Might be a hot take but Deacon is extremely emotionally intelligent, can and most of the time do act very civilised towards people he dislike, and reliable and responsible especially during emergencies
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Simon ''Ghost'' Riley is autistic, let me explain
He's autistic or at least ND there is no way he isn't. So I'm going to list things and explain why I think this. HEAR ME OUT
We always see him off the side, avoiding the main group and attention. He's nonverbal as well, and never speaks. He only speaks out when he directly wanna know something or he tells someone outright, he doesn't sugarcoat anything. He seems to be very good with knives, mastered the skill and has several of them, a knife collection most likely too. He collects it and has an interest.
Trauma aside, he 100% would not be able to discuss or explain his feelings, he probably is hyposensitive to it, alexithymia moment. I just know
Ghost does not greet Alejandro or say anything at all for that matter. He gets to the point instantly and asks the direct questions he wants to know, there is no small talk. He informs Alejandro of the info that Alejandro needs to know and then Ghost wants direct information about what he wants to know. He’s very hyperfocused on the mission and his job.
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In the car he doesn't even speak, nor answer Soap in any way, he only asks about things he wants to know. He never makes small talk or asks about unimportant stuff. I personally do not talk much during car rides, they are relaxing and is a form of stim to me. Talking takes me out of it.
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He also not only stands outside of the main attention but he is just kinda like 🧍‍♂️ in most scenes. Again does not talk in any way unless it's information he wants to know.
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We also got his, what is considered ''inappropriate'' humour, mainly the dog joke he made as a big example. I believe not only is he being an edgelord and wants to create shock value for the person he's talking to but also, he might just be an asshole in this case, but if Soap says he doesn't want to hear it Ghost still blurts out the answer. Could be because he just thinks it's funny, but also the fact that Soap and most NT would find his humour and the way he brings up the jokes to be ''weird''. I guarantee a lot of people will react to his humour by thinking it's weird, we also got this,
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Ghost giving advice for Soap to stim in a stressful/uncomfortable situation shows that Ghost probably stims as well and it helps with destressing and focusing. (it probably means some form of stimulant, like medicine in this context but I don't care, Ghost will lend Soap his fidget cube)
He goes to a bar and does not drink at all, with the rest of his entire vibe he gives off, showing he does not like eating and drinking in public. Mask aside...
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maybe I'm reaching but I get massive strong vibes that people will think his behaviour etc to be strange and weird. People already do, personally, I don't. It's all pretty normal and relatable. I don't know, my autistic senses are tingling, I can smell it. THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
edit: I’m just basing things from my POV, I am autistic, mine and his behaviour are very similar, so I just see parallels! edit edit: he's literally having sensory overload in the comics,
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Captain Jack Sparrow: A Series
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“I took the years of verbal and physical abuse and only told those closest to me about it. The reward for my silence is that she [Amber Heard] has fabricated that she was the one that was abused.” - Johnny Depp
“My resolve remains strong and I intend to prove that the allegations against me are false. My life and career will not be defined by this moment in time.” - Johnny Depp
“I am bringing this lawsuit […] to attempt to bring clarity to the women and men whose lives have been harmed by abuse and who have been repeatedly lied to by Ms. Heard purporting to be their spokesperson.” - Johnny Depp
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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As someone who has self-harmed, I would like to send a heartfelt fuck you to amber heard and to anyone who still defends her disgusting ass. Everything she says and does is the markings of a sociopath. You can all choke if you willingly refuse to see that.
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You all owe a big fucking apology to Johnny Depp. A man who was bullied, “canceled”, mocked, and abused for years while his abuser stood by and played victim. A man who almost lost his life while the woman he loved repeatedly abused, kicked, hit and berated him, calling him weak and mocking him for not fighting back. For not abusing her.
You all owe an apology to his children, Lily Rose and Jack, then-minors who were relentlessly bullied online for years and sent death threats when they defended their father. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
You owe an apology to his exes, who stood by him from the beginning and were ignored: Vanessa Paradis, Winona Rider, Sherilynn Fenn, Lori Anne Allison. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
You owe an apology to his friends and coworkers who sided with him, enduring years of online abuse: JK Rowling, Paul McCartney, Marylin Manson, Paul Bettany, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, and Zoe Kravitz to name a few. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
Johnny Depp deserves better than for his story to be ignored because he is a man.
If you truly care about domestic violence and abuse, now would be a pretty fucking good time to show it.
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Johnny Depp: *works voluntary for the Make a wish foundation*
*visits sick children in hospitals*
*donates millions to charity*
*works for free as a favor for friends*
*helps his friends and family in any way he can*
*is super sweet and generous with his fans*
*stands up for lgbt+ rights*
*has helped countless of people with his work*
*gets accused of something, it doesn’t get proven and charges are dropped*
social media: omg he is pure evil, why do people still support him??????
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Johnny Depp: *works voluntary for the Make a wish foundation*
*visits sick children in hospitals*
*donates millions to charity*
*works for free as a favor for friends*
*helps his friends and family in any way he can*
*is super sweet and generous with his fans*
*stands up for lgbt+ rights*
*has helped countless of people with his work*
*gets accused of something, it doesn’t get proven and charges are dropped*
social media: omg he is pure evil, why do people still support him??????
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governor swann: do you have any healthy stress outlets?
will: screaming.
barbossa: murder.
sparrow: manipulation.
norrington: alcohol.
elizabeth: fire.
governor swann: … okay, so we have screaming.
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more therapy
governor swann: and what do we say when we feel like this?
elizabeth: it be like that sometimes.
will: wear heelies to escape your feelies.
norrington: more espresso, less depresso.
sparrow: i’ll drink to that.
governor swann: … no.
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Reblog if you love Johnny Depp
Holy fuck the notes
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Break the stigma
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So apparently in Skyrim, if you just eat all your stolen items in between the “wait I know you” and actually getting arrested, the guard will just… walk away???
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