scared prey animal symbolism is fun and all but i LOVEEE like. really fucking aggressive prey animal symbolism. animal that straight up tears you to shreds because its scared of you. animal that attacks anyone in sight because it feels threatened all the time. animal that sees threats to life in kind gestures by beings it does not recognize. animal that will literally kill you because its so ungodly scared of everyone
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Please reblog!
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I really love alterhumanity as a concept in general. I've always loved to connect different aspects of myself to different things. Animals being one of them. To me it's a way to express love for myself and my quirks sometimes.
I've always been quirky. I used to tilt my head when I watched TV all growing up and was always asked why. I didn't know. It just felt right. But now it's like. Obviously my fox brain
I'm excessively energetic and goofy. I'm loud and excitable. Oh, that's just me being a fox.
Have always loved sleeping curled up. Fox.
I'm smart and quick witted. Duh, of course I am, I've got a fox brain!
Comparing myself to things I love feels like the ultimate form of self love.
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One thing that pisses me off is people seeing fish in aquariums (the establishments, not home aquariums) and being like “It’s so sad because the ocean is so big and the tank is so small and they’ll never know freedom blah blah blah-“ I’m not talking about sharks and marine mammals here but the majority of fish are not at all bothered by being in an aquarium instead of the open ocean. Like, I personally would love to be a little clown fish in one of those big reef tanks. Fed regularly. Whole team of people monitoring my health and well-being. No predators. Medicated if I show signs of illness. Aquarium fish have cushy gigs in comparison to their wild companions.
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Do those 'weird or cringey' things before it's too late
Push yourself to engage with others more and show kindness before it's too late!
Dance in the rain! Learn to run on all fours! Go sing karaoke in front of people you haven't met! Dress in a silly animal costume! Cosplay in public! Wear a tail or ears in public! Sing outloud when walking! Dance in your room! Tell strangers they are beautiful! Give food to someone in need! Tell your crush you love them! Draw that art piece you don't have the skill for! Write that story! Volunteer! Foster animals! Go to dances and community events!
Live while you're alive because you are beautiful and you deserve it!
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hello autistic animal people, its nice to be here with u :)
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"the woke left is turning innocent people into dogs/!!!"
wuhhh, transformed into dogs!?; I wanna be a dogboy I wanna be a dogboy I wanna be a dogboy I w
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I'm pretty spiritual and do believe in past lives and do use that as my explanation. But I'm also nuerodivergent and am a system. But I also believe spirituality goes hand in hand with mental illnesses and differences.
Based on the research I have done, a lot of people that are genuinely gifted in a lot of ways are typically coming from the way they process things. So their mental illnesses, and differences in cognition are what help them see things that way. Whether you take this from scientific, to artistic, to spiritual, it's very similar
Guys I’m actually kinda curious now,, why do you think you have your nonhuman identity?
For me personally it’s the fact I was lonely and animals gave me a sense of comfort.
Anyways!! What is your story? :3
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Review of a butterfly farm… 🦋
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having a boyfriend while ur therian or otherkin is so based
me: it's kinda sad that u can't see my tail wag
him: it's kinda easy to tell when it's wagging. u kick ur feet in the air when ur laying down
chat i love him
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I wanna share these memes real quick lmao
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I'm so sorry if anyone has made these before! Please let me know (:
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i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail
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Kinda nonhuman because mental illness, kinda nonhuman because not being properly socialized as a kid, kinda nonhuman because queer, kinda nonhuman because angry at humanity, kinda nonhuman because longing for the unconditional love of a pet and it’s master, and kinda nonhuman because secret sixth thing.
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Do you ever have little moments where you remember you're alive? And you almost feel like a child again for a brief moment. You remember when you go outside there will be cute birds, and dogs you'll see. You remember that if you sit and watch a sunset the feelings of wanderlust will return. That there are bad things happening but also good things. And that those good things can motivate you to bring better things.
And if we all kinda returned to bits of love in our hearts we might make more change than we thought? But it starts with just a few people? And you probably know a few people that might help.
Suddenly things feel a lot less hopeless when you know the power of small things in the universe. That changing a single atom could change everything.
So if you tried to be 1% nicer, it may inspire someone else to be 1% nicer. And maybe that stranger you smiled at just to be nice chose to stay another day cause there are people just like you out there. And you chose to stay cause there are people just like them.
Life is beautiful when you understand the power you have just by being you.
Your struggles may inspire someone to keep fighting. And your art may be the very reason someone is smiling right now.
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Something that sincerely confuses me about society and internet culture is like, people going out of the way to invalidate people. Like society has turned into this contest of who suffers enough to be considered allowed to be seen or heard. And anything that may be considered semi similar to their experience that they don't like, they go out of their way to shut it down.
Speaking as someone that is Trans, I see so much hate from the LGBT community for people expressing other parts of themselves and considering it dysphoria. Namely Therians.
The definition of dysphoria is literally about not being satisfied with life for one reason or another. So the idea of species dysphoria is genuinely plausible.
People consistently arguing there are no reasons scientifically people would feel like that, there are several reasons someone will feel that way. Autism, Schizophrenia, DID, PTSD, etc.
And being transgender is literally a difference of mental structure and/or hormonal makeup.
As is Autism and anything else. It is happening at a mental level which makes us feel the way we do.
The problem with our culture is that we see things as wrong or right ways to exist. And consistently have to try to find a way to consider things we don't like as a 'disorder' that way it has immediate negative implications on said person. And can be easily used as an excuse to crush expression or push an agenda.
For example if we were try to classify being queer as a disorder that needs to be fixed, people are automatically gonna try to make them go get fixed (and news flash, that's why it was so hard for gay and transgender people to have any sorts of rights, cause that was exactly what was happening to them)
Actually a lot of Autistics are predominantly queer. And you don't think cause the way we think or view things may affect the way we perceive ourselves? Autism is a difference in the wiring of the brain and not even a mental illness. It is not classified that way.
There is a difference between something harmful and maybe something that other people may not understand or see as a little weird that may be a byproduct of another thing going on with us. And honestly expressing yourself in ways that don't hurt you or anyone else is totally ok!
You are allowed to express yourself and make yourself comfortable in your own skin! If we all saw how so many people's struggles are similar in a way and worked together to bring each other up rather than tear each other down, a lot more people would be happier and safer.
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