lizolsenhq · 4 months
Do you have one that's particularly devastating to you? Maybe we could find a way to make it worse than Sorry. Like...Big Hero 6, have you seen that one? It's a deep cut. Thank you for the kind words, despite your undertones of anger. I take it all the same and appreciate every word from someone of your caliber. I'm just pointing out that that movie damaged me, follow that up with Sebastian's crap and I just get depressed all over again. If you haven't seen it already, don't watch Wandavision if you want to talk about emotional damage.
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Disney from here on out, although that has its own way of being devastating. Can't say I've ever experienced a loss like Leigh's (thank God) but I definitely felt for her and the complexities of grief, which you portrayed heart-wrenchingly. Not sure how it did critically, I tend to ignore that stuff, but it deserves all the praise as do you. Even if I'm mad at you. That's gonna be your counter suit? Poor, sweet Lars? Like that man hasn't been through enough.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
Oh, wow. I bet after that, you're going to be sticking to Disney movies and never listen to your friends ever again. Hopefully it didn't hit you so hard in the chest that you don't ever want to talk to me again. I just strive for realism after years of pretending to have red magic coming out of my hands. Maybe my emotional damages that caused me to book the role trace all the way back to your performance in Lars, so in a way, I can circle this all back and blame you.
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@lizolsenhq, Sorry For Your Loss is something else. I don't have a lot of time to sit down and watch grownup TV or movies but a friend recommended it and insisted it would be worth the break from endless Disney movies. It was. But now I'm suing you for emotional damages, sorry. You had it coming.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
private: okay, no pleasing you with whatever way this conversation was going to go. got it. great reminder for me to stay away.
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Private: Cordial, and yet cutting. Got it.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
private: everything happened years ago, billie. i think we're both doing a disservice to ourselves by being hung up on it. you can't be stuck on stage two and be stuck in your anger, you of all people should be fully aware of that. i'm just trying to be cordial, if that's not your gig, that's not your gig. i apologize for blindsiding you, wasn't my intention. i also apologize for still feeling the need to apologize after every move i make around you, force of habit.
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Private: I'm not picking... okay, maybe I am picking a fight, a little bit or even a lot, and maybe I'm trying to bait you into something you're not going for (congratulations, again, on the self-restraint) because anger is easier than any other emotion in the incredible range I have going for me right now. I was just surprised as hell that you were here and talking to me at all, Elizabeth, and I got my hackles up faster than was fair to you. So I'll calm the hell down, leave you to your wine and 9-1-1 and Angela Bassett and you don't have to worry about me coming for you again. No more attempting to talk about hard things on my part, at the very least.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
i'm always in the frozen aisles of trader joes, i don't know what it is, but they're just immaculate. really have everything you could ever need and more. you can't beat a good ice cream sandwich, but have you tried the banana pudding ice cream from TJ? it's really been speaking to me these days. or a frosé. those are my top two.
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With summer coming up, I find myself just spending a little more time in the ice cream aisle at Trader Joe's. So many options, so little freezer space. What's your favorite summer treat? I feel like ice cream sandwiches are pretty classic. @lumhqstarters
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
private: i didn't mean rescuing from you, i meant from me implying my attraction to angela bassett - which, you know, we should maybe just quit while we're ahead on that front. i think you have to be a little more dire in your phrasing for google to recommend anything more serious, i was just grateful to find a new wine to get me through what feels like a long 2024. that felt...like a pointed compliment, so i'm gonna just not dwell on that too much. talking about hard things isn't really in our wheelhouse, come to think of it, so let's just...not and say we did. do you want me to be more outwardly resentful to match you? would that make you feel better? i don't really have it in me to try to pick a fight with you the way you seem to be baiting me for, so i'm not gonna be much help there.
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Private: You need to be rescued already? That bodes well for the rest of the conversation. Well, you never know when TV’s going to up and devastate you, I wouldn't count on anything. Thanks for the heads up on the wine recommendation, though, I would have thought that an “are you okay?” message would have come up with that search instead, but I guess even the most resilient person has their sad wine moments. That’s really up to you. I hadn’t planned on going anywhere, awkward as fuck as this is, contrary to any assumptions you wanna make about the past that I can just guess are on the tip of your tongue.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
it's good, i really like it. angela bassett can come to my rescue any day...in particular, right now, because i don't know why i just said that to you. the cast on that show's pretty consistent, thankfully. i started drinking valpolicella solely because i googled 'what kind of wine to drink when you're sad' and that was the first result to pop up. i recommend you trying that google search yourself, it actually came up with some good options. i didn't have one in particular in mind. i'm torn between trying to keep this going and trying to end the conversation, former's winning out right now.
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Can't say I've seen 9-1-1, but I'll add it to my long and slightly excessive to-watch list when I'm ready for something other than my favorite characters dying or divorcing, for sure. Are you going to at least recommend the brand to me, or is it super secret Lizzie wine? I wouldn't judge you if you wanted to keep it to yourself ...what topic would you rather talk about, then? I'm all ears.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
i wanted to tell you that i spent an embarrassing amount of money on rhode the other night. i don't know what came over me, if it was pure 1am insomnia delirium or just me fully realizing that the one shoot i did where they used your products, i'd never looked better. but i'm just saying, if you ever are looking for someone to promo the shit out of your line, i think i'm your girl. @hailbaldwin
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
do you want to know the only issue i have with the people that say we kind of look like the same person? and no, it isn't the age comments directed back at me - even though you do look like a younger, prettier version of me. but my issue, circling back, is that i could never hope to put out the fantastic art that you do. it's been a month and i still can't walk into a coffee bar without getting espresso stuck in my head. absolutely the best problem to have, i think you put some of that you espresso into the damn thing with how catchy it is.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
i wouldn't say exactly the same every season, the little of it that i tuned into in the early days seemed different. there's just been so much of it now that they can cherry pick and go back to things under the guise of easter eggs. i'm more of a 9-1-1 fan myself these days, so...yeah, it's pretty...good. the wine, i mean. not the me being a better judge of myself bit. i was planning on ignoring that and moving on to a different topic.
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It's pretty much the same plot recycled every season, yeah, but that's comforting to some people, I guess. I usually start at one and stop around twelve, for various reasons I won't bother you about now. 20 sounds accurate to me. Who doesn't love wine? I could use a drink right about now. I think you're a better judge of yourself than I am.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
did you start all the way from the beginning? at this rate, the whole show is a big loop of itself and i wouldn't be surprised if you picked a random, like, season 3 episode and could find a similar plot in season...what, 20, now? what makes me happy...i found a new brand of wine that i'm particularly fond of. was that a good answer or bad?
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There's no such thing as a guilty pleasure if it makes you happy, right? This thought occurred to me while I was watching Grey's Anatomy, the show that will never die, for at least the 84th time in my life. I'll admit, it's a little nostalgic for me but there's something about hot doctors saving lives while their own lives are absolutely trash that just gets me to no end. We can waive the guilty pleasure thing if you want, just tell me what makes you happy.
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
how much would be a worthy bribe to get some details on outer banks season four? or are you sworn to secrecy? i may have just binged the whole first season in one sitting about two days ago, so naturally i need to know how long i have to catch up with the rest of it. @madsreneeclines
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
do you get the 'disneyland treatment', cooper? i haven't gotten it in a while since multiverse of madness came and went, but i didn't know if voicing rocket got you the same special perks whenever you venture out to the parks. they should if they don't, fyi. @bcooperism
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
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you know, i was going to tell you that one of the best ways i relax is by gardening and by meditating. but i don't think you could really do the former without freaking out whichever poor european person's garden you claim as your own for a day. then i thought you could maybe get a chia pet, and i don't think those made it into the 2010s, let alone the 2020s. is suggesting farmville a little too off the beaten path? you can say yes and i'll pretend my ego's not that bruised.
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——- From my latest album and my on going tour, i sometimes feel i don't have a moment to sit, breathe and relax. so share me some of your favourite ways to relax and unwind aside from sleep and comfort shows. my current personal mood. ( @lumhqstarters )
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
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MCU COSTUME APPRECIATION Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff | Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
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Ada Limón, from "To the Busted Among Us", Sharks in the Rivers
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lizolsenhq · 4 months
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tag dump .
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