littleloppette19 · 6 months
The Diapered Banana Challenge
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While I was being changed in the bathroom, I looked over to see a bowl of peeled bananas. These ripe fruits were cut in half and glistening with an unknown liquid. Being the innocent babyboy I was, I meekly asked my Mommy what the bananas were for and she declined to respond. Having no diaper secured around me, I grew anxious as my feverish chilled body demanded warmth. Mommy had me crawl to her on all fours and turn around. I did not know what to expect as I waited for something to happen.
Only moments later, I felt something circling at my rear entrance and then plunging in, I turned around and yelped to find that Mommy was fingering me to ensure I was well lubricated. In a split second, the finger was replaced by a thermometer to measure my fever. Mommy pushed down on my back so my ass was facing up and commented on the excitement between my legs, “Someone is enjoying this, isn’t he?” I couldn’t muster up a response… She quickly picked up a paddle and swatted my ass several times before saying that I would be forced to use my diaper appropriately.
I felt a nudge behind me once again, but this time it was noticeably larger. Looking back, I saw that there was a banana half missing from the bowl, and before I could say no, a felt the fruit slip inside of me as my butt pulled it past my tight hole. I sobbed in protest, “Mommy, I’m a big boy! You can’t make me use diapers!” To which she responded, “You don’t have much of a choice, babyboy. These glycerin coated bananas are going to ensure that you won’t be able to hold your bottom. You’ll prove to Mommy that her babyboy needs to be diapered!” I continued sobbing as I sank deeper into subspace, becoming silent and relaxing my butt to make the process easier. Before I knew it, the process was over, and I knew I had seven banana halves packed into my sore butt. My mommy restrained my ankles and left the room, allowing me some time to process what had just happened.
Upon her return, I felt more pressure… “Baby, you are going to take this plug for me so that I can control when you lose control. We can’t have you give up too quickly or you won’t be able to savor how truly helpless you are!” She pushed the plug home with the palm of her hand and rolled me over and quickly diapered me to ensure that the plug would be held in place. She pulled me up guided me to bed, setting me atop a pile of pillows so that I could indulge myself, gently rubbing myself against it.
I began to lose myself in space again, then a cramp stopped me immediately. Mommy noticed and commented, “Awe baby, that’s the glycerin doing its work in your bottom. It will make you start to push soon enough!” In an incoherent protest, I mumbled into the pillow under my head and resumed humping the stack of pillows as cramp after cramp began to debilitate me. I rolled to my side in defeat and curled into a little ball as I found myself on the edge of releasing, only to be reminded that the plug was holding everything in. I begged, “Mommy please I need to go potty!” The pleads fell on deaf ears as she stared into my eyes, conveying the message that I already knew: I was going to use those diapers…
She reached behind me, her hand caressing my clenched butt before grabbing the base of the plug, pulling it out, and watching my eyes immediately widen in anticipation of what was going to happen. In a kind voice, she cooed, “Use it honey. It will make you feel better.” I told myself I couldn’t give in to my body’s demands and help for what seemed was hours… and then it happened.
In seconds I transformed from an adult wearing a diaper to her babyboy. I tried to hold even as the first half left my bottom, but the rest of the tightly packed bananas filled my diaper as if I were incontinent. The warm mass caressed me and calmed me in a way I wouldn’t have expected. I froze once again before gently humping the pillows again. Mommy let me continue, knowing that having cummies would enforce the events leading up to this moment. I climaxed, immediately became drowsy, and drifted into sleep.
I was Mommy’s babyboy.
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littleloppette19 · 6 months
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Let’s start a new game …
I sincerely hope you can help me to throw my boy panties !!!
End game on 04/01/24
So it's D-Day
My sentence fell... 33 hours in women underwear. Thank you to those who participated in my punishment
Entamons un nouveau jeu...
J'espère sincèrement que vous pourrez m'aider à jeter ma culotte de garçon !!!
Fin du jeu le 01/04/24
Nous sommes donc le jour J
Ma sentence est tombée … 33h en sous vêtements féminins . Merci à ceux qui ont participé à ma punition
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littleloppette19 · 7 months
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littleloppette19 · 8 months
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Yes I do the cooking
Yes I do the cleaning
But only with a plug in my sissy pussy 🫣
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littleloppette19 · 8 months
Sortir fumer ainsi habillé alors que son balcon donne sur celui d’un pervers … J’ai la culotte toute mouillé 🫣☺️
Go out and smoke like this dressed while his balcony overlooks that of a pervert... I have my panties all wet 🫣☺️
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littleloppette19 · 8 months
I saw that the first episode, you have particularly more, we resume the same and we start again
This week I will wear what will make you happy 🥰
The chastity cage will be mandatory as well as the wearing of tights !
J’ai vu que le premier épisode, vous avez particulièrement plus, on reprend les mêmes et on recommence
Ce week je porterai ce qui vous fera plaisir 🥰
La cage de chasteté sera obligatoire ainsi que le port de collants !
Don't Reblog
Ne Rebloguez pas
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littleloppette19 · 8 months
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Je rêve toujours qu’un jour ils soient vrais 🫣
I always dream that one day they will be true 🫣
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littleloppette19 · 8 months
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Devoir attendre comme ceci est ma destinée… Ajoutez une grosse queue pour me remplir et je serai aux anges ❤️
Having to wait as this is my destiny... Add a big dick to fill me and I will be in heaven ❤️
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littleloppette19 · 9 months
Poll ends Thursday 04/01/24 at 8pm08 UTC+1
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littleloppette19 · 10 months
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Être une mauvaise une sissy à des conséquences… 30 minutes au coin avec un plug en étant menottée … Je vais devoir m’améliorer au niveau des tâches ménagères
Being a bad sissy has consequences... 30 minutes on the corner with a plug while being handcuffed... I'm going to have to improve in terms of household chores
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
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Naughties girls need naughties treatments
I’ve been a bad school girl so I think I need a good punishment
My sissy pussy will be plugged for the whole night and the key of my cage keep for 3 more weeks after 31th October
Please give me ur energy to endure this
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
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Tout cul tendu mérite son dû !!! ♥️
Any tense ass deserves its due !!!♥️
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
(via cocufieurversaillais)
Devoir boire l’urine d’un Alpha n’est pas une punition en soit mais plutôt un privilège inespéré
Merci de penser à notre santé en nous faisant boire Votre urine. Nous le méritons
Having to drink the urine of an Alpha is not a punishment in itself but rather an unexpected privilege
Thank you for thinking about our health by making us drink Your urine. We deserve it
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A la tienne cocu!!!!
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
So the game will be over on the 24th October at 08.43 am UTC
Please be gentle generous with my pathetic Slut
Le jeu sera donc terminé le 24 octobre à 08h43 UTC
S'il vous plaît, soyez doux généreux avec ma salope pathétique
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
Male underwear are for Alpha Sir all sissys have to wear sexy panties to be fucked by her Alpha or someone else. Being locked is not a punishment is a chance to change Ur life.
"Les sous-vêtements masculins sont pour les Alphas, toutes les Sissy doivent porter une culotte sexy pour être baisées par son Alpha ou quelqu'un d'autre. Être enfermé n'est pas une punition c’est une chance de changer ta vie."
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Yes, this is Robyn
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littleloppette19 · 11 months
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Men’s boxers are boring, we belong in panties ❤️
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