littledeer1 · 4 months
Hello! I’m sixteen though my birthday is very soon (Jun 27th to be exact.) and I am searching for a caregiver! I have been doing age regression for quite a long time but I just started buying things for my regression, like bottles, stuffies and so on.
My name is Jayden but you can call me Jay or Jadey! I’m good with any kind of pet names.(Pronouns are She/they)
Big age: 16-17
Little age: 1-4
I am only looking for a SFW caregiver please! I don't want any NSFW included in this at all!
I’d love it if you were interested in VC or playing little games with me on call! ^^ We don't have to video chat as I am quite shy at times so I definitely want to get to know you first!
My time zone is ADT, I’m not looking for anybody else to have a specific time zone just as long as we are able to talk 🍼 !!
Some more things about me!
Big Favourite show/movie: HH, The ER and Bambi.
Little Favourite show/movie: Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan and spiderman!
I am quite a picky eater and forget to eat at times so reminders would be great! Big and little favourite food is both Mac n cheese lol!
By the way I am down to be a flip caregiver/little if you could do the same for me? As long as we’re both supporting each other!
Anyways! If you’re interested pls message me and I’ll reply asap, byeee!! 🍼🦌
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