littlehatregression · 6 years
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Environmental Care Bears 1991
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littlehatregression · 6 years
Hi loves I found you some Disney activities! I hope you like them!
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~Prefect Ally💙
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littlehatregression · 6 years
small self care guide
get out of bed
make your bed
tidy up your room
open the windows and let some fresh air in
brush your teeth
wash your face and apply a facemask
brush your hair and put it up (or however you feel most comfortable)
drink a glass of water and fill a bottle up for the rest of the day (then refill If emptied)
eat some fruit or veggies
cut your nails
do some breathing exercises
make a list of things you want/need to do
actually do them
you are worthy of love and I hope you have a wonderful day
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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littlehatregression · 6 years
Little Lifehack!!
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If you’re like me and you think your food touching is icky but you don’t have a nice plate to separate things in, use cupcake holders!
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Not only does it keep your food nice and separated, it looks super cute too!!
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littlehatregression · 6 years
A little help for new Caregivers - Masterpost
Note: If I don’t own the post, the credits are ALL for the one that does
Help posts list
How to cheer up your little (Long Distance Relationship)
Helping an Age Regressor to regress
Caring for your long distant little
Rules ideas
Christmas activities for long distance
“Little” Foods
Be understanding for littles
Daddy Space (It’s ok if you don’t fit in something, everyone is different)
Things to tell your little
Things to make a little feel smol
Things that put a caregiver in CG Space (Again, it’s ok if you didn’t fit in something, you don’t have to, you’re good the way you are!)
Things you shouldn’t say to your little
Things your little needs to hear when scared, stressed or struggling
Never lie to a little
10 reward activities
Caring for a sensitive little
Making you little feel comfortable
100 non-sexual ways to make them feel little
Being a Daddy means…
Self-care list
Littles with depression
Things littles can do to deal with stress
Being a long-distance Caregiver
Littles at night might be…
Cute dates and activities to do with your little
Tips for new daddies
If you need to talk to caregivers, these are some: (I don’t know more than these but I would love to!)
And there is a bunch of littles to follow such as the owners of some of the posts above.
If you want a youtube channel, this might be good.
So this is a list I made and it’s very far away from being a complete guide but these are somethings that might be nice for you to see or know as a Caregiver or even a little!
Remember that somethings here might not apply for you and your little and this is completely okay! Everyone is different and have different needs and ways to be. You are perfect the way you are!
Also, you don’t need a caregiver to be a valid little at the same way you don’t need a little to be a valid caregiver. Take your time, you might find someone!
Stay safe and cute!
I love you all!
Edit: jonasoice is no longer a caregiver, but he is a great little and friend!
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littlehatregression · 6 years
Good Morning Kiddos 💫
Here’s a few tips from Papa Riley to start your day
Drink a glass of water! it’ll boost your hydration for the day and give you some energy
Take your meds (if you take any). Skipping meds can be dangerous! make sure you’re being safe and taking care of yourself and stay on top of taking them.
Brush your teeth! this one is personally hard for me to remember all the time, but I honestly feel so much cleaner and nicer after I do it!
Make your bed! I know it takes a lot of effort in the morning, but it’s gonna be soooo nice the rest of the day to have a made bed, especially when it gets to bedtime and you have a made bed to get into!
I hope you kiddos have a good day today!
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littlehatregression · 6 years
a cute video to help Littles calm down and smile ❤
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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littlehatregression · 6 years
✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨ 🌿 You CAN do it 🌻 ✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨🌻🌿✨
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littlehatregression · 6 years
Introductions ✨⭐️
Introduce yourself to me! Whether it’s in an ask or a message! I would love to get to know you guys!
💗 - Tayla Bear
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littlehatregression · 6 years
Little Space Questions
🍼 do you use bottles or sippies (if yes, which do you prefer?)
📒 do you have a Regression journal?
💝 do you have a caregiver?
💫 do you have a set bedtime?
🍯 what’s your favorite little snack?
🌸 what’s your favorite thing to do in little space?
🌎 do you have a special place to go and be little?
🍭 do you limit yourself to a certain amount of candy?
🐣 how long have you been a little?
💍 are you an adult regressor or a minor regressor?
⭐️ do you have any little friends?
🎀 what do you like to wear in little space?
💿 what’s your favorite thing to watch in little space?
🐰 are you a pet regressor as well?
🌼 what’s your preferred Little Age?
🍓 are you a vegan little?
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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Disney’s Winnie the Pooh:)
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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littlehatregression · 6 years
✨🌙Sleepy time!✨🌙
(This is for the members heading to bed)
Please make sure to….
✨Brush your teethies✨
✨Get into your comfy pjs✨
✨Say goodnight to each of your stuffies✨
✨Take allllll the medicine you need to take✨
✨Make sure you have everything ready for the next day✨
✨Charge everything up during the night that you’ll need the next day like a phone✨
✨Make sure to set your alarms! ✨
✨ Get a good nights rest for us!✨
✨Remember we love you!✨
✨Have sweet dreams, we banish all the nightmares you may have✨
-🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️Pixie Queen Pixie🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️
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littlehatregression · 6 years
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