liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today I would like to tell you about men and cole playing nitro type together. Nitro type is a game where you face by typing after the race you get xp and Nitro cash. Xp helps you unlock levels which then you can unlock better cars with nitro cash you can buy better cars. So you need a lot of xp and a lot of nitro cash.
So i called cole to get on we got on rached about 3 times and he gave me 100000 nitro cash he and me were friends in real life. and on nitro type and he had 1000000nitro cash and I only have 800000 nitro cash he told me he stole it from Gregory and the one o fmy friend that play nitro type. so now i knew where he got that cash from.
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
I think today's most exciting part is our field trip of course. So today we went to The yale Peabody museum. It was superduperoopershrinper cool!!! We saw rocks and minerals human evelution we even got to have a read lift stick bug walk on  our handsand it liked me very much I think.
It's because  I wore a green shirt and thought it was his natural habitat. At the rocks and minerals section we had some people talk to us about the rocks and minerals. We already know some of them cause we were learning that in our own classroom. Next, we wen to the David friend hall. It was like a huge room of rocksbut mostly minerals.
We saw dmonds to safari to quatz and to emrald, There was like about 150 different types of them there. Then we went to the human evolution room to have lunch. If we were done then we could explore after that. We had vesses and got on the bus again.
Then i tried to make a team so cole could jon but he had to go somewhere so I made my team and waited till we have this thing again next week so he could join.
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today I have did a lot of things from school to swimming to ice skating so let me tell you about my favorite thing I did today.
I have probably thought about for ten hours because I've done sosososo many things today and it was I can't tell you of course it's swimming you thought I would pick another one obviously not.
Ok ok here's the story I stepped into Chelsea peers. It is a real place you can go look it up and it is where I go swimming. I do it three times a week so I got unpacked quickly I got to the pool my teacher Kite was there. We did first 4 lap freestyle then we started swimming Butterfly.
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today it was a very great day. I woke up with a loud splash splash then I realized it was my dad pouring some water to drink. I woke up and realized another thing it was the first day of school after winter break so then I had breakfast, brushed my teeth. I still had a little time left so I played with some of my LEGOs.
After at 8:30 I went to my bus stop because I ride the bus number 184. When I got on I chatted with my friends. When we got to school, we went to class. Jaden is in 4th I'm in 3rd and Mason is in second. When I unpacked my things and went to get my chair down, it felt weird but good.
Let me tell you my schedule. It is morning meeting then on Friday we do an activity it is always wax museum and I like it but today was not Friday so we went to power teams. After we were going to essentials it was Wednesday so we had world language. We did duolingo after that we had math but if it was Monday we would have enrichment. It is like an extra essentials and every three months it would change. After math (which I think is really easy) we had the talking time. Lunch I was buying lunch and I what was on the counter, I grabbed a ham and cheese sandwich and sat down one of Mrs Hofer's table but why Mrs Hofer is not my teacher. Let me tell you the story. The boys table in Mrs Boeger's class (my teacher) were misbehaving so they had to split up now. The only one that sit at the regular Mrs Boeger's table are Dharma, Peter,and Jaiden Amply, so I grabbed sandwich and ate it up. After I finished just on time. We started rotations to recess yay my favorite part of the day I played jackpot with some friends and I got carried away and played the whole recess then it was time to go in for SSR (silent sustain reading). I found a good book it was about sea creatures my favorite they just are soo cool to me. After we worked on the Friday reflection journal. I forgot to bring mine. So I had to write it on a yellow piece of paper. After that we had to do a easy packet we worked on it as a whole class then we worked on our writing then a mystery dong he is a person who is a scientist he and his group makes a video at mysterydong.com where you can watch we didn't finish the video but at least we started it we had snack while watching then it was time to go home I rode on my bus home . Mom told me to write a story about my day and voila here it is you reading it right now the one right here that you're reading.
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today I heard a sudden cough cough and that is how my day started. So I woke up from the sound and heard the cough again. It sounded like mom. I wasn't sure so I want to check and you guessed it there she was sitting at the kitchen table coughing. She said she was sick.
Dad asked mom if she needed to go to doctor and she said yes. So dad said at 10:15 after my little brother Luke gets to school. He's just turned 5 a few days ago so he still goes to pre-k. Last night dad had a really bad toothache and he still has it. So mom and dad left I home myself. I ate some shakes and finished the books I was on. It was called Max and the midnights.After I was done mom called and said she is in the back of the building and she told me to come down.
I followed her directions and went down. She told we were going to Costco the one in Norwalk because it is closer. So we drove in our white Subaru to Costco got what we needed and at the checking place whatever it's called there was a new no cashier line. It was new so I got really excited. I asked my mom if we can go in that line she said yes so was where we went.After we went
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today I went to the dentist.She took some pics.of my teeth and cleaned the stains on my teeth.
then she put the vitiamins on my teeth and said it was my brother.
When it was my brother's turn I was so bored because Iwated so long 
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
2/17/20In Yesterday I had a playdate with my friends it took place in three places!!! First the playdate was at my house I was with my brother and a friend named Jeffrey . We played hide and seek I found a really good hiding spot. We decided to go outdside but there we met Leo. After we went to Jeffrey’s new school Tokaneke school I spent most of the time talking to Leo. When we got home we went straight to dinner. After dinner we had a huge hide and seek game. After that we played cards and ate watermelon and headed home. 我爱妈妈。
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liulewei-blog · 4 years
Today I teached my mom how to  play the first part of  Fur Elise    First,I taught some of the notes. 
Next, she kept on trying on and on.
Then, she kind of got it.
Finally we moved on to more and more.
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