little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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how would you like to be down by the seine with me oh, what i’d give for a moment or two under the bridges of paris with you
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
she may contain the urge to run away || rose & you
Rose glared out of the plane window at the stack of luggage being wheeled into the terminal. She could spot her suitcase from where she sat, it’s red and white polka-dotted pattern a large contrast to the ocean of black and navy colored cases. The weather was gray, like her mood, and threatened rain. She hated the fact that it was apparently law that she attended a school that put an entire ocean between her and John. The seatbelt sign went off and soon she was being shuffled through the airport and into a black vehicle bound for Walt Academy. Her mother had bought her a bunch of new clothes and books to take with her to school, but Rose had purposely left the extra bags at home, and had her same wardrobe with her. It was a sort of test, to see how long it took her mother to realize that she’d left them, and how long it would take her to ship them stateside. The blonde read from an old copy of Gone with the Wind in the car ride from airport to school, thin fingers caressing the warm pages with each turn. Normally, reading an old book on a rainy afternoon was her cup of tea, but in the back of a black sedan, Rose felt sick.
Rose ducked out of the car with a sigh, and looked up at the school building begrudgingly. She couldn’t think of a place that she wanted to be at less than this. Everything was just awful; from the tacky flowers out front, to the glorified founder of the school. Why couldn’t he have minded his own damn business? Liddell turned her phone on and was happy to see a few text messages and one voicemail from John. She tapped in her password and held the phone up to her ear, maneuvering around a stranger as she listened, careful in her distraction. She made her way over to a breezeway that blocked out some of the spitting rain, and her heart grew warm from John’s voice. Someone was smoking a cigarette nearby, and she looked around, a tiny, hopeful part of her heart believing it to be John himself. Of course it wasn’t, and she just gave a small smile to the stranger.
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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character aesthetics  → THE ARCHETYPE SERIES
❝you’re the only one.❞
labels: the partner, the friend, the intimate, the enthusiast, the sensualist, the spouse, or the team-builder
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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Rose Liddell || 16 || Hannah Murray || Alice Liddell || High School Sophomore || Heterosexual/Heteromantic || Taken
“It’s not that we’re scared, it’s just that it’s delicate.”
After Alice returned home from Wonderland, she didn’t slow down one bit. She was sent to a boarding school in Japan and decided that she wanted to be a traveler. Liddell was a smart kid though, and knew that she needed money to be able to travel, and if she wanted money, she needed to do something extraordinary. By the time Alice was twenty two, she had built up her fashion company, Liddell Limited. By the time she was twenty three, she was a mother. No one knew who the father was, and no one seemed to care. Rose Marie Liddell was born into the world of fortune and wealth, and knew nothing but comfort and fine living. Alice doted on the girl, creating a whole line of fashionable children’s clothing called Rose Marie; she bought her whatever her heart desired, lavished expensive gifts from all around the world during her travels, and filled her shelves with loads of fairytales of far off places. Rose never grew to be spoiled, even with the lifestyle she grew up in, but there was something that she wanted more than all of the toys, or clothes, or books in the world. She wanted to travel like her mother, and experience new places, and have adventures with strangers. Rose would have given all of her worldly possessions away just to up and trek the globe. The only thing standing in her way was her mother. Alice wanted her daughter to focus on school, and at fourteen, Rose wasn’t old enough to argue yet. She excelled in English and Geography, but most other subjects were ignored, and left her with bad marks and bullies. What Rose wanted, at the very least, was to get out of England for a spell. Maybe if her mother would just take her somewhere, it would slake her wanderlust at least until school was done, but Alice wouldn’t budge. Her mother seemed to lose interest in her the older she got, often leaving for weeks on end for mini breaks, or business trips to exotic lands. Rose tried to be content with what she had, but she finally had it when her mother went on vacation to Venice with some friends just a few days before Rose’s fifteenth birthday. It was hard enough to put up with hearing all about her mother’s travels and not being able to go see the world for herself, but the woman forgot her birthday and went off to do what she knew Rose wanted to do most.
Rose Marie took matters into her own hands, packed her bags, and took the next train to Paris. She had always wanted to visit France, and decided that it was the best place to start. Plus, it would only be for her birthday weekend, and she’d be back in time to get resettled before her mom got home. She took cash instead of card and booked a neat little hostel under a false name and age. She had always intended to return home after the short holiday, but that was before she met John Masterson. They met on the train from Dover, and hit it off right away. He was a writer and she hadn’t read a book outside of school for the past three years. They chatted until the train pulled into the station, exchanged numbers in case she decided that she wanted a tour guide (he had a flat in both Paris and London, and traveled back and forth quite a bit), and parted ways. Everything went smoothly up until check in, where she found out that she needed an adult for legal reasons. Disappointed and unsure of what to do next, Rose did the only thing she could think of, and wandered into the first café she saw, tugging her floral suitcase behind her. After two cups of tea and a resolution to just drop her chin and head home, the door bell jangled, and in walked the man from the train. He had a newspaper under his arm, a satchel on his shoulder, and he ordered a black coffee, and took a seat in a corner booth. Rose decided that she had nothing to lose by going over, and brought everything in tow. By the end of their drinks, it was established that she was going to go stay at his flat until her train back home. That was the beginning of the end.
Their romance lasted for two weeks before her mother returned home to an empty house. Of course, Alice tried to contact Rose to come home, but after a big blowout fight over the phone, Rose turned her mobile off for good. And for two months, Rose and John had a pretty good life together. The knowledge that there was a good fifteen years age difference between them hung around for the first couple weeks, but after they started sleeping together, it all but disappeared. While he clacked away on his typewriter, Rose would heat up his coffee and hang about the apartment, reading his published books and making plans to go out; they went out a lot: tandem bicycling through the city, wandering around at midnight, trying new restaurants, buying gifts for the other as surprises. She grew accustomed to life with him, to being happy. All she knew, and all that she wanted to know, was how he smelled (deodorant and cigarettes), or how he took his coffee (black), or how it felt to wake up next to him in the morning (warm), or how she felt when he hugged her tighter in the night (safe). Everything was good, and Rose thought she had finally found something that resembled happiness. Until the police knocked on John’s door and tore it all apart. Alice had been looking for Rose everywhere, and finally there was a slip up in a shop near Paris, where Rose used her card to buy groceries. The blonde was forced back home, and John was taken in for questioning. He was eventually released when they were satisfied, and when Rose was back home in London. Alice wanted to press charges, which is why he was in custody for so long, but Rose promised her that if she did anything of the sort, her mother would never see her again. After that, John contacted her by phone a couple times, and even dropped by her school on his motorcycle now and then. Rose wanted him to take her away right then, but John talked sense, and they decided it was best to wait until she was old enough to legally make her own decisions. However, before Rose could reach that point, Alice told her that she was going away to boarding school.
Walt Academy:
Rose couldn’t be any angrier about being sent away. A year ago, she might have been excited to go away, but Walt is even further away from John than she was before. Rose hopes that he can come to visit her at school, and that they can keep the flame alive. She worries that distance will be difficult, (even though they say it makes the heart grow fonder), and struggles with being so far away for so long. She just wishes her mother and everyone else could see that she loves John, and just wants to be with him.
+ creative, kind, generous
- over trusting, dramatic, loner
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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little-liddell-blog · 9 years
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