lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 ✉️  harry styles.
harry: Hmmmmmmmmm. I'm gonna have to think about it... could be telling the truth.
harry: Not a bad idea. When worlds collide, eh?
lizzie: i always tell the truth.
lizzie: never. manifestation is a powerful thing. maybe kevin feige will greenlight a wanda x eros movie. imagine the power.
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I get that, and just saying don’t give up hope on it just yet when it could still happen. It’s not like you’re 80 years old, you know? Just have to brace for life’s little surprises and ideally be able to laugh at them, I suppose. I’ll have to show you the pictures sometime since they’re at home in the baby album, all ready to embarrass her when she gets older. There has to be a Scarlet Witch nursery that exists out there already, though. She’s pretty cool. Anyone asks, she gets it from me. Maybe doing something outrageously wild and out of character. Ever bungee jumped?
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I suppose not. I guess I am still young. Sometimes that seems to slip my mind. My back feels like it’s seventy years old. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that one day. Hey, I’m going to hold you to that. If it is, I have yet to see it and that should be a crime in itself. I’ve no doubt she does. Actually no, I have not. Is this a dare? I won’t back down from a dare and you should know I’m also very competitive. I have been tempted to go skydiving in the past. How about you, Skarsgard? Ever done any of those?
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
You’re too good to me, Lizzie, I’m not worthy. No better place, if you ask me! Except maybe a cabin in the mountains, but that’s a personal choice. I’ve been pretty good! Had a couple ups and downs lately, but it’s mostly been ups. More than anything, I’m just knackered. I need a good rest once this project is over.
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A cabin in the mountains? That’s very adventurous of you, but also sounds like a dream. I’ve always envisioned retiring in a cabin near a lake in the middle of nowhere with lots of greenery. I’m just a tad bit afraid of being alone. You never know, right? I know that’s so contradicting, but you can’t expect sense from a dream. Ups and downs? Do tell. If you feel up for it. I’m always here to hear you out if need be. Ah, that I do feel. I hope you get the rest you deserve. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 ✉️  taylor swift.
taylor: come over and enjoy! me and them miss you anyway
taylor: exactly so.. when are you coming over then?
taylor: that makes me a proud mama
taylor: oh, haha! he is because he had one and i just wanted one so much more!
lizzie: say no more. i'll be on my way as soon as you give me the greenlight.
lizzie: is this a green light? NOW! are you in la?
lizzie: listen, you 100 percent deserved it. kind of disrespectful they made you wait so long.
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I’m absolutely bragging to the others about this, and I’m not sorry for it. That sounds so perfect for you, Liz! I’m glad you’ve settled into it. Next time I’m over that way, I’ll be sure to stop by. You can show me your favourite markets!
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Brag away. I’ll have no problem confirming it if they ask. Yes, right? I needed a fresh new start and what better place than right by the beach? The sound of the waves is so calming. You need to come hear it, so yes. Whenever you’d like, my home is yours to enjoy. How have you been?
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I’m sorry to hear that your divorce was such a bad one that it would have their family no longer being close to you, love, that’s not fair to you. It’s funny that I’m not remotely feeling any discomfort while I’m around them. I adore them and they make me feel like family. I don’t even have a problem with my ex. She’s a lovely human, which is why I loved her. The nearly ending of my life has been the only downfall of my trip so far. Well, that and the cat trying to eat me, yeah? I’m feeling better though, as day drinking cures all. I’m thinking solo might be the way to go because, as I’ve told others, I feel like I’ve not had any genuine interest thrown my way in a while. I can also have just as much fun by myself as I could with a date. It’s very nice to meet you as well, Lizzie, and I love your work.
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It’s more of a personal choice rather than them icing me out. I don’t believe they’d do that. It’s just hard being around them and I found that it’s been easier just to close that chapter and start fresh. Maybe down the line I can catch up with them. Who knows, right? I strive to be as gracious as you, Adelaide. You’re setting the standard here. I second that, day drinking does cure all. I’ve been partaking myself every here and there. It’s been lovely. No interest? Now, that’s got to be illegal. That’s the spirit. Oh, thank you. I’m a fan of yours as well. I’m a huge Reign fan and you were amazing as Queen Mary. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 ✉️  harry styles.
harry: But what if the BEST opportunity ever comes along?
harry: You can consider me crushed.
harry: Until then, I'm thrilled. I don't even have a single thought about my own costume, so you're ahead of me.
lizzie: highly unlikely to be better than a harry styles concert!
lizzie: does such a thing even exist?
lizzie: to be fair, i am cheating a teensy bit by taking wanda out for a spin.
lizzie: you could always join me and bring eros out to play.
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I think the hardest part for me is going to be putting myself back on the market, when I’m ready. It’s just like how does one date anymore? I’m not looking forward to it, and I don’t really plan on jumping the gun, but I’m also at the stage of: “If it happens it happens.” You know? I appreciate the kindness, really I do. I’m kind of taking things as they come, but I’m just waiting on the call to come in and sign the documents, I’m thinking it’ll be sometime at the end of this week. I’m dreading it, but also just want it over already.
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That was incredibly daunting for me. I don’t think I’m even on the level of dating yet, but don’t worry. All comes in due time. Before you know it, you’ll have a pretty lady on your arm. You have the right idea. That’s the only way to go. If you need someone to have a drink with after you sign the papers, I’m your gal.
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 ✉️  harry styles.
harry: I would be HONORED to have Wanda there. And you, as well... don't make any promises you can't keep, Olsen.
Lizzie: Please, do I seem like the type to give up this opportunity for anything in the world? I promise you I'm not. Count me in. I'm writing you into my calendar now.
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I can understand that, though you never know what surprises life has in store. I guess it’s true what they say, as soon as you start perfectly picturing certain aspects of your life, it tends to go in another direction. Though there’s a good side to not quite knowing what’s in the cards, that you’re never bored. And yeah, I had so much merch sent to me from the first IT film that I just stuck it all in her nursery. She was happy with it, a Pennywise teddy bear was her favorite toy for a while. So you know, nerves of steel. I don’t expect Scarlet Witch to be, but Lizzie Olsen? Quite possibly unless you’re proving otherwise. 
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I’ve never been much of a planner myself, but that part was something I really wanted to get right. You’re definitely right though. I think once you want something to go perfectly, it’s bound to go on a different direction. I’m still going to need pictures of that! I can only imagine what a Scarlet Witch nursery would look like. I’m so jealous, you have the coolest little girl. I said it once and I’ll say it again. Is that a challenge? How would you like your proof?
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
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ELIZABETH OLSEN and TEYONAH PARRIS behind the scenes of WandaVision (2021).
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I feel hurt too, this little dude is my best friend and I hate that I had to do it. I just know health wise it’s better for him to be fixed and plus, I don’t need anymore pups running around. He’s getting the special treatment, my other dog is jealous for sure. I can’t help it though, I want to make it up to him but he doesn’t want to get near me. It’s nice to meet you as well, Lizzie. Great, because there’s only so much a person can eat.
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See, I don’t think I could ever be a pet owner on my own because I’d need someone to made the hard decisions for me. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if my pup was mad at me. Aw, well don’t let the other baby feel bad. Treats for all ! All you’re going to have to do is beg. I’m sorry, but that’s just going to have to be it. Send all the cake my way. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
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Saddle yourselves in for this one. It’s a trip.
I woke up, do this every morning; Grateful to do so, but today was the first day I was alone. Which was hard…Harder then I anticipated it would be. It’s finally time to announce the news: I’m going through a divorce. Although it should be pretty clear cut, in terms of legal stuff. The emotional bit is hitting me harder then I ever expected it to. I came to terms with losing the battle of jealousy and everything my wife and I were going through, but even after trying to prove myself, things change. People drift apart. Our drift had become continental. This isn’t a cry for help, I will be okay. I just need to know…god I don’t even know. I don’t know what I need. I guess just more time? Honestly who knows, but welcome to the crap show that is David.
I just went through a divorce myself and it’s definitely not easy. As cliché as it is to say, it does get easier. I decided to finally move to a new home and that’s been helpful. Just getting away from that old life in general. Let me hit you with another cliché and say time does heal all. Just wait and you’ll see. Best advice I can give you is to start fresh, my move has been helpful as well as surrounding myself with loved ones. I hope things get better for you. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
Today has been one of those days where you can’t help but wish you just stayed in bed because nothing good has come from being awake. I’m currently in Cesky Krumlov with my former partner’s family because their sister is getting married and I’m the maid of honor. Yes, I’m one of those people that remains close to a family even after a breakup. But let’s not get off track! My former partner is tall, their whole family is tall, and the family their sister is marrying into is tall. I’m surrounded by bloody giants, and the place we’re staying at was created for giants by giants, and you can’t tell me differently. I had a bit of a lie in because even though we’ve got until the weekend for her wedding, the bride is stressing, and that in turn is stressing me. I woke up to not a single person being here, so it was up to me to make my own coffee. As this place was made for giants, I couldn’t reach a single thing, so I had to climb onto the counter to reach the mug I wanted, as well as the coffee beans I needed. Needless to say, I slipped and fell off the counter, because I have the grace of a newborn giraffe. And you know how cinema always makes dramatic falls to one’s death look cool? It’s a lie, I just flailed and flopped onto the ground. Then, to add insult to injury, my former partner’s mum’s cat decided to just sit right on my face as I lay there. I don’t know if she was trying to smother me, or if she was waiting for my demise because I was going to be a tasty dinner, either way, it was uncalled for. I’m alive, though, and thankfully not hurt. The only thing wounded is my pride and my bum. This story has been brought to you by Adelaide Kane, and hopefully my short kings and queens can understand the struggles I’ve faced today. I’m going to spend the rest of my day drinking. Also, this has no correlation with my not-so-dramatic near death scene, but if my former partner is bringing a date, does that mean I can bring a date? I ask, as if I have many people knocking down my door, to go on a date with me to a wedding in Czechia.
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I completely understand. I’m also the type to remain close to the family after a break up. Though, I think this last break up which resulted in a divorce might just end that streak. Aside from the obvious discomfort that comes with being surrounded with your ex’s family, I feel your pain in regard with the falling. As a certified clumsy human in general that is. I do hope you’re doing even a slightly bit better. I would say to bring a date. Why the hell not? If all else fails, stick with the alcohol. You might make a fool of yourself, but at least it’ll be a fun time until the next morning. Nice to meet you, Adelaide. I’m Elizabeth, but most people call me Lizzie. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
I think my dog is upset with me. I took him to the vet today to get fixed, while I getting him checked in, he managed to not only scratch the hell out of my arm but on my face as well. I went to pick him up a few hours after the procedure was over and now he won’t get near me or close to me. anytime I try to get close to him, he’ll scooch as far as he can from me. Usually he’s in my lap invading my personal space, treats nor food have been helping. I think he hates me officially. Hello, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m Paul Wesley. I also just turned forty two days ago, so if anyone wants a slice of cake, let me know. @cityofdreamsstarters​
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I know the reasonable thing is to side with you since you’re doing what is good for him, but a part of me can’t help but feel hurt that you would do this. Like I said, I know it’s not reasonable. The poor thing. You better have made it up to him with lots of treats even if he doesn’t want them and comfortable things. Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Elizabeth or Lizzie, whichever you prefer. I’ll take cake anytime. 
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈  ✉️  elizabeth 🌻
pedro: you know what they say, change is always good even if it doesn’t feel like it. i just hope you get the hang of things soon. i don’t know, you tell me (:
pedro: you're kidding. you'd never trouble me, lizzie, i strive to be the ultimate spider slayer or literally anything else you’d like me to be~
pedro: and i can’t blame you! i can just be mad you chose to drink without me.
pedro: i’ll be patiently waiting. goodbyes are never easy but a welcome party can make up for it. well, shit, i’m not gonna be able to catch a break from you, huh?
pedro: solo un poquito? we’ll work on it so it turns into un poco más que la mitad of what i’m saying. i can definitely teach you more, hermosa.
lizzie: you know, it's been good. i found out about a farmer's market down the road and nothing makes me happier than fresh veggies accompanied by some iced coffee. you know me. hmm, i'm going to say yes :)
lizzie: that's a dangerous offer, pedro. anything else i'd like you to be? though, i am a simple girl and enjoy the little things in life. for example, maybe a visit or two. my villa could definitely use some spider slaying... among other things :)
lizzie: a problem that can easily be fixed!
lizzie: that's the wanda part of me that does enjoy to come out to play every now and then.
lizzie: you lost me a teensy bit, but i'll pretend to know what you're saying so i can hear some more of that beautiful language from your lips. i'll be holding you to that, spaceboy. :)
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lizzieolssen · 2 years
𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 ✉️  nick jonas.
Nick: Now, that's what I like to hear! Consider it done. I'll send you a whole swag bag full of Villa One stuff.
Nick: Working on new music, preparing for a new movie I'm about to be in, being a dad... You know, the usual! What about you, Miss Maximoff?
Lizzie: See, you just continue proving how right I am for picking you as my favorite. Can't wait to finally taste Villa One and rave all about it on social media.
Lizzie: A movie? Do tell! How exciting! Hope the dad life is treating you well. How is the precious little one? Congratulations btw! Ah, just the usual. I was previously working on a show in Texas before I decided to move to Malibu. It's been fun.
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