.”
Even though it was what he’d been hoping for, Sarp couldn’t help but jump back when Jessie suddenly appeared in front of him.
…Well…kind of appeared.
It was enough to prove she was real, though, and she was solid enough to close the door, and Sarp wasn’t sure whether that helped the situation or made it even worse.  “I looked for you!” he insisted, trying to keep his voice low, “I couldn’t find you anywhere!  Where did you go?”
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