little-skies · 17 days
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little-skies · 17 days
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g0th fam sleepy time featuring CG!mihawk, little!perona and little!zoro
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little-skies · 17 days
Hello!!! I feel like I haven’t posted actual agere content in a couple weeks so have some Luffy paci (+stuffie) edits and a couple of silly headcanons <3
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He’s the kind of little to bite on his pacis rather than chew on teethers
Draws pictures for the crew!!! Sanji will hang them up on the fridge!!
If anyone regresses with him, he always gets super excited excited to play with them!! Chaotic older/younger brother vibes!!
100% a messy eater, big Luffy is already a messy eater, little Luffy is worse, Sanji or Nami usually has to feed him
Sippies > Bottles kinda little
(hc from my friend) Nami knitted him a blankie with the strawhats logo on it because she found him sleeping with the strawhats flag over himself and didn’t want him to get cold at night <3
Either really verbal and babbly or non-verbal
silly babie
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little-skies · 17 days
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Get babied
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little-skies · 17 days
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little-skies · 17 days
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little-skies · 17 days
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little-skies · 17 days
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little-skies · 17 days
Cg smoker hcs?
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Limits smoking around you when you're regressed
Buys you ice-cream on request. Any flavour, any amount of scoops.
Tries to avoid conflict and serious topics around you when regressed.
Even though he's rarely enthusiastic and harshly spoken, he will play games with you and try to be as enthusiastic as possible
Great with you! He's great with kids in general and you being regressed is no different.
Takes you out for food on occasion.
He tries to get Tashigi to help babysit you if he's busy doing something serious.
When he does smoke around you, he attempts to make shapes with the smoke if possible.
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little-skies · 17 days
Vivi Paci Edits <3
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What if I said she was my favourite character
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little-skies · 17 days
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girlies!!!! I love to think that after Enies Lobby they had a girls night where Robin got all the care she needs these two are the sisters ever
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little-skies · 17 days
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hands u this
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little-skies · 17 days
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just some small colour spread edits to give Zoro a paci
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little-skies · 17 days
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I post Zoro a lot but my fav one piece character is actually Miss Goldeweek, in one of her one piece grand collection images she has this stuffed bear and I'd like to think Mr 3 gave it to her
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little-skies · 17 days
Usopp & Sanji Age Regression Headcanons
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Starting with Usopp! ⚠️Mention of anxiety attack
Usopp is definitely a little kid and big kid regressor, sometimes he can slip to 2-4 years old, but also regresses between 5-8!!
Most of the time he regresses due to his anxiety. When it gets really bad, he slips younger and sometimes has anxiety attacks
He has a habit of chewing on stuff, either the sleeve of his shirt (or someone elses sleeve), so he uses teethers alot
Has nicknames for everyone on the crew. Luffy is Lulu, Nami is Mimi, Sanji is Jiji, etc
He love love loves to tell stories when he’s little. If someone else on the crew tries to tell him a bedtime story or just a fun little tale, halfway through it’ll switch to where Usopp is just telling the entire story and now the other person is the listener
Also with telling stories, if him and Sanji are both regressed during playtime, he gets INTO it. He takes playing very seriously—doing all the voices and getting into character
Usopp loves to collect little bugs and plants everywhere he goes, and always manages to scare Nami and Sanji with them
“Look!! Mimi!! I found another friend!” Usopp exclaims, running over to the small tangerine grove with a small bug cupped in his hands.
“Oh, Usopp—“ Nami sighs, recoiling a bit at the tiny creature Usopp presents to her. The other little sitting in her lap gives him a small glance, before shrieking at the sight of the bug. The navigator huffs, quickly moving to calm Sanji.
“What have I told you about bringing friends to me and Jiji?” She scolds, but it clearly doesn’t do anything as Usopp just giggles and starts showing the bug off to Sanji, who clearly wants nothing to do with it.
Always likes to help Robin in her garden, naming random plants and helping her water them!!
He is also very artistic. He loves to draw, usually coloring with Luffy, and he also likes to help Franky with inventions. Sometimes he does crafts too!!
Very giggly and playful when he’s regressed, and adores any form of physical touch. Hugs, head pats, cuddles, he loves it all
He doesn’t really have a main caregiver, but when Sanji isn’t regressed the cook is usually the one watching him. Since Sanji understands what its like to be regressed, and what a regressor needs
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Sanji headcanons!! ⚠️Mention of cigarettes
Normally regresses between 2-5 years old, but on rare occasions he can regress younger
He mainly regresses due to stress and trauma. Whenever he has nightmares he’ll usually wake up regressed, and if he overworks himself/gets too stressed he’ll slip!
He loves petnames. Honey, baby, sweetheart, it doesn’t matter. He loves petnames
Also has nicknames for everyone on the crew, sometimes he calls Robin and Nami Mama/Miss, Zoro is called by his usual nicknames like Marimo, Mossy and Mosshead, but when Sanji’s little he also likes to call Zoro by his actual name
“Mama?” Sanji whines, shyly coming up to her in the library. Robin raises an eyebrow, setting her book down to shoot him a smile and pat the space on the couch beside her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” She asks, as Sanji plops down beside her and snuggles into her side.
“Can I stay here? Mossy fell asleep n’ now i’m bored.” He whispers, peering down at her book as Robin laughs softly and nods. “Of course.” She says.
He always gets sad when he isn’t big enough to cook, so usually someone on the crew makes him food to make him feel better (or he reads a children’s cookbook for fun)
Always has to have something in his mouth, a pacifier, his fingers, just something—mainly to replace his cigarette when he’s little
Zoro is actually his main caregiver, and he is always a huge softie for Sanji when he’s little. The crew usually finds them all cuddled up together, Zoro feeds Sanji at mealtimes, plays with him and even uses petnames. He also gets very protective of Sanji
Very nervous and shy when he’s little, but also the cutest thing ever. Usually holds peoples hands or shyly begs for hugs when he’s really scared
Sanji loves to play with Usopp when they’re both regressed, even if Usopp takes over the storyline, Sanji loves to listen.
He loves to listen to Brook’s music too, just like Usopp’s tales
His favorite places on the ship are the aquarium and kitchen!! He likes to watch the fishies in the aquarium swim around
Ahh!! I love them both, and some of these headcanons are actually incorporated into my series learn to trust, before you tumble on ao3!! (that hasn’t been updated in forever lol)
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little-skies · 17 days
Started rewatchin OPLA bc I missed Zoro and Sanji...forgot about the scene with Zoro and the lil girl and how small it makes me,,
Uwahh Zoro would be such a good caregiver. Big arms for huggin and carryin a little one around, no matter how much they weigh. Fast reflexes to catch them when they trip or lean a little too far and lose their balance. He claims he isn't a caregiver, but it's not very convincing when he's coaxing around a little one and patting their head when they settle down next to him or do/tell him about something they're proud about.
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little-skies · 17 days
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Day 1 Based off yourself
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