littleorangefinch · 5 years
Falling in love with a rare pairing
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littleorangefinch · 5 years
You know those kids sitting by themselves in the lunchroom? The ones in the back of the classroom with headphones on not talking to anyone? The ones sulking in the corner of the gym during dances? The ones that no one says “hi” to in the halls in between classes? The ones that joined a club in hopes of making a friend, but still, no one talks to them. 
Of course you know these kids. They’re in every single school. These are the people that don’t have friends. At least not ones at that school. But more than 99% of the time, those people don’t want to be alone. I know I don’t want to be. 
You know what you could do? Just go talk to them. Just 5 minutes. It won’t take long. All I’m asking for is 5 minutes of your time. It probably won’t mean much to you, but it could make that person’s day. 
You could talk about what they like to do, their interests, what they plan to do in their future, etc. There could be some commonalities between the two of you. You could even bond over that. 
But you could go further than just talking for 5 minutes. Invite them to sit with you at lunch. Sit next to them in class. Say “hi” to them in the halls. You don’t know how much that would mean to that person. 
And who knows? You could actually end up becoming friends with them. The friendship you have with them could actually end up being the one friendship that extends past middle school or high school. 
Just put yourself out there. Reach out to those lonely kids. Because they probably can’t reach out themselves. They could have something going on at home, they could have social anxiety or depression or another mental illness, they could have been bullied in the past, they could just be shy and introverted. It doesn’t matter, but something is preventing them from speaking up. But, bottom line, they may not know how to talk to people and make friends themselves, so try and do it for them.
Anyway, I hope you understand what I was trying to say. It was a result of my tired 2 am brain.
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littleorangefinch · 5 years
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This post needs to be shared in all the blogs.
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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I drew these for fun
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
 . .theoretically if I were playing around with some Clark/Barry, is that something there’s a market for?
I mean, there better be.
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
I make so many Stabby the Roomba jokes that at the store yesterday my dad pointed at a shelf of roombas and called them Stabby’s cousins
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
slow burn update
31,654 words and they have now
..held hands.
It’s terrible how much I love this story. This could no lie end up being 100k of the most self-indulgent treacle ever, and I don’t even care.
(This is actually BatLantern, btw)
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
Seeing A Ship You Don’t Necessarily Support But NOT Hating On People Who DO Support It Because You Know How To Mind Your Business And Let People Enjoy Things
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Just ship what you guys want and don’t hate on others for having different ships!
(Oof, and I have no problem with any of the ships I tagged~)
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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Grumpy bumblebee
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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It’s going to be a bad night.
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
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littleorangefinch · 6 years
What is an OTP?
Normal People: One True Pairing
Me: One Tru(ly long long long list of many many many maybe even 3+ way, maybe canon maybe probably not gonna canon ever) Pairings
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