lisztaffe · 3 months
An Franz von Schober
Sogar Deutsch will ich Dir schreiben, lieber Schober, um Dir geschwinder zu sagen, wie sehr mich Dein Brief erfreut hat. Ich verdanke ihm eine wahrhaft wohlthuende Stunde, und das findet sich so selten in meinem unausstehlichen - monotonen Leben! Seit 14 Tagen habe ich wieder mein englisches Joch am Nacken. Jeden Tag, den Gott giebt, Concert- mit einer vorhergehenden Reise von 30 bis 50 Meilen. Und so muss es fortdauern wenigstens bis Ende Jänner. Was sagst du dazu? -
Bin ich nicht mehr als halbtodt, so gehe ich noch Ende Februar nach Berlin und Petersburg - und komme mit dem ersten Dampfboote anfangs Mai wieder nach London. Dann gedanke ich eine Pause mit 𝄐 zu machen. Wo und wie, das weiss ich noch nicht, und hängt ganz von dem pecuniären Resultat meiner Reisen ab. Gerne ging ich nach der Schweiz und von da nach Venedig; doch kann ich jetzt noch gar nichts bestimmen.
Leo Festetics habe ich einen langen Brief dieser Tage geschrieben. Es hungert und dürstet mich, nach Ungarn zurück zu gehen. Jede Erinnerung an dort wurzelt tief in meiner Seele..... Und doch kann ich nicht zurück!
Die Nachrichten von der Königin haben mich erfreut- wenn Du etwas Mehreres hörst von ihr, so theile mir es mit. Ich habe eine Art Schwäche für sie. Über die Cantate werde ich Dir später ausführlicher schreiben.
Lebe wohl und vergnügt, wenn möglich, lieber Schober, schreibe mir bald wieder und bleib mir immer Freund.
F. L.
Verzeihe die Orthographie und Kalligraphie dieser Zeilen! Du weisst, dass ich gar nie Deutsch schreibe; Tobias ist, glaub' ich, der einzige, der deutsche Briefe von mir erhält.
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lisztaffe · 8 years
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NYU students who back Trump afraid to show their faces. 
“They’re afraid of losing friends, being ridiculed in class, getting worse grades and are even afraid of being assaulted and physically hurt.”
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lisztaffe · 8 years
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lisztaffe · 9 years
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Watch: Poet G Yamazawa nails what it’s like to grow up in the U.S. as the child of immigrants.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
This is the kind of shit in Europe (like the kosher/halal bans) that is intended to hurt Muslim people and ends up hurting Jewish people as collateral damage.  Not that the Danes really give a shit about hurting Jewish people OR Muslims; so long as they can hold onto their white supremacy by making life for non-Christians as difficult as possible.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
Tonight is the Third Night of Hannukah
Tonight, December 8th, is the third night. Please remember to light three candles, and the “shamash” worker candle. Traditionally, the candles are set from right to left, but lit the other way. However, please feel free to light in whichever way you please!
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lisztaffe · 9 years
How sad is it that I am relieved that they just broke an electric menorah and didn’t try to hurt people at the lighting itself.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
Let’s take a moment to be thankful that the majority of Tumblr hasn’t found out about Sinterklaas and especially Zwarte Piet, or the next few days would be a hell for Belgians and Dutch people on Tumblr.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
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Today is Transgender day of Remembrance #TDOR. Today we remember the trans folks we have lost to anti trans violence. Their lives mattered. #TransLivesMatter. We must end the structural violence which takes far too many trans lives, 22 trans women this year in the U.S. alone the deadliest year for trans people on record, probably because of better reporting on who these folks really were. We must say their names. We must continue the work to end the intersectional structural violence which took their lives. #NotOneMore
#TransIsBeautiful (RP @lavernecox)
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lisztaffe · 9 years
The fact that US politicians can even suggest “screening for Christian refugees” is just so incredibly telling of what is deeply wrong with US politics.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
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lisztaffe · 9 years
Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
What people think self-diagnosis is: "Wow that is sure one funny disorder, claiming to have that would surely give me a lot of attention on tumblr."
What self-diagnosis actually is: "Wow, there's a name for this... There are terms for the things I do and experience and a community of people with similar experiences. There are coping methods and advice written for people like me. Maybe I'm not exaggerating, maybe I'm not making stuff up, maybe I'm not a failure... Maybe my experiences are completely valid."
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lisztaffe · 9 years
This just in professional animators who have endured years of rigorous training are still figuring out how to design and animate girls. It’s very difficult, and nobody in the history of the company has yet to figure it out. Please be patient with them, or you may hurt their feelings
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lisztaffe · 9 years
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New comic!
I remember that I was doing this exact thing, I was asking for explanations and definitions in a conversation about disability, and I just wanted to help, and I thought if they just could explain this concept to me that I hadn’t heard before, then I could help more. I remember my friend turning to me and saying, not unkindly, ‘I bet, if you tried, you’d find some really excellent blog posts about this’. I’m fortunate that I got the implied ‘shut up’ there.And she was right. 
I’ve seen people online react really badly when someone gives them a link and says ‘I think you’ll have a better idea of what we’re talking about if you look this over’. We’re expected to slow down, be patient, be kind, be clear, we’re expected to be knowledgeable and articulate and calm and accommodating. We’re expected to do this for free, as a basic part of our identities, the constant willingness to educate. Often we’re expected to do this in order to receive ‘support’ from people. 
It would just be really wonderful to be able to talk about gender without constantly landing back into 101. 
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lisztaffe · 9 years
I want a 3 hour episode that shows Ruby and Sapphire meeting for the first time and the build-up of their affections with Ruby making Sapphire laugh and Sapphire soothing Ruby and kisses and hand holding and their first fuse and just hours of cute tiny space lesbians.
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lisztaffe · 9 years
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The Empowerment Plan is an American humanitarian organization established by Veronika Scott.
The coats are ordered by nonprofit organizations for free distribution to the homeless, and the Red Cross has even shown interest in the item for disaster relief.  With the help of donations and machines, materials for the coats, and contributions from Detroit-area companies like General Motors and clothes-maker Carhartt, the Empowerment Plan is producing 6,500 coats this year and have made over 9,000 coats since they began. [x]
(Fact Source)
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