livingzerowaste · 3 years
happy holidays! this is your yearly reminder that wrapping paper is NOT recyclable! it can even contaminate an entire neighborhoods recycling, and none of it can be recycled! please make sure to keep your wrapping paper separate from your recycling!
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livingzerowaste · 3 years
happy holidays! this is your yearly reminder that wrapping paper is NOT recyclable! it can even contaminate an entire neighborhoods recycling, and none of it can be recycled! please make sure to keep your wrapping paper separate from your recycling!
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livingzerowaste · 3 years
Grow food, not lawns- but how? If you do not come from a serious food growing family, it can definitely be overwhelming to start. Here's my suggestions:
1. What vegetables, herbs, and fruits do you like to eat? What do you eat a lot of? What would you eat more of if it weren't so expensive? Make a list.
2. What grows well where you are with little care? Start by figuring out your hardiness zone, then google crops for your zone. Walk around your neighborhood to see if you're lucky enough to have an avid gardener you can learn from- ask them what grows well. Are there community gardens in your area? A botanical garden? Local gardener bloggers? If you're in the U.S., check into your local university extension office, ask about the master gardener program and what materials they have available to help beginner gardeners.
3. Go back to your list and cross off anything that people said doesn't grow well. You can try again after you have a bit of experience. Everyone always says start small, so pick five to try. Or ignore that and do as many as you want and have space for.
4. Figure out how many of each plant you'll need, and how much space each plant will need. Do some math to figure out how much space you'll need.
5. Start considering how you're going to convert your lawn. It's fall, so now it's a great time to get all the bagged leaves you can find (assuming you live in an area with proper trees, a temperate climate, and aren't in the southern hemisphere), define an area to be the garden, and put down a thick layer of leaves. By next spring, the grass will be gone, and the soil will be ready to plant in. If that's not an option, look into sheet mulching/lasagna gardening. These are easier than digging by hand or tilling, and have better weed control too, while enriching the soil.
6. What's your soil like, anyway? Sandy? Clay-y? Rich in organic material? Do some reading about soil types. If your lawn was growing lushly, you probably have a decent start. If not, start making compost (read up on that, too), stat. Go to coffee places and ask for their used grounds. Collect grass clippings. Collect leaves. Learn about cover crops.
That's it for now, feel free to @ me questions, good chance I won't see them otherwise.
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livingzerowaste · 3 years
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
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We need to save and protect our Amazon Rainforest and wildlife.
2050 is partnered with the non-profit organization Rainforest Trust.
For every product purchased an additional acre of the rainforest will be protected
Use the code Ingrid10 for a 10% off
Let’s change the world 🌎
Go to the website 👇🏼
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
I have FREE BOOKS to give away because I don’t want to throw them in the trash. All you pay is shipping! (UK&Europe)
Kids books:
Zom-B by Darren Shan - About zombies and having an awful dad
Farmyard Tales Christmas by Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright - a really sweet interactive christmas book with hidden stuff and lift-up flaps on each page.
100 Facts Pirates by Miles Kelley - These 100 facts books are visually awesome. Good for kids into history.
100 Facts Knights and Castles “
100 Facts Ancient Rome “
The Young Gymnast - Covers the absolute basics for starting out in gymnastics. A little outdated.
The Big Book of Animals by Igloo - Fun facts about lots of different species
30 Yummy Things To Cook And Eat by Usbourne - Basic recipes for kids, printed on somewhat mess-proof paper. (Butterfly Cakes, Brownies, Ice Cream)
Adult Fiction:
The Passage by Justin Cronin - about zombie plagues
Legion of the Damned by William C Dietz - I think they’re going for a DOOM vibe
07 Ghost vol. 1 by Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara
07 Ghost vol. 2
Doubt by Yoshiki Tonogai - Death Game Horror Manga
If any of these go, I’ll dig up some more and update the list.
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
Why do I have a plastic hairbrush?
My friend was visiting me the other day and as she sat in my living room she noticed my plastic hairbrush on the table.
"Why do you have a plastic hairbrush I thought you care about nature and you try to avoid plastic!"
Why? Because I can still use it. I have had this brush for cca 12 years. It is not broken. It's fine. And I will have it for as long as it works and then buy a good alternative. We don't throw away things that work perfectly fine just to prove to other people, that we care. We use the things we have FIRST!
There is no need for buying a stainless steel lunch box if you can still use an old plastic one. It's fine.
USE WHAT YOU HAVE FIRST and when it no longer works like it should, dispose of it responsibly and then get a good alternative. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
Ways to start becoming zero waste
1. Don’t go out and buy new products. Even though you think going out and buying a bunch of containers or food bags is a good idea. Its not. You have all this already. Start by going through what you have and how you can use it in multiple ways. Use old containers that have no lids to store things in your cupboard or fridge. Use canvas bags you have received from clothing stores for your shopping bags.  You can use a lot of what you already have, you just forgot about them.
2. Always carry a water bottle. This will stop you from buying unnecessary drinks while you’re out and producing more waste. Plus if you have a large enough bottle you can get stores to put their drinks into your bottle instead of using their own takeaway cups.
3. When you start to see your house becoming more zero waste, when you go for your next shop start by making one room in the house zero waste at a time. Maybe work on this per month. Here is a guide i found on pinterest that i think is a great idea. 
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
Get yourself a cute little infuser!
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
wearing out your clothes is fun! sew the hole in your wool sweater or sock with a different colour yarn! cut up your ripped stockings and use the fabric to patch up the knees of your jeans! cover up permanent stains by trying out embroidery! patches and stitches and creative attempts and other ‘imperfections’ are cute and cool!
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livingzerowaste · 4 years
Things that hurt the planet more than CEOs
Buying your water
Taking showers longer than 15 minutes
Keeping lights on when not in use
Using a dishwasher
Refusing to recycle
Not utilizing compost
Buying convenient items such as tv dinners, fast food, etc
Kirieg kcups
Not upgrading to energy efficient materials
100 million people in the world do these things and WE are greater than the amount of factories pushing out CO2 in the world.
WE can stop doing these things or do in moderation and it will help way more than ANY ceo can in company change. Heck MOST CEOs can afford the energy efficient stuff and do because it means they spend less money and help the environment. So before you blame big tech and big pharma, blame yourself.
Oh and before you call me a hypocrite: I drink tap water, barely eat fast food (once a month), I make my own tea and coffee in the microwave, and yes I compost in the spring.
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livingzerowaste · 5 years
Repeat after me: - Veganism is not affordable - Veganism is not cruelty free - Veganism is not the best choice for everyone
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livingzerowaste · 5 years
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Where did the hype go? We can’t stop now guys.
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livingzerowaste · 5 years
Recycling doesn't work forever btw there are limits to how many times something can be recycled so I think what we need to do is just move away from a culture of single-use products being sold but that won't happen with capitalism so :/
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