lizmco335-blog · 4 years
Intersectionality, Social Justice, and Social Media
After reading all of the material in this weeks module, I have a newfound understanding of the importance of intersectionality. Everyone has a complex identity and social media is a great way to be able to share your identity. Your identity is an important aspect of how you form your political alignments and values. An important part of being able to understand why someone thinks the way they do is to understand intersectionality. I think people who attack the BLM movements or are very adamant about all lives matter do not understand intersectionality or just do not care about it. If you invalidate an entire aspect of someones identity, for example their race, you are invalidating them. Just because an issue does not pertain to you does not mean it is not important to other people. Social media has done a lot to get people involved in social justice movements and I believe it has something to do with getting to see the injustices committed on people of color to activate our empathy, since these situations would not happen to everyone. 
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lizmco335-blog · 4 years
Social media has been a huge factor in the growth of social justice movements because of its ability to bring people together over a common topic.
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lizmco335-blog · 4 years
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This graphic explores how youth intersectional identity is formed under the influence of social media and other things. From Dr. Fiona Blaikie.
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lizmco335-blog · 4 years
Just because social media isn’t as utopian a force as Friedman believed doesn’t mean that it must be a dystopian danger.
Yascha Mounk, slate.com https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/02/social-media-isnt-bad-or-good-it-favors-outsiders-regardless-of-their-aims.html
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lizmco335-blog · 4 years
This article discusses how political candidates have a new connection to voters as they no longer have to go through traditional media.
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