llama-of-drama · 2 years
Same with catcalling or locker room talks. They just want to feel superior to someone and look cool to other men around them. It's pathetic
trigger warning // s3xual harassment , r4p3
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
When you're a woman (especially a queer one) all women are angels until proven otherwise. All men are trash until proven otherwise. I'm not trying to be fair, I'm trying to survive with some of my sanity intact thank you very much
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
When will women realize that men don’t necessarily date or sleep with women they like or even find attractive?
Men don’t reject women, if a man don’t like you he won’t tell you, he will use you.
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
I’m not like the other girls.
I’m worse.
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
It's sad how a lot of the men that say "not all men" etc will then tell me about how the men in their life failed and/or traumatized them
If you’re a man who isn’t complaining about men, you’re part of the problem.
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
Kids, stay gay.
And for prats who are insisting on having their own biological kids, We don't need new traumatised kids. Earth is already overpopulated. Choose adoption. Can straight people at least for once do something good and right?
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
And they're right tbh
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
All the actual gays are on twitter
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llama-of-drama · 2 years
Of course they want to be told they're amazing. They have npd
Narcissistic abuse doesn’t exist. People with NPD are not inherently abusive and are more likely to be abused than to be abusers.
The ableist poem that was shared was disgusting and staff should’ve never allowed it to be blazed.
So instead I’m blazing this post, to tell people with NPD that you are all amazing.
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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wahahahattttt am i looking at
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
Ugh, ok. I didn’t want to have to say this, but… I keep seeing those cheeky posts going around like “Tee hee, I sure hope no protesters know that-” or “It would be a shame if anyone were to-”
Guys, PLEASE STOP SPREADING THOSE. Those posts are going to get someone hurt.
You should NOT trust unverified advice from strangers on the internet. Honestly, some of the advice I’ve seen is so bad I almost have to wonder if it was created by plants to try to get people hurt. Speaking as someone who’s involved in multiple martial arts, improper self-defense techniques will get you hurt; Speaking as someone who is familiar with plywood, it ain’t going to do shit to block a heavy projectile and WILL fill you with horrible splinters. Unless you know for certain advice is trustworthy, you should be neither listening to nor spreading it.
If you see any attempt at combat or self-defense advice online, you should ask yourself:
Who is posting it?
What are their qualifications?
Where did they get this information?
Is it being explained in a clear, detailed, and easy-to-understand manner?
What are the precautions? How might this go wrong?
If you don’t have good answers to these questions, then it’s bad advice and should not be followed or spread. Sure, maybe some of it might be genuinely good advice- But it might not be, and unless you know for sure, then it’s far better to err on the side of caution than to risk getting hurt.
Be safe, be smart, and always check your sources.
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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Anonymous is pulling out the big fucking guns holy shit. Boost Boost Boost.
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
So Anonymous are back and they are EXPOSING everyone.
Shut down the Minneapolis police website
Hacked the Chicago police radio to play ‘Fuck the Police’ to stop effective communication
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llama-of-drama · 4 years
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This is capitalism's vast irrationality and inhumanity in action. Markets and The Economy™ matter more to capitalism than the concrete distribution of resources according to tangible human need.
Resources exist in abundance -- give them to people. Housing sits empty -- give it to people. The rules of the feast table should apply to our economic system -- no one gets seconds until everyone has gotten a plate.
We stand at a crossroads in these chaotic times: socialism or barbarism! The ruling class repeatedly chooses the latter. We need to organize and choose the former!
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