This blog has been telling you not to trust pelicans for over a decade and this is why
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This is a slow fandom zone
None of that "Oh no they bomb-dropped all the episodes in a week 1 month ago, I'm late!" "The tag hasn't been active all week is the fandom dead?" "I only got a hundred shares the first hour no one cares about my art"
Slow down
Take a deep breath and slow down
Fandom is YOU. And me and everyone. If we doodle stick figures for a show that ended 30 years ago we aren't "late" or "doing too little", we're playing dolls in our own time and having fun with works of art that mean a lot to us
You can literally watch and engage with something that aired in 2004 as if it aired yesterday
If the tag hasn't been active for 14 months guess what? If YOU post there, it isn't dead. Literally you can talk about anything you want whenever you want there is no weird law against watching things that people aren't actively talk about
Let's be deranged about stories together
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Basically republicans want to make it so your ID has to match your birth certificate which affects everyone from trans people to married women to immigrants.
Meanwhile, in GA, they're going to force all ballots to be hand counted, which could make it difficult to meet the deadline to certify the vote, and thus potentially allow them to give the state to Trump regardless of the outcome.
In many states, such as Ohio, Florida, Texas and North Carolina, they've been purging voters from the rolls by the millions.
If voting didn't matter, why are they trying so damn hard to stop us?
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Reminder: Bi Visibility Day is September 23. Remember to leave cookies out for Freddie.
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