little-bratty1 · 7 months
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Autumn 🍂 is here !!
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little-bratty1 · 2 years
Mlp characters stimming
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little-bratty1 · 2 years
✨🪐💫Tips To Help A Little With Depression✨🪐💫
1. Communicate with them. It’s important to learn about how they feel, how often they can fall into an episode, and how you can best help them. Every little is different in their way, so it’s incredibly important to speak to them beforehand.
2. Identify triggers. Depression usually is triggered by something, and learning what can trigger theirs is very important so you can avoid it if at all possible, or find ways to make it more manageable.
3. Be there for them. Depression can make you feel incredibly alone, and it’s important to remind your little that you love them and are there. This can be spending time with them, or talking out how they feel. Whatever makes them feel most comfortable.
4. Find ways to make them feel better during an episode. Each little varies, but there are ways to help them feel better! Firstly, help them throughout everyday activities. Encourage them to take care of themself, and help them with it too- if you’re able to do so. Also finding nice, simple activities to do together can make a huge difference.
5. Put yourself first. You will only be able to properly help your little if you are helping yourself. It’s okay if their depression is too overwhelming. If you feel too overwhelmed or stressed from it, that’s a conversation that needs to be held- of course, make sure they’re big before discussing their depression.
Note: I’m running out of ideas so requests are loved and appreciated! I hope this helps some caregivers out!
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little-bratty1 · 2 years
Do you want to be smol this afternoon sweetie? No? Why don’t you want to be smol this afternoon sweetheart? Would you like to sit on my lap and tell me why? Oh sweetie. You’re worried that being smol makes you a burden or an inconvenience? You’re never either of those things baby. You want me to relax? Baby, you being smol relaxes me just as much as it relaxes you. You being smol is never a chore for me. It calms me taking care of you. It helps me just as much as it helps you. I love taking care of you when you’re smol. Of course little one. I pinky promise. Will you please let me take care of you this afternoon? Thank you so much my sweet baby for letting me take care of you. I love you so much.
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
I’ve been trying to be a good girl despite all the setbacks of this year.
Can I please have a cooling face mask for my migraines, a bright makeup mirror and and all the stuffie cuddles in the world! Soft stuffies are the best!
Thank you Santa
dear littles that celebrate christmas! you've been such a good baby this year!! what did you ask Santa for?
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I asked for a jellycat stuffie, a moomin stuffie, story books for bedtime, a deco paci, stickies and things to make daddy happy!! your turn! you can write your letter here!
Dear Santa, 🎄❄️
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
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Doc Mcstuffins makes me happy🐰🌈
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
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Stitch just checking on you, making sure you’re okay 💖
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little-bratty1 · 3 years
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Who am I? I am a girl who loves my island. I’m the girl who loves the sea It calls me. I am the daughter of the village chief. We are descended from voyagers. Who found their way across the world. They call me. I’ve delivered us to where we are. I have journeyed farther. I am everything I’ve learned and more. Still it calls me.
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
You Might Need a Daddy or Mommy to Take Care of You if...
1.) You leave clothes, stuffies, and toys all over the floor. So you need to be disciplined to keep them picked up.
2.) You need to be reminded of things because you commonly forget things you need to do. Like refilling a prescription, or paying a bill, or picking up something from the grocery store on the way home.
3.) You hate getting up to walk to the potty. So you need somone that will let you wear diapers and change your diapers, or someone who can carry you to potty, pull down your pants and back up .
4.) You are too scared to go to the doctor even when you are sick. So you need to have someone schedule the appointment for you, take you to the appointment, and comfort you the entire appointment.
5.) You cry easily over little things, especially when you are sleepy, hungry, or had a bad day. So you need someone to cry on and hold you.
6.) You are too shy to call customer service when you buy something that doesn’t work. So you need someone to call for you.
7.) You commonly forget your purse, or wallet, or debit card, or license at home. So you need someone to remind you when you leave the house.
8.) You do not like to drive cause you think its scary, so you need someone to drive you places.
9.) You hate dressing yourself for the day and for bed time. So you need someone to help pick out your outfit and dress you every morning and every night.
10.) You get fussy and cranky when you do not have a nap. So you need someone to put you down for a nap.
11.) You are too shy to order food for yourself. So you need someone to order it for you.
12.) You are not good at remembering to drink enough fluids. So you need someone to make you drinks and bring them to you.
13.) You are messy when you eat and drink. So you need someone to put your drinks in sippy cups, put a bib on you, and wipe your messy face and hands when you are done eating.
14.) You are a picky eater. So you need someone who knows exactly the things you like and don’t like.
15.) When you are sick you act like even more of a baby than usual. So you and extra care and extra cuddles when sick.
16.) You are just super needy in general wanting constant attention and constant cuddles. So you need someone who will spend lots of time with you, and give you cuddles every day.
17.) You like to play little kids games like building a fort, playing tag, playing hide and seek, playing kids board games, and play with dolls/stuffies. So you need someone who will play little kids stuff with you.
18.) You are scared of the dark. So you need to have your hand held or be carried when walking some where dark.
19.) You forget to look both ways crossing the street a lot. So you need someone to hold your hand to keep you from walking in front of cars and look both ways for you.
20.) You are scared of thunderstorms. So you need someone to hold you and cuddle you until the storm is over.
21.) You love stuffies and toys so much you would buy the whole toy department if you had enough money. So you need someone to tell you no you have enough toys or limit you to 1 toy.
22.) You do not like bedtime. So you need to someone to enforce it and help you get ready for bed.
23.) You can not reach things high up. So you need someone tall to grab them for you.
24.) You are a sleepy and grumpies in the morning. So you need someone to make sure you wake up in time for work or class, and give you good morning kisses to put you in a good mood to start your day.
25.) You don’t pay attention to weather forecasts so you commonly wear shorts, skirts, and short sleeves when its cold out. So you need someone to approve your outfit is appropriate for the weather that day.
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
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Maui looks like a nakey chicken hehehe
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
It’s Kassidy!!!! I love it soo much!
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Here is a commission for @princess-of-the-sky143 - this is Kassidy! Thank you for your support!!
[Commission Info] | [Drawing Requests] | [My Ko-Fi]
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
some cg tips 💗
- ask them simple or “small” questions! 🌿
- engage w/ them! ex. pick them up, if you can! play hide and seek! play peekaboo! ask them to color something for you! let your little climb on you and cuddle with you! 🦋
- give them questions of the days! let them think about it for the day and ask them at bedtime! ☁️
- give them nicknames! it makes them feel really happy and loved. especially since it makes them feel special! 🌱
- if your little wants them, give them rules! personally, it makes me feel like i’m in order and that i can be a good girl for my caregiver 🌸
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
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For you and your internet friends! 💙
Feel free to send these to them but please do not repost
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little-bratty1 · 4 years
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