littlefallraindrop · 1 year
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when I drew this comic 3 years ago I had NO idea how far it would reach. I'm happy to finally share a corrected version with proper abbreviations, and even MORE state names of indigenous origin ♥️
however, the goal of this comic was to inspire people to do your OWN research on indigenous history. To question everything we have been taught, and everything that has been pointedly left out. This erasure, this “forgetting”, of history is not just of the past… it is happening now. - Across so-called Canada, the US, and US-occupied islands, native women are victims of murder at 10-12x the rate of non-native people, and are the most likely to go missing without being searched for by the law. - Native reservations have the highest rates of poverty in the US, with over HALF of tribal homes with no access to clean water (with more joining this list by the year) - Native people are 6-10x more likely to be unhoused than the rest of the population, and native teens suffer suicide rates higher than any other demographic. This list of modern day genocide goes on (thank you for compiling @theindigenousanarchist <3) and yet take a look at those environmental stats!
Native people manage to do SO much for the planet as a whole - thanklessly - and with all this stacked against them. Don't even get me started on kin fighting in south america. Could you imagine if there was help? #landback is resistance to genocide, and it is the key to saving our warming earth.
So look into it and the other hashtags, cuz a cartoon goose ain't a substitute for a proper education. Love to my grandparents who always kept a map of tribal territories of turtle island on their wall, to speaking on our Tsalagi & Saponi heritage. Love & solidarity forever, happy research, and happy #indigenouspeoplesday
(Also, if you care to support the artist, I'm publishing a book ! and writing another - a fantastical afroindigenous graphic novel - that I post exclusively about with tons of other art on my patreon.)
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littlefallraindrop · 2 years
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littlefallraindrop · 2 years
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littlefallraindrop · 2 years
Need everyone to understand that:
1) Supreme Court draft opinions do not leak. Ever. It is unknown and unprecedented. It just does not happen.
2) Supreme Court clerks are generally right-out-of-law-school graduates and if whoever did this gets caught they will never be allowed to practice law. No state bar is ever going to take them. Their legal career is done for. This person risked their entire future.
I hope the court can’t prove anything. May we never know their name. 
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littlefallraindrop · 2 years
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Alito's draft opinion explicitly criticizes Lawrence v. Texas (legalizing sodomy) and Obergefell v. Hodges (legalizing same-sex marriage). He says that, like abortion, these decisions protect phony rights that are not "deeply rooted in history." https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000180-874f-dd36-a38c-c74f98520000
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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Time Lapse of the Land Taken From Native Americans
via reddit
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
…jade rabbits in mooncake factory 🥮🐰🏭
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
Whenever I publicly talk about Land Back, someone will inevitably ask me the same question: “What does Land Back really mean?”
More often than not, I will answer with something short like, “it means give the land back.” As to-the-point as that answer is, I know it isn’t the answer they are necessarily looking for. The concept of Land Back, particularly for many non-Indigenous folks, can seem confusing and abstract. People want to know what is being done and what they can do to help the movement.
While it is only in the past couple of years that Land Back has entered national dialogues, Indigenous people have always found ways to assert their jurisdiction despite their displacement and forced alienation from the land. What’s more, some non-Indigenous people have acted as accomplices in the Land Back movement – finding ways to pay reparations and subvert the systems of oppression that have often benefited them, in the spirit of Land Back.
This piece explores four case studies to show concrete ways that Land Back is taking place on the ground. Hopefully these examples can provide some clarity about what Land Back means and looks like, perhaps functioning as a starting point for non-Indigenous people to join the Land Back movement and begin reconciling their relationship to these lands.
Read more…
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
Another 751 unmarked graves were found at a Saskatchewan residential school.
Seven hundred fifty one.
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
“In March 2018, Peter-Lucas Jones and the ten other staff at Te Hiku Media, a small non-profit radio station nestled just below New Zealand’s most northern tip, were in disbelief. In ten days, thanks to a competition it had started, Māori speakers across New Zealand had recorded over 300 hours of annotated audio in their mother tongue. It was enough data to build language tech for te reo Māori, the Māori language – including automatic speech recognition and speech-to-text.
The small staff of Māori language broadcasters and one engineer were about to become pioneers in Indigenous speech recognition technology. But building the tools was only half the battle. Te Hiku soon found itself fending off corporate entities trying to develop their own indigenous data sets and resisting detrimental western approaches to data sharing. Guarding their data became the priority because the only people truly interested in revitalising the Māori language were the Māori people, themselves.”
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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xision wu
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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City in Paint by Mateusz Urbanowicz
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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I’m about to head out on vacation but I’m leaving you with something very cool, since after all it is National Poetry Month – every year the organizers of the O, Miami Poetry Festival spend the month of April attempting to make sure that everyone in Miami sees at least one poem.
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That means sneaking poetry in everywhere – on bandaids and beer cans, in gumball machines, on buses and random city walls, even in sourdough starters and the sides of old strip clubs. And though there have been some big-name guests over the years, most of the poetry is by the people of Miami themselves. (The bandaids, by the way, will be given out to cover COVID-19 needle sticks at some health care facilities.)
This bus stop poem really spoke to me – though any peacock that stole MY bagel would be in trouble.
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If you’re not lucky enough to be in Miami right now, you can find a list of all this year’s projects here, along with detailed descriptions of each one.
So please enjoy some poetry, and I’ll see y’all back here in two weeks!
– Petra
Images courtesy of O, Miami
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
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littlefallraindrop · 3 years
COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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