littlesquirrt · 6 years
russo !
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   nick did not care if his food combinations were odd. as long as he thought it was delicious it was no problem and if people thought it was odd, so what? they were not the ones eating it. he grabbed the spoon beside his plate and only took garlic sauce on it. the witch glanced up when he heard a voice “why not? garlics sauce is delicious. the only problem is that your breathe doesn’t smell so good afterwards. BUT WHO CARES, i could only eat this all day”
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lizzie did not even try to be discrete as she scooted away from him. the dark-haired male was attractive, but his cuteness had just been cut in half as she watched him stuff a spoon full of just garlic sauce. the sight was enough to ruin the taste of the fry within her mouth. “ i don’t usually say this...” she placed her hand on her chest ever so dramatically. “ but i offer my condolences to whoever has to kiss you. that is DISGUSTING. “ who cares? all of the population that had to talk to him!
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littlesquirrt · 6 years
moon !
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looking down at her shirt, the girl shrugged her shoulders. “ i prefer sitting on the grass. ” it wasn’t like she couldn’t stains out, and her shirt wasn’t long enough to get stains on them anyway. “ why does it matter what color of shirt i’m wearing ? “ she asked, eyes still on her drawing.
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“ if you want to risk staining your white clothing by sitting on a dirty ground, go home and have to do double the work to get the stains out, and just make your life harder then be my guest. “ she shrugged. barbaric people, she though to herself. the only way someone could get lizzie to sit on grass was if there was a blanket between her and the ground. “ plus --- it’s itchy. “ 
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littlesquirrt · 6 years
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lizzie tended to have a moderate diet. nothing so extreme that she deprived herself of the goodness the world had to offer, but nothing so laid back that it was just straight out unhealthy. today was her cheat day, though. that is why she felt no guilt as she popped the delicious curly fry into mouth. however, there was clear disgust on her face as she watched the person opposite to her eat. “ i can’t believe you just put that into your mouth. “ her entire face scrunching up to show her disgust. 
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littlesquirrt · 6 years
sandoval !
First, it was just shaky breathing. Simple, but very telling when it came to Aries. Second, it was the paranoia, which is bad. Third, came the constant feeling of anxiety. Three things that could all lead to Aries to lashing out at someone. Her leg bounced from where she sat at a secluded park bench, head in hands as her lips pursed together. She didn’t even need to look to tell that someone had sat down next to her, “I’m not in the mood to fucking talk right now.”
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was this girl being for real ? that was the first question that popped into her head as soon as the blonde next to her spoke. now she was forced to quickly chew her bite and swallow it down. just so she could snap back to her. “ here is some advice then: go to your room to be alone. some of us just want to enjoy the view of this public place. “ she spoke as if she was pointing out the obvious. if the girl did not want to talk to anyone, then might as well go be in a place where no one could reach her. seem like pretty simple logic to lizzie. 
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littlesquirrt · 6 years
boutleux !
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The least one could say about Juliette was that she wasn’t normally one to cause a scene. Tonight was different however. Tonight she was celebrating her birthday, away from home, after having survived what was arguably one of the most horrifying nights of her life. Tonight she was celebrating the Sun revolving around Earth one more time since she first saw the light of the world… Tonight she was ready to howl her delight, with whomever would be brave enough to dance with a wolf. There was no hesitation as she climbed up on the bar, ignoring the bartender’s protests as she called out to the person by the laptop connected to the radio. “Hey sugar, mind playin’ ‘So What?’ by P!nk when I’m finished up here?” She cleared her throat and belted the best she could, a surprisingly powerful voice out of her petite frame. “Are all y’all party animals? Cause it’s about to get savage in here! It’s my birthday tonight, and drinks are on Juliette Boutleux!” The bartender shot daggers at her, but the wolf girl winked as she whispered consipartorially “don’t worry darlin’ I ain’t forgot…” and then turned back to the crowd raising her voice once more. “But that’s no excuse not to tip your bartender! Tip ‘em, and tip ‘em well, after all it’s a party!” She hollered as the music started and hopped down from the bar to order her first round of drinks.
a little sweet talking, a charming smile and a very convincing fake id was all it took to get the eighteen year old into the bar. this was not her first time sneaking into places she should not be in, therefore she manage to blend into the older crowd. her attention was caught by a very loud brunette who was announcing her birthday. people cheered and smiled at such announcement. not lizzie. she simply scrunched her nose and chuckled mockingly. she wasn’t some little girl who wouldn’t get her hands dirty, but she sure was glad she did not have to eat from the bar the girl had just hopped down from. lizzie, however, did not mind getting a free drink. 
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“ i do hope my birthday celebration is not so sad to the point where i have to buy people drinks. “ words were spoken as she plucked one of the drinks the girl had bought and tipped it down her throat. it was very clear that lizzie was mocking her. she could have gone with a simple happy birthday, but no. lizzie simply couldn’t keep her comments to herself.  
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littlesquirrt · 6 years
moon !
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moon sat quietly, she was drawing on her notepad as she sat next to the park bench. she wasn’t even sure what she’d began drawing but she was determined to finish it. a shadow looming over the paper she sank her teeth into her lesser lip. “sorry. if i’m in the way, just tell me to move.” 
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“ you are wearing a white shirt, yet you decide to sit down on grass when there is a bench like inches away from you. “ the blonde pointed out as she walked around the stranger and went to sit down on the bench herself. legs crossing and phone clamped between both of her hands. impatiently waiting for a message to arrive. it was too damn windy out here, but at least she had curled her hair. That way she could rock a messy curly look. 
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