littlerainyseasons · 1 month
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Same piece, 16 years apart.
I struggled drawing the Mynci back then that I never drew that Neopet again 💀
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littlerainyseasons · 3 months
Random Facts about Gerry Gersin
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Gerry's full name is Gahrinne Gersin. He has a sister named Gicky
Gerry was not the original captain of The Evil Chocolate Chip. It was originally build by Cheeky with him being the captain while Gerry was his first mate. Due to Gerry's recklessness, Cheeky quit and Gerry replaced him.
As a child, he has a huge ego thinking he's better than everyone. And because of this, one lore portrayed him as the antagonistic villain of the short story.
He likes sleeping inside an inflatable pool.
In his pirate adventures, he made a lot of enemies due to his mischief.
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littlerainyseasons · 1 year
Uno Reverse
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This is Elisca playing Uno with her cousin Venerith.
Venerith had gone a lot of name changes before her name got rebooted. She was first introduced as Epela then later Verta before it was settled with Venerith much recently.
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littlerainyseasons · 1 year
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This is Cyarla Spacesender. She was modelled after a young Cybunny girl named Cyarlotte "Cyarla" Fecherinne Spacesender by a grieving father who wanted to see his daughter again.
She was briefly rewired by Dr. Spacesender's rival and became an evil robot. But it turns out she was simply playing along and she used the hi-tech stick against them and foiling their plans to tarnish her father's name.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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"Heart Torch? More like a scam. He didn't even show up to our date!"
Slightly belated Valentine's art. Kinda poking of an old idea I created as a kid. According to the old concept, the Heart Torch can find you love or summon your crush into that place.
Obviously it didn't work and it was a huge scam as Elisca's date ghosted her.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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Varshen and Helder, the construction workers of The Evil Chocolate Chip. They built Gerry's pirate ship as a gift for him when he turned 14.
Aside from fixing things, they also join battling with Gerry's enemies.
In real life, Varshen does wood sculpting as a hobby while Helder worked as an architect.
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This is how they look like in 2008.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
Childhood Memories
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Gerry met Vergie for the first time when the Gersins decided to go to the beach for a vacation.
They immediately became best friends and ever since then they always play there. Often they would pretend to be pirates along with Cheeky and T-Jay. Though sometimes they become mermaids and visit Sesica's "home" underwater.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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Gerry actually dislikes having a bed and literally had a swimming pool in his bedroom as a substitute as he feels more comfortable sleeping there.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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Back then when they were still in a romantic relationship, Gerry would play his playlist during roleplays and he and Sesica would often imagine dancing in the night sky, hopping in the clouds as the moon shone brightly.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
OC Infodump
Aside from Gerry's main friend group, G.C.T.B.T.
He also has another group which they call The Evil Chocolate Chip. Roleplay wise, it's a pirate ship where they all pretend to be pirates. In real life, Cheeky originally created the group to host watch parties with the G.C.T.B.T., but he later left and it was given to Gerry.
Still true to their theme, they do pirating. Most of the time they watch obscure movies that aren't available to buy.
Gerry Gersin
Vergie Thompson
Cheeky (former member and founder)
T-Jay Petworth
Bonbon J. Dolle Jr.
Sesica Jackham Shellee
Kalaek (former member; retired OC)
Tayla Hequershen (former member; retired OC)
Varshen Vogarson
Feather Zhorchott
Buzzi Endier
Horane Sho
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
Today's old OC is...
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Not much known about her as there was no recorded lore of her, but it was presumed that she was merged with the Tayla character.
A little reason to support this evidence was the fact one of her artworks looked quite just like her
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Tayla was also known as Betty and much like Gerry's obsession with Garin, she was inspired to go on adventures like Hannah.
Nevertheless, as of 2023 she's officially considered a retired OC and has canonically left G.C.T.B.T.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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When they were still kids, Sesica would often sit down in the park of Neopia Central and play plushies with Gerry and the gang.
One time she got ordered some plushies because it reminded of her and Gerry, but instead she got some bootlegged toys.
Her father was infuriated with the order and demanded a refund. But for her, even it wasn't the exact same plush, she cherished them and shared it with her friends.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
The Jelly Usul
Ah yes, the Jelly Usul. One of RoboticDreamz's old superheroes. It starred Renjella Fuzzfur, an usul who had the ability to turn herself into Jelly.
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The comics were pretty primitive and it was only featured in a two-parter comic. She was never brought up to the lore ever again.
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Even she never became part of the roster, she was later revisited sometime in 2017 and was converted into a more human character in RoboticDreamz' other series, Girl Heroes. Here she was renamed as Renée Fugher and became the Gelatin Girl.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
Sienna Update #1
From Sienna: Fifi travelled all the way to Meridell only to get caught by Arthur's guards! How odd!
Originally posted on 07/03/2009
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
The Elderlupes
Here's more of my OCs. They're the Elderlupes and they hailed from Haunted Woods.
The Elderlupe Sisters
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Sienna Elderlupe (left) was born in the town of Neovia. She grew up learning about the Tale of Woe and Sophie herself that she got inspired to become a witch and started dressing up as her. However, as she grew older she developed her own sense of style. Her personality is often cold and snarky, but she has soft side when it comes to close friends.
Fifi (right) was Sienna's older sister. Much like her, she became a witch after she stumbled into a brewing class and got interested with them. She also learned shapeshifting into any Neopet and at times she could transform into a Korbat. At first glance, she's slightly intimidating, but she's actually more welcoming.
The Elderlupe Brothers
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As most of the family were Ixis, Brunce and his father were the only Lupes in the family and he's the eldest of the three. The Elderlupes (paternal side) had a history of having terrifying and ferocious Lupes but for Brunce, he was the least terrifying and often he was frowned upon his forefathers as he cannot even grow a tusk as a Tyrannian Lupe. Nevertheless, he embraced his so-called "weak side", literally giving his bloodline a big middle finger.
Meanwhile, Redingal is the second eldest. He loves to read books an encyclopedias as he wanted to learn new information everyday. He owns a huge diary called The Diary of Redingal. However the book mostly got tampered and rewritten by Sienna, much to his chagrin.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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Sesica and Gerry once went on a date arranged by her Dad when they're 15, but none of them liked the idea of being in a fancy restaurant and they prefer hanging out at her house playing plushies and roleplay adventures.
To fix the problem, they end up pestering the snooty head waiter for the sake of their entertainment and trespassed at the private swimming pool, where they played pirates until the security kicked them out and banned them from the building.
Unforgettable night but totally worth it.
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littlerainyseasons · 2 years
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Because of the messed up dialogue format in the original comic, the text version is located in the alt text.
Gerry had a habit of trolling other Neopians. When he was a young Usul, he met the famous Captain Garin and proclaimed to be better than him. He even threatened to take over The Black Pawkeet if he ever wins a battle with him.
But that was 11 years ago. At the age of 24, he's no longer that extremely immature kid who probably looks like he's able to destroy the whole world of Neopia by sending everyone into chaos with his mischief.
He had better things to do than to mess around with his childish antics.
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