llocallesbian · 2 years
title; Titanic.
pairings; joyce byers x fem reader
prompt; you need inspiration and Joyce just happened to be there.
warning; allusion to sex?? idk. its so fluffy, yuck.
a/n; after season 1; i hate this man.
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You hummed softly to an old song as you entered yours and Joyce’s bedroom, closing the door behind you with your hip seeing as both your hands held a mug of steaming coffee. You gently placed one down on Joyce’s side before returning to your side of the bed. You put yours down on your own table, grabbing your sketch book and a pencil before retreating to your bed, prompting the pillows up against the headboard to make it more comfortable.
You sighed contently once your pencil started to glide across the paper, just making random doodles as your mind raced for inspiration. The woman beside you stirred and you smiled softly at her, running your hand through her hair for a moment. Joyce’s eyes fluttered open and she took in a breath, looking up at you, a smile began to make its way to her lips.
“Goodmorning,” her voice was deep and full of rasp, as it always was when she woke up. You grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek, right next to her ear.
“It’s a good morning, indeed.” She chuckled, heat rising to her cheeks, wrapping the sheet further into her naked body. “I just made the coffee.” You nodded towards her bedside table and letting out a little laugh as she reached for it quickly. You watched as the sheet shifted to the top of her breast, covering them, but her chest and shoulders were completely bare. Covered by nothing except the few freckles and beauty marks she had. Her wild bed hair fell back behind her ears, displaying her jawline and neck. Her delicate fingers wrapped around the mug securely as she began to gently sip the hot liquid, softly sighing into it. She was the inspiration.. “Can I draw you?”
Joyce paused her coffee midway, a brow raised in both, amusement and shock. “I’m sorry?”
“Come on, let me draw you, like one of my french girls.” You gave her your best puppy dog eyes and she laughed loudly, head tossed back while she leaned back on one of her elbows, turning on her side to now face you.
“Did you just quote titanic to me?”
“Maybe? Please.” She sighed, looking at you for a long moment before nodding.
“How do you want me?” She was prepared to turn and put the coffee down but you stopped her, turning your full body to face her.
“Just act natural, my love.” She smiled at you, taking a small sip of her coffee, watching as you went to work.
“I can’t believe I let you do it.” She groaned playfully, letting her finger trail over your bare knee cap, going up to your mid thigh, before turning back around. “My shirt looks good on you, you know?” You paused, tongue on top lip as you looked at her face, studying it momentarily.
“You ripped my dress last night, needed something to wear.” Joyce just smiled and you rolled your eyes, going back to sketching her face. “You’re not even a little sorry, are you?”
“Maybe a little, but not for the most part, it was fun.” She blushed a little and you thought back to last night as you giggled, nodding in agreement.
“Shh, be still.” You scolded as she turned her head to look at the time.
“I have to get up soon, start breakfast for the kids-”
“I just need a few minutes, relax. I’ll help you Joyce.” She settled back into her spot, watching as your eyes flicked between herself and the paper, pencil moving quickly and every once and a while you would use the eraser or your finger to smudge some things. She smiled softly, bringing the coffee to her lips for a moment. It was quiet in the Byers home that morning, the only noise being some birds outside of their bedroom window. There was many things in Joyce’s life that went wrong, but this moment, you, her family, was not one of them. “Stop staring at me like that.” You muttered as your eyes met hers, she looked at you like you were the greatest thing, a little sparkle in her eye.
“Like what?” You shook your head, putting your pencil down, giving the sketch a final look over before smiling wide. Once the page was facing Joyce, a little gasp left her lips, tears welling in her eyes. “Oh no, please don’t cry!” A mix between a chuckle and cry left her lips as she shook her head, sitting up.
“Good cry, I promise.” She pressed her lips against yours quickly before putting the coffee back on her side table. “Sign it.”
“The drawing, sign it. Your signature.” You laughed a little, signing your name and date in the right hand lower corner. She grabbed the picture, letting her fingers trace over the pencil marks for a moment before looking up at you.
“I love you.” She whispered, leaning towards you, letting her lips hover right over yours and your attempt to connect your lips failed as she moved back slightly but still hovered her lips over yours. Always a tease. “Speaking of Titanic, let’s play it. You be the ocean and i’ll go down on-”
“Joyce!” She laughed loudly, pulling you down onto the bed, connecting your lips together in a passionate kiss. Long story short, you definitely ending up playing titanic.
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llocallesbian · 2 years
you make me feel like a teenager in love | j. byers
pairing(s); joyce byers x fem reader
prompt; “I’d love to hear how you ‘accidentally’ climbed through my bedroom window.” “I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.” (from @crybabyddl )
warnings; just straight fluff? its so cheesy its sickening.
a/n; takes place at the end of season one, also theres like not many joyce fics?? im so hurt.
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Joyce sighed softly as she gently closed Will’s bedroom door once she made sure he was sleeping peacefully. Walking back to the living room, she smiled as she seen Johnathon clearing the living room of all the trash from their Christmas movie.
“I think that’s it..” The eldest Byers boy trailed off as he looked around the living room, making sure everything was in place. “The dishes and all are already done.” Joyce smiled softly at him, leaning against the doorway.
“Thank you, sweetie. Now go, go get some rest. It’s been a long day.” She playfully swatted at him and he chuckled, raising his hands in a playful manner. He grabbed his new camera that was under the tree for him that morning and kissed her cheek as he passed by.
“Goodnight mom.”
“Goodnight sweetheart.” She heard his door close softly and she sighed tiredly, looking around the room one last time before shutting the living room lights off and making her way to her own bedroom. She walked in and shut the door before turning her lamp on and jumping when she seen her girlfriend. “Jesus!” You jumped, startled by her yell and gave her a sheepish small smile.
“Sorry!” Joyce placed her hand over her chest as she caught her breath.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack? How did you even get in?” You pursed your lips as you watched her take in your appearance and all the bags around you.
“It was an accident, really-”
“I’d love to hear how you ‘accidentally’ climbed through my bedroom window.” She cut you off and she nodded to her open bedroom window that she always made sure to shut when she left her room. Her arms crossed over her chest and she poked her hip out, giving you the look she used to give Johnathon when he broke things and blamed Will.
“Oh, did I say accident?” You grimaced and scratch at your head for a second. “Okay! You caught me! I came by to give you some things and Johnathon was out there and we’re a secret so I had to sneak in.” You rushed out in one breath and she closed her eyes as she let out an amused chuckle. “Oh, don’t laugh! I nearly broke my neck climbing in here.”
“Baby, why didn’t you just wait until tomorrow?” She questioned with a chuckle, walking over to you, grabbing your hand and looping her fingers through.
“Because it’s still Christmas and I wanted to give you your gift on Christmas, not the day after-” You motioned to the clock, stopping mid sentence when you seen the time. 11:53 pm. “Oh quick!” Joyce’s heart swelled as she seen you throw the bags onto her bed, quickly looking through them for her gift. She wondered what she did to deserve you. “Okay, this one is yours.” You handed her a bag and she just smiled at you. Your eyebrows furrowed together as you rubbed at your cheeks, “Do I have something on my face?”
She laughed, shaking her head as she sat on the edge of her bed, taking your gift into her hands. “I just, i’m very thankful for you.” Heat rose to your cheeks and you giggled softly, turning to the side slightly so she wouldn’t catch you flustered.
“Just open it.” You rolled your eyes playfully, taking a seat next to her. Her hand reached into the pink bag, pulling out the book. Her eyes skimmed the cover. Little Women. “I know it’s your favorite. I was walking around the bookstore and the lady was saying they had first copies of Little Women and lost yours….” You trailed off for a moment, trying to see her reaction. “Anyways, I read it and annotated it for you. There’s little notes and things that remind me of you and- OH! I wrote something of the first page for you, but don’t open it until i leave-” You were silenced by Joyce pressing her lips to yours, her free hand coming up to cup the side of your face. You allowed yourself to fall into the kiss and you found yourself whining slightly when she pulled away, pressing her forehead to yours.
You both stayed like that for a moment, unable to open your eyes as you both caught your breath. “You know, you ramble when you’re nervous.” She chuckled and you opened your eyes, looking right into her brown ones. Her cheeks were pink and her smile was wide. You leaned back, giving her a small smile. “I love it. It’s beautiful.” You nodded, grabbing the book, you placed it onto the bed, nodding to her bag.
“There’s records in there. Mainly love songs but they all remind me of you or us in some way, so I hope you like it.” She grinned at you, pulling out the records, the one on top making her smile wider if that was possible. She put the rest onto the bed, walking to her record player with it. You laughed loudly as you heard the song.
Each time we have a quarrel
It almost breaks my heart
'Cause I'm so afraid
That we will have to part
She pulled your hand, making you stand as she twirled you around and you giggled, dancing with her. She sang to you as you both moved back and fourth, your arms around her neck and hers around your waist, holding you close.
“I don’t know about being teenagers in love.” You joked playfully with her and she rolled her eyes, leaning down to plant a kiss right below your ear.
“Well, we might not be but you certainly make me feel like a teenager in love.” You looked up at her, smiling as you could feel yourself get lost in her eyes. You’d been together for nearly a year, being bestfriends for years before, but you’d still never get used to the way she looked at you with the most adoration in her eyes. It was quiet for a moment as you rested your head onto her shoulder, still moving to the song that played lowly.
“How’s Will and Johnathon?” And that right there, how much you cared for her boys, will always be one of the main reasons she loves you.
“They’re okay. Happy with their presents. You should’ve seen Johnathon’s face when he opened up the camera and Will with the art set.” She smiled thinking of her sons and you grinned, pulling back to look at her.
“You do know the other two bags is full of stuff for them, right?” She gently twirled you so that your back was pressed to her fronts and you saw the time. 11:59.
“I figured. Thank you.” She pressed another small kiss to the side of your head.
“Merry Christmas baby.” You whispered to her, holding her arms close to your stomach.
“Merry Christmas Sweetheart.” You turned your head to meet her, kissing her softly. Your pager beeped in ur bag and you huffed annoyed, making Joyce chuckle.
“I feel like Cinderella leaving by midnight.” You muttered annoyed as you pulled away from Joyce, silencing your pager. You knew it was work paging you for the late shift. “Guess I should get going..” She nodded, pressing a kiss to your lips once more. You grinned, grabbing your bag and tossing it out the window making Joyce groan.
“Just go out the front door.” You shook your head, laughing quietly as you put one foot out the window.
“Teenagers in love, remember? More fun like this, get the full experience.” She grabbed your other leg, helping you land gently so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. “Did you imagine it would be like this? Being grown and still sneaking out of windows?”You grinned playfully as you swooped your bag up, looking up at the window as your head just passed the bottom of the window.
“I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.” She laughed as she leaned down, meeting your lips in a small peck. “Be safe! I love you.”
“I love you too, beautiful.” You smiled widely, looking around quickly before darting to your car. Joyce leaned against the window ledge, chuckling quietly to herself, she could feel her face flustered but the smile wouldn’t leave her lips. She glanced at the book and records and bags of gifts for her boys on the bed and back out to your car that was backing out and going onto the road. She definitely felt like a teenager in love.
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llocallesbian · 3 years
i hate when pro life people say if you cant take care of a baby then dont have sex…..thats like saying if you dont wanna get hit by a car then dont walk in the street. or dont drive if you dont wanna get in an accident. or dont go swimming if theres a possibility of you drowning. or if you dont wanna get burned then dont cook. or if you dont want a paper cut dont hold paper, etc. do you see how dumb that sounds?
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llocallesbian · 3 years
line without a hook | K.S
part three
“Kathy’s staying with you?” Elliot’s voice boomed behind you, making you flinch slightly which lead to you spilling the coffee you were pouring into your cup.
“Yeah she is.” You sighed, putting the coffee cup back on the pot. You grabbed some napkins, cleaning up the small spill.
“Why didn’t you tell me when she first came to you?” You huffed, turning to look at him. You noticed Olivia standing behind him and you figured she told him that Kathy was staying with you. Why wouldn’t she tell him?
“She asked me not to, Elliot. Now if you’ll excuse me..” You grabbed your styrofoam cup and began walking back to your desk, in front of Fin’s, when you heard him chuckle.
“So what? Your loyalty lies with her? You know that’s real-”
“The hell are you talking about loyalty for? This has absolutely nothing to do with loyalty. She needed a place to stay-”
”-You could’ve said no!”
“Why would I say no, Elliot? Kathy is one of my best friends.” He shook his head as he paced back and fourth, his hands clenching in anger. “Don’t go taking your anger out on me because I didn’t do shit.” Olivia grabbed Elliot, gently pulling him into the other room once she saw you getting angry too.
“Something I should know about?” Cragen’s voice came from behind you as you took a seat. Your jaw clenched tightly as you shook your head, not turning your head to look his way. “Alright well, we got a Jane doe at Mercy. You and Fin, go check it out.” You nodded, grabbing your jacket and to-go coffee cup, walking out the room before he could try and talk to you.
“What’s up with you and stabler?” Fin finally broke the silence between the two of you as you began to drive to the hospital. You glanced at him quickly before focusing your view onto the road.
“He’s got problems with Kathy. You know how he gets.” He nodded, completely understanding how heated Elliot could get over little things.
“Well if you need me to kick his ass, straighten him out a little bit, let me know.” You laughed, shaking your head at your partner. You sighed softly, stopping at the red light.
“Can I tell you something, Fin?” You looked over at him, “No one else can know and I mean absolutely no one.” He rose a brow, leaning back in the seat.
“Since when have I ever told someone something you told me in private, Y/n?” You shook your head, glancing at the light to make sure it was still red.
“Never but this,” you sighed, a knot in your stomach began forming just thinking about it. “This thing is bad. It’s so bad. I could lose people over this, Fin.”
“What? You kill someone or something?” Although it was a joke, there was some seriousness laced in his voice. You were usually never this serious with him.
“Kathy kissed me.” The light turned green and you slowly pressed your foot on the gas. “She had suspected Liv and Elliot having an affair, I was comforting her and she kissed me.” You paused for a second, taking in a breath as you felt the weight come off your shoulders. “I stopped it because she was hurting, she wasn’t in the right state of mind but I can’t...” You trailed off and he sighed softly.
“You can’t stop thinking about it?” He finished for you, you nodded and he chuckled. “And now she’s staying with you?”
“I couldn’t tell her no, Fin.” You made a left turn, sparing him a small glance. “I wouldn’t tell her no. She’s my best friend.”
“What about me?”
“Fin, shut up.” You smiled, running a hand through your head. “There’s no awkward tension between us, everything just flows but this is Elliot’s wife. Or ex wife when the papers get finalized. This is bad. Elliot is....” You trailed off for a split second, “he’s family. You guys are my family. But now I like Elliot’s wife.”
“Their marriage is over, Y/n. You didn’t end their marriage, you’re not sleeping with her while she’s married. You’re not doing anything wrong. You can’t control your feelings. It’s a crush, it’ll pass.”
“And if it doesn’t.” You pulled into a parking space across the street from the hospital, taking the key out of the ignition.
“If it doesn’t, then you act then.” He shrugged as if it were that simple. “Maybe it was just a one time thing, you know? You worry to much.” With that he got out of the car and you rolled your eyes.
“Some best friend you are.” You muttered before getting out of the car yourself.
“I’m home, Kathy.” You called out as you stepped into your apartment, closing the door behind you. You huffed lowly, pulling your jacket off and throwing it onto the sofa along with your bag.
“Hey, how was work?” She came from around the corner where the kitchen was.
“It was fine, we caught a case an...” You trailed off as you noticed what she was wearing. Your Harvard sweatshirt. “Is that my sweatshirt?” Kathy glanced down at herself and smiled as she nodded.
“Yeah it was cold...is that okay?” You nodded quickly, snapping out of your thoughts. You could feel your face heating up so you coughed slightly to cover it up.
“Yeah yeah, it’s fine.” You stumbled over your words for a moment before inhaling deeply. “I’m going to go take a shower and then we can order in? Unless you already ate?” She shook her head, leaning against the wall while crossing her legs as she observed you.
“I’ll order the food while you take a shower. Pizza, okay?” You nodded, not trusting your voice, as your feet began moving forward towards your bedroom.
20 minutes later you emerged from the bathroom, a pair of black and white plaid pajamas hung from your hips, clinging to your thighs paired with a white tank top that left little to the imagination. You hair was pulled back into a bun, not wanting it to get wet, although a few pieces that framed your face were curled slightly.
“Hey, food should be here soon.” Kathy rounded called out from living room and you nodded even though she couldn’t see you. Walking towards the kitchen, you went into the fridge.
“You want a beer or something?” She called out a yeah and you grabbed her a beer and yourself strawberry daiquiri seagrams before going into the living room with Kathy. You flopped onto the sofa next to her, handing her the beer before taking a long swig of your drink. Kathy’s eyes trailed your body, landing on your boobs. She mentally smacked herself for having the mind of a 13 year old boy. “You have a good day?”
Her eyes snapped back onto your face quickly as she nodded, a small smile going onto her lips. “Yeah, saw the kids today. They say hi, by the way.” You smiled widely, turning your head to look at her.
“They can come over anytime they want Kathy, you know I love those kids as if they were my own.” She nodded, playing with the top of the beer bottle. “You miss them?”
“Yeah.” She whispered, nodding and you reached out, grabbing her hand with hesitation.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You muttered softly and she squeezed your hand, letting her head rest there. Your head laid back against the cushion but never turned to look away from Kathy.
“You’re good to me, y/n.” She whispered, letting her head drop to the cushion too, never taking her eyes off you. Her hand had yet to move off of yours. You could slowly see her leaning in and in your head you were contemplating on whether or not to kiss her. Everything, and i mean everything, was screaming no. To not kiss her but you heart? You heart was saying to go for it. Her face was close to yours, so close that you could practically feel her breath on your face.
“Kathy, we can’t.” You whispered, her forehead came into contact with yours, resting against it.
“Why can’t we?” You breathing hitched as you began to think for answers to her questions. There were a million answers to her question but none of them seemed important.
“You’re in vulnerable pla-”
“I’m fine, now.”
“You’re Elliot’s-”
“Don’t think about him, think about me. Do you want me?”
“Kathy.” It was meant to sound like a protest but it was a small whisper, you wanted this. You could feel yourself leaning in and her lips hovered above yours. The loud knocked against your front door made you jump back, quite literally. You breathed out sharply, sparing a glance at the blonde. “Uh that’s pizza!” You quickly grabbed your wallet, walking to get the pizza.
“Just great.” Kathy muttered before taking a big gulp of her beer. She was going to need it to get through this night.
OKAY SO ITS NOT EDITED. ill edit or something in the morning. remember to take care of y’all self. oh and stay gay😌
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llocallesbian · 3 years
exhibit a)
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exhibit b)
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exhibit c)
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Don't tell me Olivia Benson is not a wlw who has a thing for blondes
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llocallesbian · 3 years
line without a hook | k.s
Your sipped you coffee quietly, your eyes drifting over to Elliot and Olivia. You watched their interactions very closely ever since the thing with Kathy last week. You sighed softly as your thoughts drifted back to Kathy. It meant nothing, right? She was hurting and you had just happened to be there, comforting her, right?
“Hey y/n, Kathy asked if you wanted to do girls night with her tonight? She said you weren’t answering your phone.” Elliot interrupted your thoughts, your eyes drifting over to him as you tried to think of an excuse.
“That’s weird. I don’t have any missed calls?” You furrowed your brows, pretending you had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Were you avoiding her calls? Yes, obviously. “As for tonight? I’m not sure. I have loads of paperwork.” He nodded understandingly and you sighed softly as you turned back towards the paperwork on your desk.
“Just call her when you can, her and the kids miss you.” You nodded, not even bothering to look over to him. Munch and Fin came in, not even a second later, talking about some conspiracy that grasped the other detectives attention and you were thankful that the spotlight wasn’t on you anymore.
It was a, thankfully, slow night at SVU that day. Everyone headed home early, except you. You stayed behind, finishing the DD5s and other paperwork you had let pile up. You hummed along to the music that played on your small radio, tapping your foot to the beat of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.
“I love this song.” You jumped, grasping at your chest as you faced Kathy. You eyes quickly took in her appearance, a low cut black dress that stopped mid thigh before turning back to your paperwork.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” You spoke breathlessly and she chuckled softly, walking closer to your desk.
“Elliot said you had a lot of paperwork, that’s why you couldn’t come out with me. I didn’t think it was the truth...” You lowered the volume on the radio, standing up and grabbing your paperwork that you had finally finished.
“Why would I lie about having paperwork, Kathy?” You huffed slightly as you walked to Cragen’s office, quickly placing the papers on his desk before leaving and closing his door.
“Y/n, you know why-” She sighed and you walked around her, avoiding her gaze. You began cleaning up your desk, putting pens back in the holder, throwing the trash in the bin under your desk.
“Kathy, I don’t know what you’re-"
“Will you just look at me, god dammit!” Your eyes snapped up to hers, watching as her eyes started to water. She took a deep breath, glancing around as she tried to compose herself. “I don’t want to lose you, okay? It really was just a mistake but please don’t leave me.” Her voice cracked as she sniffled softly. “I don’t have anyone left and I can’t lose you too. You and the kids are all I have-” She hiccuped, unable to get any other words out before sobbing.
“Kath, don’t cry...” You whispered, walking over to her and wrapping your arms around her. Her head pressed against the side of your neck as her body shook with soft sobs. You shifted back and fourth, rocking her softly to the low music that could be heard from behind. Her hands clutched your shirt tightly and your hands rubbed soothing circles on her back. This went on for a few minutes but eventually her small sobs grew quieter and quieter until it was nothing but small hiccups and sniffles.
“I’m sorry.” You looked down at her, brushing her hair back from her face.
“It’s okay, honey.” You whispered, pulling away slightly just enough to pull her face towards you. You grabbed a tissue from the box and began wiping the tears and runny mascara. “There, all better.” You smiled widely at her and she smiled softly. You sighed, looking down for a moment as you played with the ends of the tissue. “You won’t ever lose me, Kathy.” She squeezed your hand in a comforting way, letting out a breath of relief.
“Good because now that I served Elliot the divorce papers, I’m gonna need somewhere to stay while I look for a new house.” Your head snapped up, she nearly laughed at your shocked expression.
“When?” She sighed, leaning against your desk, now standing side by side with you.
“Right before I left the house. I got all dolled up and gave him the papers before leaving.” She sighed tiredly, tilting her head to look at you. “It was time, you know? Even if he isn’t cheating on me, I just don’t think we can go back to how we were. There’s so much broken trust and the love, that spark, just isn’t there.” You nodded, understanding her words, letting your hand go over hers.
“I hope everything works out for you, Kath.” Because you deserve better, you thought. You didn’t really know the right words to use in this exact moment. “But you are welcome to stay at my apartment as long as you want, hell even invite the kids. You know I love them.” She chuckled, tossing her head back slightly. Her long blonde hair falling from her shoulders.
“Well it’s a good thing you invited me because my suitcase is in my trunk.” You raised a brow at her, smiling cheekily.
“What if I would’ve said no?” You teased and she shrugged, rolling her eyes jokingly.
“Let’s not pay attention to the what ifs, let’s get to your apartment and drink.” You snorted at her choice of words and she pointed at you. “What? I’m going through a divorce, I can drink all I want.” You nodded, turning off the radio and began to collect your things. “Oh! And junk food! Like a bunch.” You rolled your eyes playfully, giving her a little glare.
“You haven’t even lived with me for a day and you’re already about to make me spend all my money.” She flipped you off, smiling sarcastically.
“You know you love me!” You watched as she walked away, her hips swaying a little harder than they normally would. You caught yourself staring at her ass and quickly lowered your gaze in case she decided to look back.
“More than you know.” You muttered to yourself, jogging slightly to catch up with her.
a/n: kathy deserved nothing but the best. i will forever say that. soo i should continue this??
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llocallesbian · 3 years
why does no one talk about mommy issues? like the actual issues? people think just bc you are attracted to older women that you all of a sudden you have mommy issues and its not that. like i dont ever wanna have kids for fear that i would turn out like my mom or mess kids up like my mom messed me up. like putting that kind of baggage on a kid is just something i will NEVER do to a child. i dont wanna wake up one day and realize that i have become my mother. or the fact that i have not been shown affection by women growing up, yet i was judged, and now i crave women’s approval or i get attached to the first older woman that shows me affection. how this, mommy issues, is going to lead me in a bad place because im going to be looking for the wrong things in relationships. but yeah. rant time. sry.
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llocallesbian · 3 years
line without a hook | k.s
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NO KATHY SLANDER WILL BE TOLERATED OVER HERE. nope. she deserves the absolute world.
“Y/l/n.” You answered the phone groggy, glancing at the clock. The blurry red lights blared in your face as you sighed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Hey, y/n. I was just calling you to see if you could let Eliot know he left his wallet at home. I figured he was in a rush when he got the call a little while ago and he’s not answering bu-” You eyes finally focused on the time, squinting at them. 5:52 am.
“Kathy, what are you talking about?” You could hear a little commotion in the back, like she moved a pan or something.
“Is there not a case or a victim or-”
“I didn’t get a call Kathy and I always get the call first. So no, there isn’t a case.” There was a pause on the other line and you could definitely hear her scoffing through the phone. “I’m pretty sure he just went out for something-”
“Or with someone.” She finished for you, although that’s not what you were going to say. “What time did Elliot leave work yesterday?” You sat up in your bed, fully awake now.
“Kathy, I can’t-”
“Y/n, please.” Her voice cracked and you didnt need to see her to know her lip was quivering. You tried not to crack. Elliot was someone you worked with, he was your friend and you loved him but that didn’t mean you could lie to Kathy. Kathy and you were great friends, occasionally going out, helping her with the kids. It was great to have someone as a friend you didn’t work with. It was refreshing. You couldn’t lie to her.
“He and Olivia left around 6. I think they said something about going to the bar.” You told her what you recalled hearing and she sighed. Kathy leaned against her kitchen counter, the phone clutched tightly in her right hand.
“Yeah, well, he didn’t get home till around 1 and bow he’s leaving early and lying-” She paused, wiping the tears that were slowly falling down her face as she came to realization.
“No, Kathy. He wouldn’t cheat on you. Especially with Olivia. They’re best friends, that’s all.” You tried to reassure her but she wasn’t having it. Running a hand through her hair, she scoffed.
“Yeah, Right.” Then the line went dead. You looked down at the phone before tossing it on the bed and flopping back down. You laid there for a moment, contemplating on whether or not to go back to bed. You groaned loudly as you pushed the covers off of you, getting up and walking towards your closet. “Goddamn Stabler!”
“Y/n?” Kathy opened the door to find you, dressed in sweats and a big bag of McDonalds. “What are you doing here?”
“We’re friends, Kathy. I’ll be here for you, even at 6 in the morning.” You took in her appearance, an old white shirt with small pair of plaid shorts. Her hair devilish, like her hand had run through it a million times. Her eyes were slightly puffy, face was a shade of light pink, she looked heartbroken. Beautiful. But heartbroken. “I even brought breakfast.” You held up the bag and she opened the door wider, letting you in before closing it.
“You didn’t have to-” You shook your head, heading towards the couch.
“Don’t even do that.” You glanced at her before placing the bag on the table and taking a seat on the sofa.
“Now come on, come eat.” She smiled slightly before taking a seat next to you. You had begun eating in silence, you occasionally looked at her, thinking of something to say.
“I want to believe he wouldn’t do it but the truth is, I don’t even know my husband anymore.” She sighed, placing the breakfast sandwich she was eating bag down on the paper. “I love him, I will always love Elliot but I deserve better. I want someone who is there for me, I need someone I can depend on and Elliot just isn’t there anymore. He loves her.” The tears welled up in her eyes and you reached out to her, wanting to comfort her but she shook her head, pushing your hand down. “I don’t need pity, y/n. Okay, i’m not sad, i’m mad. I’m angry.”
“I’m angry that I stayed this long. Angry that I was so blind and i’m tired. So tired. I have no one and I-” You grabbed her hands, leading her to face you. You watched the tears stream down her face momentarily before grabbing her head. Your thumbs coming up to brush the tears from her cheeks.
“You have me, Kathy. I’ll be here for whatever. You wanna scream, cry, yell, break stuff, i’m here. You wanna work things out with Elliot. I’m here for you. Whatever you decide, I’ll be here. I love you, okay?” She nodded, her eyes tightly closed as she enjoyed the comfort of actually being touched. Her eyes fluttered open, the small smile the danced on your lips being the first thing she noticed. Then the adoration in your eyes, the way you looked at her like she was the only person that mattered. Her eyes flickered down to your lips then back up as she leaned in slowly. You breath hitched as she came closer, so close that you could feel her breath on your face.
Next thing that happened was her lips on yours. Kissing you softly. It stayed like this for a few moments. Her hands rested on your knees while yours stayed on her cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open as her tongue swiped across your bottom lip. You wanted to grant her access. You wanted to explore her. But this was wrong. You pulled back, shaking your head. You missed the warmth of her lips. “Kathy, no.” You whispered as you looked into her eyes, her eyes that seemed to be all the colors of the ocean at once.
“Y/n, pl-” You heard a door upstairs open resulting in you jumping back quickly, so quick you almost fell off the sofa.
“You’re hurting and vulnerable, it was an accident.” You rushed out in one breath before Maureen came downstairs, a grumpy look on her face. “Hey there babes, I brought you guys breakfast.” She smiled softly at you before coming over to give you a hug, you held her close for a moment before joking. “You have to stop growing, practically taller than me.” She chuckled before going through the bag.
“You have to get to work?” You nodded, glancing over at her mother who was looking down at her lap.
“Yeah, kiddo. I’ll see you soon though.” She nodded obviously believing your lie. “See you, Kathy.” You mumbled, not wanting to make things more awkward. Quickly rushing out to your car, you got in and slammed the door. “I am so fucking screwed.”
am i gonna make this a series? hell yeah. because hear me out, yall should write about kathy. also there is probably a bunch of errors in this but yeah. i hope yall are doing good
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