littleguy-scuffle · 4 months
Taxonomy Tournament!
There have been a handful of animal tournaments held here on Tumblr. @rodentcompetition @anilams-from-outside @coolestoctopuspoll @battle-of-the-birds @littleguy-scuffle @animal-tournament @ultimate-shark-tournament . They've all organized the bracket either using seeding or randomly, and none have attempted to include every animal (although @battle-of-the-taxons is a similar idea, with a different execution)
Since brackets are a type of tree, I've organized the bracket to largely be the same as a taxonomic tree (though some liberties have been taken to keep the structure even). This means that for the most part, animals will be up against their closest relatives. For example, pictured below are the sections for Reptiles, Sharks, Cnidarians, and Cephalopods.
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There are 256 competitors, mostly taxonomic orders, but some are classes, sub-orders, phyla, or other clades. Below is what the bracket will look like after being narrowed down to the final 32.
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Tumblr doesn't let you put more than 30 images in one post, so here's a link to the full Chordate Bracket, and a link to the full Invertebrate Bracket
Tournament will start soon, once I finish making the polls.
@tournament-announcer @tournamentdirectory
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littleguy-scuffle · 6 months
What is it? It's a poll, obviously. more specifically, it's a poll of what we on tumblr know to be the only acceptable M/F pairing, girlboss/malewife. To clarify, this poll will be pitting couples against each other to determine what the best pairing is. The criteria is up to you as to who's better. Voter fraud is allowed. Bribery is allowed. Propaganda is encouraged. run by two mods, 👾 and 🐸. You may also know me, 🐸, as the mod behind @favcharacterpoll. you also may not.
h4rry p0tter characters
being dicks to other characters
being dicks to other people
anyone from new jersey
must be an m/f pairing
must be canon (sorry)
if the character has multiple iterations of the media they're from, SPECIFY THE MEDIA.
no real people, obviously
64 contestants will make it into the final poll
you have a week to submit (if we don't have enough by then extended)
All final decisions are delegated to the mods behind the poll
4 ships will be in the poll no matter what: Kermit/Miss Piggy, King/Queen (Chess), Fred/Daphne (Mystery Inc.), Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
NOW WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: the submission form
Tags for reach: @hellsite-hungergames @tmblrsfavshow @retirement-home-rumble @besttropeveershowdown @gender-envy-tournament @fictional-god-poll @mcytnpcshowdown @ultimate-poll-tournament @wizardbracket @blue-character-brawl @periodictabletournament @mcytblrsexymen @littleguy-scuffle @worstcharacterpoll
ok go submit
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littleguy-scuffle · 7 months
Just coming on here to say as of now, my tournaments are postponed until further notice due to mental and physical health reasons. Love y'all, stay safe, drink water. Maybe one day I'll be ready enough to do it again, but that isn't going to be today (or even anytime soon)
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littleguy-scuffle · 8 months
Hungry baby
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littleguy-scuffle · 8 months
At a previous job (removing invasive carp from the Mississippi river) we would get lots of bycatch. While most native species could just be tossed back in the water and do just fine, paddlefish are a lot more Fragile and really don't do good when out of the water. To help them, we would pull them through the water to force it over their gills and give them a jump start. The best place to grab them is by the rostrum. It's all very scientific, but I couldn't help but feel funny grabbing these goobers by the schnozz taking them for a ride
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littleguy-scuffle · 8 months
Do sharks cuddle?
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many sharks are at least moderately social, and if a specific species of shark has the ability to breathe without actually swimming and tends to have a lot of sharks in a fairly small area, well.
they are just going to Pile. and there is simply nothing you can do about it.
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littleguy-scuffle · 8 months
Oh, uh, by the way, it's my birthday. Whole year older and that shit
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
i learned that we domesticated the silk moth 5000 years ago for sericulture. They lost their ability to fly, lack fear of predators, & have lost native color pigments since camouflage is not useful as they only live in captivity. They're entirely dependent on humans for survival, including finding a mate (x)
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
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may i interest you in some moles
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
golden mole
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golden mole facts:
21 species in the family
taxonomically distinct from the true moles, but functionally similar, having very dense fur and inconspicuous eyes and ears
can switch off thermoregulation when inactive (torpor)
desert-dwelling species such as grant's golden mole dip their heads in the sand to listen for termites living under grass clumps
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
Are there any weird weasel/weasel adjacent lil guys? Tumblr tag searching is being rude
Yes! Marbled polecats have to be the weirdest of the noodle-y mustelids. The ear puffs, the color, the patterns, the stance, the pout, the length, they have it all!
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Other polecats like the Saharan and striped are also pretty wacky skunk lookalikes. Convergent evolution!
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I think Malayan weasels are the funkiest literal weasels, very interesting color scheme for a critter living in the tropics.
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Japanese martins look pretty similar to the Malayans, but even more vivid. Really would like to know why this coloration evolved twice!
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Another tropical guy, nilgiri marten have very bold and striking colors. You look like a bee.
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Tayra are not especially weasel flavored as far as mustelids go, but they always look kinda sad and concerned. One of their names in Spanish translates to ‘old man of the mountains’ and I can see why. Has an elderly vibe.
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littleguy-scuffle · 9 months
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Cuban painted snail, Polymita picta, Cepolide
Found only in eastern Cuba, this arboreal species shows remarkable diversity in shell color between individuals. Unfortunately due to poaching to make jewelry and collectibles from their shells, they are now endangered.
Photo 1-5 by mig_ernesto, 6 by rappman, 7 by manfrax, and 8-10 by amantedarmanin
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littleguy-scuffle · 10 months
its dangerous to go alone. here, take these bilbies
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littleguy-scuffle · 10 months
Hi y'all, this is Elliot, the admin of this tournament as well as @littleguy-scuffle @the-shape-showdown and @weird-amazon-fight. I've been putting these tournaments off for a while now. It's been a while since I've even posted here. My life has been really crazy and stressful since I decided to start these tournaments, from health issues to family problems and a few losses. I haven't really had the energy to do much besides shit post on my main blog (@gayraccoonthing ). I'm not going to lie. Despite how fun it is to run these, it gets stressful.
However, I have made the decision to try and start up again, I'll be doing my best to handle this and all my other tournament blogs. I'm just here to say I'm alive and will try my absolute best to keep working on these.
If I can just ask you guys to send in some asks every now and then, it keeps my work ethic up and gives me a reason to keep going with this. It doesn't have to be some well thought out question, it can just be some random shit post you think I'd laugh at (I probably will, let's be honest)
If I stop working on this for longer than you'd like, yell at me in my ask box (please, I'm not joking) I do enjoy working on these I just have really bad procrastination issues.
If you're a mutual from my main blog and would like to support me here, don't be afraid to come over and send me some shit.
Some statuses for all my tournaments:
@littleguy-scuffle is currently in the process of seeding
@weird-amazon-fight IS STILL TAKING SUBMISSIONS. It has been for a while, but if you'd like to support my tournament for all weird online shopping products, go and submit stuff please.
@the-shape-showdown is currently seeding I believe
@artsupplies-battle is trying to make the bracket and make polls
Thank you for all the love and support I've gotten for these blogs, I'll try and make this worthwhile
-Sincerely, The Admin AKA Elliot <3
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littleguy-scuffle · 11 months
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one if my favorite gifs right now the blankest eyes ive ever seen the lights are on but no ones home. and the other thing like grooming its snout but i don't think its even aware of what its doing. i dont think either of them know anything or know that theyre alive
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