The 1st gif in your folder is how you feel right now:
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The 7th gif in your folder is how you felt this morning:
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The 30th gif in your folder is how you will feel 10 minutes from now:
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The 25th gif in your folder is how you will be 10 days from now:
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The 12th gif in your folder is who you will live with 10 years from now:
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The 3rd gif in your folder is how the same sex sees you:
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The 20th gif in your folder is how the opposite sex sees you:
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The 2nd gif in your folder is what you will dream about tonight:
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The 10th gif in your folder is how your children will act:
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The 15th gif in your folder is what your parents thought when you were born:
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  The 21st gif in your folder is how you act in school:
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The 13th gif in your folder is how you will feel at your wedding:
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0 notes
Life movie gif challenge!
Life as a movie gif challenge
Opening Credits (8th Gif):
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Waking Up (41st Gif):
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The Everyday HumDrum (6th Gif):
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Falling In Love (18th Gif):
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You in a Fight (54th Gif):
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You in a Break Up (10th Gif):
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Your Drunken State (61st Gif)
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Failing to Win Him Back (2nd Gif):
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Life Being ‘Okay’ (19th Gif):
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Mental Breakdown (15th Gif):
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Putting Yourself Back Together Again (21st Gif):
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Disaster Strikes the Planet (14th Gif):
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The Night Before Going To War (12th Gif):
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A Flashback (57th Gif):
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Your Deepest Darkest Secret Revealed (28th Gif):
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The Final Battle (30th Gif):
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The Moment of Triumph: (1st Gif):
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Getting Back Together With Your Love (34th Gif):
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The Wedding (38th Gif):
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An Old Foe Returns (47th Gif):
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Your Death Scene (46th Gif):
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Your Funeral (5th Gif):
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0 notes
Gif Challenge 2
Every 3rd Gif.
You are:
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Your mom’s reaction to your birth:
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Your dad’s reaction to your birth:
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Your first day at home:
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Your first memory:
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Learning to walk:
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Learning to talk:
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Parents’ reaction to when you first used the potty:
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First Christmas:
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First day of school:
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First friend:
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What you did on recess:
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First day of middle school:
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Learning that there is no recess in middle school:
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Your first day of high school:
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You on graduation day:
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How your best friends see you:
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Learning to drive:
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When you land your dream career
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Your reaction to getting proposed to:
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You get married to:
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When you get married:
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Your honeymoon:
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How your first child’s gonna be
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You retire from your epic job:
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You get too old to take care of yourself:
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You die:
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People at your funeral:
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Your friends at your funeral:
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Your after life:
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0 notes
Harry Potter GIF Challenge
Harry Potter GIF Challenge
Harry Potter Gif Challenge
1. Open your Gif Folder!
2. Use every fourth Gif
3. No skipping!
When you discover you’re a wizard/witch:
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When you get the letter from Hogwarts:
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Saying goodbye to your Family and Friends:
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First thing you do on the train:
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Seeing Harry Potter for the first time:
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When Harry invites you to join him, Hermione, and Ron:
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When you enter the Great Hall:
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When your name is called to choose your House:
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Your reaction to your greetings:
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What you do for most of your time:
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When you have your first adventure:
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What you do when you hear about the Basilisk:
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When you see Hermione in the Hospital Wing:
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Your reaction when someone asks you to the Yule Ball:
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When you fight against the Death Eaters:
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Your reaction to Voldemort:
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When you see Sirius die:
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Your reaction to Dumbledore’s death:
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How you fight against the Death Eaters at Hogwarts:
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Your reaction to Voldemort’s death:
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What you do for the rest of your life:
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99 notes · View notes
The Hunger Games Gif Challenge
Use every 4th gif.
1) Me on the Morning of the Reaping:
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2) Waiting for the names to be called:
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3)My reaction when my name is called:
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4) What I think about the other tribute from my district:
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5) Saying Goodbye to Your Friends and Family:
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6) First Thing I Do on the Train:
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7)Reaction to the other tributes:
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8)What I Think of the Capital:
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9) What I Think of my Stylist:
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10)How I feel at the tribute parade:
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11) Me During Training:
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12) My reaction to my training score:
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13)Me During the Interview:
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14)How I Spend the Night Before the Games:
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15)Waiting in the Launch Room:
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16) Me During the Bloodbath:
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17) My reaction when someone asks me to be allies:
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18) What I do for most of the games:
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19) First time I kill someone:
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20) When the other tribute from my district dies:
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21) How I feel when I win:
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22) How I greet my stylist and mentor:
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23) Me while I watch the replay of it all:
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24) First thing I do when I get home:
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115 notes · View notes
Harry Potter gif Challenge
Harry Potter gif Challenge
The 7th gif in your folder is you receiving your Hogwarts acceptance letter:
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The 12th is your parents’ faces when you tell them:
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The 2nd is your reaction to Platform 9 3/4:
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The 20th is you trying on the Sorting Hat:
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The 31st is your best friend at Hogwarts:
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The 4th gif in your folder is you learning to fly:
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The 8th gif in your folder is you at the Yule ball:
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The 36th is your Boggart:
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The 23rd is you visiting Hogsmeade for the first time:
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The 30th is you returning home for Christmas:
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The 43rd is you finding out about Voldemort’s return:
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The 18th is your reaction to Umbridge’s appointment as Hogwarts High Inquisitor:
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The13th Gif in your folder is your reaction to Dumbledore’s death:
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The 22nd gif is you finding out you failed one of your N.E.W.T.S:
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The last gif in your folder is your reaction to defeating Lord Voldemort:
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73 notes · View notes
Harry Potter GIF Challenge
The 7th GIF in your folder is you receiving your Hogwarts letter:
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The 12th is your parents’ faces when you tell them you’re a wizard:
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The 2nd is your reaction to Platform 9 3/4:
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  The 20th is you trying on the Sorting Hat:
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The 31st is your best friend at Hogwarts:
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The 4th GIF is you learning to fly:
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The 8th is you at the Yule Ball:
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The 36th is your boggart:
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The 23rd is you visiting Hogsmeade for the first time:
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The 30th is you returning home for Christmas:
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The 41st is you finding out about Voldemorts return:
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The 18th is your reaction to Umbridge’s appointment as Hogwarts High Inquisitor:
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The 13th is your reaction to Dumbledore’s death:
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The 22nd is you finding out you failed one of your N.E.W.T.s:
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The last GIF is your reaction to defeating the Dark Lord:
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Hunger Games Gif Challenge
Hunger Games Gif Challenge: Using every fourth gif in your folder fill out the following numbers. No Cheating and may the odds be ever in your favor.
1) Me on the Morning of the Reaping:
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2) Waiting for the names to be called:
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  3) My reaction when my name is called:
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  4) What I think about the other tribute from my district:
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  5) Saying Goodbye to Your Friends and Family:
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6) First Thing I Do on the Train:
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  7)Reaction to the other tributes:
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  8)What I Think of the Capitol:
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   9) What I Think of My Stylist:
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  10)How I feel at the tribute parade:
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  11) Me During Training:
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 12) My reaction to my training score:
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  13) Me During the Interview:
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  14) How I Spend the Night Before the Games:
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15) Waiting in the Launch Room:
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  16) Me During the Bloodbath:
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  17) My reaction when someone asks me to be allies:
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  18) What I do for most of the games:
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  19) First time I kill someone:
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  20) When the other tribute from my district dies:
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  21) How I feel when I win:
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  22) How I greet my stylist and mentor:
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  23) Me while I watch the replay of it all:
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  24) First thing I do when I get home:
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Harry Potter GIF Challenge
The 17. Gif is you, after the Weasley twins played a prank an you:
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The 23. Gif is your reaction to being made a Ravenclaw:
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The 3. Gif is your reaction to being made a Hufflepuff:
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The 12. Gif is your reaction to being made a Slytherin:
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The 47. Gif is your reaction to being made a Gryffindor:
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Nr. 20 is your mortal enemy!
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What do you think about Quidditch? Nr. 19 is the answer!
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Oh no, they have chosen a new ghost for your house! It’s the 33. Gif!
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You throw a random hair into your polyjuice potion and drink it. Nr 39 is what you look like afterwards.
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You meet Gilderoy Lockhart! Quick, how do you react? Use your 5. Gif!
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Well that was an exhausting school year. Your last Gif is you, returning home.
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…and the 1. one is your parent’s reaction to your grades…
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