Good news for you, this August 23rd.
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Hi Carl I love you
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it's just the vampire armand and his fuckass hat against the world
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last chance to evacuate
as you may know, israel has begun its ground operation in rafah. they dropped leaflets last night ordering people to evacuate, and bombing in east rafah has already begun.
The border is about to become unreachable.
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Rafah is trapped.
We have literal hours until no-one, all the GoFundMe's you've scrolled past, all the people desperately begging on TikTok, will be able to escape.
Give now. Give whatever you can.
I am fundraising for the Odeh family, which is only 3k away from meeting its goal.
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you will not get another chance.
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Reblog to make it die faster
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hey d,i'm about 10k word on my wip and i don't know how to continue it heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp (i need a transition scene)
Always helps to switch POVs if you're stuck with a scene :)
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Hi! Apologies if this is something you can’t answer because of spoilers, but I was wondering who the Firstborn’s partners were? If it’s another fae, the children would have mixed blood and that’s been shown to be Not Good at producing stable kids, but it’s not humans because October is a changeling, not a full Dochas Sidhe. Did all the Firstborn marry their siblings? Thank you, I love your work!
First up, let’s do a little weird science.  It’s weird science because it’s weird, and because it’s not really scientific.  At the same time, it is an absolute constant of the Toby universe, so it counts.  So:Oberon, Maeve, and Titania are considered genetically unstable, to use words that we probably all agree mean what I want.  Any time any one of them has a child, that child will be biologically unique.  Think komodo dragons.  Female komodo can (and do) give birth to parthenogenically conceived male offspring who are distinct enough from them to breed with, without worrying about inbreeding.  Because nature is weird.  So when Oberon and Maeve have a kid, while that kid is definitely theirs, and while both of them would be weirded out and disgusted by the thought of reproduction with said kid (Oberon is not actually Zeus), biologically, they could wait for the kid to hit adulthood and then have kids with their kid, without concern about what that would do to the genetics.  Gross, but there you go.  There have almost certainly been cases of “Maeve gets frisky with one of Titania’s kids, after the kid is a couple of hundred years old,” because that are immortal, inhuman, and easily bored.
Any time one of the Three has a child, with anyone, the child will be Firstborn.  The genetic instability that the Three bring to the table will mean that the kid is effectively not related to either parent.  They’ll inherit a class of magic from their Three parent; they may get traits from their other parent (if it is not one of the Three).  They may not.  Faerie does not like rules, and gets cranky when they are applied.  Blind Michael and the Luidaeg, for example, have the same parents (Maeve and Oberon), and do not share any physical or magical traits.  Acacia is Titania’s daughter by an unknown father, but most people figure Titania didn’t bang a tree.  The beat goes on.The one exception to the “nothing from their non-Three parent” is repeated reproduction within a relatively short period of time.  If Titania were to have multiple children with the same non-Oberon father during a short span, she would get a cluster of Firstborn who were physically extremely similar, and had complimentary magical gifts.  Why?  No one knows.  One theory is that Faerie is actually guiding the creation of the Firstborn, and doesn’t change directions quickly.  So Faerie says “I need a type of fae that does _______,” puts out the order, and doesn’t cancel it fast enough to avoid getting four possibles.  This is not a bad thing.  Quite a few races have multiple Firsts because of this.  (Multiple births can go either way.  The Tuatha have two Firsts because the mother of their Firstborn had twins.  They were almost, but not quite, identical, and when their children intermarried, the two lines became utterly entangled.)Firstborn are partially genetically unstable.  If Firstborn A has ten children with non-First B, they will all be representatives of the same descendant race.  They will also not be biologically related.  The DNA gets “scrubbed,” for lack of a better term.  Fae do have taboos against incest, but only among siblings who actually grew up together.  If the same Firstborn goes on to have more children with someone else, whether they get members of the same descendant race, a slightly different descendant race, or a totally new descendant race will be determined partially by the non-Firstborn parent.  First + First pairings will always result in consistent descendant races.Your common scenarios are:1. Firstborn + member of the Three.  Assuming that none of the Three has willingly had children with one of their own children, this still leaves one potential mate for each Firstborn child.2. Firstborn + Firstborn.3. Firstborn + other fae.4. Firstborn + mortal.5. Firstborn + something else.Assume the same Firstborn decided, over the course of centuries, to try all five methods.  First they breed with one of the Three, and become parent to a descendant race which doesn’t thrive.  Next they breed with another Firstborn, and become parent to a descendant race that thrives, but in a limited form.  Then they breed with another fae, and become parent to a descendant race that spreads and becomes what they are known for.  They tarry with a mortal, get a changeling child, and because they cannot find a hope chest, go no further.  Finally, they breed with a cloud, and become a parent to a second well-established descendant race.Faerie is complicated, and Mother’s Day cards are confusing.
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site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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Thanks for answering
i really like the Mycotyrant, am i right to assume the body he shows in his card is not his original body?
The Mycotyrant is a like, a hivemind. The Legendary card is just whatever the central body is at this point.
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hi guys, i made a videou about my autism with other autistic friends, we talk about advice how to stop prejudice with a PHD psychiatrist
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Likes don’t increase visibility to others! Please reblog this to spread the word! 
I think Werewolf is an inherently queer medium
This is all a part of a larger long-term project.
I am trying to hold the World of Darkness to higher standards of inclusivity.
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Book 1: Cliath
Meet The Gaians — a chosen people blessed by Gaia of whom among them there are heroes who are born, blessed with the power to Change. They have been charged with the duty of protecting her and her brood, and among them are fellowships from every culture. They are largely comprised of Kinfolk. Vanguards of the earth, they follow the Codes and Creeds of renown in chiminage to the spirits in exchange for favor, protection, and power to strengthen their Fellowships and they form one of several primary factions.
A small number of Gaia’s chosen have been gifted the ability to shapeshift through either bite or birth into animals; warriors joining the fight against the Wyrm. The Gaians have many secret names for these shapeshifters between their cultures, and they range across many animal species and tribes, but the most common among them in these times are Garou.
This sourcebook includes information on First Changes, Rites of Passage, how people become werewolves, and what they're fighting for. Book 1 is effectively a players guide, including enough comprehensive character creation rules for people to create rank 1 Garou.
The World of Darkness is implied to exist just beneath a facade that all others take for granted as simply being a world gone wrong. When the Change happens to a Garou, human or otherwise, the world they once knew ceases to be. The Apocalypse is said to be something happening to everything, everywhere, simultaneously, and on every level. This transcends the concept of everything succumbing to a singular event but many small ones.
In many ways, the Garou themselves are emblematic of this Apocalypse, with these former lives ending and sweeping the cub into something far bigger than themselves. A Call To Action is the theme of Book 1.
Book 1: Cliath goes into warborn, bitten, wolf-born, and human-born lives leading up to the change. It presents a curated depiction of the Garou from the perspective of those who would mentor them. There are not a lot of conflicts, profound lore, or politics so much as 'this is what we are, this is what we do.' Functionally, this can be considered a Players’ Guide, containing your attributes, abilities, advantages, and Merits and Flaws. Gifts and rites will be truncated to rank 1 for the most part. Guidelines for new STs will be found here, including enough powers and enemy stats to keep their troupe of players on their toes. This will also include things like chargen and descriptions of attributes, abilities, and advantages. This will also have many details on packs and the importance of one's packmates. And what better way to introduce new players than to have it happen in an all-new setting for storytellers to introduce their players to the game: the first three chapters of Dead Mountain!
Dead Mountain isn't going anywhere. In fact, it will be used as the foundation for this series. Already-finished parts of the Dead Mountain will be released over the next few months, and a delayed release of the full chronicle will come next spring. The scope of Werewolf: the Essentials will strongly diverge from past game traditions. In past core books and settings, there was an intent to showcase the world at large, written from the perspective of people who had never been to these places. In the end, many details were laughably wrong or mediocre representations that didn’t appeal to the groups they represented. We want the World of Darkness to be HUGE. So, we will be laser-focusing this project to represent the Garou from the Pacific Northwest as an example, with guidelines on how to make your own World of Darkness at your locale HUGE too!
We cannot make this happen without your help.  We are putting out the call for folx from all parts of the queer, lesbian, trans, bisexual, gay, and asexual werewolf fandom looking to help make this the best possible release we can:
Horror writers
Hype Wolves to help spread the word
Indie TTRPG creators
Working together, we can create a game that is fun, engaging, and genuinely representative of the diverse community of players and fans who love Werewolf. To help us out, click here We look forward to providing you future updates!
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Headcanon - You know the senior citizen crying about his wife's passing in Avril Lavigne's "When You're Gone"?
That's no other than James,yes that James,he's crying out of grief yes but also because he never forgave himself even after 60 years of marriage;
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so true
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615K notes · View notes
Looking good!
Avatar Ishaan Rocks!
Thank you! Let Avatar Ishaan's response be:
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Don't take his deflection personally, he's still #cancelled in his world so he's wary of any positive affirmation towards himself lmao.
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by Chris Ouellette
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2 Contos em Português/2 Short Stories in Portuguese!
Olá Pessoal. Eu escrevi dois contos em português brasileiros. O Primeiro conto se chama “Diario de uma Criatura”, é sobre um velho monstro lembrando de sua vida. O segundo conto se chama “O Culto do Caos” Uma estória de um homem que encontra significado na escuridão.
aqui estão os links
“Diario de uma Criatura” https://ko-fi.com/s/bfdf4d9069
“O Culto do Caos” https://ko-fi.com/s/bfdf4d9069
Hi everyone, i wrote two short stories in my native language: Brazilian Portuguese. I know many of you don’t read,but don’t worry i’ll translate them soon,in the meanwhile... how about buying one of them on my Ko-Fi?
https://ko-fi.com/s/ded24e1e7f https://ko-fi.com/s/bfdf4d9069
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