littlewingjay · 2 years
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congratulations piracy
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littlewingjay · 2 years
Also, a decent resource on an MLM that might not SEEM like one at first is here . This one is insidious, as each head of the hydra has a different name, and the main company has changed its name several times. Their preferred method is those demos and/or promotional booths inside of other stores, often for “fancy” sheets, diet shakes, special pillows, and cleaning supplies. They’ve also worked with cable and wireless providers to sign up people for services in the same way.
If you go to a meeting or talk to someone recruiting and you hear them talk about JUICE-ing, run.
PSA, as we enter a recession (or are already in one, depending on who you ask)...
now is NOT the time to join a multilevel marketing business.
it's never the time (because they're pyramid schemes) but now is ESPECIALLY not the time, and they're gonna be out in full force trying to recruit people, especially if we start seeing widespread lay offs
If someone wants to offer you a "job opportunity" but won't tell you the name of the company, RUN
if a company requires you to purchase a starter kit, FUCKING RUN
if someone invites you to an "opportunity call" or otherwise pitches this "opportunity" to you, and it's just a whole bunch of love-bombing and motivational speaking, RUN
if you cannot "rank up" in the company without recruiting more people to your team (aka downline), RUN
if you already joined one, cut your losses and quit now. seriously
if your friends/family join them, do not buy from them, even if it's just to support them... buying from people who join MLMs gives them false confidence that they will succeed, and it keeps them in longer, and ultimately they will lose more money, and probably damage a lot of their relationships along the way
99% of people either make no money, or worse, LOSE money, in multilevel marketing. They're scams and commercial cults and the "recession proof industry" marketing campaigns are already well underway, especially in MLMs that are currently on the brink of collapse (like Monat)
don't be fooled. there is no opportunity. it's not a job. it's a scam
(also, watch out for their alternate names... network marketing and social selling are just synonyms for multilevel marketing.)
Eta: if you're not sure if a company is an MLM, Google it. There's an entire database online for this. Search "is [X] an mlm" and if it is, you'll find a wealth of information about how their scams work.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
My roommates boyfriend is a cis male business student who is still figuring out the whole "having a trans partner" thing. He struggles with the whole they/them thing but we don't really mind because the boy is clearly trying is heart out, and we all appreciate that.
He recently told me that he puts "nonbinary" on his insurance forms because, and I quote "they give you a lower premium if you're not a man."
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littlewingjay · 2 years
“they” (1 word) is shorter than “he or she” (3 words)
“they” is more inclusive than “he/she”
“themself” flows more naturally than “him or herself”
“they” is less clunky than “(s)he”
it’s time to replace the awkward “she or he”
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littlewingjay · 2 years
it’s the middle of the night and i am now ready to start The Task!
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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Was feeling nostalgic! Re-read this manga and remembered how much I love these two ^^
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littlewingjay · 2 years
they should have done the live action lion king with actors instead of cgi lions…but i guess lions can’t really act so might as well just make them people. and why not put them in denmark just to spice things up, in the middle ages too. i dont think anyones done that before
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littlewingjay · 2 years
I want everyone to know that there are queers in the hollers of Appalachia, in the bayous and marshland of the Deep South, in Southwestern deserts, through the Ozark mountains and up to the Rockies. There are queers in the Great Plains, there are queers in rural America, in trailer parks of the Osage foothills. In the places you least expect us to live, we are here, carving out community and fighting for liberation with pride despite it all. Stop forgetting about us. Stop overlooking our experiences and our impact just because we don’t live in a Big Gay City. And for the love of God, stop looking at us with pity.
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littlewingjay · 2 years
The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
No thoughts, only Fully articulated iron crab, Japanese, 18th century
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littlewingjay · 2 years
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littlewingjay · 2 years
my dad just learnt about how autistic people can’t filter out sensory input and can therefore often hear things like electricity.
anyway. he’s now using this knowledge for evil by telling me off every time I don’t hear something.
so PSA that sensory processing works weirdly and is not something a person can control. sometimes they’ll be able to hear lights buzz, sometimes they can’t hear someone talking directly to them. same goes for all other senses.
someone is not lying about their sensory processing just because it doesn’t make sense to you
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