lisanedwards · 3 years
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What reviewers are saying about the Can’t Fight Fate Series…
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lisanedwards · 3 years
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lisanedwards · 3 years
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B&W Photos 2021
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lisanedwards · 3 years
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New Photos 2021
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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Except from the Spanish COINTELEGRAPH 
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lisanedwards · 4 years
I am fascinated by human psychology, as I write novels and movies, but also from the perspective of being a crypto trader, and the psychology that moves the market.  This post has been written after the discovery that I am a drug addict and my choice of drug... is LOVE!
What happens when you stop taking a DRUG (AKA LOVE) Or it is taken away from you (Ghosting)(Pull away)
It is often written about and Kesha sings about it -here https://youtu.be/QR_qa3Ohwls her lyrics ‘IF I KEEP IT UP LIKE A LOVESICK CRACK HEAD’ ring truer than true. 
When you stop using drugs (LOVE) it's like taking the weight off the spring, and your brain rebounds by producing a surge of adrenaline that causes withdrawal symptoms. Every drug is different. Some drugs produce significant physical withdrawal (alcohol, opiates, and tranquilizers). These can be managed with the help of a professional. While LOVE gives you heart palpitations, anxiety and depression. You may actually feel like your heart is made of glass and it is shattering. There is no cure for heartbreak.
Withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, fatigue, sweating, vomiting, low appetite, depression, inability to sleep, and hallucinations. (You see him everywhere you go).
Symptoms are usually self-diagnosable as your significant partner has broken up with you or just randomly ghosted or pulled away for no real reason (or if he’s respectful you’ll know the BS reason so he lets you down gently)  – for a man they may retreat into his proverbial mancave, never to be seen again. Reason being he knows if he comes back, he is moving to crazy town... because what he has just done, makes women react this way... believe me HE KNOWS! Some men do this... because they like to make women go crazy and they understand the constant back and forwards, push and pull creates a deeper bond, and they enjoy a woman chasing after them, but that gets BORING after a while and they move to the next victim. What we chase... runs away and after all, biology says men are hunters, so you should always be in your feminine energy and receiving love, not chasing it. So let a man PURSUE YOU...
Men pursue they don't chase there is a HUGE difference. Anything you chase runs away, I want to keep re-enforcing this, when you pursue you woo, you seduce, it is what the excitement of the relationship is. If you are a male and have a penis... and that means to make it erect, you need to WANT the woman... for a High Value Woman to want you, there must be investment... investment does not mean money - it means time and energy, it means seducing her mind. You turn on a woman's mind and capture her thoughts and emotions you will have her forever, you get lazy and stop... that is where the problems lay. It is not about going back to the 60s stepford wives era. It is about romance and seduction. It is about building the foundations to a lasting relationship. You are talking about foundations built-in sand, that will always crumble, when you start a relationship right from the beginning the foundations are strong, there is an emotional, mental and physical connection. 
The term HIGH VALUE WOMAN gets used a lot in relationship self help circles, but I will let Greta Bereišaitė explain here  https://youtu.be/UBxubUIacmo  
So what happens when a man GHOSTS you? One danger of quitting cold turkey is that your body will quickly lose tolerance to alcohol or drugs, (LOVE) so if he comes back you relapse and then take your usual amount of the drug, you have a higher risk of overdose. This is when the CRAZY GIRL SYNDROME TAKES OVER. If this is a constant pattern within the relationship, you must be strong to break this pattern.
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Now we all go to CRAZY TOWN at some stage, I have certainly been there, and it is not pretty! But after a breakup, a junkie needs her fix, and this man becomes the centre of your attention. HIS LOVE IS YOUR DRUG... too much and it is intoxicating. And you risk OVERDOSE and pushing him away... forever!
If you find yourself in this situation ladies... you are going to need the help of a professional, and there are many dating and relationship coaches but  Greta Bereišaitė   https://ladiesrelationshipcoach.com  is the best in my eyes! She can help you stop driving the bus to crazy town... And help you keep your sanity and self-respect. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... save you from making the mistake and settling for less than you deserve!   
The want and need for love comes from low self-esteem in relationships, it comes from lack of respect for yourself, and no boundaries. If you want love, you first need to love yourself, you cannot give something you don’t have, and if you don’t have it, you are always going to NEED more, it is a never ending pit, that the more you get, the more you need and want. Everything you will ever need can be found in yourself.  We all look at the post mortem of a relationship to where it went wrong, but the reality is you are always the common denominator of any relationship you have been in, this is often a hard pill to swallow, but knowing and understanding this, you can break your own patterns, and have strong boundaries, strong self respect, and strong self love.
Because without respect... there is no love!
Stay strong ladies <3 Lisa PS if all else fails... I recommend a good throat punch - this won't be necessary if you follow Greta’s advice ;)
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lisanedwards · 4 years
TIPS and TRICKS for Margin Trading 
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lisanedwards · 4 years
Interview with XRPTWIN
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lisanedwards · 4 years
My Can’t Fight Fate series in going into a second edition with new covers(not as pretty) but apparently from a marketing perspective they’ll walk off the selves 😁😁😁and that’s all that matters 😎
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lisanedwards · 4 years
HardForking Weekly Trading show! WATCH IT!!!!
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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❤️social media impact on crypto panel with these awesome people #cryptocurrency #crypto #conference #cis.la #bitcoin #blockchain #livethelifeyoulove #lovethelifeyoulive https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PfNjEhIi0/?igshid=1e165oqjjgpv0
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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Dramatic Thriller-  The Big Short / Molly’s Game / A Star is Born
LOGLINE: A successful female crypto trader joins a fellow trader in a new partnership, seduced by his success and charm, she soon finds herself struggling to see her way out of the toxic relationship driven by drugs and regain her reputation professionally. 
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lisanedwards · 4 years
Welcome To the Masked Influencer Show. Who's the Mystery Guest Tonight?
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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lisanedwards · 4 years
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