lirnitbreak · 4 years
Had they? Her family name was notorious for it’s fair share of friends, as well as enemies. It wasn’t a part of Ada she was particularly proud of; having to make a game out of helping her mother feed lies through the officer 𝕤𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕣 , those ₘᵤffₗₑd phone calls she’d catch at the tail end of her fathers rants too. 
But, its what made her 𝓱𝓮𝓻 . Gave her enough strength to pack up in the middle of the night for a Greyhound bus to leave this damn town. Memories she forfeited and memories she was forced to reconsider for a cleaner start in front of a camera became blurred into one line, one 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 ; whichever covered her ass more.
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“ maybe,” she crossed her fingers under the café table, a silent hope that Alisaie was more friend than foe. Gesturing to the seat across from her, she smiled. “ but I know good company when I see it. “
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Alisaie wasn’t normally enamored with the glitz of stardom, but something about the way Ada carried herself was almost intoxicating.  The amount of confidence and just elegance, that only a starlet could have. It felt like such a contrast to the cafe they were in, and honestly to Alisaie herself.
She took the woman’s offer, sitting across from her. “I’m not used to people being this open to near strangers.” Alisaie said honestly, as she crossed her legs, and tried to look something resembling dignified. “Is that how people are in Hollywood? I’d have imagined it’d be the opposite. “  What with all the fans and such pawing at you. Reasons like this were why Alisaie was glad the thing she had fame, for, her international fencing wins, were things no oen really cared about outside a small niche.  And even among the odd fencing enthusiast, its not like her face was exposed in those competitions.  Ada really was from a different world, in comparison to her. 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
it shouldn’t have been that surprising that jack ended up with a dog somehow. even though he didn’t remember getting said dog, or giving it the collar with the tag on it clinking happily that read ZERO, it had clung to him like static fuzz, and who was he to deny such a sweet face ? it was a little jack russel terrier - which, in retrospect, was especially funny - that was just a puppy, bubbly and bouncing happily between his legs and around him wherever he went. every time he looked at the all-white pup, he was filled to the brim with warmth and nostalgia, but for what exactly, he didn’t know. his dream of falling still pervaded his nights, but since getting zero, the dread and terror had lightened. now, he was at the fairgrounds with his little canine friend, dressed to the nines as everyone else was: he was a ringmaster, fitting considering the setting, but made up in ghoulish skeletal make-up. though he wasn’t scary ,and the craftsmanship on both the costume and the face paint was incredibly good, still not many recognized him until he spoke. and that was all right - that was what halloween was all about ! even if he did orchestrate a lot of the decorating in town, it was all thanks to everyone around him.
he’d just gotten himself a snack - pumpkin beignets, a seasonal treat the cirque had for the next two months - when something whizzed past his head, not once but twice, and then settled somewhere around his hands and the box of doughnuts it was carrying. a pig, he realized, small and pink and squishy-looking, wide-eyed and ready to dig into the powdered sugar and fried dough like it was the first meal it’d had in weeks. though he and zero were both thoroughly taken aback by the aliveness of the small creature, a very human voice called out for it, catching all of their attention and making them look up. it made him smile, her statement, as she took the little thing in her hands. “ oh, it’s all right, ” he assured her. “ thankfully you stopped him before he got into the sugar. ” he laughed a bit. “ who knows how fast he’d be flying if he had. ” he was talking like he wasn’t still a little disbelieving of the little thing, like it was as normal as the dog around his feet. “ is he okay to eat fried foods ? i’ll happily share one if he’d like, ” he offered with another chuckle, holding out the first orange-and-white confection, eyebrows raised.
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At least Angelo’s near victim seemed cheerful and easy going about the near loss of his beignet. Alisaie found herself breathing a little bit easier.  And the way he spoke made it sound like he wasn’t baffled by Angelo’s existence at all. Though she imagined he was just hiding it. 
“I don’t think sugar matters much. I don’t think he’s built like a normal pig y’know?” She’d never noticed any real difference in his behavior depending on what he ate anyway. “I know things that fly are supposed to eat more cause flying takes up a bunch of energy.” Alisaie didn’t consider herself particularly nerdy but she did pick up factoids like that pretty easily.  “He ate a whole funnel cake, and is still alive, so I think anything fried is okay. I don’t want to encourage him though.” she crossed her arms and looked up scowling at the pig, which had now taken to rooting its snout through her hair. 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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           ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ——  This little thing hasn’t left her side since the day it appeared in her room. Namine hasn’t figured out what it wants or even what it is. It hasn’t tried to harm her, but it hasn’t tried to help her either. It just follows her around, with it’s yellow eyes always on her. It was unsettling at first, but Namine has grown used to it’s presence. It’s become comforting in a way because although this tiny creature didn’t speak or do much of anything, she wasn’t ever alone anymore. And it’s nice, to not feel alone for once              Their at the Fairgrounds and Namine is staring down at the corn dog she’d purchased. It wasn’t so much for her as it was for the little guy. ❝ C’mon you have to eat something. I mean you are alive, right? Or else you wouldn’t be moving and…moving. ❞ When the little shadow made no movement whatsoever towards the plate, Namine picked it back up and placed it on the table. She slumped in her chair and was about to eat the corn dog when an oink and a squeal made her jump. Begging for food was a pig with wings flapping away.             She didn’t have time to react when the little one’s owner came up to them, picking up the pig in question. Finding her voice again, Namine stood up and eyed the animal and the girl holding him. At least she didn’t seem to be the only one with a strange…animal.              ❝ No, no! It’s fine, really. He- ❞  She points at the tiny shadow creature by her feet. ❝ Um…it. My friend - I think - wasn’t that into it anyway. He can have it. ❞ She gently pushes the paper plate with the half eaten corndog towards the girl and what seemed to be her flying…pig.             ❝ I’m not really a fan of corn dogs, and someone may as well enjoy it. ❞  
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Thankfully the victim Angelo had chosen seemed to be pretty willing to part with their corndog. But Alisaie wasnt going to allow him to win that easily and she crossed her arms and looked up at the oinking pig sitting on her head. 
“You really shouldn’t be eating corndogs” she said to him, “They’re made of pigs you know. Just like you.”  Alisaie wasn’t really sure if Angelo was actually a pig. He was just so small and squishy, and just...smelt weird. Smelled like freshly open Play-doh.  So maybe it was fine for him to eat pork products. It was still weird though, but she sighed, as the pig flew off her head and began devouring the corndog.
“I hope he doesn’t think he can beg off everyone and get what he wants though. I don’t want to encourage this.” she shrugged though, before looking at Namine’s...strange companion.  “What in the world is that?” Wait could the thing understand her? While it was small it was still...unnerving, and Alisaie didn’t want to upset it. 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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The cotton candy in Alisaie’s hands had remained untouched, simply because she was trying to keep it out of Angelo’s snout.  If anything she was rather glad to have it taken off her hands, by the one person’s who’s love of sweets was even more all consuming then Angelo’s.
“Yeah go ahead, L.” Alisaie, said, as she handed the stick to him, shoving Angelo aside with her other hand, “Stop it!” she scolded the pig, “Let him have it, its his birthday!” 
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     when it comes to halloween, the only ounce of serotonin L gets from the holiday is through the amount of sweets he gets to eat. sure, his normal diet already regularly consists of sweets, but on halloween it seems to be more socially acceptable for him to consume the amount of candy that he does. still, even if it weren’t halloween, he would at least have the excuse of it also being his birthday.
     currently, his attention is focused on the treat in the other’s hand. they haven’t taken a single bite of it yet, and he’s starting to wonder if they ever will.  “ are you gonna eat that? ”  not one for understanding boundaries, L inches closer into their personal space – eyeing them carefully before gaze returns to the candy.
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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Alisaie had never really been one for fashion. Being from wealthy stock, her clothes were often well made and on the expensive side, but she wasn’t one for big poofy dresses, or really dresses at all. She’d only wear skirts if she had leggings underneath, the last time she’d worn a dress at all was for her senior prom, and she’d mostly just let her mom pick things out.
But even she with her rather limited sense of dress know-how, knew when something looked good. “You look great Kitana! Like something right out of a fairy tale.” 
She found herself laughing though at her reasoning behind the costume, “Honestly all princesses are the same to me. They all basically have the same story.” Even when she was little, Alisaie had found princesses boring. Her fantasy was always being the knight in shining armor helping people, not to mention they dressed more practically. 
                   IT    HAD     BEEN    A WHILE    SINCE    SHE HAD    CALLED THE FEMME    AND   YET    —-   nothing  .  seeing the    door    open , she looked    at brunette      and rolled    her eyes     and grabbed     the big     PUFFY   DRESS  ,    stepping      down the     platform    as     the    woman      around her    retreated  ❛    so    ,    what    do you  THINK    ?   ❜     she     inquired    as she twirled    around      and the dress     enveloped     around her . ❛    i was    thinking    about going     as sleeping     beauty     and     all     but      then i     was like     ——    you know    what     ,  what’s better than     CINDERELLA   ?   ❜     she   says smiling    ❛    so     , i need      an opinion .  ❜
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//   FILED   UNDER   ;   STARTER   FOR   @lirnitbreak​
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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Alisaie let out a small yelp as she was caught off guard.  as she felt the other girl’s hip. She playfully shoved her, “Maybe a hi would be more polite?” Alisaie was joking of course, she wasn’t one for politeness, or well one to insist on it. 
“And I leave my place just enough thank you very much!” Alisaie said, putting her hands on her hips, before twirling in her witch outfit, “What do you think? I know being a witch is cliche but...” she trailed off before shrugging, and adjusting her tights. She hadn’t really thought about what to be for Halloween before, but for some reason, after that first time in the mirrors and getting that weird book, that same night she began planning her Halooween costume. 
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@lirnitbreak​ // she was surprised to see the other out. she ran up to the other, bumping the other with her hip. “decided to finally leave your dorm room?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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▐▐ ░ * .  — NEVER HAS BEEN ONE FOR SUCH POPULATED FESTIVITIES , and needless to say , he probably never will be , but there are times where mello forces himself out of his own comfort zone in favor of changing his scenery . trying to have fun , like most twenty year-olds on the cusp of the FINAL MILESTONE IN YOUTH , and smile a bit instead of resigning himself to the loner’s scowl & focusing on real life. real life sucks , and unfortunately , it’s forever , but halloween isn’t . he can spare a bit of his time for enjoyment - he’s figured out how to do so in OTHER PLACES , sometimes .
                  but recent developments haven’t left his head ; he’s come here in attempts to try and focus on different things for the night , maybe stroll through a haunted house , find a HANDSOME stranger and make them his company for the rest of the evening , but the thoughts still linger . the memories of blaring sirens & misguided , evil hands around his waist . blazing through crowded streets because tonight will be the night he wins and … ! not … much to go from there . and the little furball following him around , sitting as his side and rolling back at forth , only gives him vague glimpses of a person in white … hm 
                   he’s distracted . scratching the kitten’s stomach and letting out a few rare coos of his voice before he notices that an ENTIRELY different creature has nearly made a mess of the cheap hot fudge sundae he bought , paper cup clattering to the surface of the wooden picnic table . ❝ holy shit !! ❞ he exclaims , jumping back before he eyes the figure who’s stopped the collision between snout & food . ❝ uh … i don’t … think so , ❞ mello replies , raising an eyebrow . he shouldn’t be too surprised , since strange creatures have been popping up all over the place , however … ❝ feels like when pigs fly isn’t a phrase that can be used anymore . ❞
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The sundae for the most part looked like it was intact, though Alisaie noticed her gloves were now smeared with chocolate when she had picked Angelo up.
She shrugged at the curious look of the owner of the sundae, “The same thought occurred to me. And to everyone who’s seen him. Not exactly the most original comment.” she laughed. The absurdity of Angelo’s existence had waned over the weeks, but it always amused her a bit to see new people react to him. 
She was immediately distracted though, as she saw the kitten, “Oh is this yours! How cute! Can I pet them?” She’d seen so many cute kittens and puppies following people around and she almost wished she’d gotten one of those and not the flying pig. 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
Alisaie and OPEN
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Alisaie was becoming used to the sensation of something plopping on her shoulder and insistently oinking in her ear.
In fact it was something she was coming to expect when she was eating.
“Shoo! shoo!” She gently swatted at the pig, feeling it’s soft skin that always seemed to melt against her touch like it was made of Play-doh. “I’m eating a hot dog, Angelo! You know what that’s made of?”
Angelo just squealed as it knelt over to try to take a bite, having to flap its ears/wings to keep from falling over as Alisaie pulled the hot dog away.
“I already fed you! What, was that funnel cake you wanted just an appetizer?”
Angelo was not living up to the name that Alisaie felt compelled to give him, when he first magically appeared in her bedroom.. She kept on waking up to her parents being upset the flying pig had raided the kitchen again, getting into cupboards that logically it could not open with its lack of  thumbs, and making a mess in its quest for people food. But anytime Alisaie attempted to feed it anything that a pig might eat, it simply snubbed it, and tried to eat her dinner instead. To make matters even weirder, Angelo wasn’t going to the bathroom or or gaining weight or seemingly having any sort of digestion going on in his rotund little body.
She hadn’t let him out of the house until now, but with the strange creatures she’d been seeing accompanying others, she knew that at least it wouldn’t raise too many eyebrows. Also maybe someone could figure out exactly what this pig was and why it was now glued to her side, and maybe even why she felt compelled to keep him around.
Everytime she looked at him, all she could think of were her dreams, of that strange out of body experience of feeling like her mind and body had been separated and suddenly becoming whole again, that disorienting vertigo that haunted her everytime she slept. 
Also because having a flying pig was a cool as hell accessory to her with costume she wore to the fairgrounds tonight, 
Angelo seemed accepting of the fact Alisaie was not going to share and she felt him take off and heard the sound of flapping ear wings. She sighed as she took another bite of her hot dog, before hearing squealing and oinking at the next table over.
“Hey! hey!” She got up and stormed to the next table, “don’t beg from strangers! Did anyone ever teach you manners? Stop that, you’ve eaten enough” She picked up the pig that was about to inhale whatever was on the plate in front of it, and it fought against her grasp before perching on top of her head, “I’m so sorry about that,” she said, “ If he got his snout into it, I can buy another one for you,” 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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Alisaie’s costume!
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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Alisaie wasn’t trying to be creepy or weird. She was just curious.
She wasn’t really into the Hollywood glitz and glamor, sure she liked movies, but she didn’t CARE about celebrities the way other people did.  She found the whole lifestyle frivalous and wasteful.
And that was why she was curious about starlet finding her way back. Someone like Ada Wong was proof that maybe she could escape Alucard someday, become the athlete, become whatever it was she was meant to be outside of those city limits.  And after finding that weird book, the one she still couldn’t decipher, she had felt more weird and erratic, and perhaps thats why she followed the older woman into the cafe.
She instantly regretted her decision, expecting some fuss to be made, some accusations to be thrown, but instead... she was greeted like an old friend.
‘𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴’
“𝐀𝐦 𝐈?”  Alisaie asked curiously, She racked her brain, realizing the actress maybe did familiar beyond the silver screen or being plastered on tabloids. "𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲?" The Leveilleurs seemed to be connected to everyone, and Alisaie often found it rather exhausting. 
{𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙰𝚍𝚊 𝚆𝚘𝚗𝚐}
Ada peeked over her shoulder, eyeing the outside of the café she took shelter in.  
This small town story was a bore, and Misses Ada Wong seemed to be the perfect star for such a tale.  Only a few weeks into town, and she was realizing what kind of place  ALUCARD was.  It was the kind of place many of Hollywood’s elite would slip off to after a box-office flop and several harsh critics, or a nasty divorce.  After all, that’s what she did.
Outside of occasional updates from her agent, her line was dead.  No desperate calls from deadbeat reporters wanting to know about her time off, no directors reaching out to h e r for roles…  It was the most silence she had been granted in well over a decade, and she found it disgusting.
She tried to recall the feeling of being followed out a building with a dozen flashes of light, she tried so hard to turn that old Starlet look on, flip the switch for others to see her good angles, but it all felt foreign now.  Before she could catch someone; hook. line and sinker. 
Sadly, it seemed, that this wasn’t the case here. Her name could never reach somewhere as small as ALCUARD, could never bring enough with her to cause a care amongst the townspeople.  Still, she was desperate to connect to something, to anyone.  Enough that she was changing, acting a bit kinder, trying out things she once would’ve never been open to.  Such now, was reconnecting with a life before Hollywood, before being the remnants of a star.
That familiar pressure returned ― even for a second ― felt daunting.  It wasn’t until a figured stopped before her did she turn, a hint of relief on her expression at the sight of an old friend.
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“ well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
VICTOR STONE  &  YOUR CHARACTER,  @everyone​. location:  midtown.
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VICTOR’S BEEN HAVING WEIRD VISIONS LATELY,  of a city he doesn’t recognise.  but the visions are so vivid,  that he has no idea where they’re coming from,  if the images are real or not.  it doesn’t help that his body has been aching more and more lately;  phantom pain from the accident,  or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself.  it doesn’t help,  really doesn’t,  not when some of these visions are too real to be fake,  when he’s more machine than human in his visions.
HE HAD TO GO ON LEAVE FROM WORK JUST TO COPE,  especially after abusing his body,  going days without sleep or food.  he hadn’t been this bad since the accident  -  he’d managed to recover after a while,  but it was as if the circus had brought all of that back again.  he felt mildly guilty for going on break,  knowing his co-workers also weren’t doing great.  so,  after finishing all the errands he’s had to run and bringing boxes of pizzas as his apology gift to his coworkers,  he’s just on his way to the mechanic shop when he bumps into a figure.  the boxes fall to the ground,  and vic winces.  oops.
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HE’S ACTUALLY ADMITTEDLY SPEECHLESS for a moment before finally,  “ well,  shit.  it’s a good thing dominos has carryout insurance,  i guess.  ”
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Alisaie had simply arrived to pick her car up.  It had been simply cosmetic damage from jumping a curb, but her parents had insisted she get it fixed, if anything for the sake of responsibility. She’d be less likely to jump a curb again if she had to take time out of her day to get her paint fixed.
Of course she hadn’t jumped a curb for the sake of shits and giggles, and it frustrated her that she had to take time out of her day to ride the bus to go pick up her car, especially since it was a bit of a walk to get to the mechanic shop from the nearest bus stop.
She was busy fuming over how annoying and pointless this felt, when she bumped into someone, and she cringed as she heard the sound of things falling to the floor and something...splatting? 
She looked down at her feet, the red sauce caking the sidewalk made it look like a crime scene. In some ways it was a crime scene, that poor pizza. 
She was about to apologize when the owner of the pizzas said his piece  “𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦”
That made her burst out laughing, the resignation of the situation was almost comical, “ 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐝𝐞, 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞? 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲.”
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
Alisaie intro!
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(Firefly, 26, MST )  ─  the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of CHINA ANNE MCCLAIN  -  but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of  REAWAKENING IN THE RISING STONES AFTER YOUR TIME IN THE FIRST strikes you.  perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself  -  you’re ALISAIE LEVEILLEUR,  a  NINETEEN YEAR OLD COLLEGE STUDENT AND CHAMPIONSHIP FENCER  whose virtue lies in your + DETERMINATION & + EMPATHY, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite - UNDIPLOMATIC  & - IMPULSIVE,  and you’re associated with THE SHEEN OF A METAL RAPIER, AND THE SMELL OF DUST AFTER AN EXPLOSION by those around you.  suddenly,  however,  you’ve found THE GRIMOIRE GIFTED TO YOU THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR GRANDFATHER  on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse,  memories from your life in FINAL FANTASY XIV have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you.  you can almost hear INVINCIBLE  by KELLY CLARKSON following in your wake.
(Note: Alisaie’s last memory is from the last patch of the game as of writing this, 5.3, so there are spoilers for the entirety of FFXIV!) 
CW for relative death mentions
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Alisaie Leveilleur was the second born twin born to the esteemed Leveilleur family of Sharlayan. At the time of her birth, her father led a research colony in the province of Dravania, but she has no memories of her birthplace, as she returned to the motherland as an infant because of the threat of war in the region. Alisaie grew up in the shadow of her twin brother Alphinaud, with all of her gifts in magic not being as remarkable as his, and her flaws being much more noticeable then his, making her develop a bit of a complex. One of the few people who could soothe this complex and make her feel better about herself was her grandfather Louisoix Leveilleur. Out of all of her family he was the one who made her feel like her own person and not just as Alphinaud’s lesser twin.
The last time she saw her grandfather was when she was eleven years old, right when she and her brother were accepted into the Studium of Sharlayan. He had given them tomes to help with their studies of the arcane arts, but shortly after he set sail to the distant land of Eorzea which was brewing with the threat of war. The Sharlayans always believed they had to avoid war, but Louisoix believed it was man’s duty to help those in need. Unfortunately he never returned home, giving his life to save Eorzea from total destruction.
Alisaie graduated from the Studium at the age of sixteen and decided with her brother to visit Eorzea and see the land their grandfather had given his life to. Alisaie became disillusioned with the lack of answers she received and split from her brother to do her own investigations. As her grandfather had given his life to stop the primal sealed in the moon, Bahamut, she investigated the ruins that had showered onto the earth. With the help of the brave adventurer her brother had put all his faith in when they split paths, she ventured into these ruins and stopped the possible reawakening of Bahamut and spoke to a specter of her grandfather one last time, who convinced her, that her path was to help people.
She spent time on the road, learning the arts of the Red Mage, allowing her to combine her prodigious fencing skills with her magic skills, and finally have a form of magic different from her brothers. She helped everyone she could. Her travels eventually led her back to her brother and the adventurer, now widely known as the Warrior of Light, and formally joining their team.
She became extremely loyal to the Warrior of Light and saw them as the ideal hero, following them to the ends of the earth, and even to other worlds, when she was pulled to the First Shard. There especially she became even more sure of her path, when she spent about eighteen months tending to and defending people who’d been left behind in the catastrophe that shook the First Shard. But eventually she returned to her home world, and that is where this story ends...
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...and where this one begins. In many ways this Alisaie is very similar to her previous counterpart. She is a twin, born to a scholarly minded family. Her family was well known for their global humanitarian efforts, but her parents had essentially retired after her and her brother’s birth to return to their hometown of Alucard to raise them. 
Much like before, she never quite measured up to her brother’s potential, despite being otherwise a genius.  As before her grandfather was very supportive of her and gave her much of the encouragement the rest of her family seemed to forget to give her.  From a young age, she became invested in fencing, realizing it was a skill she had that her brother didn’t, and put her all into it, her room being littered with trophies from regional, national and even international championships before she was even an adult. Her parents sometimes worried that she wasn’t putting in enough effort into her studies, but her grandfather always encouraged her that she was taking her own path and it didn’t have to match the one her parents put before her.
When she was fourteen (so five years before current day) her grandfather tragically died in a humanitarian incident overseas. After that Alisaie became even more frustrated being cooped up in Alucard, and wanted to see more of the world, and to understand the kind of causes her grandfather gave his life for. But her parents insisted that she had to go to college and get a degree in something, not wanting her to completely depend on her fencing talents for a living.
Alisaie is now in her second year of college, but is very bored and is still undeclared.  She is passing all her classes with ease, but nothing interests her enough to pursue it. And its cutting into her time that she could be spending training in what she actually loves!
Basic stats:
Name: Alisaie Leveilleur
Nicknames: You can call her Ali if she likes you enough
Gender: cis girl (she/her pronouns) Birthday: August 27, 2001
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: undeclared university student, championship fencer
LONGTIME FRIENDS (or nuisances): Alisaie has lived in Alucard basically her entire life, (much to her annoyance) so anyone in her age range who’s lived here even a fraction of that time, there’s a very good chance she knows them from school, or community things. Kind of a general connection idea, but Alisaie is the kind of character I imagine different people would react very differently to her, so if you’re interested in any kind of relationship like this, lmk and we can plot it further.
      FELLOW JOCKS: one specific connection is Alisaie comes from a family of a bunch of nerds (even her beloved grandfather? Complete nerd) and she definitly would want to spend time outside of her house with some people who can appreciate some physical activity. I’m not sure if theres any fellow fencers here (I mean a lot of fictional characters use swords, so not out of the realm of possibility) but even people to hang out at the gym with her, would be a lifesend. 
         =  FELLOW COLLEGE STUDENTS: Alisaie is undeclared and she’s kind of trying everything to see if anything makes her tick. So its very possible she’s ran into other students in any major because she’s trying “intro to whatever” in anything that seems vaguely interesting to her.  I’d just love some people who could make her time in college feel a little less miserable, because girl you’re only young once, stop moping, y’know?
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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China Anne McClain for RollingOut Magazine
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
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/finally a quality ffxiv piece from me Alisaie getting harassed by Alphi’s carbuncles for snacks
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
Tag dump!
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