lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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I don't want to get to know you. I want to go home and talk to my friends, go out, anything. I'm not in shock, you're in shock. You know, when I first came into the house I knew. I knew when I spoke to Tate, when things starter to get crazy. But I can't be stuck in here. I can't be here while my parents are out there looking for me. They are, you know? And the first place they'll look will be here. What will happen when Zoey sees me everyday? If she can. What can I do to stop what goes inside my mind? Isn't there any rest in this place? What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why not Kate? I know I haven't been the whitest of the sheep but... I haven't done anything to deserve being trapped in this house with all of you.
Wha- Why can't I leave!?
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You can do as you please, my dear, but I’m afraid locking the door won’t do any good, and telling the residents of the house will only freak them out—or… they won’t believe you and they’ll make you seem crazy. But—you’re not crazy, now, are you? You’re just in shock, which is completely understandable. You’re right, I don’t know you. But don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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Mm- my- I- OF COURSE I DO! What are you even talking about? What are you doing? What do you want? I don't know you! Who the fuck are you anyway!? You haven't told me anything about you and yet you talk to me like you know! Like you know who I am and you don't! Do you even live here!? I'll talk to Zoey! I'll talk to Thalia, they'll know that you keep coming in! I'll-I'll lock the back door- the... *sobs* I need to go home! I need to-...
Wha- Why can't I leave!?
That happens when you’re—well… do you know? Are you aware of anything that happened to you at all?
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Wha- Why can't I leave!?
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I--I keep coming back. Over and over again. I can't- I--...
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Lisa backed off a little, she didn't want to show this girl that she was affraid when she wasn't, she just couldn't control it. The girl seemed so nice but it was hard to trust somebody when Lisa couldn't even trust herself now. She was confused half the time, the other she couldn't stop asking herself questions and looking for Kate, which was never going to show up. She couldn't remember the last time she slept, or ate or went outside, she was in full denial mode and Lisa would rather be in denial than accepting her sad fate. Rubber Man.
Lisa listened to her and an uncontrollable sadness strike her right where it hurt, each word coming from the girl's mouth was like taking a bullet in Lisa's ears. Her eyes filling up with tears and more confusion. "...I just want to go home" she said in a quiet whisper as tears rolled down her cheek, her nose all redish. She didn't wan't to believe any of it. But she couldn't take that one little step, she couldn't walk out of the house without someone else on her side. She needed to find Sally quick, she had too many questions, but she was too scared of the answers.
Sydney had only vaguely heard of everything that was going on in this house. She could only assume this Lisa was the friend of that girl the man of the house found in the basement--and know that same man found himself in the basement. Has it always been this crazy in the house while she's been up in the attic hiding inside of herself, or did everyone come out to play when she did? This girl, though, this girl was dead. Sydney knew that for a fact, but did she herself know that she was dead? Poor dear.
Hearing the attitude in her tone and noticing how her facial features never changed, Sydney continued to stand in the doorway, watching the girl hold herself--wondering if Tate was the one who did this to her. Everyone seemed to be wondering where he was lately, and the poor dear had no idea. Tate was really confused himself. Sydney had a need to love people because of her lack of love received as a child, but she could never find the right people to love. She always ended up pushing people away, but she had planned on changing now--starting with Lisa, "I'm Syd," she said, her voice the same gentle tone it was before as she pushed her shoulder from the door frame and walked over to the girl. She sat down beside her and offered her a sweet, yet sympathetic smile, "Don't let the people around here get to you. Even though I've been here for over twenty years, I've really only began to learn them. I'm not sure what happened to you, but if you ever need a friend--you'll always be able to find me in the attic."
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Is it morning already?
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I'm gonna go now. I think I should go home now.
Well, good morning.
Or shitty morning I should say.
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Lisa's gaze glanced at Sydney, the girl looked weird, pale white, big eyes and face. She was beautiful in a way that made you scared and her voice was deep and soft at the same time, calming. But Lisa didn't hear her come in and she tightened the grip on herself when she spoke, the hair of her arms going up, shrugging at the sound of her voice. Her forehead wrinkling. "My name?" said Lisa raising an eyebrow, she noticed how her voice came out all raspy, she didn't speak for almost two hours, just silent in her own mind, but she didn't realized that until she checked the clock. Time seemed to slipped by for her now...
She sat with her legs wrapped around each others like an Indian and her hands rested on them. "I'm Lisa, who are you?" she said more cheerful but still keeping colors of sarcasm in her voice, not smiling, her eyes narrowing slightly. She didn't mean to be that way, but she didn't knew the girl and she couldn't really control anything these days, she was moving on impulse and impulse only.
There's a lot of yelling here...
-She notices a girl she doesn’t quite recognize, and since Syd hasn’t really met every ghost in the house yet she’s not sure if this one is old or if she is new. She has spent most of her time since the 80s when she died up in the attic with Beau- What’s your name, sweetie? -The girl looked confused as Syd approached her, leaning her short frame against the doorway and crossing her arms over her chest-
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
That sucks, I was hoping I could talk to him tonight. 
It's alright, no need to feel related I just needed to... say that I guess. It wasn't enough I guess, it's never enough with me. That's why I get in so much trouble sometimes. 
In the basement-..? Found her in the basement? What do you mean found her in the basement? Was she alright? what was she doing in the basement? 
It's really cold in here.
Normally, yeah. Not recently, though. I don’t think.
….I’m sorry. I don’t know how to relate to that so I can’t provide comfort. You could have just found out about the house if different ways since it’s so “famous”.
No, I don’t. My uncle said he found her in the basement. I think. I don’t know why she was even down there.
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
There's a lot of yelling here...
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What's going on? Where's Kate? Why am I still here? I could use a drink, I'm not hungry or sad but angry, my parents are going to be so mad at me tonight, I have homework to do...
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
I know that, but he spends most of the time here, right? 
I didn't mean to do that, or make you feel like I was doing that directly to you. I just needed to do a few things here. See, this house doens't really belong to anyone, not really. At least that's what I've heard. I like this house, it's nice to be here. You're lucky that you live here, you know? My home isn't... satisfactory. Not like this house. My mom and dad are... too busy trying to make my little sister happy, they seemed to have forgotten all about me now-...
Do you know where Kate is? I was looking for her. 
It's really cold in here.
Tate lives next door, I haven’t really seen him in a couple of days..
I don’t hate anyone, I just.. I don’t like people invading my privacy. That’s all..
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Lucky for you, it's a big one. Um... I'm looking for Tate.
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Zoey, do you hate me?
It's really cold in here.
I’m just not comfortable with people in my house, I guess. Who were you looking for?
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Lisa nodded taking her eyes off Sally, she looked out a window thinking that maybe she would just go home and give up on her search, but there was a feeling in the pit of her stomach that made her feel like it wans't a good idea, she couldn't leave just yet, she needed to find what she was looking for. Then Sally said her name again, Kate. Lisa glanced at Sally and shook her head "No, that can't be true. Kate was looking for Tate's-..." she stopped. Lisa knew. Of course she knew. She frowned, she wouldn't believe it. "Kate is gone. You said she left." said Lisa, and looked right to Sally's eyes, Lisa's filled with tears.
"Sally..." she tried to keep her voice as firm as possible "You don't have to lie to me, you just have to tell me where he is because Kate was looking for him and if she found him-..." she stopped. Was she scared because of Tate or because of Kate? "I need to find Kate before I go. I need to talk to Tate before she does" she said.
Sally was screaming internally. She was so confused about what had happened last night; now she heard whispers of her friend Kate escaping with the help of Theo. But escaping what? Sally was so fond of Lisa, but she was frustrated that the girl and, no one else in the house for that matter, would tell her what was going on. It was her house too.
"I.. I'm not too good of friends with Zoey, but if I see her, I'll let you know. And Tate..." she cringed. First the problem with Theo and now Lisa? He seemed to be on a senseless killing rampage. But his regression to his childlike state was not to be disrupted; she knew she would have to keep Lisa from him: for both of their sakes. "I haven't seen him in a while, actually. I think he might've... might've left with Kate. I don't know, honestly.."
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Lisa's eyelids flickering as her smile showed up on her face after Sally agreed to keep her secret. The girl was so sweet and kind, she only wished to be like her one day, to be able to care for others and not play them for anything she wanted. She straighten up, her face becoming cold as Sally asked her what happened. Why she was here. That was none of her business and there it was again, that feeling she needed to pressed down. Sally was pushing buttons and Lisa had no idea the girl was doing it.
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"I'm sure" she said annoyed, "I'm okay, it's fine, everything is fine. As long as you don't tell anyone I was here. " she said, avoiding the first two questions. "I need to talk to Zoey before I go home. And Tate. Zoey is easy to find. If she's not here then I'll talk to her at school." she said, of course Zoey seemed to hate her, there was something she needed to change, if she wanted total access to the house. "But Tate... I need to find him first and I think you know where..." she said, her eyes never leaving Sally's.
I must have passed out in here.
This was terrible. Sally had to try her hardest not to scream out the truth; not to cry for Lisa. She knew that the blonde must know, but she remembered the same terrifying denial all too well.  She couldn’t say anything now. She just had to go along with it and let Lisa find out for herself. I’m going to kill him.
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“ I”I—I promise,” Sally feigned confusion. Though she didn’t understand exactly what was going on or what had happened, she knew that her worst fears had been confirmed. “What happened? Why were you here? Are you sure you’re okay..” Oh god, don’t try to leave. Sally knew all too well what would happen when Lisa walked out that door.
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lisa-deb-blog · 12 years
Why's that?
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I can't believe I was so stupid..
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