littletxt-en · 2 years
hey how are you doing!!
Doing great atm!! It’s just school that’s been keeping me really busy (I stay there for like 10 hrs a day now) so I haven’t really thought much about updating for now. But tbh I still continue rereading your fics to destress cuz they’re just so >< have a good day <333333
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littletxt-en · 2 years
hello!!! i love your writing style, may i pls be added to your taglist?? tysm <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
hey! can i request one of little jungwon being very sleepy and while you both are cuddling in bed about to fall asleep he wants to breastfeed☺️(maybe he’s in baby space as well!)
i love all your works so much btw! thank you in advance if you do this one😆
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Jungwon: Nursies
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The moon hangs and the stars shine brightly in the sky; Jungwon just wants some nursies.
Night was approaching, and little Jungwon was tiring out. He’d had an amazing day playing at the park and building the blocks you’d bought for him. Within an hour or two, an entire village was scattered across your living room. You couldn’t help but feel so endeared by the little colorful houses and your blue towel that was made into a makeshift river (so that’s where it had gone), but it was indeed getting late, and almost Jungwon’s bedtime.
“Wonie, time for bed,” you called gently to get his attention. Jungwon rubbed his eyes with his fists, letting out a slight whine. You noticed that he was slowly slipping into a younger headspace. “‘S buildin’ Mama,” he pouted, kicking his legs a little.
“I know, baby, but you can build again tomorrow, right? Since you’ve been such a good baby today, Mama will let you keep your lovely village here so you can continue playing tomorrow, how does that sound?” You coaxed.
Jungwon considered this for a while before nodding, still pouting as his socked feet padded his way towards you. With a stuffie in a hand and his pacifier in his mouth, he crawled into your lap, snuggling into your chest. “Bedtime, baby. You wanna pick out your own pajamas?” You offered as you two walked hand-in-hand into your shared bedroom.
“B’ue jammies?” Jungwon mumbled.
“Blue jammies it is,” you chuckled in response.
Within a few minutes, Jungwon was dressed and ready for bed. He was already deep in baby space, the only sounds he was making were cute little babbles and giggles. “Alright, I’m just gonna go grab your bottle-”
That’s when Jungwon whined, pouting as he wiggled his body. "What's wrong, Wonie?" You asked, holding him close to your chest and cradling him. Sniffling, he leaned forward and put his lips to your chest, whining and nuzzling against it.
“Y-you want nursies, baby?”
Jungwon nodded.
You bit your lip nervously. It wasn’t like you two hadn’t talked about it before — after all, it wasn’t sexual or harmful to anyone. You both agreed that you’d like to try it out, but still, you weren’t quite prepared for when it did come on this day.
“Alright, baby, Mama will let you have nursies.”
You sat on the bed, with Jungwon on your lap as you lifted up your shirt and bra. Jungwon immediately latched onto your breast, sucking rhymically as you whispered sweet nothings in his ears. Slowly, Jungwon’s eyes shut and his chest rose up and down, up and down, and you watched him go into dreamland.
If your heart did burst into colourful sparkly glitters in the meantime, nobody had to know.
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Just realized I've abandoned this acc for so long😭 hopefully will be posting by the end of this week <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
can i be on your taglist 🙏🙏
Sure <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Taehyun doing his lil magic tricks is so attractive. Idc that they’re simple tricks, idc that they’re easy to figure out. He does them so smoothly and does that lil smile after like he’s so proud of himself it’s so cute.
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littletxt-en · 2 years
honestly would ship you with sunoo ><
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tagging @bbybearcookie @littletxt my favorite writers <3
GUYS I wanna start a new chain thingie. 
Find a few pictures of your style of clothing, then tag people to ship you with a kpop idol based on your style and then do the same. >:DDD I’m a genius. /j
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Go wild besties. 😩 No pressure though, only do it if you want to. :) <33 @loverhyunn @yedammi @jjunbugg @yunhobug @lunarxsun @obviouslychan​ + anyone else who feels like it!!
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littletxt-en · 2 years
rockabye baby
✧ little!jungwon x mommy!reader
✧ warnings : use of mommy titles, nursing/breastfeeding, mentions of food ? (bottle of milk) baby space, (all non sexual)
Being awake with a crying jungwon in your lap at 3am was definitely not your plan. You had tried everything to make him fall asleep.
Usually, in babyspace, he was very calm and you could put him to sleep in seconds. But it’s been hours and you’ve tried nearly everything. From cuddling him, to giving him a bottle of warm milk, to taking him on a drive to tire him out, and even a bath but nothing has been working and now you’re the one exhausted.
You were so tired, with jungwon crying loudly in your ear you had no idea what to do. You really did think you had tried everything. Until you remembered something jungwon brought up a while ago.
Nursing was the last thing you thought jungwon would ask you for in his little space, but hearing him talk about how much he wanted to you reconsidered. Since you were exhausted and desperate, you decided to take your chances.
Taking jungwon to a rocking chair someone had gifted you, you sat him down on your lap facing you. He stopped crying loudly the second you started rocking him, a few tears still falling down his face. Removing your pajama shirt to see if he would latch, he waited for your nod of approval before immediately taking your teat in his mouth.
After a few minutes, his suckling grew slower and his breaths quieter. You could tell he was slowly falling asleep so you began rocking a little more calmly and running your hands through his hair. Once he was finally asleep, you took him to bed and wrapped the both of you under the covers.
Before succumbing to sleep yourself, you caught sight of his fluffy cheeks being squished on your chest, and decided to give them one more kiss until you finally closed your eyes as well.
taglist - @kiki-woo @woonie-muffin @isimpfortyun @chimajeyn
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littletxt-en · 2 years
can we get a little! riki and cg! sunoo where riki needs diapers and he's embarrassed about it but sunoo reassures him it's okay to wear them?
Here <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Riki: Diapers
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Pairing: little Riki & cg sunoo <3
Riki’s been having accidents recently, but... are diapers honestly the best option?
“Baby, what are you doing?”
Sunoo walked into the living room to see little Riki giggling and babbling to several stuffed animals scattered on the floor. “‘M playin’, hyungie,” he said with a lisp behind his pacifier. He looked up to his caregiver, smiling widely as he held out two of his most prized stuffies – a pink dinosaur named Lulu and a bright yellow bunny called Bunbun.
“I see, you’re having quite a good time with your friends, huh,” Sunoo couldn’t help but smile at Riki’s cuteness. “Yeah! Lulu’s havin’ nummies wit’ Bunbun,” Riki added. “Isn’t she?” Sunoo grinned. “Now, hyungie has to do some adult stuff in another room. You be good here, okay? Come find me for help if you need the potty.”
Riki blushed at the mention of that. He’d been having several accidents recently in littlespace, and while Sunoo seemed perfectly fine with it, Riki was still afraid if the elder one was secretly judging him. Riki watched Sunoo walk out of the room and averted his attention back to his stuffies.
Hm, now what were they doing? Maybe his stuffies were having a nice tea party, and Riki got up to find said toys to match with the make-up scenario in his head right now. Speaking of which, a weird, tingly feeling was somehow there in his bladder. He felt like squirming, and he didn’t know why. Then he tried to remember like how Sunoo had taught him – think about your surroundings, what’s going on?
And that’s when he realized he had to go potty.
But it was too late. Urine streamed out of his bladder, soaking his pajama pants. With a light cry, Riki tried to stop the flow, but he couldn’t, and all he could do was to let the tears fall. Sunoo had immediately rushed by his side, rubbing his back when he saw the dark spot in the middle of his pants.
“It’s okay, baby, accidents happen…” Sunoo cooed. “Let’s get you changed real quick.”
Slowly, Sunoo lead Riki into the bathroom, helping him tear his pants and wipe him down with wet towels. When Sunoo pulled out a diaper, Riki whined.
“What’s up, baby? You don’t want a diaper?” Sunoo asked, eyes slightly widened. “N-no! ‘S big boy… no diapie!” Riki sulked, crossing his arms as tears pricked the corner of his eyes. He knew he’d been having lots of accidents recently (almost every time when he was little), but only little babies wore diapers in his mind, but he absolutely didn’t want to be seen as a little baby!
“You know, Riki, not only babies have accidents or wear diapers,” Sunoo coaxed. “Hyungie has accidents sometimes, too – you remember that time when we were in the car and there was a lot of traffic? And hyungie couldn’t hold it because he’d drunk so much water?”
Riki nodded, sniffling as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. “B-but hyungie will h-hate Riki…”
“Of course not, honey, would you hate hyungie if he has accidents?”
Riki shook his head immediately. Of course he wouldn’t! Hesitantly, he reached towards the diaper. “R-riki wear diapie…”
“Sure, baby,” Sunoo beamed as he helped Riki change into new pants and the diaper. “See, all better now, aren’t you?”
Shyly nodding, Riki fiddled with his hands, warmth spreading all over his chest.
im sorry this was rlly short :< but do feel free to request and inform me if u want to be added to my taglist!
taglist: @woonie-muffin​ @kiki-woo​ <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
These days there will be less updates since it’s exam season for me! Tho I’ll try my best to updates requests <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Jungwon: I told Sunoo hyung to grab snacks for everyone.
Sunghoon, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit jelly? Are you five? Who even likes fruit jelly?
*Jungwon, Sunoo, and Ni-ki raise their hands*
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littletxt-en · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do a little! Sunghoon x cg! Reader where Sunghoon has had a very stressful week (you know with him being an mc for music bank and group performance/promotions) and he comes home late at night and the sight of seeing his cg he slips into little space but he slips into baby space (his normal age is around 2-4) and the cg! Reader does everything to accommodate to his age with a bath, cute onesies, diapers, bottle, paci then they cuddle whilst he falls asleep forgetting all the stress he has been under 🥺
here is the request! hope ya like it <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Sunghoon: Stress Overload
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There’s just too much stress... but with you here, everything’s forgotten and little Hoonie returns to your warm embrace.
Pairing: little! Sunghoon, cg! reader
~ Being an idol had its prices to pay, and Sunghoon knew that. But with Music Bank MC duties, Enhypen’s packed schedule, and dozens of award shows coming up, he just couldn’t take it. The stress eventually piled up on him, and Sunghoon felt like he was going to explode.
These days, the one and only thing that could calm him down was to regress and have you take care of him. Sadly, these times were rare since Sunghoon was so busy, and he hadn’t even been to your apartment for a whole month. This was taking a toll on both of you, especially Sunghoon, who desperately needed to retreat to his comfort zone which felt too far away for him to reach at the moment.
Today was Friday, another day of Music Bank. Sunghoon was rather enthusiastic when he was first offered the position, but now, not so much. He still liked the job and interviewing other idols, but the pressure was a bit too much and it became a duty for him to perform, instead of him seeing it as something he adored.
Swinging his bag over his shoulder, Sunghoon let out a small sigh of relief, bidding goodbye to his members and manager before boarding the van to head to your house. He hadn’t slipped in what seemed ages, and what’s more? He hadn’t seen you for a long while, and the last he’d video-called you was a whole week ago, which felt like an entire eternity.
Sunghoon was reading comments on his phone on the van, having gotten used to the negative ones and the cold-hearted haters. His heart was aching again from all this, and his head was too fuzzy and tired to realize that none of this was true – that, in fact, he was a talented young idol who had dreams to achieve and people to inspire.
Sunghoon was close to falling asleep when the driver finally announced their arrival. It was late at night – probably eleven or so, but when had that stopped you and Sunghoon from wanting to see each other? He’d promised you that he would find a day to visit you, and now was time for his surprise, since he hadn’t actually informed you about this trip to your apartment.
You were sat on the sofa, dressed in your favorite nightgown as you scrolled through Netflix for a movie when the doorbell rang. Curious and a tad bit annoyed at why someone would want to visit at such a late time, you slowly opened your door, shocked to see a weary and pale Sunghoon outside, shivering from the cool autumn wind.
“Sunghoon!” You widened your eyes, immediately letting him in as you rushed to make him feel comfortable, bringing blankets and a hot mug of tea. You were about to go and spend some time with him, talking or watching any movie, when you came back with the mug and saw the glint in his eyes.
“Hoonie? Are you small?” You asked, preparing for a verbal response, as Sunghoon’s little age was usually around a toddler’s. However, this time, he only babbled incoherently as a response, whining as he made grabby hands for you. You were a bit surprised to see him so little to the point that he was non-verbal and froze there.
Tears formed in Sunghoon’s eyes when it seemed that you weren’t fulfilling his wish by picking him up from the floor, where he was sat on. “Oh, baby, don’t cry,” you sensed the danger and immediately rushed over to him, using all of your strength to hoist him in your lap and cradle him on the sofa.
Sunghoon let out a contented sigh, burying his head deep into your chest. You smiled warmly, melting at your boyfriend’s cuteness. The two of you stayed like that for a while, but that’s when you realized that you did have to get Sunghoon dressed for bed, since it was way past his bedtime.
“C’mon, Hoonie, Mama has to get you dressed,” you chuckled as you managed to escape an extremely clingy Sunghoon, who pouted and kicked his legs as an unhappy response of you leaving him. “It’ll only be a while,” you promised, rushing to a special closet just for him. You picked out a cute penguin onesie, one that he barely used since he didn’t usually slip into babyspace.
You contemplated on whether to diaper him or not, but his young mental age told you that it was the right thing to do. That’s why you also grabbed a diaper, his favorite paci, and a stuffie to entertain him for the time being while you set up the bathtub.
Hurrying back to the living room, you couldn’t help but smile at Sunghoon, who was curled up into a ball, sucking on his thumb as he made endearing little babbles. “M-ma!” He cried when he saw you, reaching out for you with both arms. “Mama’s here, you clingy baby,” you beamed fondly, picking him up with all your might while also holding all the items before as you ran as fast as you could to the bathroom.
You put him onto the toilet lid, glad that he wasn’t moving around too much, or else he’d fall. You turned on the bathtub, rummaging through your cupboard for sparkly bath bombs that little Hoonie had always loved. “You want this, baby?” You held out a blue one with silver sparkles, and Sunghoon clapped his hands, squealing as he let out fits of little giggles.
“Oh my, what a cute baby Mama has,” you gushed dramatically, and that only made Hoonie giggle more. Within a minute, the bathtub was ready, blue and sparkly with the bath bomb, and Hoonie was more than excited to be put into it. You first scrubbed his hair with some shampoo, and he whined at a bit of water entering his eyes.
“It’s okay, baby,” you said, quickly accommodating to his more sensitive need in such a young headspace. You wiped the tears that brimmed in his eyes, knowing that he was close to throwing a fit, being tired and grumpy from the loss of your touch. You kissed his foamy forehead, and everywhere on his face – his left cheek, right cheek, chin, and finally, his nose, which you booped gently, and that did the job. Hoonie was back to his giggling fits again.
You rinsed him quickly, drying him with a towel and putting the diaper and onesie on him. Sunghoon looked absolutely adorable, staring up at you with the innocent spark of an infant as he sucked on his pacifier that had little plastic gems on it.
“So cute,” you mumbled to yourself, lifting him up with both arms again and rushing to put him on the sofa. Again, this earned much whines that broke your heart, but nonetheless, you went to the kitchen and quickly made some warm milk in a bottle.
Returning to the living room with his bottle, you saw him close to falling asleep. You carried him again, your arms exhausted from constantly doing so, but you didn’t mind a single bit. You sat down on the bed with Sunghoon in your arms, pulling his paci out gently as you pushed the nipple of the bottle between his lips.
Sunghoon gripped the sleeves of your sweater tightly, sucking rhymically until the bottle was empty. With soft lullabies played in the background, you rocking him gently, and everything safe and secure, the stress from all long was forgotten, and Hoonie slowly closed his eyes, falling asleep.
Requests open!
Taglist: @woonie-muffin​ @kiki-woo​ <3
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littletxt-en · 2 years
Can I be added to your tags list??
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littletxt-en · 2 years
I actually came across a rlly cute (but contains 18+  stuff) blog for txt littlespace, so if you would like a recommendation for this genre then this is the author: @bugsbinnie
They r on hiatus I think, but nonetheless their works r so cute and fun to read. Again, there is nsfw content but u could avoid those and skip to the little txt fics if u like <3 
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