littlelolittleill · 1 hour
I’m trying to find the masterpost of verified Palestinian gofundmes. Do you have it? I’ve looked in a couple of places and I can’t find it,
Hello it's at @el-shab-hussein blog!
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
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Help my family escape famine
Hello, my name is Nael and I am 26 years old, the eldest in my family. This is Karim, who is 4 years old. Today marks the 252nd day of the genocidal war. I have lost many of my cousins in this war. I lost my home, my job, and my dream of marrying Insherah. My family consists of 8 members, and I am the sole provider. As Eid al-Adha approaches, a holiday we eagerly awaited to celebrate with joy like the rest of the world, we used to buy sweets, meats, and sheep, prepare abundant food, and buy new clothes. But today, amidst the war, the harsh life in tents, and the lack of money, I cannot bring happiness to Karim or any member of my family. Karim asks for new Eid clothes, but I cannot provide them. We are suffering from starvation. Please help me save my family's childhood, help us escape from Gaza. Share our donation campaign and donate even a little. Be the reason my family smiles again.
Gaza does not have Eid al-Adha💔💔
The children of Gaza do not live as happily as the rest of the world😢💔💔
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
Urgent Appeal: Support Needed to Save My Family in Gaza
Hello everyone,
I hope you and your families are all in good health and safety.
I am Dr. Tamer Al-Deeb, a dentist from Gaza, Palestine.
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We have been suffering from the bitterness and harshness of war for the past nine months, and we can no longer endure it. We are exhausted and drained, with no option left but to escape with whatever remains of our mental health out of the country.
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I hope you can help us preserve our lives and support our cause until the very end. You are our hope and our reliance. ❤️
Please help us by donating any amount you can. If you are unable to donate, sharing our campaign would mean a lot to us. 🙏🏻🍉
Thank you.
Our campaign is vetted by :
- @ibtisams 🫶🇵🇸 : click here
- @90-ghost 🫶🇵🇸 : click here
- @el-shab-hussein 🫶🇵🇸& @nabulsi 🫶🇵🇸 on Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List Number [ 191 ] : click here
@communistchilchuck 🫶🇵🇸
@sar-soor 🫶🇵🇸
@fallahifag 🫶🇵🇸
@plomegranate 🫶🇵🇸
@fairuzfan 🫶🇵🇸
@vakarians-babe 🫶🇵🇸
@palestinegenocide 🫶🇵🇸
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
Looking for something specific?
Digital art commissions
Poetry/short story commissions
Digital paintings
Physical paintings
Wood panel
Colouring Pages
Art Bundles
Miscellaneous handmade items
Gofundme’s currency:
€ Euro
Palestine themed items
Items with multiple winners (higher chances to win!)
United States shipping
North America shipping
United Kingdom Shipping
Australia shipping
Philippines shipping
International shipping
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
Of course 💙
Abdelrahman is trying to raise funds to evacuate Gaza with his mother and sister. Their home was destroyed in the bombardment and Abdelrahman has been stuck in the besieged northern part of the Gaza Strip for some time. Things are dire. This fundraising campaign is very new, so the funds are also very, very low. Please donate to Abdelrahman if you can, and follow and share his posts!!
This fundraiser has been vetted by el-shab-hussein
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
genuinely if AO3 can exceed their fundraiser goal every single year without fail, yall can donate to the Gaza Municipality fund https://gaza-city.ensany.com/campaign/6737?lang=en
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
In preparation for Eid Al Adha, please consider donating to this verified non-profit fundraiser to help feed families in Sudan:
A staggering 2.5 million children in Sudan are suffering from malnutrition due to the civil war. Please do not forget our brothers and sisters in Sudan.
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littlelolittleill · 1 hour
Tumblr is steadily deactivating or shadowbanning Palestinians. Just now I realized @mohammedkhaledalkhaliku has gotten shadowbanned or something similar because I see them on my dash reblogging from me but I do not see them in my notes.
Yesterday I came to know Haneen's blog got deactivated.
The more the days go by, the more I see post after post of Gazan blogs getting deactivated.
Tumblr is slowly but steadily nuking blogs or making it difficult for Palestinians to reach out to bloggers on this site. They are already communicating with us, using the limited data from the esims: so now to harass them in this way-forcing them to make new blogs,making them waste their data, when they are in constant danger of being bombed or of being shelled, when they are hungry and tired, when they have to live in tents under the summer sun...it is simply inhumane.
Please help Mohammed, Sahar and Tala to evacuate.
Please help Haneen Atya's family
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June 13th update. Please don't skip.I don't want to lose my sister to the foster care system. share please. (Black lives matter)
I am taking care of my 7 year old sister. I don't want to lose her again in the foster system. Due to her parents being in jail and doing drugs. I really need help keeping her housed and making I have transportation for her. I have the rest of this month to come up with the rent out I will be kicked out. I need help getting car parts as well. please if you have anything to spare please donate. please do it for my little sister. I'm mentally drained by how stress I am. I'm not sure if i can throw her a birthday party this month due to everything being so high in prices. Thank you to those who have donated. we are almost to the goal. keep sharing!!!
Venmo Queenloki89
Cash app $Queenloki89
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Hello 🖐
I am a amira from Gaza, the breadwinner for my sick mother in the midst of war and destruction. I want to leave the Strip and provide a decent life for them. I have created a donation campaign to achieve this. Can you help me achieve this please?
everyone, amira's gfm seems to be making steady progress but at the time of writing her family is only a fifth of the way to her goal of €20k. please donate and spread this around if you can, together we can help her get out of this, even if you can only spare a single euro!
she's been vetted by nabulsi!
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Soulbunni still hasn't made her moving goal!
Soulbunni is still experiencing transmisogynoirstic harassment and still needs our help! Soulbunni, a Black Trans fem content creator and activist has been on the receiving end of an endless wave of harassment for months on end after being doxxed. Please share her story!
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Painting Raffle for Bassam!
@rebecca-levin-art is raffling off paintings! To be entered donate €5 to Bassam’s fundraiser and send the proof of donation to this account. €5 will get you one entry, €10 two entries, etc. Once you send proof of donation, your url will be entered to win a painting and six winners will be randomly chosen on July 31.
Please see below for details about the paintings!
General Raffle Guidelines
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It will be first come first serve of painting choice for the winners
*Will only ship within the United States
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Kofi and p4ypal @/ninandrej
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A reminder that HelpGazaChildren is an on the ground grassroots effort to directly help families in Gaza recieve basic necessities like food, water, and clothing! Both in the North and the South! Hussam has even been able to bring toys to the displaced children!!!
Donate today!!
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This is Farah's 'GoFundMe' (she's not that far off from her goal :) ) -
You can clips of the situation people are facing in Ghazza that she's uploaded onto her Instagram handle - farah.n.ammar.
The entity delights in taking away these people's limbs, sight and dignity - the football players, the journalists, just every day humans.
Please boost and raise awareness.
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