Babies and travel
It's unusual but not unheard of.
We travelled a lot with our daughter. At age 11 she has already been to 67 countries, a few of them more than once.
She actually feels rather embarrassed about it I think as it's so rare. She usually shifts and stays quiet about it.
A nonconformist by birth.
It meant that over the years from starting off with a pram and big suitcases (age 6months to Japan)... we reduced and reduced our stuff back to the old days of just carry on and as few baggage as possible. Lighter and lighter to be unimpeded to adventure.
We certainly need water though for sure. Or baby powder - we ran out so quickly in Japan. But it was kind of fun running around supermarkets look for some.
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So over the years she has been on countless jungle walks (usually with just her parents - no guide), slept in the desert more than once, snorkelled and swam of a hell of a lot of Caribbean islands (yes we did the cruises as well as the proper adventures), ordered pasta or burgers or rice in most far flung places as well as gorgeous foodie European cities (to our dismay) but to her credit she loves fish ...
I don't pretend to be a cook & that's why every partner of mine has been a fantastic cook including her dad thankfully. Also I love fabulous food too.
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She has been up so many mountains (quite a lot of them in Switzerland), and volcanoes (Central America). She has done so many hikes with so little because we decided to travel far and fast you need to love to travel and discover and enjoy. Some of the places - I can tell you insect sprays have not worked sadly and some places they have.
And most (99%) tourist spots anywhere in the world however remote even on country holidays - there's some guy/ woman selling coke and water, fridge magnets, Tees, sunglasss and probably braid your hair all for $20. In fact they usually see you coming and follow you down the hike a bit.
And we have encouraged her to be a little free. She is a city girl from London and we love her have that too - it's a privilege the school she has, but it's nice to know about nature and the animals (her grandma is a conservationist amongst other things) and from far flung places.
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As well as experience lovely hotels (nice for us to) and also shacks and also a little bit of everything. Why not ? It's a been a blank sheet of paper for us.
Wouldn't everybody if they had a blank sheet of paper want to ?
I know horses for courses, we don't expect that from others - otherwise we would be writing on ...erm ... their blank sheet of paper.
What's the point of having that blank sheet of paper then ?
It's a nice rhythm we got into, no need to instruct or even ask ... in fact you ended up leaving the people in different cultures to just be who they are leaving little of yourself but as much as needed for flow
... which is quite appreciated by locals who in many places are still living with other legacies from British/European rule
.. no asymmetry of information (a good mate of mine terms) required.
... a dialogue ... a conversation ... unwritten rules. The pleasure of conversation ... but a different kind / not a language but a flow.
We get it's a tough world out there and yes brown women and women are the ones to be told they are not enough in every way.
We want her to not see that. Not to even see that it is that way. Not even see the nonsense. Not even to know there is a system to fit in.
But just to do her best and be happy as herself.
She has already done more than most (even more than most patriarchy - she doesn't even know it) ... just with seeing the world.
Yes the last 12 months have been terrible for her - any kid.
But she is a sparkly sparkly chip of the old block so I know that no one can take that away from her to negotiate it back to her. No one gets to write or rewrite her story.
She has her own blank sheet, all beit with 67 countries already on there and a slightly punk mum and dad.
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My work
My partner mentioned that they attack the person , when they can't attack the work. He is not wrong ! I love him. There I said it.
My work :
the innovator : www.bushraburge.com
and a bit more innovation : bushraburge.com/bbstudio
the director : https://www.bushraburge.com/pagecv
the explorer : https://www.travellerspoint.com/map/#/
the writer : https://bushra.travellerspoint.com
the designer : bushra-burge-6wyd.squarespace.com
the public speaker : https://www.bushraburge.com/#/talks1/
the activist : https://www.bushraburge.com/code-of-conduct
there is an academic in there somewhere
the artist :
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Sun and friends
Recently a few odds things have been happening as mentioned. I mean it has been going on for a while but more recently - one mistake and furthermore to cover up the ones before.
I was travelling in Saudi Arabia and somehow - with the usual lie of - we are trying to make fun of a person , duped a hotel receptionist into doing some stupid behaviour in more than one hotel. One was a backwater hotel. The other a 5 star hotel.
I sort of laughed off the backwater hotel - I was on my own, it had been a longish trip but not too bad. And kind of predictable.
The one in Jeddah, was a 5 star hotel, it was around 2/3am during ramadan and I was with my daughter. And I booked with booking.com and then I was charged again when I went to the hotel. It was after a rather extended taxi journey let's say, and extended time waiting for the taxi ... and I wasn't massively bothered but it made it very difficult for an 11yr old girl. After we had a very long journey through Istanbul airport with rather mixed up food as well. Part fasting part picky food. But I had booked the nice hotel for the safety.
And we got double charged. It had never happened before in my life in a 5 star hotel.
And the fake premise is ... but they are schooling a seasoned traveller through real life games, so learn from their mistakes which costs money and time. But the scenarios are just attacks .. as already highlighted the intentions.
and the truth premise is ... we waste the time and money of this person (with daughter if so) because we need to be clinging on to the crypto king for relevance & hopefully she disappears.
But through this, somehow I have got a lot more support than I ever realised or could have. Because clearly crypto king is a ridiculously smart man despite my friends saying he is a scammer. He is a bit scammyaah but in a different way. As they say but he needs to show what this other crowd are like.
And then again a focus on this - how we were double charged at a recent hotel in the countryside and more so again - a reference to it in a nice hotel I am staying in Corfu ... (did I mention I am way a lot ... even in the last 12mths) and then another story to show how beautiful influencers would not complain publicly about hotels because they are nice and keep up appearances or whatever I dunno the nonsense was.
So what is my complaint ... is it the hotels ? Is it receptionists ? Is it staff ?
Nope .... but it is the games and set ups put on by new stalkers. Ok they have a lot more resources.
People say don't engage. I don't.
And a good way to do that is to let it all play out.
So last night I first checked into one hotel, and I looked around - hated it - check in took a very long time... and then I left. No drama.
Booked into the hotel my friends were at. It's gorgeous and hung out. Our daughter's played. The sand and moon were lovely.
It was nice to hang out. We could have ventured further but we felt a sense of peace. And we had all been through a very very tough time. It was nice to just have our girls having fun. We chatting about this and that.
I would be staying with them the next few nights, so offered to pay for them. They are so kind and generous and have been to me over the years and again for the next few days.
I felt a little odd test here or there and control from a far. Something about but will she fight for her chicken kebab. Will she clearly give instruction. We need to make her ask for it.
It's part of the game and what's the worst that happens - she gets a more a rubbishy experience than everyone around - she is a brown woman after all - they need to learn to speak up when they get treated worse than everyone else because we decided that they need to speak up so we are putting in a worse experience.
oh stuck record for 12 mths ... Something about reading glasses and adding up ... stuck record. I may have been exhausted.
Why did I tip despite the not perfect service ...?
Because I know it's not the staff ..
they were late with chicken, this and that and it was an expensive bill over 200 euros .... but it wasn't the staff ... the staff were doing what they were told ....by the most powerful people in the world ...
for ickle pickle me spending my life savings on nice things .... thank you - please mess it up because we need to show she consents to I t....
..... it's Grimes and the weirdos and their games.
And I think we have acknowledged boredom doesn't suit me.
But on the whole I had a lovely chat with my friends and our daughters had lots of fun.
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My lovely little flat in Greenwich ooh I mean Deptford ...south London anyway
Yesterday I went to see some properties in the Brighton Marina.
It is a pretty part of Brighton, a gated development with sea views and I had taken my partner and I to stay in one of the airbnbs there.
My only reservation was - which I bemoaned was I didn't like the look of the development. It felt dated. Like my own property in Greenwich.
Particularly as I loved the old classic Victorian or Edwardian villas and I had even seen some gorgeous Georgian style houses in Brighton to buy. Brighton has a ridiculously beautiful stock of houses.
But I am still waiting for another house sale to go through and I would not have time to buy somewhere in time before Persia started at Brighton College.
When I met Julian in the early 2000s on a blind date through a mutual friend. My friend from university was working at JPMorgan on his first job and Julian was his boss at the time. My friend stayed in the city and is now an MD at JPM for his sins.
I was working in insurance as an AS400 developer and earning quite a lot of money actually up in Manchester - I felt at the time. My mom told me to buy a property there - I wish I had they were very cheap at the time and hadn't had the leap yet.
But then - like in my life weird lucky things happen. They decided to move some of the tech team down to a place called Edenbridge ... actually 40minutes drive from my parents house. So yes within a year of me moving up to Manchester ... I was relocated down to by parents house from where I came ! And they paid for relocation costs so increased our salary for those who chose to move. So I doubled my salary pretty much over night and got to move back into my parents - which meant I could save money.
At the same time I started seeing Julian as I said.
He had started renovating houses in the evenings whilst working as a banker during the day. I have thing for alpha male talented workaholics.
His own father had him quite old and Julian wanted to retire nicely by the age of 40 and enjoy a nice life. He also wanted a nice life before retirement as well. And in those days houses were going up in value whether you renovated them or not.
Yes it meant we could afford to be away 5months of the yr spending approx 50k on adventures and also in deed Julian was retired by the age of 40. He still worked a little for something to do for a few years after but this was from working like a crazy person. I will talk more about our experience of renovating houses.
Houses are a way most people in the UK have made money. As long as they bought a property before the 2000s. And all people did in London / UK was talk about house prices.
So at this point I as around 26/27 years old working as a programmer for an insurance company.
So the first property I met Julian in (it was his second renovation) was this quite ridiculously grand house in Woodford on the Monkham's Estate. Something similar to one of these.
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I was mid-late 20s and he was early thirties. And he had already created a beautiful house he/we could have settled in.
In fact the guy who bought the house was someone about 20years older than us and he was head of IT of an investment bank.
I had this feeling at the time, that I really needed to buy my own place.
I had every intention but it was really important before Julian and I moved in, otherwise people will always say I only managed to buy my own property because I married a banker. That my assets I had achieved were my own achievements.
No one can take that away from you. Especially as a young person.
So I went to look for properties. Julian drove me around to properties which needed renovation work over in east London near to him.
I wanted to stay south London nearish to my parents and I wanted a riverside property near a park under £200000. At the time my previous boyfriend and friends from university lived in Blackheath and Charlton nearby. I had loads of friends in the area.
And I wanted to be able to rent it out easily.
I had saved up about £40k from my earnings. And found the flat I wanted. I could afford £187000.
So this was around 2001/02.
Even with my high salary at the time and savings it was quite difficult to get a mortgage. I guess it must have been quite unusual for again a single brown woman not born in the his country going into a bank with a job in tech salary slips asking for a £150k mortgage. I looked a lot younger ! It freaked people out. I remember I met a girl in her 20s at a friends party and god knows what someone had to said to her but she started quizzing me on my property. And a woman in my office came up to me and said - Darling we need to tell you something you can't afford that property.
It was so weird.
But my other friends in professional jobs were buying properties and everyone had some mortgage story, so I was like whatever. It's what people did. Shrugs shoulders.
A friend of mine introduced me to a mortgage broker and he tried to help me get a mortgage but they really delayed everything and I nearly lost the property. I was so legit it was unbelievable - where was the risk ?
And then a new online mortgage company appeared owned by one of the big financial institutions and they gave me a mortgage within 10 days of me applying.
Did I mention I grew up in a seaside town Southport - we are far from sea views but I always dreamt about it. And then when I was at Imperial College I would dream about living in one of wharfs. And then docklands was like a fancy yuppie thing. God I was such a yuppie Blairite.
This was before Shoreditch became cool by the way.
And I bought my 2 bed flat with a slight river view and some parking.
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Got a lodger another friend from uni who had a job at JPM. And actually I hardly spent much time there because I got together with Julian and eventually moving in with him and renting my flat out - which I have for about 20years and paying off the mortgage.
I am proud of myself for that achievement. I did it all myself. In my 20s already. Yayeee !
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Be everything love everything
I think that there is a misnomer in life. These are based on stereotypes which then perpetuate as people try and categorise.
Especially if you get bored easily ... one type of thing is ...let's try that other thing for a bit and now this and now that. Can I not decide .. ? No I have decided I enjoy a bit of everything even obsessively but not too much of anything for too long. But it is good to have a solid base. And I love my friends and family forever.
That you if read books you don't like fashion
if you have do science you don't do art
if you like walking you don't like dancing
if you eat savoury you don't like sweets
if you love lying about you don't like exercise
if you love words you don't like visuals
if you love home made craft if you don't like designer couture
if you love travel you don't like your homebase
if you love love this it doesn't mean you don't love love that
if you if you
it's not true.
You can love everything. Tutti Frutti.
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Yesterday was a sunny day. I may have been hugging trees.
And it gave me the faith that everything was going to be ok.
I stood up to some demons. And I also helped my partner stand up to his own.
So all in all a victorious day healing myself and others around me.
Lucky me.
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There is still the rest of the world to go.
More than half.
I will be revisiting others.
I have a life time of work so far anyway already. And another life time ahead of me.
Can't wait.
I can't stop sharing my adventure. I have notebooks with a few pages written or drawn on and also platforms and across all sorts of media. I am so glad for it.
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My life is very predictable.
Currently I am being harassed about the most intimate parts of my life with my partner. What we do in bed. Between a couple.
Again it is an area which Grimes is so incensed by, she has to show that she has access to all areas of our lives by ridiculing it. But more than that show how she is closer to my partner. But it just shows an obsession and a vindictiveness. How has she got hold of this information. Stalking of course.
Again irrelevant to my professional work of course.
But relevant to jealousy directed at me.
A couple of days ago, I had to take my daughter's rucksack and suitcase to her dad's on the bus and my car was being used by my partner. An Eritrean lady came on the bus with a rug in a bag which would not easily go on. A reference to sex. I am petite, my partner is a big guy.
Predictable again.
I took the opportunity to chat to her as a real person. She was lovely. And I helped her and beckoned the people around to help her too.
Yesterday I went to the dentist for a routine check up. The dentist was called
Anish Patel at Jasmine Dental Studios. I had gathered from previous friends that people who are duped into this private moments I do not consent to, have been told that it is all about helping me, or part of a candid camera joke style episode.
So he mentioned something about me gagging myself while I had an x-ray film in my teeth when my teeth were being x-rayed.
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He of course did not know that what the reference was. An ongoing harassment and stalking by Grimes and her team.
I welcome anyone - journalists, police to check with this dentist.
Then I went onto the beautician to get upper leg and a Hollywood wax. The beautician was called Millies, Clapham Park Road, London. I have used this beautician previously. Lots of things did not go right. I never had any experience like it.
What was the point of this set up?
The set up was again to justify the motive by the on going harassment of my personal life. My home space. My experiences with beauticians.
That I don't like beautiful things. I don't like a nice clean environment. That I don't understand design and living nicely.
Because yes brown women don't understand or see these things.
So beauticians and cleaners and the like have to downgrade themselves to make my life worse ... and I won't care because again ... surveillance data is used to 'help me' not 'harm me'. Otherwise I would protest but then I am a complainer right. So collection of this data is for good.
Well my feedback is that here is a case study of parliament, for police where the data is being used to hurt me.
Here there was a different imperative. Because in every interaction there have been attempts to reduce my life experience through on going scams through this harassment.
Of course I knew this going to happen the predictability of it, so it is good to expose it as it unfolded. Again this is not against Millie or my beautician Carolina. Contacting beauticians, masseuses and these safe spaces being violated by rich people because they need to retain fame has been going on for 12 months and of course the previous harassment for 4 years prior.
I welcome anyone - journalists, police to check with this beautician.
I explained repeatedly, it is important that the beauty experience where I take all my clothes of needs to be a safe space not a place where people come to play games.
None of this enhances my life. But it is important I speak about this because I want people to know what is going on with surveillance data.
Does it take me away from my actual work - my metaverse blog. Well I have already got 6 editions and a prototype, I can clearly do all of that.
But yesterday I had to deal with these time wasters.
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Inspired to say so much.
I have since Ramadan REdiscovered the writer in me.
New ideas, not ones thrifted down or regurgitating the same script over and over again. Did anyone see the boredom across my face.
Give me something new. Can people come up with an actual new thing ?
So anyway ....
writing has been great. I recommend it to anyone.
So what does it take to heal from grief and industry weirdos l :
Enjoying being with loved ones
Creating system changes especially racist and other discriminatory ones
Adventures - seeing the world and sharing
Enjoying food
Creating, just coming up with new stuff .. wow to love the way my brain works
Also the way I am with people and my heart
And meeting new people from all around the world
As well as reconnecting with old friends
Hanging out with people in real life generally ... can you believe to protect that part of my life I checked out of that
Having the love of a partner who has gone all in to show you who he is without the baggage and despite the attacks ... boy the lengths people go to be relevant
I realised also I love all the nice things in life as well
luxury designer clothes, jewellery, luxury holidays, fabulous food whether my partner has made it or it's from fancy restaurants
beautiful houses
art and interiors
I love life. As I always have.
But I also love to tell and share stories through whatever format.
The power of journalling.
So I have a blank sheet I can have anything I want in the world ...
...... but I have already had everything I wanted so I want some more of that.
Living in the moment. I do.
I live it and I check to see if I want to be in a situation, I change my mind, I check the big picture - how else have I managed to expose Grimes, Yates or anyone else who might come along.
That's what happens when you are a leader. You look at the bigger picture not the minutae the whole time. Trying to control the moments or script it or get people to walk past you saying .. .suggary sweet ... just shows that the bigger picture is lost.
My movement is live in the expanse of the universe of multidimensionally. Rise above the minutae.
So what do I want ... I want all the things I want from my previous chapter which I built up independently and / or with my ex husband. But more ... to build on the fabulous life I had before.
And a unicorn metaverse travelogue company.
ps I also apparently absolutely love not wearing bra ... this is going to be my new thing.
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Walking away from gaslighting
Turns out is very easy.
I’ve had a lovely time with lovely people these last few days.
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I want to write something deep and meaningful.
But actually it was so funny today ... I didn't even do a thing. Not a thing. Didn't actually do a thing. And it was very funny.
I look forward to more liberated days.
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The real real
Why real is important and how fakery can sully.
I talk quite a lot about how I took myself out of friendships because of the stalking - to protect the friendships. And I am still tentatively coming of this as everyone has seen it has been relentless with only one agenda.
One of the true pleasures of life is getting to know somebody and talking to them and knowing about their lives. Talking to them and sharing stories. What's happened in their lives. Understand each other. Even if you do not speak the same language.
As a new girl much of the time throughout my life for many different reasons - it is something I had to learn to do quickly for survival, curiosity (I am so curious about people) and also as I said it is one of life's great pleasures. Meeting different people in person and connecting with them quickly and for life.
Socialising is something I have always loved doing. But socialising with reality and real conversations.
The stalking was just so harrowing because I found that this aspect of my existence which is so precious had been targeted. I must have spoken freely to Yates how much I loved socialising and talking to different people. I think it is clear I am unphased by who someone is or where they are from.
But because Yates and now Grimes, were so determined to ruin my life - so in Yates is case to make it impossible for me to be in innovation and Grimes is case clearly to make it impossible for me to date crypto king. And now to discredit whatever. Again never happened to me before.
I think they made it so personal right ?
And it is the things you are best and that is precious at which are the things which are shot at of course. Kids, talents ... oh yes it's just a hustle.
So what is the strategy to approach my regular friends or people I meet or close friends under the premise of how 'helpful' they are being in my life. And prompting them to say -
Poor austistic / ADHD / bad mother / bad whatever Bushra ... despite you having this amazing life, see previous post of having a fab life and accomplishments because it makes us feel so inadequate ... will you have some medication, do boring shit work for us for free so we get to pretend all your amazing ideas are ours and best of all don't get to be yours or a competitors and most of all you get back in line where brown women are supposed to be.
To be lesser than you are. So yes a stuck record since Yates wrote that script and now further thrifted down to Grimes.
As I mentioned a couple of my friends as I have said have seen through it and told me what's been happening. I guess teenagers and young people or vulnerable people would know no better so they are an easy target.
And I am certainly slowly going back out and about. Trying to protect my daughter and mindful of what she has been through.
Wouldn't you ?
Is this a victim approach... no .. I took control and that's why I can openly write this without retribution.
So what did it make me do for so long. Well I started to take myself out of those situations because I did not want fakery to sully my friendships. I know my friendships are for life and they would still be there. As they have been.
But slowly or now quite rapidly rebuilding my life after some prayers --- -who knew ....... as I said come and talk to me for real.
I don't hide in the shadows.
ps I don't want to be a tour guide ... there are many out there who are better than me at it, and also minutae information is out there too ..
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Passion bloom .. risk taker
Fashion is a big part of my life. I love clothes, designer clothes and design and colour and texture and history and wearing it.
It goes into the bucket of all the things I dreamed of being part of doing and wearing ... and ticking off.
And it was a huge undertaking steering my life into it.
Imagine you are in your 20s, you have followed mostly science for your whole life, got into on of the top science unis, graduated with not the best degree but still did in one of the hardest science degrees, and got into a career in database programming in the city - mostly financial services. All your mates were in city, tech or science related jobs. It had afforded you to buy your own place.
And you wanted to do fashion.
What would you do ? How would you do it ?
That's where I was at 28. And through all my short courses I managed to get a portfolio together to get into one of the best fashion colleges. And then pushed myself into sustainable fashion whilst doing my fashion degree - where I pushed myself to get the highest mark of the year in my marketing module and created the only sustainable fashion collection of my year for the catwalk. Risk.
And then another design degree .. a masters at central saint Martin's and came top of my year. While renovating houses and travelling the world. Risk.
By the way people do degrees to meet people, express yourself and generally have fun. It's a fun thing to do. I would recommend it to anyone at any age. Risk.
Probably hard work. Probably not a normal brain. No normie certainly could have done this.
In fact one thing Julian said was that ... whatever you do never ever change the way your brain works. Do not take medication. Bushra your brain fell out of the not normal brain tree and hit ever branch... but that's what makes it special. It did however mean he had to look after the admin, the finances and the practical domestic stuff. He would joke he was my carer.
It worked. Until I had miscarriages in my late 30s which definitely set me back - I then felt real sadness. This led finally to becoming a mother and having a step change while Persia was little.
But I was still going full force till the stupid stalker situation & my mum dying. But then I dealt with it exactly as I should have done .. well ... I pushed myself out of grief and in my late 40s managed to become a police woman and arrested criminals. I mean who the hell decides to deal with a stalker by actually becoming a policewoman. It's like out of a movie.
And then I pushed myself to do 6 travelogue issues of my metaverse magazine visiting countries during covid. Risk.
And then I pushed myself again to go to web3 events internationally and made sure people knew who I was. A nobody. It was a risk.
And then I pushed myself to setup a social impact company despite my father dying and going through a divorce and moving house and dating the crazy crypto king. Living and working together.....RISK.
And then I pushed myself to establish governance and social impact ... in the crypto world .... name one other person in the industry who has done that. I said this straight to face. Not through other people. But me to the face of THE crypto king. Risk.
And then I pushed myself to again travel to different countries to understand what was needed. Risk.
And then I did not push myself but I got a pull to the middle-east, fasted, prayed ... like a miracle ... kicked my stalker to the kerb.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
And got to try on and buy some of the most of beautiful clothes I have ever seen in both UAE and Saudi Arabia. I honestly felt like the little girl who dreamed this when I was 10years old.
And then I pushed myself to restart my metaverse blog. Risk.
And now just like that without having to do anything, my other stalker just disappeared into thin air. Risk.
my life might be a movie.
Just like magic.
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Captivity is a killer
And then she fetched.
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Aspect 1 : Damaging ... Feedback
Yesterday I had a lovely cleaner Monika recommended by a parent at the school. And I got a reference. I have had various cleaners over the decades as I mentioned. And it is really important to empower women for us to be able to out source these traditionally gendered roles to be able to get on with our actual work.
That would be make me happy to be able to have a safe home life so I can do my work.
A simple enough normal standard routine. To create and reinforce a happy home for me and my daughter of course.
And she was a great cleaner actually and we even went for an ice cream afterwards. As I mentioned the thug life interference and judgement set ups have been a lot around either baseless misinformation, superficiality or in deed domestic chores.
I can understand why my partner and his crew need this thug crowd to have a focus away from directing the toxicity to someone else.
I wonder that it's not actually me but those around are creating that rope long enough. Now everyone can see what a sticky situation it has been for everyone. My partner is a very smart man who plays dead or stupid sometimes. It is a good strategy.
So the cleaner was lovely and told me to be strong in the face of this ongoing harassment. We talked about how sadly when normal people have real things to deal with have no time for harassment.
And the damage. Well hopefully we have caught it in time.
Here is P when she was 3. What a cutie pie. Bright as a button. Still is. She is now 11.
And the last 5 years have certainly taken its toll and particularly the last 12 months of course with all the big life events. As you can imagine. Not a grey hair in sight for me.
And yesterday I found some blades which she denied was hers and I can throw away. Clearly for cutting /self harming. My beautiful bright as a button daughter. It will be handled sensitively.
I get those who live in the shadows can indulge in hurting themselves - bulimia, anorexia, body dismorophia or hurting others as a way to boost their own existence. But what of the bigger picture.
I guess if they had any empathy would see. It's a hustle right and despite all the money in the world, they need all the help they can get whether other people get hurt.
And if I really wanted to be in innovation, this is what I takes for a woman right ? particularly a brown muslim woman with a child - right ? we need to hurt where it hurts right causing chaos in the home. Besides it's very funny and we can all just say sorry afterwards. All a bit of a laugh, don't take it personally.
So do I give up innovation ?
The damage has been done.
And what of the bystanders?
Or the people who play along ?
I guess they do not understand the full picture. Or choose not to.
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Aspect 2 : The rest of life
The lovely parts of my life.
I had to see my family to sort out my dad's last bits of probate of our family home. I wouldn't say it was necessarily a happy part but it was mostly done. A big big thing nearly ticked off.
A whole year after my dad died to the day.
I am pretty sure both my mom and dad are watching.
And this week I have been forging ahead with a company idea I have been working on for decades informally and touched on through professional and academic work through sustainability and innovation. And worked more intensely the last 2 years.
My metaverse travel blog.
The first iteration I started during covid. And even during that time with travel restrictions I managed to create a travel blog - covering -
culture, food, fashion/style and also an ambience unique to that place.
So with my previous iteration of itsawild.world, bearing in mind I was working within the parameters of the harassment etc
I wanted to do things I could control, there were restrictions on everything and everything had changed on a macro level as well as the micro.
So we were travelling anyway in the windows - we were not afraid.
And actually a lot of countries which relied on tourism were welcoming back people albeit with some covid tests etc. extra admin.
My plan was to collect the multimedia and iterate that to become more and more efficient so creating a workflow which could be scalable. Also it's a new way to collect and share and experience. We know that collecting and sharing is also central to many experiences. In 2D that is.
I mostly focussed on collecting multimedia including 3D. And trying to understand how to curate this more as collective information / cohesive and useful.
So the main update on all of this has been that I have visited a number of Middle Eastern countries over the last few months, so I want to include that content by region. It made more logical sense and also to build on that perspective.
Reorganise my previous content so that is it more accessible. Try a number of different ways to access it to test which is the best way.
And also case study other women and travel journeys to find out insights on what's important for them.. This was a new and rapidly growing market.
And of course core to this ....
How do we make tangible people planet and profit ?
How do we incorporate sustainability ?
How do we incorporate social impact ?
How do we monetise ?
Well ... I had been following what the UN have been doing with their global compact initiatives across a number of different sectors and tourism was one which touched on many different goals and other sectors from agriculture, cultural heritage, employment to fashion sectors and supply chain.
In fact there is a 250 page UN report related to tourism and a toolkit to refer to.
But to make it work for my company, I needed to incorporate it in from the outset so it is embedded into business decisions and also to be considerate of what to capture for baseline data otherwise how do we know what positive impact has been made.
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2 Aspects
Aspect 1 : toxic interference
I will write 2 Aspects to my life.
Aspect 2 will be - about the normal me - the person I have always been living my fabulous life for most of life and who everyone wants to work with with friends from different industries and countries and cultures and ages. The person who tries their best and excels.
Aspect 1 : How to not get the best out of a talented, proven, fun person. How to get the absolute worst of a human being ..... toxic interference, gaslighting and fakery.
Now why would I bother to spend time on this. Because I think it is holding humanity back.
I am a prolific diarist ... blogger... documenter ... writer.
Recently I had a funny situation.
And apparently people would like feedback.
After Grimes team as being mini thugs of Yates couldn't justify fucking with my daughter and my life and wasting my time and money as competition, research or 'helping me'. Not professionally or on a personal level.
The narrative is being framed as being an opportunity for me to learn to give feedback to cleaners or my partner to contribute to household chores.
So is there any evidence of me being a good manager, did I ever lead any teams ?
Well ... in decades of working yes but most relevantly my Bushra Burge Studio team creating emerging technology. God forbid I dare !
my team
had fashion designers, pattern cutter, hardware engineers, coders, material designers, an senior accountant, a sustainability expert
check out my projects on bushraburge.com - especially the talks.
For the record, the last 12 months where I paid around £40k upfront for renting my 2 bed flat -
was because I wanted a peaceful time for my daughter and I so she could have the least amount of damage from divorce and also do her best for her 11+ and schools exams last November.
So - I got scammed not by a cleaning company but
thugs …
Most of all it slows down my work. My innovation work.
It upsets my daughter. And this is our private personal space- so it creates a toxic not safe vibe.
And I have repeatedly given this specific feedback to the thugs and my partner.
So Housekeep - And two out of three times they were inadequate - most of all the last time. The main issue is not the cleaning. The cleaners seemed nice enough. Or that agency other than their set up for me to learn to negotiate or give feedback - like thugs - leave me alone.
' But this is an opportunity to waste money and waste more time - we have limitless amounts of that so we have respect or value for others. And we desperately want to pretend we have contributed to your highly evidenced abilities. And my goodness we need that evidence for … erm … we need that evidence for .. erm … for prospective employers.
Oh you specifically stated that you don't want to work for others, you do not want a boss and that's why you set up your own business in 2016. But brown women don't want to be their own boss of innovation companies. That's not like most founders we meet.
And you told us this repeatedly from day 1 around 12 months ago. But we collect every detail. Are you sure ?
So we need evidence for investors. That's it. It's the investor thing. You are just not like most founders.
Oh you said that right investor will come along and cross paths with you, and it won't be through pitch decks or any normal route because not like most founders. And ideally no investor is the best investor because a company with customers is where the focus should be. Did you say that ? No we didn't hear you. How may times did you say that - oh 20 times. No our surveillance technology did not pick that up. Sorry technology issues.
Ok so we need evidence to show .... that we don't listen to what you want and what makes you happy. We want to make you sad because we are jealous and we don't know how to feel less sad about ourselves when there is some one like you in our world because you are not like most founders.
It’s the thugs.
The main issue is the thugs.
I have so many cleaners over the years. And all sorts of staff and collaborators and teams.
Brilliant ones. In fact one became our baby sitter for Persia - we gave her so much feedback and trusted her so much and she only stopped because she went back to Brazil. And Persia loved her. Beatrice.
So a way that digital thugs work is that they want to give you back what you already have by delaying emails. So for instance you have an email owing you a small amount of money as a crude way to 'positively enforce' or appease... an email will appear at a different time. Or possibly a like on Facebook. Or even a WhatsApp.
I know simple. Like stupid.
So my feedback on this thing is. It makes me feel ripped off. Actually more scammed. It makes me feel like is that it - so if I sued you .. I'd get trillions like all the others who are suing you .. and this is your best idea ?
So for security of my family - I cancelled my contract with the thugs ..... another police report ?
.... Please read Aspect 1 - the rest of my life and who I am ... thank goodness. Thugs if you were actually normal and met with me for a coffee which I have been suggesting for 12 whole months, you get to see the real me.
So Aspect 1 will profile who I am and how I am building a unicorn company to help people live real lives of adventure. Female focussed.
Working with my team of lovely people. People I like. People who like me. Me being the boss. My own company. Oh I already did that and I am doing it some more. That is what I want. That will make me happy.
Yup a brown, muslim, middle aged single mum with her own innovation company. There you have it.
Want to join my rollercoaster ?
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