little-red-phrygian · 5 months
he what.
Changes in the Committee of the Public Safety:
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little-red-phrygian · 6 months
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Tassing's Heretic
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little-red-phrygian · 6 months
so beautifully argued
people refuse to see the violence it takes to maintain the status quo as such and instead fear the hypothetical violence it will take to destroy it. they see the current order of things as a state of stasis and inaction, instead of as a violent order upheld by constant action, which can be undone by action
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little-red-phrygian · 9 months
amazing list!!!!
Frev locations compile
Thought of compiling a list of frev significant locations so it can help with recommendations for anyone who happens to be travelling/visiting! This is only done to my knowledge and not a complete list, please feel free to suggest if you happen to know more locations that I completely missed!
so here is the frev pilgrimage list! Long post warning.
(Note: The items are not in any particular order)
(Note: I typed this post up a long time ago but couldn't finish, a lot of thanks to the people who helped out on contributing information and your patience with me.)
Musée Carnavalet (Paris)
This one is very obvious, it is a must go for seeing a collection of frev related artifacts and paintings, including Couthon’s wheelchair, Robespierre’s hair, the most iconic portraits etc. Also its FREE.
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Panthéon (Paris)
You can see the statue of the National Convention deputies. It doesnt have too much related to frev directly, but Rousseau and Voltaire (and Carnot…..) are interred there
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La Conciergerie (Paris)
If you want to see the Deseine bust of Robespierre, but cant go to Vizille, there is a copy of it here within Paris at the conciergerie. It is the place where most frev figures as well as Antoinette spent their last monents.
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Musée des archives nationales (Paris)
(June 2023) There is a temporary exhibit featuring frev rn which I highly recommend (also its free to go so like GO)
But beyond the temporary exhibit, I believe there are still a few things in permanent collection (Robespierre’s note book page, Antoinette’s last letter in prison, Comte d’Artois’ letter etc), including the famous 9 thermidor table that Robespierre supposedly lied on. the museum is free to visit.
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Père la Chaise (Paris)
@robespapier wrote a better post on navigating the cemetery. It helped me so much with finding the graves of Lebas, Elisabeth and Eleonore Duplay! Thank you so much for the guide!
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Rue Saint Honoré (Paris)
the current address of the Duplays household is 398 rue saint-honoré, which is now next to a louboutin store…. There is a commemorative plaque there indicating Robespierre’s residence there. Im not sure about going inside the residence….There was construction when I visited and the door was open, heres how it looks on the inside.
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SJ’s bust (Paris & Angers)
I have not visited either of the two locations yet, but you can find that white bust of Saint-Just (that seemed to be modelled after the pastel portrait in the Carnavalet) in either Petit Palais (Paris) or Galerie David d’Angers (Angers). @orpheusmori has posted some Petit Palais pictures here @robespapier has posted some Galerie David d'Angers pictures here
Marat sign (Paris)
i have an image of this plaque sitting on my phone, I forgot where it was located until @orpheusmori helped me track the location of it! It is in the Odéon area and should be in the small narrow street with the back side of Le Procope. It commemorates the location as an important area during the French Revolution as well as the place where Marat established his printing shop.
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The front of the same building also has another Marat plaque! I didnt know about it before thank you @orpheusmori for finding and contributing the photo! This one is above an Jewellery store (Amour de Pierres) https://maps.app.goo.gl/8X9zgKYpMiLJcULq7
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Olympe de Gouges sign (Paris)
Once again, i have a photo of the plaque proving its existence, but I took it years ago and i dont remember where it was exactly.... It was all in the Odéon area, it shouldn’t be too far from the other….
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Danton statue (Paris)
there is a Danton statue! Right outside the Odéon metro! You cant miss it. Also the placement of the statue is where he once lived.
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Procope (Paris)
Its a really old cafe frequented by a lot of philosophes as well as many frev figures. There is also a bicorn from Napoleon inside. Right now its still a restaurant establishment, and its difficult to visit unless you eat inside….which is expensive…. However ! This whole general Odéon area is full of other frev landmarks (some more mentioned below). Including the metro station which has a bust of Danton.
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Versailles revolutionary room (Versailles)
Beyond the royal family, there is a room dedicated to a lot of major Revolutionary Army generals and battles. Theres that one painting of Lafayette if u into that
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Musée des armes/Invalides (Paris)
It has a significant collection of military artefacts from the French Revolution and its a really good resource for armory researches. The museum also has a sword that belonged to Lafayette, as well as a sword belonging to Carnot during the Directoire (image below)
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The Louvre does not have a lot relating to the French Revolution but it has a few significant paintings and a lot of David’s work. One of the Death of Marat copies produced by David’s studio should be in the museum, as well as a painting featuring the battke of fleurus (with SJ cameo)
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Tennis court (Versailles)
Near the palace of Versailles you can find the room where the deputies swore the famous oaths. It is free to enter, although last time I went it was undergoing construction, hopefully it should have finished by now.
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Musée de la Révolution Française (Vizille)
If you can go to Vizille… GO TO VIZILLE! The easiest way by transport would be to stay at Grenoble then take one of the buses that runs between Grenoble and Vizille. It is a whole museum dedicated to the revolution (and it is free) and the park is really pretty. This is where you can find the statue of Marat,
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The Deseine busts including dear Bonbon,
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And DJ Saint-Just.
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Also special thank you to @citizentaleo for taking me there, I would’ve otherwise been lost in the French mountains lol, thank you!
Maison Robespierre (Arras)
You can visit Robespierre’s residence in Arras. It is possible to visit the inside, but it has a very specific and short opening hours.
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I wasn’t able to go in since I was only in Arras for a few hours….But I got to attend a conference by Hervé Leuwers aaa (He is very sweet and I learned quite few new things from the presentation, but thats post for another day)
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Robespierre metro stop (Paris suburb)
There is in fact, a Robespierre metro station on line 9! Not much beyond name but at least some credit to him! Alas it is not exactly within Paris and just on the outskirt. (Oh and there is also Voltaire)
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Cordeliers club (Paris)
I dont have much information on what happened to the original location of the Cordeliers club and how it was modified, but the location is part of the sorbonne campus now i believe. I'd be very curious if anyone knows more information on this.
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Place de la Bastille (Paris)
The Bastille is of course not there anymore, but the ground around the square and including the metro stations near by have traces/marks of where the old prison would have stood.
(and yea the picture was taken during a manif)
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Pavillon de flore (Paris)
The pavillon attached to the Louvre and next to the Pont Royale is the Pavillon de Flore, which is where the Committee de Salut Publique worked.
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Jacobin club (Paris) Alas the original convent in which the Jacobin gathered is no more and replaced by a commercial centre instead (Passage de Jacobins) . There is a sign however recognizing the place for what it was.
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Place de la Concorde (Paris) Originally Place de la Révolution, there is a plaque remembering the executions that took place here near the obelisk.
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Maison SJ (Blérancourt) I have not been to Saint-Just's house yet, because it is very hard to commute there without a car. But it certainly is still there and (I believe) maintained by the Saint-Just Association.
Catacombs (Paris) According to wikipedia....The bone remains of many revolutionaries buried in Cimitière Errancis (which has a plaque indicating it in the 8th arrondissement, according to wikipedia) are transferred to the catacombs, including Robespierre, Danton, etc. The catacomb is roughly organized chronologically but there is obviously no sign indicating which bone it actually is.
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Cluny La Sorbonne station (Paris) It is on metro line 10 and the waiting tunnel is decorated with signatures of prominent French figures. It doesn't have any actual frev artifacts, but it looks cool and you can spot Robespierre, Danton, and Camille Desmoulins' signatures on the ceiling.
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Louis le Grand (Paris) The school that Robespierre attended is still under the same name and still in use as a school! (i've reached the image maximum alas i cannot add more images...)
And that is all I can think of so far! There is surely a lot more that are out there (including outside of France). Once again, please feel free to mention if you know more frev landmarks that I missed out on. And to whoever happens to be travelling I hope you find this list helpful to start with.
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little-red-phrygian · 9 months
"more sense" doesn't necessarily mean you got a better grade in it, just that you felt you understood the concept best.
"algebra" can include any algebra-aligned math (such as abstract and linear algebra) and "geometry" can include any geometry-aligned math (such as trigonometry). however if you don't know these just go with which category makes most sense to you.
(rb for bigger sample size because I have a theory and I'm genuinely curious to see if it holds up.)
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little-red-phrygian · 9 months
Hello this is Robespierre. I’m not dead the Thermidorians sent me far away into exile on space. I need money so that I can get back to France and lead the revolution again. Please DM me your paypal quick or Napoleon will become emperor and it’ll be too late!!
liberte egalite fraternite
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little-red-phrygian · 9 months
Incorruptible pt 1
I hope you enjoy my little history comic~ I haven't written/drawn a historical fiction in like 4 years. Getting the depressing part out of the way so we can go to the fun light hearted parts lol
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little-red-phrygian · 9 months
Okay but a revolution isn't happening, and Tumblr won't be the one to start it regardless, and you guys have been talking about not voting and just waiting for the revolution for over a decade, so either blow up the Walmart or admit your a poser lmao
Thank you for taking time out of your busy shift at the FBI to visit my blog it means a lot.
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
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Conradyn Cunaeus (Dutch, 1828–1895), "Allegorical Depiction of Loyalty and Love" (detail)
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
oh no they read Barras’ memoirs literally oh no
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
reading some article about Robespierre and they decided to use AI generated pictures instead of real ones
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that is NOT maximilien francois marie isidore de robespierre 🔥
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
which one cutest
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
I've read several ancedotes in this book about Robspierre that make me convinced he was autistic, and then read about this hilarious incident the other day on Tumblr, and felt compelled to draw a silly comic about it.
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
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commission art w/ @naxim 😇😇🙏🏻(I'm not the author of this art! )
*petition on more young Robespierre content 🫡
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
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my friend drew me more Robespierre🥺🥺🥺😇😇🥹🥹
I think she's converted to the republic now
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
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little-red-phrygian · 10 months
Thinking about The Terror/Frev au again
Robespierre: Oh no I’m freezing to death
Saint-Just: Maxime we haven’t left Calais yet
Louis XVI: There’s no need to panic! I won’t let anything happen to us! This expedition is protected by God himself, we’re fine, evERYTHING IS FINE 
Jacques Necker: …I need another drink
Camille and Lucile: *happily play footbal on ice*
Marat: We had about 2 tons of oranges to prevent scurvy and now I can’t find any of them
Robespierre: …Why are you looking at me like that
Robespierre: I need to talk to Camille, have you seen him?
Saint-Just: I think you can find him by the guillotine
Robespierre: Wait WHAT OH NO please don’t tell me he’s—
Saint-Just: Nah, he’s fine, he made a bet with Danton he could lick the blade
Marat: Who the hell ordered canned food? This crap is uneatable! That bastard must have made a good profit out of it 
Danton: …Who indeed
Saint-Just: Festival of the Supreme Being here on ice? Maxime are you sure that’s a good idea
Robespierre: TRUST. ME.
Marat: *dives into an ice hole aggressively to get some fish for the crew* 
Charlotte Corday: *sneaks up holding a harpoon*
Sanson: *looks at the huge block of ice with a guillotine inside* Well, I never liked my job anyway
Lafayette: *steals a lifeboat* *flees* BYE LOSERS I’M OUT
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