livindat-thuglife · 11 years
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livindat-thuglife · 11 years
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livindat-thuglife · 11 years
That faker than Barbie pictured fends me I'm Barbie and that's not cool c'mon gurl D: I'm Barbie and I can be anything I wanna be and I don't wanna be fake I'm real, real life u know yeah...... But on a serious note ignore the hate your blog is awesome
Haha. thanks. c:
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
Soo I'm 21..I just found your blog and nothing you post offends me. These people are just a bunch of pussies, don't let it phase you.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
Sorry i havent been posting guys. i'll try to post more on here.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
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mine. <3 xxxx
mwuah <3
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
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mine <3 mwuah xx
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
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mine. xx <3
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
at least people stopped bombing my fucking ask box. holy shit. 
i'm keeping this blog guys fuck the haters they can do what they want <3
love my followers. xxoxo. mwuah
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
i'm two seconds away from like deleting my blog or something. this is bullshit.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
If you use the N word, then yes, we will tell you what you can and can't say. If you slut shame, then yes, we will tell you what you can't say. If you use the word rape for anything besides rape, then yes, we will tell you what to say. You're only a kid, so I'm sorry that this is new to you. But take us calling you out as a starting point in checking your actions and making better choices that are much less destructive.
ok, obviously you dont get this. I TOOK IT OFF.
Holy fuck it is not this big of a deal.
Its not like im the fucking KKK or some shit seriously?
Im not being destructive but ok?
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
Ignore all the haters , your blog is fab.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
there's a diffrence between niggah and nigger , one is offensive the other is just aslang word.
I really didnt think there was, but I took it off so. It really doesnt matter anymore.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
Fuck all of your racist and misogynistic bull shit. I get that you're just a kid but you should still know better. Please delete this blog or at least stop posting all these slut shaming photos and stop using the "N" word before this shit completely seeps into the minds of other kids like you. Your messages are really dangerous and these things contribute to the perpetuation/normalization of violence.
I took the "N word" off. But really, dont look at my blog if you dont like you dont need to follow it or reblog it or anything. There are blogs way worse than mine. I for one am not  racist. Stop calling my shit that clearly i'm not.
"misogynistic bull shit" 
for one, I do not hate woman, wtf Im a girl myself I do not have a hate for girls. 
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
I'm a different anon, but same problem: Please don't use the N-word. It doesn't matter if you meant it to be offensive or not, because using the word AT ALL is offensive. Also, you used it to describe yourself alongside "gross". Sorry, black people aren't gross. Seriously, please change it.
There i took it off, are you guys happy? Seriously. 
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
I'm in love with your blog and your posts are flawless c:
aw. thanks.
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livindat-thuglife · 12 years
ok srsly.
dont fucking look at my blog if you dont like it. you don't have to. don't like what i post then don't look at it end of fucking story don't rape my ask box telling me how to act or what to say its my blog. i don't tell you guys how to run your life? lol. so piss off then. I mean seriously if you're doing it because im thirteen and you think im young then your not my mother once you actually know me, then you can try telling me shit until then fuck off. god damn.
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