littlehannon · 6 years
Gift certicarate (gift certificate)
Furpeshional (professional)
Brekdast (breakfast)
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littlehannon · 11 years
Patrick isms
Air conditioners- you know those things you put on your ears to hear music Dan the lion- flowers that aren't flowers Eenie meanie miney mo ketchup tiger by his toe.
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littlehannon · 11 years
Love hurts
it's been eons since i've posted on here. i've decided it's more fun to actually be with my little people than it is to write about them. but this afternoon i had this very compelling feeling to write down just how madly, deeply and ferociously in love i am with my sweet sweet children. the thought alone could bring me to my knees and cause me to sob. it's a love so powerful, it hurts. i've loved pretty darn hard in my life, but never ANYTHING like this. to think, i've created other human beings. what a miracle. what a gift. they are so innocent. so accepting. so loving. so helpless really. each of them already has characteristics (positive and negative) that are so blantantly things i've given them, whether through teaching or genetics. the same is true of tim. patrick has inherited his genuine demeanor and (usually) easy going ways. phoebe has his smile, one that lights up her entire face. they both have my eyes. they are half me and half tim. they own my heart. i'm not sure they'll ever understand the magnitude of my love until they have children of their own, but for the time being, it's here, in writing.
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littlehannon · 11 years
Me: Patrick, you can't buy any video you want on the kindle. It costs me dollars. Patrick: But Mom, I didn't have that one and it didn't cost ME dollars.
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littlehannon · 11 years
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Phoebs is trendsetting. We call this the inverted ombré...
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littlehannon · 11 years
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My love is so fierce.
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littlehannon · 11 years
This one hit home in a lot of ways...
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littlehannon · 11 years
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My heart is full...
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littlehannon · 11 years
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May she never get too big to nap on the ottoman.
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littlehannon · 11 years
Things he said I don't want to forget...
"Mom, lets make babies." (While playing with playdoh) These are up sleeves (short sleeves) and those are down sleeves (long sleeves). Mom, you were right. But you're not usually right. (While playing basketball). P: Where's dads dad? (We literally have no idea.) Me: I am not sure, maybe somewhere in Chicago? P: he's probably at Starbucks.
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littlehannon · 11 years
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A bright spot of today!
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littlehannon · 11 years
My two and a half year old has been awake since 230 am. And shows zero signs of fatigue. Why is he sleeping less than my seven week old??!?! And my husband is consuming his third beer. I resent him and am jealous and am so so tired.
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littlehannon · 11 years
Seriously, the amount of literal sh*t I deal with on a daily basis is astonishing. (Potty trained two year old is fighting some diarrhea!) Thank heavens for our washer and dryer...
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littlehannon · 11 years
Some Updates
I've been meaning to write for weeks now, but somehow my days fly by and here we are at week 4 of having sweet baby Phoebe in our lives. Some updates in no particular order:
You are a sweet sweet baby. So low key, only crying when you're hungry, tired, the sun is in your eyes or your brother's been a little too rough with you.
You are a decent sleeper. (I will NEVER jinx myself and call any of my kids a "good" sleeper.) You'll do one 4 -5 hour stretch in the earlier part of the night and then it's every 2-3 hours from there on out.
You are a champion breastfeeder. From day one, you knew what you were doing in the world of eating. It helped that my milk came in on day 3 as opposed to 9 as it did with your brother.
As a result of the above, you're gaining weight well. At your two week check up, you were 7 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches. That's a pound and an inch since leaving the hospital. I am excited to see how you weigh in next Tuesday at your 4 week check up.
You're tolerant of your big brother's constant love and affection. He gets right up in your face and smothers you with love, hugs and kisses ALL the time. He likes to brag to you about his latest accomplishments and he asks about you first thing when he wakes up in the morning.
You're still rocking the newborn duds, but a couple of the smaller 0-3month clothes have started to fit too. I can't wait to dress you all cutesy, especially when the weather gets nicer.
And lastly, that hair - it's what everyone comments on when we go out in public. There are no signs of it falling out yet, but when you look at the roots of it, they appear quite light. I'm so curious to see what you'll look like six months from now!
Above all else, I love you my sweet baby girl. You're the little miracle that completes our family.
Patrick! Oh. my. gosh. You just keep growing up right before my very eyes. You get cooler and cooler by the day!
You are SUPER into hockey right now. You've got a "big" stick, Flyers jersey and helmet although you'll play with just about anything that slightly resembles something hockey-esque (drum stick, whisk etc etc). Not sure where this love came from, but your dad is worried it will stick - it's an awfully expensive sport.
Jackson. Jackson is your imaginary friend. Most days he's 5 years old and sometimes he's from Africa. He rides a school bus and plans to come over every day after school (I keep worrying you'll be disappointed he's not going to show up).
Potty. We are on week 2 of wearing big boy undies to school and you're doing an AWESOME job. We've only had a few accidents and most nights you even wake up dry in your pull up. You're hilarious on insisting that you wear big boys undies over your diaper at bed time. I am so so proud of you!
Your sister. You are head over heels in love with your sister. You ask about her first thing in the morning. Tell her everything you're doing, smother her in kisses and hugs and ask all sorts of questions as to why she is the way she is. Watching the two of you interact, literally melts my heart. I hope you continue to be so fascinated with each other.
More than anything, Patch, I love you so ridiculously much. I constantly make eyes with you dad and ask ourselves how did we ever get so lucky to have a special kid like you to call our own. Keep being you, bud. I love you so much!
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littlehannon · 11 years
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Can't believe she's more than a week old already.
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littlehannon · 11 years
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Phoebe Louise has made her debut! 2/21 @ 12:21pm. 6 lbs 15 oz 19 inches. Tiny and perfect in every single way.
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littlehannon · 11 years
It’s strange to know that in a mere matter of hours your world is going to change infinitely. I’m a complete mixed bag of emotions today - excited beyond words, nervous, anxious, guilty, disappointed and a million others that I can’t quite define at this very moment. Tomorrow, February 21st, 2013 will bring me a little girl. The final member of our family - the one to round out the numbers, bring balance into our lives and further challenge my parenting skills.
As much as I tried to avoid a c-section this time around, apparently my body has other plans. Thats one thing parenting teaches you for sure - to let go of control. I’m disappointed that I’ll never get the satisfaction of a natural delivery. For me, it’s one of those things I’ve looked forward to my whole life - something that really makes you a “mom”. Odd, I am sure it sounds, but something I’ve envisioned doing since I’ve been old enough to think about having a family of my own. I’ll never get that and nor will I be able have that experience in common with the millions of other women whose bodies successfully let them labor and deliver. Sure, I get the best part - the beautiful babies that have grown in my womb for the past 40 weeks and nothing, NOTHING, can ever beat that. But in an effort to acknowledge all of my emotions, I would be remiss to say I am not sad and frustrated with my body’s inabilities.
And then I think about how at this time tomorrow, I’ll likely be holding a little angel. A human being that was created by me and the man I love and admire more than anyone on earth. How amazing is that to think about? Another human being - half me, half Tim. A person….that we created. Unfathomable really. What will she look like? What will be her life’s work? How will she change the world? I’m certain she will…in her own, unique and incredible way. In fact, she’s already changed the world of the people who love her - site unseen and introductions yet to be made.
I’m ready. So ready to meet this little girl. For my heart to grow even more. To be challenged in ways that will help me grow into the person I am meant to be. To complete our family. To buy polka dots and flowers. To teach her everything I know. To share her with the world. So ready.
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