littlefaerose · 5 years
f2f || martana
Santana: [Marley seems quiet for a while, trying to process everything. Santana could just look at her. Wishing. 'Don't remember it. Don't remember it. Don't bring it up.' Marley ends up talking after getting her own conclusions. A curse. The Cardines. Santana knows what is bothering Marley about all this is not what is bothering her about all this.] Do you think the Cardines toyed with OUR memories? It makes no sense they'll just make everyone live 2 weeks later. It would make more sense if they did it to us, because we discovered something we shouldn't. [She says, like she wasn't really there.] Then I would remember more than any of you guys. They couldn't touch my memory before. [Thought that was before she fucked up her perfect memory with some 'human potion'. But still, she has better memory than most humans. She should be able to remember the same spell again. But the thing was, the more she thought about it, the more she remmebered.] It's obvious. We are the ones messed up. [She hated to have her memory manipulated. She was afraid of what she forgot. She was afraid of what would the others remember.]
Marley: [It made her shift uncomfortably on the spot, but she had to admit Santana had a point. Cardines could've messed with ANYONE'S memories... even their own. And that just made whatever was happening right now that much scarier.] "Maybe... but what would they not want us to remember?" [Because there was a hell of a lot she was forced to remember from the last three years and frankly she could've benefited from not remembering a good portion of it. Why now? What would've been so important to cover up that she could neither recall (HAH!) or that would've happened most recently? 'We are the ones messed up.' She bit down on the inside of her cheek, trying to hold back the flash of anger that sent through her.] "We weren't gone that long... we couldn't have been gone that long..." [She shook her head in disbelief, turning away from the posters to look at Santana instead. What did she last remember about her during their last encounter? Before they'd disappeared from Saltus? Her mind still felt bristly, closed off. Like a video cut off abruptly in the middle of a scene and then just... nothing.] "Santana, what do you remember from that day? When we went to Saltus to help clean up." [Santana remembered everything. Even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant things. Maybe she remembered more than she did. Maybe she could remember something that could explain what was going on.]
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littlefaerose · 5 years
f2f || martana
Santana: Hey! [She tries to sound natural. This felt so wrong. She stayed quiet for a while, not sitting offering. No bad jokes. Marley says something about asking if she is okay. Of course is stupid. She managed to tell anyone who tried to ask her that they should stop asking her and then she wonders why people stop asking her. Santana just nods to what Marley said. She doesn't really care about all the things she wanted to know. She fears the possible answers.] Reality check. Check the news on the internet. Check the dates. [Santana just replies, knowing well to never trust anything.] This isn't an illusion because no one would imagine such accurates Blaine posters. [She says, pointing at her own poster, posted on his corkboard next to both of Quinn's and one of Brittany. She starts feeling sick of what this can turn into. 'Please talk about the time please talk about the time']
Marley: [She could probably go on forever sputtering and laughing about how crazy this all sounded, and she honestly expected Santana to chime in with some agreement about people being idiots and how it's up to them to figure out what the hell happened during the SHORT period of time that they were away. But Santana has no spitfire response. In fact she's just... short. Short on words, something Marley knows for fact she rarely, if ever, is. It makes her stop, her back to Santana as she tenses. 'Check the news.' She doesn't want to. The very thought of it, after hearing Sam tell her about Saltus, has her brain violently refusing to acknowledge the suggestion. No. It has to be lie. It HAS to. She turns to look at Santana, plans to retort, but instead follows where she points to a set of posters pinned to the legendary corkboard. Her heart beats uncomfortably hard in her chest as she approaches, eyes glancing over each one. Her arms drop again as she tries to come up with a logical explanation in her head. Hands brace again on her hips, a determined stance. Something to keep her grounded while the rest of her honestly feels like she's losing touch.] "... it has to be a curse. It has to be. People thinking something happened when it didn't. Spreading lies... it could be the Cardines. Yes! They've messed with people's memories before. They could do it again."
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littlefaerose · 5 years
f2f || martana
SANTANA: yeah sure
SANTANA: [Santana replied as an automatic response. She actually didn't want to see anyone. She didn't want to eat. But the usual Santana would say yes. The usual Santana wanted to get information from Marley. As long as she acted as usual, nothing weird thing happened. She remembers something as a private, personal nightmare. And if she acted normal, that was it was. A private, personal nightmare. She left the door open and stared, sitting on her bed, phone at hand, hoping Marley would call her to cancel it.]
MARLEY: [Marley was pissed. A leftover kind of pissed, sort of a vague underlying annoyed that hadn't seemed to leave her even after a night's fitful sleep and Penny's poking and prodding. It didn't help that the last few conversations she'd had had involved... well, they had to be straight-up lies. It made no sense otherwise. They still left her agitated though, and frankly she needed to talk to someone who was actually /sane/. How very odd that that person had to be Santana of all people. The pizza was forgotten in her rush to move from Dani's room to Santana's, and she almost stumbled through the doorway as she reached up to knock and instead found the door already open.] "... hey." [Well that was an anti-climactic greeting. She huffed, placing her hands on her hips, then just settled for crossing them over her chest.] "I'd ask if you were okay but that's kind of stupid question at this point. So... yeah." [She sighed and stepped inside, starting to pace the room.] "I know we have a shit ton to still talk about but I think maybe a curse is happening again. I mean, both Dani and Sam keep telling me we've all been missing for two weeks. Which is absurd, right? Hah! Gone for two weeks, impossible... has anyone said that to you? Am I the only one being told this??"
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[ text ] Ell said he did some sort of ritual. And found out you guys were in another world?
[ text ] Whatever happened, for us it was two weeks of you guys missing.
[ text ] Sam came to see me after it happened. 
[ text ] He thought he´d lost you. 
[ text ] He was devastated because he couldn´t help.
[text] Ritual?? What are you even talking about?
[text] Okay
[text] This? Whatever it is?
[text] is getting out of hand
[text] It’s not funny.
[ text ] Marls. [ text ] Please tell me your actually back. [ text ] Please.
[text] YES. I’m fine. I’m back at the dorms.
[text] Penny released me this morning. I swear, you disappear for half a day and people around here panic.
[text] Remind me to make a shit list and put Quinn Fabray at the very top of it.
[text] My brain feels fuzzier than a patch of ragwort and I don’t want to forget.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
texts 📩 martana
SANTANA: Put a question mark at the end of that bullet list, then. C'mon. Let's get some pizza and hang out.
SANTANA: Alright, let's find the loopholes on the rules. I'm just saying it's hard.
SANTANA: Would you answer differently both of those questions?
SANTANA: Fake sewing clubs are a timeless classic.
SANTANA: You will have to elaborate on that. So, we infiltrate, and then what?
SANTANA: Alright, that sounds fine. It was what the LNWA club was suppose to do, thought. So it's not just searching for the people who are more easy to convince to join the "LN are people" but we have to search the "I don't like the goverment" ones too. Common enemies really helps to bring people together.
MARLEY: Is pizza on the table still?
MARLEY: I feel like I'm gonna be sick and won't be able to actually enjoy a pizza but I need to talk to someone who's not cursed or Aether-freaking crazy right now.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[ text ] Marley.
[ text ] It might have been two days for you.
[ text ] But for us it´s been two weeks!
[text] That’s not possible. We literally were gone for LESS THAN A DAY. Less than an HOUR even!
[text] It has to be a curse.
[text] That’s is the only explanation that would make sense.
[ text ] Marls. [ text ] Please tell me your actually back. [ text ] Please.
[text] YES. I’m fine. I’m back at the dorms.
[text] Penny released me this morning. I swear, you disappear for half a day and people around here panic.
[text] Remind me to make a shit list and put Quinn Fabray at the very top of it.
[text] My brain feels fuzzier than a patch of ragwort and I don’t want to forget.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
Sam: Marley, I swear, whatever happened to you, wherever you went, it happened two weeks ago. We’ve all been worried sick about you. There’s…there’s even been a decision made to destroy Saltus because if everything that happened there.
Marley: ... if this is a joke or a prank or something, then it’s made in bad taste.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[ text ] I´m coming to see you.
[ text ] Marls.
[ text ] It´s July 7th.
[ text ] You guys went missing for weeks.
[text] Seriously, Dani, we were gone no more than half a day. It wasn’t that long.
[text] You need to calm down.
[text] I know I left for a while and came back but trust me, I would’ve rather just finished cleaning up Saltus and come back home to you after.
[ text ] Marls. [ text ] Please tell me your actually back. [ text ] Please.
[text] YES. I’m fine. I’m back at the dorms.
[text] Penny released me this morning. I swear, you disappear for half a day and people around here panic.
[text] Remind me to make a shit list and put Quinn Fabray at the very top of it.
[text] My brain feels fuzzier than a patch of ragwort and I don’t want to forget.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
Sam: Marley, you’ve been gone for two weeks. It’s July 8th. You were /missing./ No one could find you, Joe, Kurt, Santana, Quinn, or that girl Brittany since the clean up.
Marley: Please, we weren’t even gone for more than, what, fifteen minutes? Maybe the time exchange between here and there was weird. I’m not the one to ask, the idiots who got me into this mess know more than I do. [She makes some kind of sound the might be a growl but this is Marley Rose so it sounds more like a disgruntled whine.] 
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[ text ] Marls. [ text ] Please tell me your actually back. [ text ] Please.
[text] YES. I’m fine. I’m back at the dorms.
[text] Penny released me this morning. I swear, you disappear for half a day and people around here panic.
[text] Remind me to make a shit list and put Quinn Fabray at the very top of it.
[text] My brain feels fuzzier than a patch of ragwort and I don’t want to forget.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
Sam: Marley, it’s so great to hear your voice, you have no idea how badly we missed you. These past few weeks have been horrible not knowing where you all- wait, is everyone else back too?
Marley: ... past few weeks? [She huffs out a laugh, winces when it makes her head start to hurt again. Maybe she should lay back down.] We weren’t gone that long. I mean it was dark out when we got back but one day is not a good reason to panic.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
Sam: “Marley?! Oh thank aether, you’re back! Where are you? We were all so worried!”
Marley: “I'm in Dani's dorm room... I'm fine, honest. A little banged up but really, should I expect any less at this point? I swear I’m going to throttle... anyway. I’m sorry. Is everything okay? I swear I have more missed calls on my phone than I’ve had in the last year entirely.”
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littlefaerose · 5 years
calling... 📞 sarley
[She spots a few missed calls from Sam amid checking her messages and decides to give him a call as well.]
Marley: Sam? Hey, sorry I missed your calls, I left my phone in my room yesterday. Didn’t think I’d need it for cleaning Saltus.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[Private Message using the Guild system] karose
[After Saltus Clean up]
David: Marley? You there?
[David tries to call her communication crystal]
[No answer. The green crystal comm just rings and rings.]
[The room is empty when Marley returns from Avicenna that morning. Dani must be out getting breakfast... rubbing at bleary eyes, she searches around until she finds her phone and comm crystal. The latter is pulsating a glow and chirping. Missed call? She checks her messages on her phone, then gives the crystal comm a try.]
Marley: David? Are you there?
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[PM] ... it’s been an awful long time since we’ve actually sat down and talked, hasn’t it.
[PM] Yes, I would like to.
[pm] I don't know if you're online, aether knows I took my time after the 26th. I know at this critical moment of reflection, you can't let yourself refract from your faith in positive change. Both feeling regret about what happened, and moving onto a better future are needed for trauma to heal, if it's a healthy dose of each. So I guess this isn't a message asking for a reply now, or later, but hopefully when you feel able. Take care. Sincerely your public servant, Blaine Devon Anderson.
[PM] It’s good to know you’re alive, Blaine. I hope you’re okay.
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littlefaerose · 5 years
[The rolling wisps of fog are gone but she feels it still, creeping at the edges of her vision, of her mind.
She runs a hand over disheveled hair as she sits up on the grass. The world around her spins... she closes her eyes as she attempts to catch the last bits and pieces of herself, fitting themselves back into the physical boundaries of her body.
Breathe. Breathe.
Her head falls back as she does, and a heartbeat later her eyes flicker open to see-
“Stars?” she exhales, asking no one in particular. The sky overhead is dark. Cetacean blue, dotted with flickering pinpricks of light.
When had it become night?
The question slips from her mind just as soon as it enters, too much for a brain that feels scattered among the very same stars that hang overhead.
She rises from the ground unsteadily and reaches out for the nearest leaning tree trunk, feeling as though the ground under her feet could just as soon slip out from below.
Time seems to stand still as her gaze slowly pans over five other figures. Her brow furrows as she rubs at a dull, throbbing spot on the side of her head. Her whole body aches. Like it’s been dismantled and put back together many, many times over.
And as something - no, someone - approaches, flashing a bright light in her face, asking her name, asking too many things in quick succession... she asks herself the million dollar question, for what feels like the umpteenth time since her arrival at NYADA:
What in the hell just happened?]
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littlefaerose · 5 years
"golden raspberry and me" || brittarly
Brittany: "Oooh I'm Pythagoras for Supernatural Sciences! Where's that? Can you be my personal guide? Also where's Boreas Park? I'm supposed to go there tonight and meet my roomie~" [She winks at Marley, hoping Marley will come with her.] "What's your personal project called? No, it's not nothing, it's something! That's what my godmommy says. Something isn't nothing." [She proudly nods at the advice and cocks her head to the side, puppy-like when she hears Marley's question.] "Yeah, I was! It was really boring, because all my friends would get adopted soooo fast. Like OMF, it was so hard to keep up with who is who. I'm glad I'm not there anymore. What about you?"
Marley: “I think Boreas and Pythagoras are close to each other. We’ll walk that way.” [She was a little thrown off by the wink but shrugged off, pausing to take another photograph before picking up the conversation again.] “I’ve just been taking pictures of the aftermath of some of the things that happened on campus. It’s just... reminders for myself, I guess. That it all happened. That I don’t want to see it happen again.” [The parent talk was not something she was used to participating in unless she happened to ask her friends about theirs, but she supposed she could understand the no-parents aspect of Brittany’s tale.] “Me? Well, I came from the Aether... so I guess the Aether and Earth Mother would technically be my parents. Though I had a friend, a mentor. She was kind of like a mother.” [That wasn’t a discussion for strangers though.] “So what brought you to NYADA then? Why our school?” [Why a place that was habitually the focal point of so much, well, danger and drama?]
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