liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
12:32 AM
On nights like these I ask myself if it’s going to work
On nights like these I ask myself  if the love is worth the hurt
On nights like these, I question myself, wanna know if you push me away in purpose or if you don’t want to share it all with me 
On nights like these with tears falling down my eyes, I ask myself if it’s just me that demands too much or if it’s you that gives too little
On nights like these I wonder who’s more important to you
On nights like these, when I’m missing your comfort and your love, I ask myself if the little time we’re devoting each other will be enough 
On nights like these I wish you’d say that “I love you” in person cause I don’t know how to feel about it when I see it in this text, that feels loveless
  On nights like these, wanting to go to bed early but waiting for something, better say someone, that’s never going to come, that forgets about me, that finds better things to do, more amusing stuff to entertain himself than me, at the same time that I wish I’d just get a damn text, cause he’s all I want, just a little bit of his heart.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Si me enseñaste una canción, te juro que toda la vida, cada vez que la escuche, me voy a acordar de ti.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Nunca fue necesario volar para alcanzar las estrellas, me encontré con tus ojos.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Siempre recuerda que en el amor hay que ir dejando huellas, no cicatrices
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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Elisabeth Elliot
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Vale más quien deja huella y no quien más dura.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Qué suerte tienen esas personas que inspiran tanto a otras a hacer algo positivo con su vida.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Cualquiera te puede decir palabras bonitas, pero no cualquiera te hace ser mejor persona.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
No viviré para demostrar, sino que demostraré que vivo.
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Silence is better than bullshit.
Slytherin (via shitthehousessay)
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
Growth is painful. Change is painful.But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.
Mandy Hale (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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liswritesrd-blog · 6 years
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Día 121: Realidades
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