livelafflauren · 2 months
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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Emilie Lindmark
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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hello tumblr/old me/ active followers: I’m going on 27 now. still with my person, we’re in the process of buying a house. We have good jobs. I’m an event producer/talent manager and worked with many cool people to say the least. He’s an engineer. Still have 3 dogs. No kids. I got my Master’s 2 years ago. Oh I have a small biz too. I haven’t straightened my hair in years (since 2018). I’ve been to many places and many more concerts (I even book talent for them!). I’ve had a few art curations. I no longer podcast but I want to start again. I’m learning Spanish and starting my third semester.
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hello tumblr/old me/ active followers: I’m placing this here for reference since I’ve had this account for about a decade. I refuse to let it go because it’s been there for me when I needed it. Anyway I’m 22. I have a Bachelor’s degree. I received it at 20. I’m currently studying to go back for my Masters. I’m more secure with my being, my skin, and my hair. I have a podcast. I have bills in my name. I have good credit. I have 3 dogs. I’ve been to more concerts than I can count. My first trip on a plane was to NY. None of this will probably be important in the next decade because I’m hoping for bigger, but I wanted to make note of it for the days I’m here randomly scrolling endlessly for the nostalgia.
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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livelafflauren · 3 months
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livelafflauren · 1 year
dark green is a nice color. underrated
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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Daum  |  Amber Tantra Sculpture
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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livelafflauren · 1 year
Thinking about leaving twitter to come back here BUT do I start fresh or keep this account going.
Any of my followers still here?😂
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livelafflauren · 1 year
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188 notes · View notes
livelafflauren · 1 year
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