lismarstclair · 12 days
Back to Basics
Where: Lisette's Home When: 2nd of June, 2024
The faceless mannequins were arranged around her living room and dining room tables. Each dawning a different style and ‘natural’ color wig. Walking around the space, Lisette looked over each and every wig she had selected to see in person. After a handful of phone calls to both English and American establishments, she had decided on this shop for its quality and ability to make accommodations. 
“I brought two of our short styles as well. They are 14 inches; whereas, the mid-lengths you selected are either 17 or 19 inches,”
The younger woman was kind as she stood back and allowed Lisette to look at the various wigs. Her current Hermes scarf worked well enough to cover her head, but she wanted more. Lisette craved feeling like herself once more and having a wig (or three) would allow for that. She would not need them forever, but it would work well while her hair grew to a more flattering length. She ran her fingers through the numerous choices she could have, and Lisette found herself drawn to three different options.
“Cedric-” Lisette spoke earning the attention of one of the two guardsmen in the room, “Which do you like?”
The man looks at her with an arched brow, “Pardon?”
“I asked you which one you like,” she repeated. 
He cleared his throat and shifted in his stance, “I don’t believe my opinion is relevant to the decision, Madame,”
“It is because I am asking it of you. I would like a third-party opinion,”
Cedric sighs before moving around the dining room. He seemed to take his time looking over several before he tapped one of the mannequin heads, “This one,”
Nodding, Lisette looked to the owner who had traveled across the Atlantic, “I will take that one, as well as these two,” she said matter-of-factly. Cedric returned to his station near the other guard while Lisette stepped towards the wig he had tapped. “The rest can go. I will be sure to get your contact information. Should I need any repairs or additional purchases in the future I would like to speak with you directly,” She ran her hand over the blonde wig, inspecting it, “Amanda-” she said the name with a raised voice, a young girl approaches her from the kitchen with wide eyes and a kind smile, “-please see to the details and payment with Ms. Milano,”
While the two women stood and spoke at the front of the house, Lisette stayed back and continued to linger by the selected wig. "Why this one?" she asks looking between Cedric and his choice of hair.
Again, the man shifted on his feet before responding. "When my sister was diagnosed with cancer, she also got a wig. She got a blonde one because she said 'blondes have more fun'. She was always happiest when she wore it," he points to the piece in front of her, "That one looks like the one she had,"
Cedric shakes his head, "She passed four years ago, Madame,"
"I'm sorry for your loss," she says as the second guard pats his shoulder once before resuming his stance. "I appreciate you helping with my decision," he nods and she pulls off the scarf around her head to reveal the newly even buzzed cut.
"If I may?" Lisette looked up to the second guard as he spoke for the first time today. She nodded and he continued, "You don't need any of these. You look good without them,"
Lisette smirks, "Thank you," she flips over and pulls the blonde wig into place, glancing in the mirror to adjust it, "But I hear blondes have more fun, and I am in need of just that,"
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lismarstclair · 12 days
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“As the legend goes, when the Phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before” - Danielle LaPorte
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lismarstclair · 24 days
He was so close to her. So close she could touch him should she reach out far enough. It was one of the first lies that the blonde bitch had told her that began to break her fighting nature. She had been fighting them at nearly every turn, up until she mocked her belief that Laurent would come for her. They told her how they were all too preoccupied to bother with her. That the people she believed were coming were too tied up in Laurent's funeral plans to care about looking for her.
"You had been gunned down at the event," she mummers while lying in the fetal position on her side. The bandages on her head would need to be changed soon, as would the ones on her wrists, but she kept from scratching at them by watching him. One of the very few constant people in her life. "You had been intoxicated, so you were sloppy. They shot you-" her voice trembled as she pushed through her thought, "-in the head and watched the light leave your eyes."
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Lisette could hear Vorshevsky's voice in her head as she told her the story repeatedly. All her thoughts of never getting to say goodbye, of never being able to put him to rest, of not being able to help Leyla through her grief, of his son growing up and not having his father. Tears fell quietly as Lisette focused her gaze on Laurent's hands. "You aren't dead," she says through her tears while reaching her hand out and touching the back of his hand with trembling fingers, "They didn't take you from me," The warmth of his skin was a comfort to her after so long believing him to be cold in the ground.
There was a long moment of silence before Lisette's lip began to tremble, "I tried to be strong," she admits as she shakes her head with shame and pulls her hand back to hold her knees.
@lismarstclair Location: St. Catherine's.
They could show sympathy, but they couldn't empathise. Not really.
In spite of its infamy, so few within their ranks had experienced the dreaded basement and lived to tell the tale. Run-ins with Vika and her little shop of horrors, being made an example of by the merciless Maksim/Aviv duo, being a chew toy for one of their lackeys until they got bored... None of it compared to Konstantin Vorshevsky, and the others didn't understand that. Laurent hoped they would never.
But he did. And he had never been the same since. Neither would she.
It'd taken him a moment to pluck up the courage to walk through the doors; unsure of the mess he might be met with. Unsure of whether he had the mental or emotional capacity to hold it together, because that was exactly what she needed right now. Someone to be strong for her. Someone better than the person who'd been too fucked up to be strong for Claudia. Eventually he let himself in, though. Because seeing she was all right and hearing it were two very different things.
The Frenchman took the seat beside her bed after a brief glance in her direction. What the fuck had they done to her down there? With all he could muster, Laurent attempted to keep his expression neutral; too much relief would be an emotional overload for her, and she was probably fucking exhausted by it all, but too much dismay would be even worse. He pulled out the flask of cognac he'd smuggled inside of his jacket.
An empty plastic cup would have to do.
"Heard they told you I was dead." Life would never be so fucking merciful. "I regret to inform you that I live. You'll have to put up with me for a bit longer."
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lismarstclair · 29 days
"Laurent... is alive?" It had been one of the various lies told to her while strapped to the table in that hell hole. Laurent was killed the night of the awards. She was told they gunned him down in the chaos and saw the light leave his eyes. Hearing that he was alive made her empty stomach flip. "He's alive," she repeated as more tears fell. The two were shit at communicating their emotions, but that trash can of a man meant the world to her. "Please... can we please call them. I need to hear them," she mummers reaching with her free hand to press a button on the side of the bed and elevating her torso. The pain in her ribs stabbed her lungs, but she fought the pain. "You did the right thing. The twins are too smart as it is. They likely know it was a lie, but don't know why the lie was needed," Lisette squeezed Leyla's hand.
Leyla nodded along, waiting for the woman to slowly make sense of the world. She didn't want to rush her, she wanted to make sure Lisette knew exactly where she was, to know exactly what was happening around her. "Yes, I've messaged him as well. Also Laurent. Jess said she called Varden, too. I'm sure they will all be here soon..." She just wanted to be here because... Well, she wanted to make sure that if anything... If any of the awful things had happened, that maybe a woman would be best to see. Leyla didn't know what happened, but she could see it on her friend. "No, no. Don't thank me. It was nothing. Yes, I love them." She said again, holding onto her hand. "It's okay... We can wait until you're a bit better... We can call them?" Over the year, Leyla had come to know Lisette, she understood the woman's fear and... A mother's fear. "We've told them you're away with work. That you were busy with a performance in Paris. We.. I... Just didn't..." She didn't know how else to explain that they didn't want the kids to think the worst. That to tell them anything else... Would have been far more terrifying.
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lismarstclair · 29 days
"With you. They have been with you," repeating the phrase calmed Lisette slowly from her frantic state. "You and Étienne," she stumbled for a moment thinking of him, "Does he know? I asked Jessica to call him too," after she asked her question, the chill along her scalp brought back a memory she wished had been a dream. They had taken her hair. Lisette was a vain woman, to know what a horrible state she looked right now, it was just another form of torture. "Thank you does not seem like enough to say to you for keeping them safe," she tells her squeezing her hand, "for loving for children," another tear slides down her face, "They can't see me like this... Where do they think I have been?"
"Of course I'm here." Lisette had always been thin, thanks to her profession, but looking at her now? She looked like a damn skeleton, barely holding onto life. And her voice... Leyla was doing everything in her power not to cry, to stay strong for the woman who was clearly barely holding onto her sanity. "Yes, Jess, my best friend. She called me." Then the fear came, and Leyla felt the need to come closed, putting her hand on the woman's head. "They're with me. They've been with me the whole time. And when they weren't, they were with Étienne. They're safe and unharmed. No one laid one finger on them, I promise." She kissed her friend's forehead. "I promise I will bring them." She wanted to bring them now... But... "Would you like me to call for them?"
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lismarstclair · 29 days
"Here," she breathed, "You are here," the tears fell easily when Lisette finally accepted that this Leyla was not a figment of her tormented mind, but a real woman. "You came," she added, flinching when Leyla took her hand. Gripping it back with weak muscles, "The Nurse. Jessica, I think, she said she knew you," looking around her, Lisette felt relief that she had come alone. The relief was quickly replaced with fear, "Mes bébés," she muttered and looked with Leyla, "My babies. No. No," she shook her head and felt her heart beat faster, the monitor on the wall beginning to beep faster, "Did she hurt them? Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay,"
"Oh, honey, I'm here." It broke her heart to hear this. It broke her to hear her say such things as she could only imagine the torment her friend had gone through. Taking her hand into her own, gently as if not to hurt her further, Leyla gently squeezed it. "You're not dreaming. You're at St Catherine's right now. You're okay, you're alive. You're safe now." She wasn't sure if the words were said only to Lisette. "You're okay."
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lismarstclair · 29 days
Hearing her voice, it was almost like she was here. For so long she had imagined that voice -and several others- coming to help her from that cement hell trap. Could she really be here? Slowly, Lisette opened her eyes and saw the frantic eyes of her friend. "Leyla," her voice was harsh and scratched from the abuse. "You... You are real?" she asked, her eyes moving over her face critically, "Please don't be in my mind again... I can't keep doing this," she pleaded as her hands shook with anxiety.
As soon as she got the call from Jess, Leyla rushed to the hospital. The kids were left safe, because she knew that seeing their mom now - was not something that Lisette would want. Yet still, Leyla herself was worried about what she would see, the state that she'd see her friend in.
At least she's alive, at least she's back. She told herself over and over again as she sped towards the hospital.
It felt like months since she'd been waiting for that call. Months without hearing a single word, a single sign to know of she was alive. She could see others deteriorating with worry, the light dimming in their eyes each day she'd been gone.
At least she's alive, at least she's back.
Once at the hospital, she moved quickly, foregoing the people who may have wanted to stop her. Not the time, no. Opening the door, Leyla ran toward Lisette, yet careful not wanting to cause the woman harm, or shock.
"Lis. I'm here. Lis."
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lismarstclair · 29 days
It Will Take Time.
Location: Saint Catherine's Hospital When: 24th of May, 2024 People Mentioned: @leylayilmazx @varden-lefebvre @canetetienne TW: mentions of injuries incurred while in captivity.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Was the beeping a new game they were playing? See how long they can keep going till she snaps?
"Make sure to keep her fluids going until I cut them. The dehydration could be part of what is keeping her asleep." a man remarked near her head
"You don't think the malnutrition could have something to do with it?" a female asked clearly near the man while a soft chuckle could be heard on her other side.
"Food is secondary to fluids. If she doesn't wake up on her own in 12 hours, we can do a feeding tube to make sure-"
Lisette's eyes fly open wide at the mention of the tube. "No!" she shrieked. Her voice was rough and scratched, but she would not keep quiet if she could help it. At that moment, she took in the over-stimulating scenario. Gone were the poorly lit cement walls with the metal table and leather straps, now she lay on a firm mattress in a well-lit room with white walls and was surrounded by lab coats and blue scrubs. "No tube! No!" she repeated as she found herself trying to sit up.
"Ma'am, you need to lay down," The man's large hand on her shoulder trying to push her down to the bed earned another scream and her own arm flew to hit the man. "Nurse, get the restraints," he barked over her.
Lisette felt tears coming to her eyes as she continued to scream 'no'. "Let me try something first," the female voice came from the other side of her, "Hey, Lisette, look at me," Whipping her head sharply, Lisette eyed the woman speaking. "Hey, we have never met, but my name is Jessica," her eyes were far kinder than any Lisette had seen in a long time. Still, Lisette held her hands in fists and kept her body coiled for a fight. "You remember Leyla? Leyla Yilmaz?" Leyla, the sweet and good woman. Lisette nodded slowly, "She is my best friend. She isn't working today, but I can call her. Would you like that?" Lisette nodded vigorously, "Okay, okay I'll give her a call. Lisette, is there anyone else I can call for you?"
"Varden. Varden Le-" Lisette coughed violently as she felt herself running out of the adrenaline she had awoken with.
"Lefebvre, he is listed as your emergency contact, so he has already been called. Is there anyone else?" Jessica asks as the doctor and other nurse move away from her headspace and closer towards her feet while they mummer to one another in hushed conversation.
"Étienne. Étienne Canet."
Jessica nods, "I'll get his number from Leyla, okay. Lay back and listen to Doctor Darrow, okay? You need anything-" Jessica handed her a small controller with a red button at the top, "-you call me. I'll be right here for you," The younger woman smiled down at her before leaving her side and grabbing a bag of blood viles and swabs, "I'll run this to the lab and give Ley a call as well as psych because I'm gonna guess you want an eval done?"
The man smirks but does not verbally answer her before she takes her leave. Lisette watches him stand at the foot of her bed with another nurse just off to his side. "Ms. Marseille-St Clair. You are in Saint Catherine's Intensive Care Unit. It is the evening of May 24th. You were brought in this morning unconscious. What is the last thing you remember?"
Truthfully, she remembers little clearly, only bits and pieces. What memories she does have she isn't sharing with a stranger. Let alone a stranger who wanted to restrain her and force another tube down her throat. Lisette shakes her head slowly.
Letting out a sigh, the doctor nods, "That is understandable. Trauma can do that to a person. What we do know is that you came in malnourished and severely dehydrated with a worrying blood alcohol content of .19. We had to pump the contents of your stomach and in doing so, we noticed numerous lacerations to your throat and esophagus as well as four teeth that had been removed. We will be putting you on a mostly liquid diet for some time to allow for healing. Speaking of healing, you have a couple cuts along your scalp, likely from when your hair was cut, that looked infected. We have cleaned them out and bandaged them. You also have two incomplete fractures on three of your ribs that will take time to heal. You presented with friction burns and bruising around both your ankles, wrists, hips, and neck and unfortunately, those will take time to heal. For now, the best you can do is lay down and rest. I will have you on the food rotation of a liquid diet for your stay here. I know I have told you a lot of information at once and you will need time, but do you have any questions for me at this time?"
Lisette stared blankly at him and shook her head.
"Okay. We are going to leave you to rest now," the nurse spoke up for the first time, "Would you like your light on or off?"
"On," she said simply as she lay back on the mattress. Best to always keep the lights on, lest she wake up and forget she is free of the cement hell she had been trapped in.
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lismarstclair · 2 months
Keeping Focus
TW: mention of- force-feeding, forced alcohol, bindings, eluding to waterboarding.
It seemed a cycle had formed in her day-to-day activities. Lisette would come to consciousness in total darkness. With no window in her space, she held no understanding of time. Sometime later, a man would come in and force a funnel in her mouth to push cheap vodka down her throat. Lisette could not know how much, but it must have been a single bottle at the least. Every other day, an older woman would come in with the large man and would force a tube down her throat to force-feed her. The first time this happened, Sveta had watched saying ‘I can’t let you die before I have had my fun’. It was rare that the blonde came for this process anymore. 
No, Lisette knew her favorite time to visit was well after this. Sveta found her joy in the later hours when she would perform a new way of torturing her. It had been simple in the beginning. A slap here, a kick to her ribs there. Enough to bruise or fracture, but never anything detrimental. 
But then she discovered what made Lisette react, and Sveta relished it. 
The psychological manipulation was what was slowly destroying Lisette. It was subtle at first, hell Lisette used to bite back about knowing Sveta was lying to her. As time passed, she wondered if there wasn’t a seed of truth to some of the things the Russian Woman said. 
Surely her family had not forgotten her- but could they be occupied with other things? Surely her children were safe- but the Russians could have eyes on them. Surely someone cared that she was gone- but was she just replaceable?
At this moment, she lay on the same metal table, bound tightly to stay in place. Bathed in complete darkness, Lisette kept her eyes closed to prevent her mind from playing even crueler tricks on her. She couldn’t do much more than wiggle her fingers, so she kept her mind moving by counting.
… 58, 59, 60 …
Tapping her fingers on the metal, she would count to one hundred in English and then French to keep her mind focused. Lisette found that if she didn’t keep her focused she would spiral into a self-induced panic attack. 
… 71, 72, 73 -
The door’s lock could be heard turning and Lisette clutched her fists tightly. Keeping her eyes closed, Lisette hears two sets of footsteps enter the room- and the sloshing of water…
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lismarstclair · 2 months
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Natalie Portman
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lismarstclair · 2 months
Vorshevsky. Of course, she was a Vorshevsky. Aleksandr had enough children and enough of them married, she was sure there were far too many of them still living. The sooner they die out, the better this planet will be. The woman held herself high, not a hair out of place, and oh how Lisette wished to rip it from her scalp. 
Calling her an ‘easier target’ implied they had their eyes on someone else. If Delphine had been there, would they have tried to capture her? Would they have attempted to take Oliver? No, she knew she was a weaker link in the chain. She had been trained in minimal self-defense but near nothing in offense.
The woman, Sventa, goes on to list all of the reasons for her captivity. How her family did this and took credit for that. At the end of the day, she just sounded like another jealous bitch with a stick up her ass about her family being better.
Lisette does not interrupt her speech, hoping in her ranting she would give something away about where, or when, they were, “You must enjoy your voice,” she says narrowing her eyes on her counterpart, “You talk an awful lot but say little of substance,” Lisette crosses her arms over her chest keeping her eyes pinned. "My family will ruin you. You know that, yes? Taking me was a grave mistake. Emphasis on 'grave',"
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Svetlana's heels clicked with every step she took, until the door opened and revealed that porcelain, formal face. Lisette St. Clair. Admirable, really, she'd always been able to appreciate natural beauty. But from what she'd been told, it hadn't always looked so perfect.
Once it'd been marred by a smile far less pretty.
That cold gaze bore into Lisette as she took a slow, calculated step into the room, her demeanor calm, calculated, and ruthlessly devoid of all emotion. She observed the fear etched across Lisette's face with a sense of satisfaction, relishing in the power she held over her captive.
"You ask who I am, what I want with you," Svetlana began, her voice laced with that chilling indifference that Miami had been subjected to. Taking the demotion to come here had meant months of disrespect she'd never been subjected to there, thanks to Olga. "I'm Svetlana Vorshevsky, and you, Ms. St. Clair, are here because you were an easier target than the rest of your family."
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Sveta kept her distance, and she would until the boys arrived. Still, her eyes never left her prey, watching her with such intensity it was unsettling to anyone who had been on the receiving end. "Your people, filth, meddle in affairs that do not concern you. Often reaching for achievements that should've never been yours to take in the first place." Raising a hand, "And, you might ask -- why? Why continue this endless cycle?"
One step forward, holding herself tall, alert.
"It's pretty simple." the sound of footsteps coming from the other end of the hall told Svetlana that they were ready to begin, as a smile, almost sweet-looking took over her features. "The people they've killed, the alliances they've tried to incinerate...the retaliations? And now the partnership with the Italians. It's like you were begging for us to come. So we did, and now you will pay for their sins and they will live knowing, that at my hand, they did this to you."
It was time to leave her foot mark on London.
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lismarstclair · 2 months
Location: The "Basement" Who: @svetavorshevsky When: 24th of March (the morning after the awards)
Opening her eyes was a mistake. The bright fluorescent light embedded in the ceiling above her stung her retinas. With a groan, Lisette turned on her side and curled her legs close to her chest. Why did she feel so heavy?
The After Party Video. Olivier was missing. The blonde Russian. The pinch on her neck.
The previous night's events flooded her mind and squeezed her heart. It was happening again. The Russians had taken her, again. Pushing herself to sit up, her anxiety began to take over. Who of those scum had taken her? Was this premeditated? Had they done something to Olivier to keep him away from her to accomplish their task?
Did anyone even notice she was gone?
She took a deep breath, Lisette reminded herself, 'You just need to survive. Grounding. Do your grounding.' She looked around the room, and Lisette mumbled, "Five things to see; a table, a light, two chairs, and a door. Four things to touch; the concrete floor, the dress I'm still wearing, the metal table, and the... leather straps," Lisette paused to take another deep breath and stood up, now noticing her stiletto shoes were gone as well. Anything that could have been a weapon.
Before she could continue, she heard the distant footsteps approach. Moving a step back, Lisette kept her eyes focused forward on the door. Only when it opened did she bark, "Who are you and what do you want with me?"
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lismarstclair · 3 months
Master List Questions
Last Updated: April 5th, 2024 BASICS:
Name: Lisette Marseille St Clair
Nickname: Lis, Lissy (only allowed by Aurélie)
Birthday: March 10th, 1982
Keep reading
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lismarstclair · 3 months
Lisette: [Delivered]
Text: French
Ophélie: What the fuck is going on? Is everyone safe?
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lismarstclair · 3 months
Their cologne, their cold hands, the smooth accented voices. It was all happening so fast. Her mind raced to help her attempt to fight back. She jerked herself away from the woman behind her, but unintentionally into the arms of the man to her side.
Now feeling the weight of the drugs in her system, a tear pushed out of her eye, "I- Please- Don't," she slurred as her legs gave out below her. It was all happening so fast. Looking around the room, she tried to find someone she knew. She tried to find Olivier. She tried to find Laurent. Hell, she even hoped to find Yves at this moment.
Everyone was too busy. Too busy to notice something was wrong. Too busy to remember to look for her.
Survive. You just need to survive.
Nodding with what little strength she had left, Lisette allowed her arms to slump and stopped fighting for her eyes to stay open.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I'll make sure you survive...somewhat." Sveta said.
"Quiet." That was all Vitaly said.
Svetlana doubted anyone would hear those pathetic cries, there was too much going on. The needle went in smooth, pricking her skin as a grin slipped across those cold lips, tight and devoid of any feeling for the woman who attempted to trash; Vitaly had a strong grip.
It didn't take her long to check her surroundings, to make sure no one was watching them too closely, that they'd get out of this undetected. But time was ticking on, and soon someone would look for them. They were Russian after all, and this place was crawling with French scum.
And one of them was in their hands, ripe for the taking.
If only they'd kept a closer eye.
"We're gonna take a little trip, and you will keep your mouth shut if you want any chance of being able to continue talking -- ever again. Do you hear me? All I need is a nod of that pretty little head of yours, okay?"
Ten steps, and they'd be out through the patio. Quick, quiet, and undetected would be easier than fitting them off like bulls. She'd be out in a moment, complete dead weight -- which had her side-eyeing. "We gotta go. Now."
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lismarstclair · 3 months
He hung on the screen towards the front of the room. Though far enough away she could not make out the body to know if he was familiar, Lisette could hear the mumbles of those around her.
Russian. Important. Vorshevsky.
It couldn’t be a Vorshevsky, no she would recognize if it was one of them, but perhaps someone close. Nevertheless, panic bubbled in her throat as she called out for Olivier. He had left her side nearly ten minutes ago. At the time, she had thought nothing of it. He was going to refresh his drink most likely. However, as time ticked by and Lisette meandered alone, she grew concerned that something might have happened. Likely just drinking with the boys or talking with a friend. It was easy to dismiss- until now.
Calling out for him again, Lisette looks around the room as people start to panic. It is at that moment that she remembers the protocols. 
St Clair’s come first
It had been part of her life since a young age, but it was always a moment of clarity in the family lines. She was not a St Clair, so she would never come first. Of course, she was always protected, but she would never be the top-tier priority. ‘Olivier would make me a priority though,’ she thought to herself, ‘Where is he? What if he is hurt and that’s where he-’
Her thoughts stop as a sharp pain pinches her neck and a voice comes into her ear.
The accent. The words.
“No… No please, I-” her words become slurred as her vision blurs. ‘No, I won’t survive this again’.
FOR: @lismarstclair WHEN: 22nd of March, 2024. WHERE: Berekeley Estate. Following from SELF PARA
Those who'd told her to leave tonight had no idea that games had been underfoot all night. Waiting, watching, pretending that art was the most fascinating thing she could be interested in. No, she'd been watching, biding her time until something gave her a good enough time frame; and while they'd delivered the distraction, it hadn't come without loss. The video had simply been enough for her to accelerate her plans.
Sveta slowed like a cat stalking its prey while hatred leaked into something akin to a grimace that touched her lips, curling cruelly. Fingers clawed at the false bottom of her purse until fingers connected with that singular needle. Undetected, she'd held her breath, shoulders back when they'd searched them. Their misfortune of missing it in their 'thorough' search, brought a smirk to her lips.
One step closer, chaos erupted.
Two steps closer, people were erupting.
She checked, Vitaly eyeing her as he made his way over, and grinned something close to devilish as he nodded. The car was ready, and Pavel was in place. The time was now, and they had to act fast. Disregarding the handbag, which had been empty save for idle perfume she could replace, grasping the needle close to her person, until she was directly behind her target.
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"Say cheese, we've missed your smile."
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lismarstclair · 3 months
"Have no fear," she replies leaning against the wall opposite him, "No one has ever accused you of being 'too approachable' before," she pulls out a cigarette from her clutch, "Any reason you are hiding out here?"
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@mobscene-starters Time: After Party.
They'd threatened to kick him out if he lit up a cigarette inside one more time. In the Parisian's honest opinion, damaging the wallpaper they were so concerned for would've been an act of charity, but sacrificing a night of free drinks was enough of a waste that he'd decided to oblige. Begrudgingly. It was chilly outside, but not enough to stop a herd of people forming to do exactly the same thing as him.
What he would have given for a joint. Yves seemed to be having more difficulty than most in processing all of this whilst recounting their last. Especially when being forced to share a house that'd never be big enough with the fucking Russians.
"It wasn't my intention to look approachable," he said, taking the first drag of his smoke, looking at the person who had stopped beside him.
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