lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
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Dag van de zorg ❤️ Day of Care
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
My internship 2.0
What I’ve learned at my internship:
I’ve learned that there are no wrong answers. I was very insecure about my answers when a colleague asked me something about an action that i was doing. 
I also learned how to change a catheter, how to give a klysma and how to give a bladder rinse. There actions were actions that I’ve never done before, so it was really exciting. Everything went great. 
I learned how to deal with behavioral problems and how to handle them. I learned that every client in my unit is different, so you need to approach all of them differently. 
I was very in my place at this internship and I know I’m gonna miss it really much. I hope it all goes well for all of them and that they always will remember me. 
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
A discussion
A woman’s place is at home. 
Arguments against:
- We live in 2018 - Women can do the same as men these days - Women are indipendent  - Women can be the costwinner too - If a woman is alone, she needs to work to pay for everything
Arguments for:
- A woman needs to do a little more in the household - A woman can cook better than a man - A woman often work less than a man, so they can do a little more in the household
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
A summary
The movie is about how the medical facilities and medical care looks like in India. You can see that there are not enough hospitals, and that there is not enough help for the people. There are so little hospitals that some people have to travel 900 km just to get diagnosed. But even when you get at the hospital after miles and miles of traveling, you need to be lucky that there is a spot for you open on that day, otherwise you can travel back and come back another day. Many people start a private clinic, to help the others, but most of them do not have any certificates.
I can’t believe that this is happening in India. I think it’s very upsetting to see. . When you are sick or when you have something you want to have checked out, I must be possible to go to the doctor or the hospital. I think there need some drastic changes in India. And those people who start their own clinic without any form of medical knowledge, I can understand it, but it is very dangerous. That is something that shouldn’t be legal.
If you want to watch it:  Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAT27Zzoktc
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
A day in the life of a nursing student
5:45-6:15: my alarm goes of. I go to the bathroom to do my make-up and brush my theet. I showered the night before, so I have more time to wake up. 
6:15-6:30: I go downstairs to make my breakfast so I can take that to my internship to eat. I will leave at 6:30 
7:00: I have arrived at my internship. I go to the office and make coffee for the present colleagues. Then we start the computer, so we can read the change of shift report. This report says what happened the evening and night before my shift, so I know if there are any  particularities. 
7:15 - 10:00: The first clients are awake and ready to take a shower or be washed. We have a couple of clients who need help with de ADL (activities of daily living). We help them wash, shower, go to the toilet, treat their wounds, help putting their clothes on. At 9:00 we give the clients their medication. 
10:00-12:00: This is the time where we can take it easy. We can drink some coffee, send some e-mails, order new medication, get the grocery from downstairs and help the clients when them make alarm for help. 
12:00-13:00: It’s lunch time. We all have lunch with the clients. Some of our clients have some swallowing problems, so you need to be by their side, in case they choke on food or drinks.
 13:15: one client goes to rest. 
13:30-15:00 At this time I can work on my excercises from school. I also can ask questions about the day. Also I have the time to talk with the clients or help them when they need something. 
15:00 End of the shift. 
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
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Lace and baggy jeans 🤤
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lisabaginda-blog · 6 years
What I want to share
I have a new hobby. It’s called diamond painting. It’s like a painting, only you can’t see what it is going to be. The whole painting consist of little squares. Each square has it’s own symbol and each symbol has it’s own number. And every number represents a colour. It is a very big painting. It’s 50 centimeters by 60 centimeters. 
I’m painting when I have the feeling that my head is full or when I need a moment for myself. When I am painting I can get my thought in order or just let my mind wander about things. 
I came with the idea of starting the painting from a colleague. She was painting already when I saw it for the first time. It looked like a real fun hobby, so I started too! 
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
Ever since I was little I’ve gone on vacation with my parents. I had the advantage to go on vacation 2 times a year, since I was 7. My parents got a divorce then.
The vacation which was the best and also the weirdest was the first one after the divorce of my parents.
My brother and I went on a vacantion with my dad in the Netherlands. We went to ‘de Veluwe’. A colleague of my dad had a caravan on a holidayresort there. So we could stay there for a week.
Everyday we went swinmings and to the minifarm. They had a micropiglet there, which was called Luna. We could fed the pets in the farm. It was really fun for kids of my age back then.
Half through the vacation, our dad told my brother and me that he had a surprise for us. We were all excited and began to speculate what the surprise could be. A little while later, my mom came drive up the holidayresort. I remember to be so happy, because it was our first vacation without our mom.
It was the best!
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
My favourites
‘When the dog bites, when a bee stings, when I’m feeling sad. I simply remember my favourite things and then I don’t feel so bad!’
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These picuters are the things in life that make me happy. I can’t choose just 2 of them to explain why I value them, so I will explain all 6 of the pictures.
Pic 1: My work. Every time I go to work, I feel good. I work with elderly people and I love to help them with the things that they can’t do anymore. I also like to talk to them and make jokes, so I can make them laugh.
Pic 2: Clothes. I love fashion. It makes me happy when I’ve bought new clothes and that I can wear my own style. I can feel very good about myself when I’m dressed how I want to dress and to pick clothes that make me feel like myself.
Pic 3: My boyfriend. Thanks to them I am the happiest girl in the world. He makes me laugh, he is funny and he is the best to me. He helps me when I don’t feel good or gives me advice when I don’t know what to do. He makes me look to the world differently.
Pic 4: Dogs. This is the dog of my boyfriend. She is just a puppy so I love to see her grown up. The thing that makes me happy about her, is that she is always happy to see me when I enter the room. You can cuddle her, play with her and she likes to walk, so i can get my exercise too ;)
Pic 5 & 6: My mom and dad. They are the world to me. They’re always there for me when I need them and they help me with everything. I love them eternally and I’m glad that they are my parents.
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
My internship
On the 5th of February I started my internship at Mariaoord. The unit where I am located is called ‘t Ven.  The clients on the unit all have a form of non-congenital brain damage. Some have had a CVA, some have had a brain tumor. It is very interesting to learn how to deal with all the different clients. 
I already did a lot on my internship. I’ve cooked, pinned someone’s blood sugar and I also have laughed a lot with the clients. My internship is so much more than only the activities of daily living. It is also monitoring how a client have been, or how they slept that night. They can come to you when they want something of their chest. Our office is always open, so the clients have the opportunity to come and make a small talk of ask for something they need. 
I’m having a very good time at my internship. I like my colleagues. It is nice that both the nureses on my unit are only 5 years older than me. I learn a lot from them and they ask me a lot of questions, like a popquiz. That’s another way to learn. They also say everything they do. Why they do it and how they do it. 
I hope the last 5 weeks will be as good as the first! 
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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London Eye #london
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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White jeans
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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Vatican City #blackandwhite #vaticancity
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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Blue. #goldenretriever
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lisabaginda-blog · 7 years
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Grandma's cat #cat #blackandwhitephotography
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