liv324 · 4 years
The New Vamp
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It was 8 am on a Monday morning I woke up in my dorm room with my roommate Hope. We were both witches very good ones too. Everyone came to us with any of their supernatural problems. My girlfriend josie came into my room all cute and ready for the day.
“Hi babe I have to ask you for a favor” josie said sitting down on my bed. I prompted myself up on my bed looking all wrecked. “yes, josie what’s up?” I said rubbing my eyes.
“well There is this new girl her name is Zendaya and she is our newest Vamp, my dad wants you to show her around the school” she pleaded. “Why does Dr. Saltzman want me to show her around can’t he get a vamp to show her around?” I asked wrapping my sleepy head on her legs.
“because he wants you to start training on showing the new kids around and it because you’re one of the nicest girls here.” Josie said cupping my cheeks and giving me a small peck on the lips. I rolled my eyes and groaned out of my bed.
When I got up, I headed to my bathroom to get all ready. I put on my favorite uniform which is a blue plaid skirt paired with a black cardigan and I put on josie necklace she gave me for Christmas around my neck. I did my hair and makeup and finally got decent looking. When I went downstairs for breakfast I met up with my girlfriend and friends at our usual table.
“have you guys seen the new vamp?!” MG said
“Yeah she looks like a drugged up bitch” lizzie commented. I got kind of scared to meet the girl because I did not know what to expect from her. “wait did she really seem bitchy?” I asked.
“Well she seemed kind of off like she has a lot of secrets” Lizzie answered.
“I’m showing her around today guys so I guess wish me luck.” I said and everyone wished me luck and as I got up to head to the headmaster office josie grabbed my arm and kissed me “I love you… and I hope you have a good time showing her around” she said while adjusting my hair and the necklace. I smiled and gave her another kiss goodbye.
“geez Jo get a room next time” lizzie said while giggling. Josie smiled and turned away.
When I got to Dr. Saltzman’s office, I saw a girl sitting on the chair in front of him I only could see the back of her head. When I entered the room, she turned around and I noticed something very familiar about her. I felt like I knew her from somewhere I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
“Hello Evelyn thank you for coming, this is Zendaya she is a Vampire and new to our school I would like you to show her around” Dr. Saltzman said. Zendaya got up and turned to me and shook my hand looking straight into my eyes like she knew who I was. I got nervous because the sensation she gave me was something I’ve felt before. “Do I know you? You seem familiar” I asked Zendaya. She looked down and smiled and then looked at me and said “I don’t know but you sure seem memorable” she grinned. I was just standing there shocked as ever. Something about her is off and I want to get to the bottom of it.
As I lead her through the halls of the Salvatore boarding school. I told her about the different groups that are here. “here is where the werewolves hang out. They are pretty cool people if you get to know them” I said pointing at the wolves.
“I think you are pretty cool Evelyn” Zendaya commented while looking me in the eyes. I laughed and said thank you. I didn’t want to think much of it so I just headed off and went to show her where the witches are at. I saw josie from afar and she saw me and ran into my arms. Zendaya saw how close we were and coughed to get both our attention. “Hi I’m Zendaya” she reached her hand towards josie. “oh, hi I’m josie” josie shook Zendaya’s hand and analyzed her she noticed something familiar about her. “hey didn’t you come to our carnival a couple of months ago?” Josie asked Zendaya. Zendaya’s face lit up and seemed surprised she asked that.
“Umm yeah I did how do you know?” she asked.
“You were the one who was giving out the drugs right?” Josie responded. Zendaya’s face relaxed and replied with “ohhh yeah haha I was I forgot you were one of my buyers”
“Yeah Evelyn and I had a great time with those pills you gave us” Josie said but I had no idea what she was talking about. “Jo what are you talking about? We never got drugs from her”.
“Babe yes we did even Zendaya remembers” she said while laughing.
“she probably doesn’t remember because it was a crazy night” Zendaya stated. They both laughed with each other. I felt out of place like I was missing a piece of my memory and it was bugging me. Like why is Zendaya all of sudden here and why don’t I remember getting the drugs.
At the last place of my tour I showed her the vampires and they all greeted her normally. She even knew some of them. She seemed like she fit in perfectly. But I had some questions for her.
“hey Zendaya can we talk?” I asked her as I pulled her into one of the empty classrooms. She was a little bit taller than me so it looked like she hovered over me like she was some type of dominant. The feeling I had was aching and I had no idea why.
“what’s up Evelyn?” she asked. “have we met before and be honest because I know you’re a vampire and you can lie and compel people” I said. Her face was still but then she bit her lip and touched my arm and then started by saying “okay yes we have met and it was at the carnival and I did compel you to forget me but it was for your own good. I am sorry Evelyn.”
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liv324 · 4 years
A euphoria holiday
Euphoria: a feeling or state of immense excitement and happiness. So, Evelyn this will be your euphoria story.
The day was November 20th a few days before Thanksgiving. My alarm blasted at 9:00am. My eyes opened but my body didn’t move an inch. I knew I slept in and was going to be late for school. I was so tired from studying last night, well my boyfriend Steve distracted me the whole time because he couldn’t keep his damn hands to himself it was very hard to study so I sent him home at 11 so I could finish studying my huge presentation I had for English. I didn’t finish till 2 in the morning. I seriously didn’t want to get up, so I stayed in bed for good 10 minutes until my dad knocked on my door telling me to get up. Usually my mom would’ve woken me up a lot earlier than my dad, but my mom died back in March. Nothing has been the same since. She died in a car accident the doctors said she had consumed a lot of drugs before she drove. They also said she was a very depressed woman. Which made zero sense because when she was with my dad and I she was happy. I didn’t want to believe she had any problems, but my dad confirmed to me that she has been that way for a while but never wanted to show that side of her in front of me. I was very mad and sad about the whole thing. I lost a lot of weight since she died. I didn’t want to eat, sleep or socialize with anyone. But all that sadness changed when I met Steve. One day I was craving ice cream and so I went to scoops ahoy and I saw Steve working he was very nice to me and he noticed I’ve been through hell. So, he let me have the ice cream for free and he asked for my number. He was very cute, so it would’ve been stupid not to give it to him. So, after that day he would call me and try to see me everyday and make sure I was okay. He is honestly the best thing that happened to me since my mom died.
When I got the courage to get myself off the bed, I got ready for school. I put on my favorite pair of jeans with my mom’s favorite sweater and some booties. I made some last-minute changes on my presentation while I was eating some breakfast. Steve texted me saying he was in my driveway, so I kissed my dad’s forehead and headed off to meet with him.
“hey there, my beautiful” Steve said standing against his black impala. I smiled and gave him a kiss and we went inside the car. “are you ready for that presentation babe?” he asked. “Honestly, I don’t know, I feel sick... Im scared” I replied. “Eve don’t be! You will do amazing like you always do.” He grabbed my thigh to give me some “encouragement”. Steve Harrington was a major flirt, I think that’s why I mainly fell for him, well that and his sweet comfort.I showered him with kisses because he really makes me feel like the most special girl ever. I kissed him on his favorite spot which was his neck. “babeeee you know you can’t be kissing me like that because I will stop this damn car and throw you in the back seat and fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk to your English class”. I stopped kissing him because I knew he was not kidding, and I learned that the hard way because one time I had a football game to cheer at and I could barely do anything. My coach got so mad at me she made me sit out that game and today was important I did not want to be waddling up in front of my class to present and Steve had that class so he would be teasing the shit out of me and make me even more nervous than I would already be.
  When we got to the school the parking lot was full but quite since everyone was in class. I could tell Steve wanted me because he kept a hold of my thigh and started kissing me, but I had to push him off because I did not want to be late for my presentation. “Steve, we have to get to class I don’t want to be late because she will take off points and I can’t afford to fail this class” I said kissing his cheek, I then opened the door grabbed my backpack and headed for the school doors. I was still nervous, so I went to the bathroom to calm myself down. When I got inside the bathroom, I checked all the stalls to make sure no one was there so I could practice my presentation one last time. Steve was lucky he didn’t have to do his presentation today. While I was reciting what I was going to say a girl with curly brown hair came out from one of the stalls. I gasped because I thought no one was in the stalls. “hey, you seem anxious do you want one?” she said pulling out a bag of white pills from her giant hoodie. “what is that?” I asked not sure what kind of drug it was. “It’s Xanax it helps you to calm down” she said giggling a little from my lack of knowledge of drugs. “ohh umm I don’t know... I don’t do drugs” I said thinking of what happened to my mother. She stepped closer inches from my face. “we all start somewhere, and it won’t hurt you it will help you be calm and confident while you present... and plus you really do look like you need them more than me”. I just listened to her voice and nodded my head, something about her was very familiar to me and it made me feel some type of way. “but I don’t have any money with me right now” I said. She grabbed my hand and slid the small baggie in my hand holding my hand tight while staring deep into my soul. “consider it as a gift of encouragement” she smiled at me. “you look very familiar” we both said at the same time we both giggled at that. “did you go to Nate Jacobs Halloween party?” she asked me. “yahh I did” I said vaguely remembering that night. Steve and I got into a fight that night because I got so drunk and he didn’t want me totally wasted which I definitely did. He left the party early which left me wandering everywhere and now that I remember I actually met her there with her friend. “hey, I think we met there, and you were there with your friend what’s her name?” I said. “oh, yah Jules, I do remember you! You hung out with us after your boyfriend left you there... that was a fun night” she said. “it was! But I’m sorry I forgot your name” I said wondering what her name was. “my name is Daya and yours?” she asked. “Evelyn but you can call me Eve.” I replied getting a little excited that I made a new friend. “that’s such a nice name...well eve if you want to hang with Jules and I today for lunch you more than welcome to…I have to get back to my class so good luck on your presentation and hope to see you very soon” she said squeezing my arm and then grabbed her bag and rushed out leaving me in awe with her. Something about her made me feel some type of way, maybe just her kindness and welcoming me into her friend group or maybe something else… I stood there and opened my hands revealing the bag with two Xanax. I was debating on taking one so I wouldn’t be so on edge. I looked at myself in the mirror opened the bag and pulled one out. I stared intensely at the drug that was in my hand. I decided to just do it and so I popped the white little pill in my mouth and grabbed my water bottle and swallowed it. At first, I didn’t feel anything so when I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the bathroom and went straight to my English class. When I got into the classroom, I saw Steve and sat right next to him. “Are u ready?!” he asked excitingly. I felt a wave of relaxation and confidence I did not have before. “yes yes I am” I told him all chill and all. He looked at me confused because I was always a nervous wreck when I had to present in front of a class. “okayyy” he said turning his body away from me and towards the front of the class. My body was still and relaxed facing the front of the class. “okay good morning class our first presenter is Evelyn Keller” I got up and headed towards the class and all I hear is Steve saying “that’s my girl wooo!” punching the air. Some people giggled at that and I saw some girls drool over him because of his cuteness. I was very chill about everything. The teacher handed me the clicker for my presentation. As I did my thing all I could think about was my encounter with Daya. She made me happy just thinking about her. When I finished everyone clapped and my teacher commented on how good I did when I spoke and gave very good eye contact. I was so proud of myself and all I could think was to thank Daya for those magic pills. Lunch time came and I told Steve I would be hanging with some friends today and he didn’t mind because he got some time to hang with his football friends. As I looked across the cafeteria, I spotted two girls sitting by themselves laughing about something. I walked over and they both looked up right at me, Jules with a huge grin on her face and Daya with a big smile and blushing cheeks. “hey girl come sit and get comfortable” Jules smiled and pointed to the empty seat next to Daya. I sat down next to her. “I’m glad you chose to come hang with us today” daya said smiling and patted my thigh. I felt my face get hot, but I managed to smile back at both of them. I was really happy that I made some new friends not that I don’t love my besties Maddie and Cassie. It just that they made me feel different but a good different. “did the Xanax work?” Daya asked. “Yes, it worked like a charm I got an A thank you!” I exclaimed. They both giggled at my reaction. “you are so cute eve you should come over today I’m going to be bored by myself and I want some company” Daya said all giddy. “yah I’m totally down! I’ll let Steve know I’ll be going home with you” I said smiling. “Perfect” she said chilled grabbing my thigh.  
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liv324 · 6 years
Just My Type
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It was 7:05 in the morning and I was to busy fxcking my chemistry teacher Mr.Thornhill. To notice we had 15 mins to get to school . I tried to let go from our kiss when he grabbed me by the waist and said “what’s wrong “. “It’s time to go to school jay” I got off of him and put on my clothes. You could tell he wasn’t fully satisfied especially because he didn’t came into you .. “right right” he said while putting his clothes back on and drove you guys to the back of the school where no one can see u guys together.
You guys sat in the car quietly until u pulled him into a kiss. The kiss deepened and he told you tht he wasn’t finished with you and he got out of the car and went inside the building. I sat in the car checking my phone. I got a text from my best friend Steve Harrington. “Where tf are you Evelyn “ he texted. “Wdym?” I replied. “We were suppose to meet at the dot this morning i was waiting there looking like an idiot !” He texted. I totally forgot about tht I told myself. I felt so bad ! “Omg I totally forgot Steve I’m so sorry.. stuff at home is complicated can I make it up to you ?!” You texted back. “Hmmm yes you can tonight at your house I have to study for a test and need your help” he said. You smiled at your phone and got out of the car and heading to the building.
When you walked up the steps to the door of the school you got a text and you looked at your phone and for just a quick second you ran into someone and a black case dropped and you quickly looked up. “ omg I’m so sorry!” You said and grabbed the big case and gave it back to a rlly good looking guy. “it’s fine I should’ve paid attention” he said looking at you . You couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. “I think we both weren’t paying attention” you giggled looking at him. “My name is bradley” he reached out his hand. “My name is Evelyn ” you shook his hand. He wouldn’t let go of my hand and stared at me for like 5 secs long . “Uhh sorry” he said nervously letting go his grip. “It’s fine” you smiled. “Hey would like to go to a show tht my band and I are playing at tonight at the dot?” He said confidently. “Sure what time ?” I said interested. “7 o clock.. i’d love to see you there” he said smiling. After tht little interaction I finally got to class.
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My favorite class came.. Chemistry with my favorite teacher ;). I sat down in my regular seat. Mr.thornhill was looking at me seductively. We gave each other long eye contact while i was teasing him by biting my pencil until the bell rang. “Okay class so we are doing a lab so partner up and let’s get started” he said but then the door opened a familiar cute face popped out of the door. It was Bradley. “ Hi mr. Thornhill my name is Bradley I just transferred into this class cuz i had problems in my other class”. He said. “Hi Bradley welcome so just find a partner for our lab and I’ll explain what to do” jay replied . Bradley saw u and caught each other attention. “ Evelyn right ?! Wanna be partners?” He winked . “yah sure !” You replied. Jay saw u guys talking and getting along and he saw Bradley made u laugh when he made a funny face. Jay was getting mad. “Miss Thornhill Evelyn” he mumbled the thornhill part. You looked at jay confused. “I need to talk to u about ur grade” he said. You got up and walked over to his desk. “What do you want jay ?” You asked. “You call me Mr.thornhill in class miss Evelyn!” He said angrily. “Wtf since when?” You replied annoyed . “Excuse me but u need to stop flirting with tht new guy.. i thought i was the only guy ur fxcking” he said while putting is hand on ur bethigh. “Jay I mean mr thornhill he is just a friend! Stop being jealous” you said to him walking away. “Ohh I’m not done with you missy” he whispered and you heard.
When you got back to ur seat Bradley saw ur pissed off face expression. “You look pissed” He laughed. “Is there anything I can do?” He added. “sadly no” you said. “Hey so what is ur band name ?” You asked changing the subject. “The Vamps” He said. “It would be super cool if you could come.. also I rlly want to get to know you” he said putting his hand on your thigh. “Yah I am definitely gonna go i love watching bands and I really wanna get to know you too” you said smiling. You guys worked on your lab and when the bell rang you headed to eat Lunch with steve.
“Hey Harrington!” You said jumping on your best friends back. “Why are u so happy missy?” He asked curious. “What makes you think there is a reason for my happiness” you said rolling your eyes. “Well for starters ik when my best friend is happy about something” he said. You jokingly pushed him. You guys got your lunch and sat with your friends veronica,Betty and Zach. “Hey so I got so much nudes last night it’s crazy !” Zach spluttered out. “Zach no one wants to know how much hoes you get at night” veronica said. “I need more nudes and sex cuz I all I get is Evelyn’s booty or boob pic approvals” Steve said. “Ik we all get them” Zach said laughing. “Well I’m sorry a girl needs help sometimes” you said. “Oh don’t worry we aren’t complaining” the boys said. Everyone laughed at tht. “So Evelyn are u even talking to someone?” Betty asked. Steve got nervous at the question cuz he secretly likes you but only he knows it. “Uhh no all the guys I talk to Just want sex and it’s annoying” You said but u had 2 guys in your mind tht u actually like (jay and Bradley). “Girl that is so true” veronica said. Lunch ended and you guys carried on your day at school.
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When the bell rang I got a snap from jay. I opened it and it said *first gif. He was so demanding I loved it I craved it so I went to his room. I saw him on his desk on his laptop grading. I fixed my appearance a little to look more sexy. I opened the door and locked it and put a paper on the window so no one could see what I was about to do. “Hey babe ready to be sore for the next few days” jay said to you coming towards you. “I guess so” you said seductively. You tugged on his shirt and then unbuttoned his shirt revealing is toned body. He took off your shirt revealing your amazing body . He kissed your neck up to your lips and you moaned a little. He picked u up by the legs and placed you on his desk and unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants revealing is big package . You eyed his package with lust. “I want you now” you begged. “ not yet my dear you have to earn it he said pinching your chin he kissed you deeply. He took off your pants and went down fingering You. And then he ate you out. You really needed him inside. “Babyyyy please I need you” he pulled out and placed his tip playfully on ur folds and u tried to push urself into him but he backed out teasing you. He then grabbed your thighs and thrusted hard into you making u moan loud. “Babe shhh the principal is still here” he kept thrusting in and out of you making you roll ur head back screaming his name. “ babe I have cum” he said pounding ur pussy using all his sexual frustration out from earlier. “Please come pleaseee” you both finally released and you guys were breathing heavy and kissed each other. You two were happy that u both were satisfied.
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After tht hot session you got your self together and headed home. When you got home you were doing homework and FaceTimeing Steve. He was doing his hair and being all cute and stuff . “ okay sexy Steve why u trying to get all cute and stuff ?” You asked teasing. “Can’t I just look good for myself “ he replied. “I mean go for it but let me know who the girl is first” you said. Little did u know it was you. You guys talked for couple of hrs until it was 6. You had to go to the dot to watch Bradley and his hand play. You told Steve u had to go for dinner. After u hung up you got dressed for the concert. You threw on black jeans with a leather jacket and some booties. You headed out and drove to the dot. When u walked in Bradley saw u immediately he looked so happy to see you. “Evelyn !” He called Out you looked at him smiling.
He pulled me up to the stage *second gif
“I’m so happy you came! I hope you like our band.. you can sit in the front row tables” he said gesturing to a seat. “Thanks Bradley I’m excited!” You said hugging him and you sat down waiting for the performance. “Hey everyone thanks for coming out to watch us perform this first song is going out to a special girl tht i just met today she makes me feel a certain way and I like it “ Bradley said grabbing the mic and beginning to sing just my type. You smiled at what he said. “She lets me down
Then gets me high
Oh I don't know why
She just my type
She's my device
I don't think twice
Oh I don't know why she's just what I like
But I, I, I love it
I, I, I love it” he sang. You were having fun singing along and making eye contact with him. When u were having fun you got a text from Steve you opened it and it read “where are Evelyn I’ve been waiting In your house for 45 mins.. did you forget already”. You totally forgot again about your meet up. It was 7:45 and the band took a intermission. Bradley went up to you. “Hey eve how did you like it?” He said. “You guys are amazing! But I have to go i have studying to do” you replied. “Yeah ofc but wait Evelyn” he said pulling you close to him he looked at you down to ur lips you could tell he wanted to kiss you. He kissed you and you let him and the kiss deepened and then you let go and headed out the door and went home.
When u arrived home you went up to your room and saw Steve shirtless on your bed. “Hey Steve sor..” you said closing the door and turning around to a shirtless Steve. “It’s fine but u owe me now” he said. “W-what do you want?” You said nervously curious. He knew the next thing he was gonna say would change your guys relationship..”I want you to make out with me” he said demanding. You were shocked at what he said u had no idea he even liked you like tht. But you didn’t mind cuz you knew he lacked sexual moments. So you ran to him and wrapped your legs around him on the bed and starting to kiss him and he was such an amazing kisser you had no idea how good he was. “Oh my I didn’t know you were so good at this” you said deeply. “Oh baby I don’t kiss and tell” he replied. So you were wrong about his sexual life. “Get on your knees now” he demanded you did as u were told he pulled down his pant revealing his huge hard goods. You began to rub and suck the tip making him moan. You then preceded to suck all of his length making u deep throat and he then fxcked your mouth . You guys then ended up making out on the bed and cuddled for hours until you both fell asleep.
next chapter coming soon
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liv324 · 6 years
Waking up in my Dream Life
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I woke up with a dreadful calling of mom saying “GIRLSS TIME TO WAKE UP ITS 9″ Oh how i hated those words, i was so tired. All I wanted to do is go back to my amazing dream! My dream life to be exact ! So I fell right back to sleep not caring about my "real life"... next you know I'm woken up again but with a satisfying smell.. it smelt like pancakes and bacon !! I wondered to myself did my mom make some good breakfast for once or is it all in my head.. suddenly I hear my annoying alarm go off , I snoozed it. I noticed i had a different phone. I was confused because the rest of my room was the same. I had my cheer accomplishments on one wall and my collection of my ceramics crafts on my dresser. So when I got up I put on my pink Nike slides and headed toward my door cuz boy was I hungry! Tht smell really got me up. When I opened the door I gasped! "Wtf where am I?" I questioned to myself. I looked around the hallway which was sooo different like I mean DIFFERENT. The mirror on the wall was gone. Lulus crate was not existent. And The bathroom was 2 doors down from my room instead of across my room. I lowkey got scared so I quickly went back to room with my eyes closed to hopefully go back to where I from. But when I opened my eyes my room was totally different! It was my dream room ! It was beautiful!
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I spinned around my room so happily and on my door there was a mirror it showed me and screamed in happiness when I looked at myself.. I was beautiful and perfect in my eyes. I was still wearing the same thing from when I got up but my body was totally different.. I was literally slim thick my stomach was flat my boobs were perky and my ass was toned. My hair was straight and a nice brown color instead of streaky blonde highlights. I was so happy. I opened my closet to see what I had and I hate such cute clothes! I grabbed a cute floral dress and some cute sandals and went out the door to find a bathroom. When I saw an opened door I looked in and it was a bathroom so I stepped in then I got pushed out from some boy. "To slow hun" said the Mike and he slammed the door in your face. You were shocked on who you saw but lowkey mad at what he did. Aria came behind you and said "Why aren't you using your own bathroom Eve?" You turned around and looked at her happily "Oh I umm I don't know actually I'll be right back" you said while you go back to your room and try to find the door to your bathroom which was in the corner of your room. When you went inside the bathroom you took off what you had on and examined your new improved body . Your skin was flawless and tan no dark areas just one color. You took a quick rinse off and you didn't have to shave anything was already shaved for you from a previous time. So once you got out of the shower you fixed yourself up and put some light makeup and brushed out your hair and put on your cute outfit . You noticed your stomach was growling so you grabbed your phone and headed downstairs for breakfast. When you checked your phone it's said you had 2 missed calls and 15 missed messages. I didn't know who they were from but shortly I found who the 2 missed calls were from. So I headed downstairs to be greeted with a great smell of food and my parents and my siblings and ZACH DEMPSEY!! I didn't know why he was there but hopefully it's what I think it is.
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When you looked into Demseys eyes you couldn't help but smile. You loved the kid from his daring eyes to his toned ass. "Hey babe I called you a couple of times to let you know that ur mom invited me for breakfast I hope Thts fine" said MY MF BABE!! "Of course honey it's fine" said my mom.. "yah of course Zach" I said smiling. I sat right next to Zach and grabbed some pancakes and a sausage. We ate all together which was super nice. We all talked and laughed. Zach grabbed my inner thigh which caught me off guard. He was watching me suck on my sausage before biting into it and zach whispered in my ear saying " you know what else you can suck if we leave rn?" He looked at me seductively and I looked at him smiling and I nodded my head and told my parents "we have to go because we are gonna be late for school". I stood up and grabbed my babes hand and he dragged him off his chair and we headed to the door. "Okay be careful now" my dad said and then mike stopped us at the door to give my backpack. "Hey where are you going so speedy fast" he asked all nosy and shi .. " to school now beat it mike" I clapped back. When we headed out I saw Zach's BMW waiting for us.. he opened the door for me like a gentleman.. I was soo excited for what was gonna happen next.. Dempsey speeded away and I was holding his hand on the way to school. I was lowkey getting impatient because cmon it's zach and all I could think about was pulling his damn pants down and sucking the life out of him. Zach saw how impatient I grew and he grabbed my thigh and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear "we are almost at our spot" those words killed me. "OUR SPOT!" We had a spot!! I was so excited! When I looked out the window I noticed a lot of trees and a nice big lake. This must be our spot I thought to myself. He stopped the car in front of the lake. I was getting nervous cuz this would be my first time giving head tht Ik and I didn't know what he was gonna do to me.
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Zach grabbed my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss and then I got up and straddled him on the car seat.. he kissed down my neck and took off my dress revealing my bralete he removed tht too and started sucking on my nipples the sensation was amazing i literally rolled my head back.. it feels like iv done this before but in this life. It was great. He gave me a hickey on my neck and whispered in my ear saying " You are so hot babe.. please suck my dick" you giggled at tht and you pulled the seat further so you had room to go down on him. You accidentally put ur hand on the wheel to get steady and a loud honk came on. We both got scared and jumped he grabbed me and I looked out the window and I was pretty sure i saw someone out there I saw a blue jacket in the distance but zach started laughing and i looked back at zach and started to laught still curious who tht was out there . He kissed me again and then I got back into the mood. I went down on the car floor and pulled down is pants and his huge cock flew out and my eyes grew wide I was surprised how big he was I was lowkey scared I couldn't handle it but idk how but myself just started going at it and I  did it really good cuz zach was definitely pleased and I heard his cute ass moans. And it made me smile but I was shocked on how good I was doing .. he busted in my mouth but I didn't mind cuz he tasted so good. After tht session was over I put back my clothes on. And I  kissed zach and left a little mark on him as well. After We headed to school.
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When we got out of the car he held my hand. I felt secure and happy with him. And everyone was looking at us. When zach opened the doors to liberty hs he yelled " what's up my boys !!!" Looking over to Justin,Bryce,Jeff,Monty,and Steve mf Harrington! I couldn't believe he was friends with them but I mean look at Steve he is so hot with his hair and tht blue liberty high varsity jacket on.. I would fall for him in a heart beat but I snapped out of it and remembered I had a great boyfriend. And then I looked back at Steve and he gave me a wink. I was surprised he would do tht especially in front of ppl. And I heard a few familiar voices from a far calling my name. I turned to see who it was and it was my best friends. Spencer,Emily,Hannah,Aria,and Ali... I walked to them and they grabbed me in a huddle "hey eve are you okay ?!" "Is everything okay?" They asked.. I was super confused on why they were saying tht .. "yah ofc why ?!" I asked super curious but nervous as heck. "Oh no she doesn't know yet" said aria .. "wtf is going on!" I asked "ummm so there is pictures going around with you and Steve at a party hooking up" said Emily "I don't think zach saw yet cuz someone just uploaded them like 20 mins ago" said spencer.. I was so scared at what zach would think cuz I honestly don't remember anything tht happened tht night.. they showed me the photos and they were crazy bad.. I looked over and saw Bryce showing zach the photos.. zach looked at me disgusted.. I tried to go to him but he walked Away. I was no confused and hurt.. I went to class and he was in the same class. I saw him and he looked down mad and hurt. Ppl were looking at me disgusted and some jealous looks tht I got both super hot guys. I sat down and I kept looking at zach to think of what I should say after class.
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When the first period bell rang I watched him pack his stuff up and I quickly got up and grabbed his arm letting him tht I had to talk to him. "Zach please listen.. let me talk" I said . "Evelyn you fuxking lied and cheated on me there isn't much you can say" he said. "No the thing is i don't even remember doing those things with Steve like at all.. i would never want to hurt you Zach" I told him. "The thing is you still hurt me and Idk if I can forgive you for this" he said. " No babe please ! I honestly don't even like him and I don't remember a damn thing!" I explained. "Well it doesn't look like tht on those photos" he said walking away. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't and I ran to the bathrooms and went into a stall and wiped my tears away. When i was doing so I heard girls giggling and talking. I ended up listening to what they were saying. "I can't believe that Evelyn girl got caught cheating on her hot ass boyfriend" said one girl. "She is so dumb to think that she wouldn't get caught!" Said another girl. "Well let's hope Steve Harrington knows what he's doing to stay out of this drama.. he is so hot and shouldn't be with a girl like Evelyn.. it's literally not fair I mean like almost all the guys at liberty try to freaking hook up with her.. I guess she made that mistake with Harrington" both girls giggled and walked away. You heard everything and that made u cry even more but then you realized tht your the hot shot at the school and shouldn't care what ppl think. All I cared about was getting zach back !
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After school I tried to find Steve cuz I had to talk to him and get some answers .. I figured he would be up at the field practicing so I went up and there and I saw him along with many other guys I even saw zach and his face said it all .. he look bummed as ever and it hurt me to see him like .. so as I waited for the practice to be over I grabbed steves attention and I called him over. He saw me and got super happy to see me and ran to me.
"Hey beautiful wanna finish where we left off last Friday ?" Steve said
"Steve what are u talking about and why is all this happening?!" I told him
"Wdym I thought this is what you wanted..clearly you wanted me tht night. And I honestly don't know who took those pics and posted it. But all Ik is tht I want you with me" Steve said as he got super close to my face and tried to kiss me. I pushed him off
"Steve I'm sorry but we can't do this, I can't do this! I love zach and I don't want to hurt him anymore" I said to Steve
"Fine whatever do what you want be with him but Ik deep down you want me." Steve said and running back to the locker rooms. I stood there thinking to myself. After I gathered my thoughts and my belongings I headed to Zach's car to wait for him.
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When I saw zach heading to the car my stomach started to hurt cuz i was soo nervous on what was gonna go down .
"You ready to go" he said bluntly and got in the car
"Uh yeah but zach can I please talk to you" I said
"What about ? I told you there isn't much to say" zach said
"ZACH I LOVE YOU AND I DONT WANT TO EVER HURT YOU AGAIN!" I yelled to get in his head.
"Eve Ik you do. And Ik you were beyond drunk and I forgive you.. just make sure it doesn't happen EVER again !" He said . I was so happy he said tht .. I gave him a kiss and closed my eyes to rest.
When we got to my house he asked me if I wanted to go to a party.
"Hey babe before you go there's this party tonight at Bryces. Do you wanna go ?" He asked
"No thanks babe I rather spend it with you. If your down. I checked the movies that are playing at the crestmount and there's a good one i think you'll like" I told him
"That sounds way better babe! I'll pick u up 7" he said . I agreed and kissed him goodbye.
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liv324 · 7 years
Behind The Scenes
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Interviewer: So Zac how are you in Evelyn?! Everyone is talking about your guys movie and how the death scene of Evelyns character was so hard for you. those tears you shed on that scene was very emotional for you. It made me and many other people cry too! such great acting from both you..can you please elaborate on that scene
Zac: Oh My! *looks down and laughs and the looks up *gif.. That scene was personally hard for me to do. because i was thinking what if i actually lost her the love of my life! Very true tears that shed in those scenes. Evelyn means so much to me.. cant imagine losing her. But thank you the movie was such a huge success
Interviewer: awww  my heart..okay so some people are saying you guys mess around a lot on set. is that true?
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Zac: haha what do you means by that?
interviewer: well i heard you guys are very “affectionate” and do some crazy things behind the scenes
Zac: well personally i love messing with evelyn. she is fun to play with. and its hard to resist her cute little face so sometimes during a scene i have to just grab her small face and kiss her. I mean have you seen the girl like woahhh
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Zac: oh and have you seen our shower scene? That was my favorite scene *winks
you went behind your lovers back and hugged him from the back. “Whats going on over here” you said smiling.
Interviewer: omg here is the beauty herself! Evelyn can you please tell us how you manage with this piece of hunk?
Evelyn: well i get my way with my special techniques *winks at camera
Zac: oookayy babe dont expose us now haha
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your next project is with a guy named stefan and you guys had to do a lot of dirty things which makes your boyfriend Zac hella jealous
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your characters name is Ava and you had a sex scene with stefan and your boyfriend Zac is there watching you two go at it. and he hates it. he turns away in jealousy imagining that was him
Evelyn: ohhhh fuckkk stefan *moans loud
Stefan: Ava *pants heavily
stefan whispers in your ear saying “we should do this for real someday evelyn” and winks at you. you were stunned at the words he said because those words werent in the script. In your mind you wanted stefan to actually fill up in you and make you scream his name for real but then you glanced at your real boyfriend Zac Efron and saw his back turned.
The scene was over so you walked up to Zac scaring him.
Zac: what do you want? *with a petty tone
Evelyn: I want you! all of you . inside me stretching me out making me scream your name. and showing me all of your dirty kinks *you kiss him passionately
Zac: his eyes lit up.. babe really? i mean ofc! lets leave rn
you guys got up and left and when you were up he grabbed your ass and you guys walked off to his car.
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zac took off his shirt exposing his incredible body. He sat on top of his car grabbing your waist pulling you towards his package.
Zac: Evelyn i wanna kiss your neck and make you purple all over
you smile and starts making out passionately. he picked you up and put you inside his car. he then removed your shirt exposing your neck and chest. zac then kissed you all around your neck and chest making you silently moan and causing little hickys around you. zac then removed your pants. he put his fingers around your entrance making you beg for him. he then started to finger you so good. you tilted your head back in enjoyment. he then put his hard member inside you thrusting in and out of you making you scream his name
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Interviewer: So how was your night with evelyn?
Zac: Wait what? haha what do you know?
Interviewer:Oh that you had a night to remember
Zac: I definitely had that * winks
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liv324 · 7 years
A Wild Night With Steve Harrington
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It was a cold Friday night at the Henderson household. I invited my boyfriend Steve over for dinner. It was nice he LOVED KFC. “Thanks Mrs.Henderson for the dinner” Steve said to my mom.”Of course honey” my mom replied.
Steve gave me a look. I was confused on what look he was doing until I felt a hand slither up my thigh. His big hand grabbed my inner thigh making me jump a little and knocking my knee on the top of the table.
“Honey is everything okay down there?” my mom asked. “Yeah” I mumbled.
Dustin gave me a look and was about to say something that would ruin dinner but I gave him the look of “I’m going to kill you if you say something”. He looked away and Steve saw what happened and giggled. I kicked him under the table.
“Okay who is ready for dessert!?” my mom asked. Dustin jumped and headed to the kitchen. “ Thank you again but I think I should head out I have some homework to do.” Steve said. I was so confused on why so early he had to leave. But he just gave me a wink. So I just went along with it.
“Well okay that’s good school comes first for you. But good night honey” my mom said and headed to the kitchen to help get the dessert for Dustin.
Steve kissed me and whispered in my ear saying expect me back in 5 minutes and I shook my head.
“Mom I’m going to be in my room studying” I said. “Okay good Honey” she replied.
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*KNOCK KNOCK* I heard a knock on my window so I went near it and there behold Harrington smirking saying “I’m back”. “Steve why didn’t you just stay and just come up to my room because this is just extra” I told him. “Babe because if I did that your mom would hate me forever” he replied. “Why would she hate you?” I asked him. “Well because you know...” he moved very close to my face and kissed me. “Wowww Harrington get your ass in here” I said
He got in and looked around noticing how nice your room is and how aesthetically pleasing it can be. He then saw your bed imagining you on there naked and hot. He then laid flat on your bed gazing at your ceiling but also imagining you riding him. You then slapped him with your pillow to get his attention and draw him back to reality. He got up with a smile and a red face.
“Hey babe lets play a game” he smirks at me. “Okay what kind of game” I asked.”The kissing game” he said. “Okay how do you playyy” I said seductively while walking closer to him.
He grabbed my ass and pulled me to him kissing me. He pulled me up and then laid me down the bed. He was now between my legs on the edge of the bed about to hover me until my little brother Dustin barged in my room.
“ Hey Evelyn do want..... MOTHER TRUCKER whats going on here.. I thought you left Steve”. We quickly fixed ourselves making it seem nothing happened.
“ Hey Hey Dustin whats up buddy” Steve said walking to him and pulled him in my room. “Dustin we were just talking about school” I said.
“Okayyy..” Dustin said suspiciously. “Anyways can we all play a game or something” he asked. “Yeah sure kid..What kind of game?” Steve asked. “Gold fish?” Dustin asked. Steve and I exchanged looks and both said sure.
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We were all around our game table playing an innocent game of Gold Fish. “Hey I gotcha Evelyn” Steve said giggling and smiling at me. I elbowed his chest rolling my eyes. All of a sudden I feel a hand crawl up thighs under my skirt. I can tell he was finishing what he wanted to do from earlier. I smirked at him letting him do whatever he wanted to do to me. I gasped as he started to rub my clit. “Dang Steve nice shot” I said to distract my gasp. He then slipped two fingers in and mouth dropped and I quickly covered my mouth. Steve’s fingers went fast and hard and I couldn’t hold it any longer I moaned Steve’s name so loud. Dustin eyes widened and looked at me. “Sorry that sounded wrong” I said and giggled. I got up and left to the bathroom. Dustin walked downstairs to get more dessert and Steve knocked on the bathroom door. I looked in the mirror so unsatisfied you can say sexually frustrated. When I heard the knock I knew it was Steve. I opened the door and grabbed him in and closed the door fast. I pushed him against the door quickly putting our mouths together. He took off my shirt and threw it and I took off his shirt and threw it also. Our naked upper body clashed together he roamed his fingers down my breast and then grabbed it. He kissed down my chest making me throw my head back. He then picked me up and put me on top of the sink counter and pulled down my skirt revealing my lacy panty. He went on his knees pulling off my panty and pulling my hips closer to his face. All I feel is Steve’s tongue wandering in places that I haven’t felt in a long. My head fell back in pleasure I grabbed his big luscious hair and massaged his head. He was doing wonders down there. He spanked the side of my ass and looked up at me with pure lust in his eyes. He kissed me passionately and turned around I heard him unwrap something. He put a condom on and turned back at me.”Are you ready baby” he asked me. “ Yes” I looked at him excited and impatient. “Say yes Steve in your begging voice” he said as he teased my entrance. “YES STEVE” I moaned loudly. he then smacked the side of my ass again and thrusted in me and out. “Fuck me harder” I yelled. He grabbed my neck and fucked me harder making me moan loud. I was about to explode also Steve was about lose it as well. As we kissed we let go and filled each other while moaning in each others mouth.
After we each got cleaned up we noticed that we left Dusty alone and confused. So I rushed down stairs and no one was there. It made me curious I went to the kitchen to see a note on the counter saying “Dustin and I went to the store to get some more cat food be back in 20″ she left a time which was 20 minutes ago. So basically they left before all the fucking and moaning.
“Hi honey we are back how are you?” my mom asked as she came through the door with Dustin.”She is very okay mom” Dustin interrupted. I gave him a look. “I’m fine mom.. I’m going to bed Good night”
As I arrived my room I was greeted with a shirtless Steve. He was putting on his shirt before I stopped him.”No don’t..leave it off” I demanded Steve. He smirked and kissed me.” You can sleep here if you want. They wont come up here” I said. “Then lets get in the covers and cuddle while we fall asleep” we did just that. It was definitely a good night with Steve Harrington.
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liv324 · 7 years
A Hard Goodbye pt2
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cont. I got a text from Damon saying call me now. So I called him.”What do you want Damon” I said annoyed.”Well Hello to you too Evelyn” he said playfully.”Damon what!?”.”Okay okay so I sorta feel bad about my friend killing your dad but I mean the man had it coming when he tried to stake him sooo.But anyways I wanna give you surprise as an apology.” Damon said.”Damon you cant buy my forgiveness and I don’t intend on forgiving you anytime soon” I said smartly.”Well too late you should be expecting your surprise soon” he said. I hung up angrily.I hate how he thinks that he can get away with things like this well he wont with me.
I woke up with the sound of my annoying alarm clock going off. Dustin was outside my room door.”Hey Evelyn we have to leave in 20″ he said.I got ready fast making myself look the best. Usually I wouldn’t care how I would look at times but Steve was going to be there and I had to meet up with him. As I dropped Dustin off at his school I headed to my school. I have to be honest I was really nervous about going into the school. As I walked into the school Nance saw me and hugged me.”Hey are you excited for your first day?” Nance asked me. Before I could reply Steve replied for me.”I’m pretty sure she is excited to see what this school has to offer” he says behind Nance and winks at me.”I guess what Steve said” I giggled as I smiled at Steve.*RING* All of us headed to our classes.
It was time for lunch. I grabbed my Hello Kitty lunch pale I had since I was 6 and headed to my car to indulge in my favorite oatmeal and banana. As I finished I cleaned myself up and headed to room 822 to meet up with Steve. As I walked in no one was in there well as thought.But I felt a pull on my arm which turned me around. I faced Steve Harrington. He pulled me into a deep kiss. I couldn’t resist so I gave in.I pushed him against a wall pulling my shirt off. Steve eyes got big and he slowly grinned looking at my body.He pulled off his shirt and picked me up from legs and my body straddled him he found a chair and sat down with my body still straddling him. We were in deep passionate kiss. When I suddenly feel his fingers run through my panties under my skirt. He put two fingers in and it felt amazing. As we were stuck together something was happening outside the halls of Hawkins High.
Stefan was in the halls looking for me. A girl named Olivia walked up to him with lust in her eyes.”Hi you like a lost puppy do you need help?” she asked him.”Yes actually I’m looking for my girlfriend Evelyn have you seen her?” he replied.She was a little mad when he said girlfriend.” Oh Evelyn she is that new girl..well yah I did actually she walked into room 822 I think there is some meeting in there or something.” she told him.”Thank you” he said and left in hurry to find me.
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As Stefan approached room 822 he didn’t find anyone inside the window. So he walked inside and heard moaning to the side of him and looked over to see his ex girlfriend glued to some pretty boy. I looked over shocked as ever getting up as fast as ever. In my mind I was thinking that Damon wasn’t kidding by getting a surprise real soon. Steve stood up as well and was curious about the man that was standing in front of us with betrayal in his eyes. “Stefan” I said softly.”Wow Evelyn you sure know how to move on faster than I thought” he said sarcastically and left the room. I put my shirt back on and stormed off to follow Stefan.He left fast so I couldn’t catch up. I face timed him and luckily he answered and said “its fine Evelyn I need to learn to let you go.I want you to be happy with your life so Goodbye for good”. That was such a Hard Goodbye for me.But I think Hawkins will treat me right. I sadly left the school and headed back home.
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I heard some mumbling outside my window so I went to look out and I saw Steve with his face all busted up I yelped and saw Dustin with him and gave Steve a cold one to put on his face. I ran outside to Steve.”What the hell happened to you Harrington!?” I asked. Steve turned around and gave me that look^.”Evelyn what do you think happened” he said with a duh.” What the..he wouldn’t” I said nervously.”Well think again..he has some kick in him”. In my mind I was like duh he is a vampire.”I’m sorry” i told him. “Ya ya its fine at least I have you to myself” he said. “ha ha ha okay Harrington”. he pulled me into a kiss. I can get use to this more often, no more supernatural beings to worry about. Little did I know I was far from being supernatural free. There was so much ahead of me I didn’t know.
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liv324 · 7 years
A Hard Goodbye pt1
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You lived with your dad at mystic falls. you had a great life there. You had your boyfriend Stefan who which is a vampire. You guys grew real close. You taught him a lot too like self control with his blood intake. Your dad never thought Stefan was bad he actually loved him and encouraged you guys to be together. But one day everything changed.
It was Monday morning I was getting ready for school when someone knocked on my door. I thought it was just my dad back from work so i went downstairs to go open it. When i opened the door i was a little shocked and curious.” Hi are you Evelyn Henderson?” a woman cop asked. “umm yes why?” you asked nervously. “I’m sorry to inform you but your dad died this morning at 2:34 am he was killed by an animal during his investigation at his work”. the lady cop said sadly.
When those words left her mouth I froze and tears were running down my face. The lady had to hug me to release me from my frozen state. When I gained my reality back, the cop told me I had to move back with my mom and brother at Hawkins, Indiana. She told me I had a day to say goodbye to any of my friends and pack up my belongings and head out the next day.
That same day I went to see my dad and say goodbye to him. When I got home I packed my things and called Stefan to come over. I didn’t know how to tell him that I am leaving Mystic Falls yet alone that we might have to break up. I was distraught about even thinking that but it might just happen since my life is changing. I heard a knock at the door and i went to open it.
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ignore the words^
When I saw Stefan’s face I saw concern and guilt. “Evelyn i’m so sorry” he weeped into my arms. “Stefan why are you sorry, you didn’t kill my dad” I told him.” No but I know who did and I could’ve stopped it”. he replied.” what do you mean the cop said it was an animal attack”. “I think we both know its not just “animal attack” Stefan said. “ Okay then who killed my Dad!” I trembled. “ His name is Enzo he is one of Damon’s “drinking buddies” he replied. He held me between his arms while I was crying. “I hate both of them!” I yelled.” Hey look at me, I promise that I will keep you safe(this is where the gif comes in play). He picked me up by my legs and took me to the couch and comforted me until I felt better.
I looked at Stefan and kissed his lips. “ Thank you for always being here for me” I told him. “ Of course Evelyn, I love you” he replied genuinely. That made you smile and so you grabbed him by the shirt and clashed your lips together. He laid you down on your back on the couch and removed his shirt and hovered you. You quickly took of your shirt and the grabbed his hair and put your lips to his. His body was grinding against yours and quickly the two of you were naked under the sheets in your room doing it.
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After, the two of you laid in the bed cuddling with one another. You finally were gonna tell Stefan about leaving tomorrow.” Hey Stefan I need to tell you something” you slowly got out of the arms of him and sat up.”Yah whats up?” he said curiously. “Well since I’m under 18 I have to live with my mom and brother at Hawkins, Indiana.. Basically my life is changing and honestly I don’t know if our relationship is going to last. You know how I cant do long distance its hard for me.” I said. “ No Evelyn you cant leave not now! I need you! you made me the man I am now.. you cant! I love you!” the words slipped out of his mouth. “Stefan... I love you too but I have to.” You said sadly. “Fine” he said and kissed me and left hurriedly and sadly. I knew he was still upset but I think this is how he copes.
It was the next day sadly. I was packed up and ready to go. I gave my goodbyes to all my friends. I even gave a text to Stefan letting him know I love him and goodbye. I also gave him permission to date other girls and be happy. When my ride showed up to take me to the airport. I cried a little leaving my house.
I just arrived Hawkins and its absolutely different than Mystic Falls. The people here seem always on edge like something was going to happen. So when I arrived to my moms place I was greeted with a cheesy smile from my little brother Dustin. “Hey Evelyn long time no see. I missed you” he said as he gave me one huge hug.”I missed you too bud” you replied. Then I saw my mom with an apron on and a huge smile as well. “Ohhhh my sugar, Oh how I missed you baby” she said running towards me with a big hug. “ Hi mom I missed you so much” you said as you hugged her. “come, get comfortable I made dinner for you. We can finally have dinner together.” she said.
After I got settled in I went downstairs to eat with my family.”So I’m still devastated about your father being gone and today I actually planned the funeral for him.” my mom said. “How did he die?” Dustin asked. I chocked on my drink when he asked that because I know the real truth about his death but I didn’t want to bring some supernatural crap into their lives so I told him he was attacked by an animal during work.
Later that evening Dustin asked me to take him to Mike Wheeler’s house. So I did. As we arrived I met all his friends. Mike,Lucas,Will,Max, and a strange little girl named El. I also met Nancy, Mikes older sister. We actually got along real quick and we talked for a while. But she had to leave to go on a date with her boyfriend Jonathan. Mikes parents asked me if i could watch the kids as the went on a date as well. As a nice person and sister I said I will. Dustin told me that someone would be coming over to hang with them too.
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20 minutes have passed I heard a knock at the door. I went to go open the door expecting another rugrat. But when I opened the door there stood a good looking stud. His hair was perfect and I was thinking of running my hands in his hair and his lips! His lips looked so kissable I was so memorized by him and I also noticed he was holding a bat. But then I hit back reality and noticed he was checking me out as well. “Hello how can I help you” I asked him. “Oh You can help with a lot” he mumbled under his breathe. “Excuse me?” I questioned but also knowing what he said.  “Hey Steve!” Dustin yelled behind me. “Hey buddy” Steve replied. He winked at me while he passed me to go with the boys.
When they were all playing their game I made them a snack. Steve came out of the basement and saw me preparing the snacks.” Hey thanks for the snacks uhh..”.”Evelyn.. Henderson” I told him.”Oh your Dustin’s sister” he smirked.”Well Miss Henderson will you be attending Hawkins High?” he asked.”Yes actually” I replied.”Well then we will definitely be seeing each more often. he smirks and takes one of the grapes and pops it in his mouth. I smile and took the plate of food to the boys.
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As I came back up from the basement I see pretty boy Steve against the wall with a sweet smile and puppy dog eyes. Inside I couldn’t resist him but I had to keep control. Plus I just broke up with the love of my life. So I had to snap out of it. But then as I walked past him he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest and whispered something in my ear.”I know you want me and I want you so meet me at room 822 tomorrow at school if you want to know what will happen” he walked off and left me SHOOK! Literal Shook. Then my phone rang it was a text from my mom saying to come home. So I got Dustin and as we headed to the door to leave Steve said “See ya at school tomorrow Evelyn” with a wink. I smiled and left. When I got home I got a text from Damon saying.....To Be Continued..
hope you enjoyed this part 1. Part 2 will be released tomorrow.
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liv324 · 9 years
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liv324 · 9 years
I’m in LOVE with this video and him!!
Pass me the holy water omf {ib:o my brien} dt-kristen&syd
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liv324 · 9 years
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His smirk always get me 😍😍😍
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