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When your mom is a professional artist, painting tends to reach new levels of hilariousness every single time the brushes come out.  These two disaster making painters-in-training get globs of paint on anyone and anything within reach and I absolutely love every single second of it.  I don’t want them to colour inside the lines until they feel like it, I don’t want their hands to be clean when slippery slimy magical colours are laid out before them, I want brushes to be used as light sabres, fingers to be used as brushes, and laughter to be associated with creating art.  There are far too many restrictions placed on these little wild wonders of ours, and self expression should not be one of them.  Let them get dirty. Let them create with joy in their hearts.  Let them be little.
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Throwback to being five months pregnant with our first son Hamish, painting in paradise!
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Just an adventure seeking, bug loving, mud slinging, sun chasing, rock throwing, water wading, paint pushing, toe tapping, book reading, hug giving, belly laughing family of goofballs.
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When I am not in front of the easel you will find me deep in the throes of the administrative world of launching a small business... often into the wee hours of the morning... retailer packages, shipping materials, marketing campaigns, orders, customer relations, quality control, creative collaborations, balancing books.... thank goodness for coffee and good tunes... hats off to every soul out there getting their dreams and visions out into this all too big universe! It is definitely not for the faint of heart! Nor for sleep lovers!
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I spend almost every single night painting from the time my boys fall asleep until around 3 or 4 in the morning.  I sit down at my easel with my coffee in hand, and before I feel like I have even blinked, 5 hours have passed and I know I have to hightail it to bed to get a few hours of sleep under my belt before my little alarm clocks wake up.  One of the main reasons I am able to function every morning, is because these darling little humans get so unbelievably excited to see what I have created the night before, that they literally cannot contain themselves.  They grab hold of each others hand and race out to my easel and squeal with delight at the critter staring back at them.  I then hear their little feet racing back down the hall to my bed where they burst through the door and hurl themselves onto me yelling “THERE’S A RHINO OUT THERE! YOU PAINTED A RHINO MOMMY!” or the name of whatever other sweet little critter that’s out there waiting to greet their precious little faces  Seeing their pure love and sheer joy at what I create each night is the reason I do what I do and I could not be more grateful that my work speaks to their souls in such a wonderful way.
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Just a little glimpse into one of the many Wall of Wonders that fill our sweet home these days!  My boys absolutely adore every single one of these creatures and often carry them around chatting away with their favourites.
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Lord help me when they’re teenagers.
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It was an incredibly long and absolutely freezing cold winter up here in Northern Alberta, so when the ground finally thawed and that glorious mud reared its’ glorious mucky head, all four of us were sloshing our way through it with massive smiles on our faces from sun up to sun down.  Watching the absolute soul bliss of these two boys as they got stuck, lost boots, built dams and flung dirt in every direction that it could fly did my heart a whole world of good.  The snowsuits, boots, hats and mitts are finally getting locked away for good and this mama is doing a happy dance like no other!
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Absolutely adore this space and the Little Wild Wonders prints!
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Love this Little Wild Wonders inspired nursery!
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Love seeing the Little Wild Wonders Prints in their new homes!
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#littlewildwonders these six limited edition prints are shipping off to the UK tomorrow to hang in the new offices of Cool Earth! www.coolearth.org 10% of all Little Wild Wonders sales go directly to this fantastic rainforest saving group of souls!
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#weliveinazoo #oilpaintings #shippingthisweek #wewillmissthem
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There is no greater joy in my heart, than when Hamish wakes up to a new Little Wild Wonder hanging on his wall and his soul practically bursts with excitement at realizing he has a new furry friend.
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Happy Holidays from our family to yours! xo
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Bringing a horses’ spirit to life on canvas has become a serious addiction for me.  I have ridden these majestic creatures since I was five years old, and I feel as though I could close my eyes and paint to life every single horse that I ever loved.  This is a painting that I completed for the private collection of an Olympic Rider from the United States.
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My late night painting companion.... he must have thought that hot cup of tea, quiet space, and free arms to do with what I pleased were far too lonely for his mom... they are only little for such a short while....
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