Miles Aldridge
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Miles Aldridge, son of Alan Aldridge, was born in London in 1964. He studied Illustration at Central Saint Martins and directed music videos before dedication his career to fashion photography in 1990. His photographs have a cinematic quality, which stems from his love of film and he uses vibrant, saturated colors to add to the drama in his photographs. He sketches out his scenes meticulously before setting them up and photographing them. Some things that he considers heavily when brainstorming a shoot is lighting and color palette.
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Nadav Kander
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Nadav was born in Isreal in 1961, later lived in South Africa, and now resides in London. His father’s work opened his mind to the possibilities of photography. He grew up with injustice all around him during the apartheid and incorporates the same unease in his photographs today.  He served in the airforce for 2 years starting when he was 18 and produced aerial photos in a dark room. This is where he decided he wanted to be a photographer. He works mostly with portraits of well-known people such as Obama, Natalie Portman, and Prince Charles. He manipulates light and shadows to make his compositions more interesting while also making use of props. 
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Romina Ressia
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Romina was born in Argentina in 1981 and loved art at a young age. She studied Photography, Fashion Photo, Art Direction and Scenery, but majored in Economics. She is also interested in Fine Arts and explores mixed media but specializes in portraits. Her work is all constructed and has a cinematic quality.  She uses irony and anachronisms to address modern issues. 
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Caroline Allison
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Caroline Allison is an observational photographer from Nashville. She places a lot of importance on the subjects of her work and photographers things that are disappearing with time. She also does commercial work for magazines such as Travel + Leisure, Garden & Gun, Southern Living, The Wall Street Journal and others, Caroline has a great eye for color balance. 
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Helmut Newton
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Helmut Neustädter (Newton), was born into a Jewish family in Berlin in 1920. At the start of his photographic career, he started working with Yva in 1936 at her studio. After his family fled Nazi Germany, Helmut went to work in Singapore, Australia, and then Europe. He’s become a very influential fashion photographer and worked with magazines such as Vogue, Elle, and Marie-Claire. 
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Else Neuläänder Simon- “Yva” (1900-1942)
Else was born into a Jewish family in Berlin and became a popular fashion and portrait photographer at a young age. She opened her photographic studio, Studio Yva when she was 25 and it became one of the most successful photographic studios in Berlin. Studio Yva was shut down in the times of Nazi Germany and she was forced to become an x-ray technician. Yva and her husband were arrested and deported to Poland, where it is believed they were murdered and her negatives were destroyed in an air rade, so there is not a lot to show for her work beside people who were strongly influenced by her, like Helmut Newton. 
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Mike Dempsey
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“I was drawn to photography as a kid when I obsessed over skate video and magazines. I love images where you can see gravity... I like the point of no return that makes the audience predict where they subject goes next”- Mike Dempsey
Mike is a Los Angeles-based photographer and attempts to defy gravity in his compositions. He works mostly doing portraitures.
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Pam Pauline
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“My life has been spent documenting, through photographs, the diversity and richness of the world’s people and it's landscapes.  My photographic journey has explored many genres, all of which nourish and complement each other”- Pamela Pauline
Pam has lived in 8 different countries, 5 different continents, and now currently lives on a cliff in Mona Vale, Australia. Pam utilizes the landscapes, wildlife, and architecture of every place she visits as subjects for photography. She plays with long exposures to manipulate the surface of the ocean and the texture of Sydney storms. 
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Tomasz Cuncvir
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“Photography is a two-step meditation process to me: first step happens behind the camera, and then the journey continues in a darkroom”- Tomasz Cuncvir
Tomasz was born and raised in a few different regions of Europe, spent some time living in Australia and now resides in Germany. He is a musician and artist and believes that making art is his only purpose. 
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Matt Pringle
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“There is certainly a degree of guesswork and unpredictability with regards to pinhole photography and that is part of its charm for me”- Matt Pringle
Residing in Edinburgh, Scotland, Matt expresses his passion for film by capturing pictures that have a cinematic quality. He uses many different types of cameras, including the pinhole. 
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Benjamin Postlewait
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“I never anticipated falling in love with the format, but once I felt it slow me down, I was hooked”- Benjamin Postlewait
Currently living just outside of Portland, Oregon, Benjamin Postlewait explores a variety of landscapes as subjects for his photography. He decided to abandon digital photography in 2012 and fell in love with the process of pinhole photography.
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