littlemunchkitty Ā· 4 years
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Marsha P. Johnson (August 24, 1945 ā€“ July 6, 1992) was a trans activist, sex worker, drag queen, performer and survivor.Ā Marsha went by ā€œBlack Marshaā€ before settling on Marsha P. Johnson. The ā€œPā€ stood for ā€œPay It No Mind,ā€ which is what Marsha would say sarcastically in response to questions about her gender. In connection with sex work, Johnson claimed to have been arrested over 100 times, and was also shot once in the late-1970s. She was a prominent figure in the Stonewall uprising of 1969 and was one of the first drag queens to go to the Stonewall Inn after they began allowing women and drag queens inside. It was previously a bar for only gay men.Ā 
Following the Stonewall uprising, Johnson joined the Gay Liberation Front and participated in the first Christopher Street Liberation Pride rally on the first anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion in June 1970. One of Johnsonā€™s most notable direct actions occurred in August 1970, staging a sit-in protest at Weinstein Hall at New York University alongside fellow GLF members after administrators canceled a dance when they found out was sponsored by gay organizations.
Shortly after that, along with Sylvia Rivera, she established the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) in 1970 which was a group committed to supporting transgender youth experiencing homelessness in New York City. The two of them became a visible presence at gay liberation marches and other radical political actions. In 1973, Johnson and Rivera were banned from participating in the gay pride parade by the gay and lesbian committee who were administering the event stating they ā€œwerenā€™t gonna allow drag queensā€ at their marches claiming they were ā€œgiving them a bad nameā€. Their response was to march defiantly ahead of the parade. During a gay rights rally at New York City Hall in the early ā€˜70s, a reporter asked Johnson why the group was demonstrating, Johnson shouted into the microphone, ā€œDarling, I want my gay rights now!ā€
In 1974, Marsha was photographed by Andy Warhol in a series called ā€˜Ladies and Gentlemanā€™ where Andy took PolaroidĀ photos of drag queens (photos above).
Susan Stryker, an associate professor of gender and womenā€™s studies at the University of Arizona said, ā€œMarsha P. Johnson could be perceived as the most marginalized of people ā€“ black, queer, gender-nonconforming, poor.ā€ Still, Stryker noted,Ā ā€œYou might expect a person in such a position to be fragile, brutalized, beaten down. Instead, Marsha had this joie de vivre, a capacity to find joy in a world of suffering. She channeled it into political action, and did it with a kind of fierceness, grace, and whimsy, with a loopy, absurdist reaction to it all.ā€
Marshaā€™s advocacy and contributions to the LGBTQ+ community are an important part of our history and should be celebrated. Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, both key figures in the gay liberation movement, will be honored with a permanent installation in Greenwich Village which should be completed by 2021.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 4 years
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May 2020 Illustrations ćƒ½(ā€¢ ā€æ ā€¢)惎
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 4 years
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 5 years
I didnā€™t make this for it not to be appreciated
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 5 years
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From here. I think itā€™s important for us fans to know! Especially because we rely on the Japanese official accounts for new content! OwO
I really hope people can understand their point. Please spread this around.Ā 
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 5 years
Laitoā€™s style is Michael Jackson inspired. The capris? The fucking fedora. The pale ass skin? The sexual assult claims? Too rich to get caught? Prove me wrong.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 5 years
I actually thought the sakamaki boys were kids during WW2, because based on my theory I believe the Mukami boys were children during WW2, hence why there were a lot of orphans because and soldiers during the boys route. Also because teddy bears weren't invented untl 1902, so that means Teddy wouldn't have exsisted. But, your theory could be correct too ;-;
The triplets were born after Shuu and Reiji. We donā€™t know how far apart the triplets are from Reiji. But we were told that there was quite some distance. And plus the Mukamiā€™s came WAY after the Sakamakiā€™s were born. And orphans donā€™t correlate to war. Orphans were prevelant in extreme poverty or bouts of famine or plauges in Europe during the middle and victorian eras. The soldiers you saw were a part of crushing the resistance and the band of thieves that Yuma belonged to. It wasnā€™t a war that we know of on any bigger scale.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 5 years
Dear everyone i have a revelation.
Shuu and Reiji had to have been born WELL before the invention of the violin. In 1546 Andrea Amati built the first 3 string violin. The classic 4 string we all know and love was built by the same person in 1555. Shuu was given a violin as a child. It was a birthday present from Karlheinz. Remember how Reiji was seen reading when Shuu brought the puppy to his mother? At this point Shuu was literate and so was reiji meaning they were born well before 1546. How much before? I donā€™t know. Letā€™s wait till something else about their timelines shows up in future works. For right now they are about 6 1/2 + centuries old.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
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Laito šŸ˜ X Diabolik Lovers
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
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Day8: Laito Sakamaki
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
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Well guys, after a year of constant messages and pm about wanting a Rukibat, here he is! I said I would NEVER draw himā€¦ welp! Youā€™ve convinced me.
So that being said, lets have some fun! I give you all a challenge!
Two other boys I never wanted to draw but you guys keep asking for is Shuu and Reiji. IF you guys can get this post to 1000 notes, Iā€™ll draw Shuu. IF you can get this post 2000 notes, Iā€™ll draw Reiji.Ā  (Please donā€™t make fake accounts and spam reblog! Instragram will also be participating!) 1000 notes = Shuubat 2000 notes = Reijibat Good luck everyone! Please Reblog / Do not repost, reuse, edit or anything without my permission.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
Canā€™t stop wonā€™t stop
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
Lol natacular/diabolikpersonals can apparently 'translate' some japanese but then why are they so obsessed with making canon hetero boys gay for her yaoi fetish when she can go enjoy the dozens of bl games that are available? She constantly puts up with PRO-LGBT++ Dialovers flag when anyone who is intelligent enough and doesn't follow the crowd can tell that she's just a confused deluded yaoi fangirl who is cowardly afraid of admitting what she is. Even mature fujoshi can tell she is full of it.
Everyone but her and her followers knows sheā€™s full of it.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
Diabolikpersonals is kind of... two-faced. When I first joined the fandom, I would notice how at first she seems like this cool person but there are times where she vagues other blogs or acts kind of passive aggressively about some things and then deny it or pretend that it's something else.
Yeah me too. Then i called her out on her blog and she freaked out and blocked me. So i donā€™t fuck with that piss fetish headass.
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littlemunchkitty Ā· 6 years
Idk how you feel about Karl but he is I think very complex as a villain, and I can admit on a superficial level he is attractive. Not excusing any of his actions tho. Yet get this, Nat shits on those who find him aesthetically attractive (but again, not excusing him), then she turns around and agrees that Yuma is a hot guy, suddenly forgetting the fact that he has a violent temper and has physically assaulted the mc and Shu and Ruki. She's such a huge hypocrite, that diabolikpersonals 1/x
I know heā€™s complex and just to make that fujoshi mad. I would fuck karl in a heartbeat. No questions asked. But to turn around and dot on a PHYSICALLY abusive man who has a temper and canā€™t treat anybody with respect. That shit donā€™t fly with me. To be very honest. I hate the mukamiā€™s. They are like the definition of flip as fuck. They used to be humans with traumatic childhoods. So they turn into vampires and shit on humans and kill them. No, no sir. Their moral compasses are as flip as a olympic gymnast. At least the sakamakiā€™s and tsukinamiā€™s were born as they are. Viewing humans as weak and using them for food. But the mukamiā€™s? Shitting on humans and beating yui up for being a human? Thatā€™s why i hate them. They are abusive torwards humans cause they went on a power trip cause some guy with long hair said to. Yuuma is ESPECIALLY guilty and i hate him the most next to kou. Sure karl is still the antagonist and wow heā€™s a dick. But heā€™s not flip at least. God i hate the mukamiā€™s. I donā€™t even rank them when someone asks me to rate my favorite. Except azusa. He gets a lil credit. Heā€™s kinda adorable. But not a doubt in my mind says heā€™s killed a human before so he doesnā€™t get a pass either.
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